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Everything posted by Alterego

  1. You say that like TPF was some alliance Rok didnt know. TPF was also a Rok ally, just not an ally in the SF. So when you say things like "the reasoning given in the OP was how TPF handled an ally of RoK" you are distorting the event. It should read something like, two Rok allies had an issue and Rok dumped one for the other. I would think they had no choice in the matter because of their membership in SF.
  2. To you perhaps, I'm sure Zenith would disagree with your assessment of the public show of support they have received from TPF.
  3. I'm sure GOD dont befriend or disown alliances based on their NS. I would presume they are more loyal to their friends & treaty partners and not as shallow as you make them sound.
  4. Classy stuff TPF, I think Valhalla might have lost their "no better friend" motto.
  5. Congratulating them for doing nothing in this case is odd.
  6. Alterego blinked, then moved his head, then tilted his head then blinked, then posted then , tilted his head then left.
  7. So it was really nothing to do with friendship or lack of communication between Rok & TPF.
  8. You are right, large alliances rarely bully small alliances and crush them for fun these days because of their treaties and protectorate agreements. If the dynamic has changed its because the alliances that operated in that way are gone and the treaties are partially their fault. When your only options are to be a protectorate, sign a treaty or be crushed for sport what do you think will happen. I cant answer for older nations relationships with each other, however pretending to be good buddies apparently goes all the way back to the early days on Bob.
  9. I dont want to see Vox gone or crushed, just a bit of consistency in their policies. You say yourself Vox never planned on being around long so when the Ardus comment was made you generally would have agreed with him and only your gradual shift to a standard alliance model changed that. You could be right about the numbers as far as I can remember you had 200 members at one point, I could be wrong though. Dont forget how I ended my post, congratulations again.
  10. You lost about 90% or your membership, failed to achieve your goal and went back on most of what you initially said about treaties, government etc. You showed him good! Congrats on making it 6 months.
  11. This is getting exciting, only one spike left...who's it going to be? Congrats one, you're in good company.
  12. Congrats on the treaty upgrade lads and ladies.
  13. In 2007 there was really only one power bloc, whats changed? There is one big power bloc and other blocs dispersed around Bob, 2007 was almost exactly the same.
  14. Lumber and uranium, Im happy because I cant lose my nuke necessary trade.
  15. ok its a draw :lol: edit: Partial pwn and some self pwning
  16. Alteregos text example is a wiki quote used to show that a forced reroll (using any name) is not a PZI. It also wasnt a EZI because no name change was needed. http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/PZI PZI does not include a forced reroll acording to the wiki definition. Where did I say it was a PZI?
  17. Yes, now show me where I said it was a PZI I know it wasnt an EZI because they dont do that and I know its not a PZI because of the forced reroll, so I wanted to know what it was... That does not say it was a PZI or he was forced to change name..... DOUBLE PWNT edit: Partial pwn and some self pwning
  18. Your example fails because it came out of your imagination and not out of my quote.
  19. $3m sent to kamaroon, 1st link is broken btw.
  20. One of many members of FAN is not the same of a vendetta PZI target who made "OOC" attacks.
  21. That makes no sense when taken in the context of this thread.
  22. True, everyone knows you just dont go past 14 pages
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