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Everything posted by 2burnt2eat

  1. He spokes for the majority of us who actually know how to raid. Whereas you and company rewrite the definition of raiding to defend yourselves. Anyway you spin it, What IS is doing is underhanded.
  2. Thanks for giving me advice, Extraduty. My brown alliance shall abound to your level of win now.
  3. Nice to see such a well-done and original treaty, and I know for a fact that those people at Zenith and Nevermore are a classy bunch Congrats to all signatories!
  4. Wait, are you waiving the reparations, or telling us how much you're going to get?
  5. Is it alright if I use the nation I am sitting to do tech deals with other nations as long as it's not mine? Just would like to make sure that I am correct, as possible buyers would like to be insured, thanks!
  6. Bonus Resources: Scholars, Asphalt, Construction, Steel, Automobiles, Microchips, Radiation Cleanup, and a possibility of Beer. Uranium is included in this TC Marble - 2Burnt2eat Oil - 2Burnt2eat Aluminum - Iggmeister Wheat - Iggmeister Rubber - Tromp/Lekiamh Coal - Tromp/Lekiamh Gold - Tengri Lead - Tengri Uranium - beno95 Lumber - beno95 Iron - Arrnea Fish - Arrnea Initial infrastructure cost: -42% Infrastructure upkeep: -26% Population increase: 8% Citizen income increase: $6 Population happiness increase: 11 Initial land cost: -10% Purchased land area increase: 35% Natural growth increase: x0 Technology cost decrease: -13% Environment: 11 Soldier increase: 38% Soldier cost decrease: $-6 Soldier upkeep cost: $-0.5 Tank cost decrease: -8% Tank upkeep cost: -18% Aircraft cost decrease: -16% Aircraft upkeep: -25% Aircraft limit increase: 10 Cruise missle cost decrease: -20% Cruise missle upkeep: -20% Nuke cost decrease: -20% Nuke upkeep: -20% Post here, send a forum PM, or an in-game message to let me know if you're interested! Thanks!
  7. Oooh, pick me! #brengstklau http://z8.invisionfree.com/brengstklau/index.php?act=idx I feel shameless.
  8. I can do one better! At least one of the people I've shown the flag to before DoE showed another whose interest was perked, assuming what you say is true. Plausible, I suppose as there is someone that comes to mind when I say this..
  9. I believe it was brought to the modifiers' attention by our DoE and/or our protectorate announcement, not this. As for finding it on google on the first page of images, we worked on it from a completely different site. But yea, I was wrong, I did not count on it being on google, as I've searched for it there myself, but then again, that was at least four months ago.
  10. You want me to stick my name on an alliance flag? You're brilliant. And I believe this was the proper place to address it as this is where it was used. I believe the thread is for relevant discussion, or do you think this entitles its own thread? Or IRC queries? As for "BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW"ing, don't use terms you don't understand, mhmkay?
  11. No, UPN saw something and judged it good enough to modify for their use. But really, do you actually have the audacity to say that UPN got it from anywhere else? Give me a break. Find it for me please, I'm interested in a possible seperate source we both could of found.
  12. I can see white spots among the rolls with the purple. Unfortunately, the crest wasn't just merely googled and put into our flag. Quite a bit of work was put into making it, and the two gray areas flanking the shield that I believe you're referring to were put there intentionally as it was thought it made the flag more interesting. The only thing I find missing would be in the banner below the shield, which was intentionally left blank until we could settle on a motto. I don't really care how clashing you think the colors on my flag are. The crest was clearly ripped off the flag, and I can honestly say that you will NOT find that anywhere, especially least off google. I think I'm entitled to of first playfully acknowledged what was taken from the alliance, and then push back harder when people like yourself try to disinherit authors of the crest just because our alliance is currently '4man'. I dislike having things ripped off of the original authors and yet have none of us get a footnote of credit for it, so I'll be as loud about as I damn well please. Thanks.
  13. Yeah, the purple and handshakes compliment the wings, skulls, and overall crest soo much better. Quit being insulting.
  14. That shield looks quite familiar. I'll be protesting this outrage!
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