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Everything posted by HeRo1

  1. HEY HEY HEY HEY STEALTHY!!! Congrats Bro, now come give me a hug.
  2. I am very confused about this topic. I have not read the replies to it so I'm sorry if this has already been brought up. Since when is 100% not the maximum amount of war slots you can use? You say they literally used 100% of their slots to attack you but when you try to get peace they do something none of the rest of us can and increase their maximum amount of war slots. Please verify this for me if you can.
  3. How much do you love me? That's a serious question.
  4. I really wished this hadn't happened. You disrespected a alliance i loved very much in order to get to where you are now.
  5. o/ this weird alliance While we are at it, i am very glad that so many of our members contributed to it. It is great when you see such amazing activity and dedication.
  6. [quote name='LegendoftheSkies' timestamp='1282025124' post='2419004'] Indeed, they are protected by \m/ [/quote] Actually that protection started the 15th, but i wouldn't really call that being protected.
  7. [quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1282024985' post='2419000'] Despicable \m/e. I hope \m/ still raids GGA. GGA's an unprotected micro like all the rest so it's not like \m/ is violating any of its own laws. [/quote] If i'm not mistaken i think GGA is being protected by STA from \m/ now, but hey, i might be confused about this topic.
  8. Extremely Respectable STA. Much love for this action. Haven't decided to read all 12 pages, but i don't think i really should. Looks like all the other replies to every other topic lately.
  9. I'd like it if you nurtured me even after i am grown.
  10. Good luck SWAT.. I still remember the good old days when i stared at you while you was taking a shower. Seriously though, quit being a dumby, just quit responding to this topic. People feel important when they talk, haven't ya learned that yet?
  11. Haha, i approved of article 3.. It was obviously needed the most. o/ iFOK o/ [s]That Gay alliance[/s] CMEA
  12. For some reason i feel like you posted your second time reaching 3mil on that chart for some other reason. Possibly to try and direct it towards a certain group of people.
  13. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='11 July 2010 - 04:53 PM' timestamp='1278888788' post='2367327'] [color="#0000FF"]Is that all you're willing to pay? Not that I do not already do that, but if I can charge for it, why not? And Hero1, I truly do hope that you will prove me wrong. I do hope that CMEA becomes more than just another alliance, and does things to stir the part, reach for the top, and isn't afraid to break norms and taboos or use dickery to do it. But, are not all hopes but dreams? I will not say I'll hold my breath while you do what you say you're going to do, and nor will I be disappointed when do you fail. How can I be disappointed when I expect nothing? I am able to tell, from the moment an alliance forms, whether or not it is going to achieve, or even reach for, greatness, or if will simply hoping for mediocrity or less. At this moment, I cannot tell if you even want mediocrity. Right now, it is still very possible you're willing to settle for less, and that is probably just what you will get.[/color] [/quote] Can you show me the formula you use to determine if a alliance tries, hopes, or strives for more than mediocrity? Can you see inside our minds and know once we reach such a small stone that we will settle for nothing more? As most new alliances, we are determined to do as great as we can. But unlike most new alliances, we have the experience to expect everything a new alliance will endure. With that said, we assume to break past that mediocrity level. Of course, an assumption is just an assumption, but you can't get anywhere without assuming anything first.
  14. Don't really know much of you, but i did like Mr. Teets the few times i talked to him.
  15. Thank you everyone that said nice things about CMEA, we appreciate it. As for the ones that said bad things, it really doesn't matter. We are not letting anyone's opinion impact the way we run this alliance. RV, i intend to prove you completely wrong, but i like that you had the balls to state your opinion.
  16. eww.. i hate the SoS guy.... One Word: ThunderCougarFalconBird
  17. I was tortured to come say my farewells but to be honest, i do not believe this to be a normal good-bye. Because it isn't, Most folds or disbandment are when the alliance is having a really tough time and have let their inactivity and strength be not shown. We decided because we felt that with the inactivities inevitably coming we decided to leave LOUD on a good night, a strong note, and a note that leaves us remembered by our closest allies.
  18. It's good to know that it is true that opposites do attract. Also, treat them well TOOL, LoSS is a great ally.
  19. Wow, has it really been that long already. I know i wasn't in IAA for a very long time but i can honestly say it holds a big place in my heart. When i arrived i was a stranger to most but they still made me feel like a part of the family. I am sorry for leaving and sorry for becoming inactive while in government but i would just like to say that you all never once needed me over there, you had everything working before and after i left.
  20. This seriously sucks. I would had never thought of the day you two great alliances would cancel a treaty with each other.
  21. Oh crap.. our bad, everyone disregard the announcement. We are packing our bags off orange and moving to maroon. YOU WISH YOU PERVERT!
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