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Everything posted by Shurukian

  1. You get deleted when you don't collect, not when you don't pay bills. They can still collect whenever they wish.
  2. The aid will obviously be sent once foreign aid is enabled, after they finish their terms with the first few alliances. However, the amount of time that it takes them to do that will be the perfect amount of time for me to get nations lined up to with their aidees.
  3. So, I'm sure that some of our friends have noticed this, and I know that it's taken me a bagillion years to get this up here, but TSI has finally hit a million nation strength again. I blame summer vacations. Who has time for the OWF when there's a sandy beach? Psssht, not me. However, I do find this million special, because I believe it's one of the few times (the first that I've seen) where a protectorate is actually larger than it's protector. (<33 TPF) I'm sure it won't be that way for long though. Also, with our newfound amazing one million NS comes another fun milestone for us, we've finally entered the top 100 alliances! We teetered on the edge for a while, and held our breaths and hoped, and then this thing called War came along and we got a little distracted. So our score is back up there, and we finally crossed the border. I swear, we're legal. White Team Trades As a pet project for my summer boredom, I've been working on personally getting every TSI nation a good, stable, trade ring. Because of the fact that we're only 80 nations, I obviously can't do this with just TSI folks. I've been in contact with Zenith and other white team alliances, but still have open spots. If you're a random person on white that needs a trade ring, send me a message. I need almost all trade combinations. A last announcement would be another project of mine that I'm very happy to be announcing. Ever since TPF began working on their terms, I've been working with a few people and many of the former TPF protectorates, and we've decided to give some help back to them, since they gave us so much help when we needed it the most. Therefore, I'm happy to announce that TSI, AOD Brigade, VA, and a few others that I haven't gotten permission to name drop, will be sending over a billion dollars in aid to TPF, along with two free donations, to directly aid nations out of bill lock. Due to the new game policies on bill lock, after a certain amount of days, the collection penalties finally catch up to you, and your money dwindles away. With some nations at 100% collection penalty, we're very proud that we'll be able to help them get out of their bill lock, rather than seeing more nations need to re-roll. We're also hoping that with the amount of money we've been able to get together, that we can also send help to Avalon, if needed. I know that a group of alliances (Zenith, NEW, etc.) were able to pick up protection for the TPF protectorates, so we'd like to lend a hand too. The aid will be sent after Foreign aid opens up, which is after the terms with the selected alliances are completed. On the off chance that you'd like to help, and I haven't contacted you, just shoot me a PM, and I'd be happy to chat with you. (There's too many alliances to talk to these days.) Now, to finalize it up, we've had lots of people leave Government over the past few days, and we've filled up the spots quite nicely. We were also able to get some IRAN people into our Gov, which I'm quite happy about. So for reference, here's the current TSI Government list: The Empress Shurukian Minister of Defence (Shogun) James Maximus Minister of Economics Rakkan Minister of Foreign Affairs Kharn Minister of Recruitment TBA Minister of Education Adam Suttler The Advisory Council: Kaiser Kevin Lord Cyvole The Manbearpig Dogs of War Ikke That's all for now, Yes I went image crazy, deal.
  4. Let me tell you lover It’s 3 AM and I’m drunk but I’ve had nothing to drink No alcohol, no none of that !@#$. Let me tell you lover It’s 3 AM and this room’s moving Circles like a racetrack I’m not a fast driver and I can’t keep up. Let me tell you lover It’s 3 AM and there’s nobody here A room, I’m all alone The party must have ended and I didn’t notice. Let me tell you lover It’s 3 AM and man, did I $%&@ up Just you, and me, and this headache I’m not too good with speaking so I hope you’ll read this. Let me tell you lover It’s 3 AM and I’m tired There’s tracks in my head My brain ran in too many circles. Let me tell you lover It’s 3 AM and I’ve got nothing left to say. I changed gears today, and wrote a poem. It's been a while since I've written any poetry, and I miss it. If you think poetry has no meaning, then don't bother commenting on this. It has more meaning than regular words could ever write. Yes, I know it censors. But I'm not about to get warned by filter evasion. Use your imagination, I'm sure you know what it says.
