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Finnish Commie

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Everything posted by Finnish Commie

  1. Barely fighting last war really ruined this race for me :|
  2. How popular is rnr-alliance.org? Global Rank 391,790 How do we beat NPOs and IRONs by that far :| Or am I doing it wrong?
  3. I am sure the people on our end haven't yet found a way to break out this joyous news. All of R&R will celebrate :P :wub:
  4. I think sometimes you have no idea what you are talking about. Oh wait, that's all the time :|
  5. Truly the hate is strong in this one. :)
  6. One can only hope FAN gets properly rolled for this act of aggression. I am only couple of chains away, so fingers crossed, though I think OG has the top-ranks well under control.
  7. Naah, La Marx was a newbie who had all kinds of wacky ideas about 9/50 tech deals and how that would bring about proletarian power and what-not.
  8. A few years back and one could had seriously shouted Coup! Oh well, good luck with fixing the forums and all.
  9. Why do you have a stupid blog WS. For shame.
  10. >>Surrender >>White peace Okey, congrats on the peace in any case GATO.
  11. Congrats on your white peace and valiant fight ODN.
  12. This topic has given me headache. Congrats on the well deserved peace in any case, TLR.
  13. Yes, once again, thank you for the coordinates.
  14. Oh, well, finally. Though I do appreciate the efforts of all the good people who prevented us from having any fun so far.
  15. R&R has been good for me, woo us! [spoiler] [/spoiler]
  16. And here I thought CN left liked all that deliberative democracy and stuff. But dissenting with poor policies is some kind of treachery? I guess I should had been hanged ages ago :| Besides it's a horrible comparison, they were long time members of INT who just disagreed with your at-the-time horrible leadership, they weren't sent to INT by us to try to take you over. Nopenopenopenopenope.
  17. CN left has had spies before (or informants) with same types of sets of rules. There is a reason why this kind of things don't go through the democratic organs of the alliance, which is quite obvious :| Also the issue at hand doesn't really seem to be spying, it's infiltration and trying to take control or influence how UCR acts. Even worse if than regular old spying if you ask me.
  18. Try not to make lolcommies a derogatory term again, please?
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