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Everything posted by dragonknight1000

  1. lawl XD and believe me, we know Argent kicks $@! to such a extent that it rivals TOOL's blinding
  2. welcome to the fray, have fun fighting Legions and Giant Fighters who could be looking for more prey
  3. this makes me a happy dragon Argent, many thnx for the support, let this be the hour we breathe fire together [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_dLSVgS5AxBI/SmcaSNl2YFI/AAAAAAAAgyM/_QKWTVNe12k/s400/dragon.jpg[/img] o/Argent o/Dragon Porn
  4. [quote name='Jens of the desert' date='04 February 2010 - 06:35 AM' timestamp='1265286917' post='2158714'] Goodbye TOOL [/quote] that hurt - what did we ever do to you V_V [quote name='Krunk the Great' date='04 February 2010 - 08:11 AM' timestamp='1265292691' post='2158795'] Using old flags! Barbaric!!! At least its a guy from that era posting right? (Uhh really, right?) Happy Hunting! May your nukes always be thwarted and may your SDIs never work for you! Now I leave it to you to figure out which side I am talking about; TOOL or LoSS. [/quote] I think I have a idea
  5. wow, everyone's coming out of the woodwork to play w/ TOOL...COOL welcome to the fun, LoSS, see you on the battlefield: let this be a good one
  6. hey MA, welcome to the nuke BBQ - we have plenty of steaks ready to go nuclear here's to a good rumble
  7. we're getting popular welcome and let's have a good one
  8. @Jewnugget spy report: *facepalms* he's going to get a stern talking to later V_V @DoW well played, RIA but either way, looking forward to a good fight (though I'll have Bahamut nuke the cactuars momentarily )
  9. [quote name='michaeru' date='03 February 2010 - 12:05 PM' timestamp='1265220326' post='2156817'] Now you've really gone and done it. Jeez, you guys. :T ... kick some $@! for me, please? Ave Legio! o/ Ave TOOL! o/ [/quote] we can't contain the thrill anymore so we pounced [quote name='itsme' date='03 February 2010 - 04:03 PM' timestamp='1265234594' post='2157199'] o/ TOOL! Coming out of almost a year of retirement for this post, just because TOOL is that awesome. Swing that hammer! [/quote] and you I'll make sure to drop a PM once the war's over so we can have you back home
  10. o/ Zenith, good seeing you in the fray enjoy the party (and best wishes to the adversaries)
  11. [quote name='Immerael' date='03 February 2010 - 10:11 AM' timestamp='1265213460' post='2156641'] Hi guys. What a lovely little war we have here [/quote] hey, good seeing you on the field too (any link of Legion's Link go against Sparta's Link? I'd pay to see that fight ) @Galap - some nuclear steaks do sound appealing tonight /licks lips
  12. lol nice Gopher XD welcome to the fun, MCXA best of luck to you and MHA for a good fight
  13. [quote name='Banedon' date='03 February 2010 - 08:26 AM' timestamp='1265207173' post='2156464'] /Ave Legio! /Ave TOOL! /Ave Sparta! Finally get a chance to cut loose. All I know is that at the end my nation is going to be a radioactive wasteland. Maybe they'll make it the setting for Fallout 4. But I'll be bringing 3-5 people with so we can co-miserate over a beer and a Rad-Scorpion or two... Great to be in this and hope everyone has fun. [/quote] lol nice XD more like CN will be the setting for "Fallout: World Tour" once this war's over with.
  14. aww, Gopher, you updated the war stats too soon V_V
  15. o/OMFG it'll be good fighting alongside you guys again have fun
  16. [quote name='King Seifer Almasy' date='02 February 2010 - 11:35 PM' timestamp='1265175337' post='2155219'] come on people lets get on with this and kick some @$$ [/quote] nice avy also Thnx Jinnai @logan: likewise - our fight during Karma was a bitter short but sweet one, let's make this one longer
  17. TO WAR!!! To Legion: thnx for the extra support, see you on the battlefield To IRON: we got your back To Sparta: looking forward to dance in the flames of hell again w/ you (waves at Andrewbw) let's have a fun, respectable good time o/TOOL o/Legion and o/ to Sparta too only b/c we know it'll be a good war
  18. [quote name='Shodemofi' date='02 February 2010 - 12:19 AM' timestamp='1265091553' post='2152475'] I love the new sides' names Gopher. [/quote] ^this, my humorous irony meter just went off the scale XD
  19. lol nice, Heyman XD how about the "Armageddon Paradox" war?
  20. [quote name='The AUT' date='31 January 2010 - 03:10 PM' timestamp='1264972200' post='2148264'] [IMG]http://i473.photobucket.com/albums/rr96/TheAUT/polar.png[/IMG] Paint is all the rage. [/quote] bad McCole got you beat by a MILE
  21. superb propaganda from both sides though McCole's work just kills the rest (so..freaking...funny XD)
  22. ex-TOOL's Locke posted in a thread about another Locke, odd to see despite the fact that the Ninjas' Locke (who was ex-TOOL) is just as cool as SOS' Locke b/c I've known him longer and knows he's a guy while the SOS Locke is slightly less though still likable when comparing the Lockes....my brain just got scrambled congrats on the 1 year (though I agree w/ Chron on the anime tastes just only the sig V_V)
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