  5. You were talking about how much he commented me. :)

  6. Yeah, we were talking about Sargun. :P

  7. Well, I've kept my mouth shut long enough, so I think it's time I open it. So there was one secret term in the TPF surrender. And yes, it would be why mhawk left, and why TPF surrendered so fast and abruptly... Scandal Scandal Etcetera. I informed Mhawk that his life was in danger from opposing forces, and that he must flee the area to save his dear life, or face a horrible event. [OOC]I told mhawk I wouldn't pick him up from the airport unless TPF surrendered. So it happened as he was flying out. And if I didn't pick him up, Jbone was gonna, and we all know how scary that would be.[/OOC] So yes, the dear secrets of mhawk's name not being on the surrender terms. Such a horrible leader.
  8. I definitely am much more outspoken and (if needed) aggressive as Shurukian. IRL, I'm actually quite shy.
  9. AUT, you better get on IRC lots or Imma make you. I know where you live! Okay, so maybe I only know half of it. But CM could help me! I will miss you lots. You were an awesome player, and an even more awesome friend. Have fun IRL.
  10. It was a general statement, no worries. I was the original one that found the term channel, when I queried Archon over a mhawkonafricadrugs joke, and my NNS automatically whoises. It was a chan that kinda stuck out, and I thought it was a joke since it wasn't secret. The PC numbers were lower. I regret not screenshotting them. I think that if they added actual protection for TPF, since right now there is none, and if they took the California reps off, then these would be pretty reasonable and acceptable. Hopefully it can be negotiated to that point. I would understand that there's no reason to compromise feelings over Planet Bob Politics, [OOC](a game)[/OOC], so I think a negotiation could be reached easily, because in six months, no one will really remember this war anyway.
  11. Tyga, I think that is possibly the one post in probably the last three months that I, well, particularly like. Now, as it stands, this is an outcry from TPF's membership. Not the leadership. I think the leadership might be available to a compromise. So why not drop the 120mil converted to tech reps, bring it back down, and let PC pay for their own mistake, and TPF can pay the original reps asked for. I don't think any would find that unreasonable at all, and I'd hope that the Karma leaders would consider asking PC to do it. PC did something dumb, which they promised reps for, so they should pay them.
  12. Uhm, yes, and isn't that what you and Karma are fighting against?
  13. Vol, this has to be one of the best posts in this thread. Uhm, I thought this war was about Ordo Verde and Pacifica, and TPF went in while honoring a treaty. Are you suggesting that this whole war was created and organized by Karma for revenge? How shocking. Hmmm, 1.06 million nation strength, ZI, half their treaties gone, and half their protectorates merged or disbanded... Same power, doing the same things, with the same friends. ... how? Wait a minute, wait a minute. Didn't you start out this argument with ? So wait. TPF has different leadership, but they're still the same, since they have to bear the actions of their past leaders. PC has 'stained leaders and a stained past', but they're PC so, eh, it doesn't matter like it does for TPF. Uhm, what? Hm, they reopened talks with Nordreich, and now have a protectorate MDP'd with them. I was around to hear mhawk's frustrations over his talks with PC about peaceful relations, and how paranoid they were that he was trying to do something bad. They've dropped their Valhalla and NPO treaties. Their government is practically all new people, with one or two exceptions. No, that's not change at all. As it's their surrender terms, I think they have negotiating power. Or is it just that people get to sit around and dictate terms with no concern for the alliance at hand? Do we want that to be the new standard for Planet Bob? The feud between PC and TPF should have been taken into account way before this happened. However, I agree with OBM that the way they broke their treaty is not legal. Most MDP's have a clause that says if one alliance goes on unneeded offensive wars, and gets attacked, the MDP is void. So, by your reasoning, one alliance can attack its MDP partner, and because of that clause, it's a legal cancellation. So do treaties really mean nothing these days? And would you all support that alliance when they ask their MDP partner, that THEY attacked, for reps? I don't think so. EDIT:: I also don't think I'd accept any terms where I was forced to pay my own protectorate's reps. PC owes California, why would it be a problem to have them pay California first, before TPF would pay their reps to PC? I would see nothing wrong with that setup, and would probably make it more agreeable for PC. However, PC's original reps askings were almost half that. I think it's obvious what's going on with that number. I know Twisted wasn't keen on paying it.
