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Everything posted by Shurukian

  1. [quote name='LJ Scott' date='06 March 2010 - 05:45 AM' timestamp='1267872586' post='2215813'] How soon can he move to black? [/quote] As soon as it starts, and is needed.
  2. The AUT would like to join this circle. He has lumber and spices, and would be willing to change to black. Here's his link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=266314
  3. I must say that "My SDI" and "Everyone is Evil" are absolutely addicting. I know the words, they get stuck in my head, and I sing them. And I'm still crazy excited that we got mentioned in that one. :DDDD
  4. I actually recently got addicted to Soy Milk. Especially the chocolate kind. Now that stuff is good, though I must agree 2% = <3.
  5. I've always loved WAPA, and it's great to see peace between two of our friends. WAPA has been classy in every dealing I've ever had with them, and I respect that greatly. Maybe their other friends should start taking some notes. o/ TPF! o/ WAPA!
  6. We love our allies in NADC, and we're very happy to get closer to them.
  7. I think it depends. Most larger alliances have to worry a lot more about security and spies, so they have to withhold more information. Needless to say, no member in any alliance will ever know 100% of what's going on. However, smaller or less politically invested alliances have much more freedom with the information that they're allowed to pass out to their members. I know the only information I ever have to restrict is things like war targets, and things like that, and that's purely for opsec.
  8. [OOC] Emily, Jack Diorno is right. Your posts and words are bordering on obsession, internet harassment, and quite a few other things that are punishable if continued for a long time. If I were WCR, I would find you extremely scary, and I'm surprised that he hasn't done something OOC about it. Second, there are no real friends in cybernations. You could sit here and talk about how you have wonderful conversations on IRC, and you talk all the time, and that means nothing. That person is not sitting on IRC for you. They are sitting there for the few thousand other people on it too. Unless you hang out at the mall on weekends or call each other every night, there are no friendships. There are few, and they are far between.[/OOC] As for the tactics, Peace Mode is a completely legitimate war tactic, and can be the difference between winning or losing for an underdog. And even if you're not, it does allow multiple strikes rather than one hit of everyone. I can't see why peace mode would not be a legitimate target, along with attacking a smaller target. That's simply war.
  9. Okay, that was cool. I don't know what's going on IC wise, but that was really cool.
  10. This declaration makes me laugh. Go get 'em TPF!
  11. So let me get this straight. First, you tell Crymson that you'll be fine and dandy if he goes ahead and first strikes. Then he does, and you all of a sudden act like you never supported it. So then you declare war on our side... On a smaller alliance like GOD. And right when people were thinking that maybe you weren't as screwed up as everyone was saying, you turn around, and decide to attack TOP, the same people that pledged to help you, and attack with the people that you attacked before. If you tried to pull all this off based on honor, I'd say you have a really weird sense of honor.
  12. If any of you remember our forums, we've had rocky times in the past. We would have days of down time, until it finally peaked at a week straight. Our webmaster assured us that another person with access to the server was not needed, and he would be active enough to take care of them. This was two and a half months ago. And as of today, our forums have officially been down for three and a half weeks. Needless to say, we've moved on. Zenith has been amazing, and DK has offered us space on her server. I'm happy to announce that TSI can now be found at www.cnsasori.net, and bets are being taken on how long the www.cntsi.org forums will remain down. I'm going to bet on another month. We're still getting used to SMF, so bear with us while we get everything sorted. But we would love the company. So, diplomats, come invade! With this announcement, I'd also like to spend some time to announce our Government, due to some new appointments. The following is the current government of the Sasori Initiative: Come visit, we have cookies.
  13. Can we have a TGE post these days that I'm not brought up in? >_> Congratulations to the new TGE government, and congratulations to Princess Victoria. Running TGE was possibly one of the most stressful and unforgiving times in my career, and you'll learn a lot from it, both good and bad. To President Chris, however you got the position, you got it. It took over a year and a half, but you finally got the position you've been pushing for and your chance to prove yourself. So, let's see what you can do. I don't have high hopes, but I'm always open to surprises. You always said you could handle it, so let's see. Unlike Suttler, I can't say that I'm disgusted or dissapointed by these events. I would feel that, knowing TGE, these events are only natural, and it would only take a matter of time. It seems to be natural progression in the German Empire, and I can't really say I'm surprised at all. Also, knowing what happened to me after I 'left' TGE, I can only feel glad for Princess Victoria. If anything, I would say that Chris has lost the most in this situation, most likely. Not only has his reputation been sullied for some, but if TGE does fail, like it's starting to look, then his name will be the one signed on the death certificate.
  14. Thank you for your response sir! That's quite interesting.
  15. A Declaration The Sasori Initiative hereby declares war on Athens, \m/, and GOD according to it's MDoAP with TPF. I'm not in the mood to make this long, I hope you'll forgive me. Signed, Shurukian
  16. ...Did this serously become 16 pages over a basic no u match of who has a more trustworthy player? There seems to be equal proof on either side, and unless new conversations and amazing screenshots of admissions pop up, I don't think we'll have a change. I figured there had to be something else hidden in these pages somewhere ._.
  17. I don't have the time, or effort, to read 16 pages, so If someone has asked this already, I apologize. Is there a reason, that even when you subtract the two hours, the timestamps don't match up? And has either of them provided proof that the other doctored the logs, other than their word?
  18. That quote means absolutely nothing. All I knew was that mhawk was supposed to make a post, and he told me over the phone that he wouldn't be able to do it, and I should tell shadow. That's it. Just because I mention that mhawk is going to make a thread doesn't automatically mean that I know all about this stupid idea. Show me the proof where me saying that he's going to be late posting a thread means that I know the entire plan for it. We had already agreed when the war started that Athens would be a topic that was not discussed because of our treaty conflicts. I apologize that I knew that mhawk was going to post a thread. I'm sure that's a crucifiable offense. I apologize, but I am not obsessed with TPF's dealings. He leads his alliance, and I lead mine.
  19. Planned? Did you miss every point of everything I said? It was a situation. They joked about it. Nothing planned about it. I do the same about quite a few of the situations my friends and I end up in. You used to do the same thing with us when you were here.
  20. Uhhh, Magic, I was on skype with him while they were doing that. It was them joking around. It wasn't 'coaching'. At that point, there was still enough of a friendship for laughs.
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