  14. You know, now that I think about it, mhawk and I were two of the first people to find these reps in the super secret unprotected channel. And when the spreadsheet was first up, PC's numbers were lower. So why the increase? I know when I went to Twisted as a representative for California, he said they'd think about maybe paying the reps that CTB promised them. From what I see, the tech increase almost levels the 120 million out. So is PC trying to make TPF pay their own protectorate's reps? Because that's certainly what it looks like to me. Well isn't that a fun idea. I should go start another war and win it so I can get that alliance to pay TSI's reps too.
  15. I honestly think that if TPF is to pay reps to PC, then part of the terms should be that PC pays their 120 million reps to California first, which California still hasn't seen a cent of from when PC raided the TPF protectorates during the war.
  16. I understand that i've only heard one side of the story, however the blog is my opinion, and I wrote my reaction. I don't disagree with the idea that there is another side. Second, I've never been nuke rogued. It was a hypothetical situation. Thanks for your thoughts!
  17. My alliance was formed out of a splinter, and we didn't feel the need to talk about that before hand. It's known that people will go where there friends are, so things need to be looked at much closer. Second, you're saying that most of the Menotah nations are inactive, and have no basis of politics, so why should the entire alliance suffer for something one person did? They won't even understand why they're being attacked, for god's sakes.
  18. If there was a mass recruit, wouldn't there be more than one screenshot? I know if I was in the situation, I would have asked all involved to screenshot it. Second, I've never preemptively told an alliance not to recruit from us. That seems silly. Should I go to all the alliances on Bob and say, "You better not recruit from us or I'll be mad!" I don't think that's very logical.
  19. Methinks you have possibly found the motivation of this thread good sir. rsox, you know I love you. Now- If this happened over two weeks ago, then why was it a big mess for the past two days? And from what I've heard, every loophole was attempted to be exploited. That doesn't sound like the Athens I used to know. I've gotten recruitment messages from noobs before, and when I see the one that player sent out, it looks horrible. Do you seriously think the Government would sanction a message like that? Second, to me, it looks like a stupidly worded message, that can be perceived as either an invite to the forums, or a recruitment message. It said maybe five lines, and nothing about the alliance, simply the forums. That's not a typical recruitment message for me, but maybe I'm just doing it wrong.
  20. I give it twenty minutes, if we're lucky. I mean, twenty minutes could be a long time. OH!
  21. It's been a pleasure working with NoR and TPF on this, and I'm very happy that this treaty could be signed. It's wonderful to be able to put all our pasts behind us and start anew. As a former leader of TGE, I'm glad to finally begin a relationship with NoR that isn't marred by a bad past. So here's the beginning to an awesome friendship. I'm pleased that I can be part of a moment such as this. I know that NoR will make great allies, and wonderful long time friends. We feel that it's a monumental step in history in showing that bonds that have been broken in the past can be reformed with work and patience. Edit:: Kingzog said it all. -
  22. I found out yesterday that my Uncle has end stage lung cancer. My mother had known for a day, but had forgotten to tell me when I came home from work. Now by Uncle, I mean Great Uncle, my Grandmother's brother. My family is known as being very close. My Great Uncle Teddy, however, is an anomaly. My Uncle is only a few years younger than my Grandmother, around 60 years old, but has seen more of the world than I could ever dream of. He has a military history that I'm not allowed to ask about, and I believe he's not allowed to talk about. He could tell the most amazing stories you've ever heard, but only when he wants to. He would bring us lottery tickets for Christmas when we were small children, and cans of green beans and sauerkraut for our birthdays. He was definitely someone interesting. If you would have looked at my Uncle, you would have never believed he had had such an interesting military career, or even an interesting life. He owned a junk shop in the Poconos, married and divorced once with a son that only showed up every now and then for money. He lived with his friend, and drove a van that broke every other week. It was a red van, with a grey driver's side door. I will never forget his arrival last Christmas. The van's radiator had been leaking, and the water to cool it was dripping out the bottom in a quarter sized hole. So, instead of getting this problem fixed, he simply got 30 different gallon containers, filled them up with water, and kept them in the back of the van. Every ten miles he would get out, lift the hood, and empty a gallon back into the tank. That same Christmas day, it happened to be raining in the Poconos, and his windshield wipers were broken. His solution was to get a sturdy umbrella from his junk shop, and drive 45 miles an hour the whole way to my grandparents, while holding this umbrella over his windshield. I would have loved to be another car on that highway that day. To see a man, driving on the highway in his multicolored van, holding an umbrella over his windshield, and stopping every ten miles to dump a gallon of water in the front of it. Priceless. Since I've lived, my Uncle has smoked. I don't think I could ever remember him without a cigar in his front shirt pocket. It was his eternal smell, and I know that any normal cigar will always make me think of my Uncle. My Grandmother would yell at him every Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Vacation at the lake, but he never stopped. Until about three weeks ago. He hadn't been feeling well, and was losing weight rapidly. We saw him at Easter, and fought with him for hours to go to the Hospital. A week later, he did. He stayed for a few days, where they wouldn't let him smoke. After three days, he checked himself out and spent the day at the Casino. That was my Uncle. He told us that he had a cigar at the Casino, and he just couldn't take it. After a few days of being off it, he completely lost the urge. However, his condition didn't improve. He went back to the Hospital a few weeks later, where they began tests again. Three days ago, they found the cancer. It's a large tumor, and inoperable. One of his lungs is completely not functioning. I'm an Optimist, but I'm a realist too, and I realize that his chances of coming out of this are near to nothing. He knows that too. He says he's fine with dying, but I find it sad. This man has been in multiple wars, traveled across the globe, and he'll die confined to a hospital bed, a frame of his former self. It's hard to think that something so simple will kill him when he's survived so much. Before everyone gets all sentimental on me, I'm not crushed about this. I'm upset, and in no way happy, but we all saw it coming. When it comes down to it, I know that if he's okay with it, then I'm okay with it. And once he goes, I'm sure it will hit me. But for now, he's alive, and happy, so I am too. There's no use being upset when he's not. He says he's had a good life, and I'd agree. He's seen places that I wish I could see. Hopefully, I'll get to see maybe half of what he has. I think it's fairly ironic that he quit about a month before this diagnosis. It just came too late. But my family is categorized for its stubbornness, and I wouldn't expect that to change now. But when it will happen, and he'll go, then I know I'll be upset, and despite how infrequently I saw him, I'll still notice when he's not there. I know I'll miss my Uncle Teddy, and he's definitely a person that I will tell stories about to my children. But mostly I know that the smell of an old cigar will always sweetly remind me of him, his grey hair, and his goofy smile. As Kahlil Gibran once said, "The lights of stars that were extinguished ages ago still reaches us. So it is with great men who died centuries ago, but still reach us with the radiations of their personalities." He'll always be with me. He wasn't amazing, but he is extraordinary. My Uncle will always be a great man to me.
  23. Till I DIE i i i i i i i . XD

  24. Hello there. :P I just left you one because I saw you on my 'recently viewed' list. I am wonderfully sunburned like a lobster, and have to go to work, so I'm just dandy. :D

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