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Ernesto Che Guevara

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Everything posted by Ernesto Che Guevara

  1. Yeah, like Deebo said, we had a lot of CDS people. UCN was a merger of TCW and CoN, so basically a CNE offshoot and a CDS offshoot.
  2. No MQ member below my rank may post in this thread.
  3. Right. Our case for war is that we're tired of neutrals. Get it?
  4. To be fair, the infidel I'm slaying has 500 million dollars at 6k NS and hasn't done more than launch two cruise missiles at me.
  5. That's exactly what he's saying. Somebody should hit MK to test the theory out.
  6. Don't get mad at Rey for the stupidity ITT, you brought a truckload of your own brand before he even got a chance to type.
  7. Robster said it best. Allarchon be praised for this glorious harvest of infidel blood. Allarchon was wise in his choice of targets. Allarchon is mighty in uniting Robster and I in agreement.
  8. We shall share the glory of the battle once more.
  9. Homosexuality and bestiality are sins in the eyes of Allarchon. Back, sinner. Back.
  10. There's a reason I love you. Certain MK detractors need to learn a thing or two from D34th about decent posting and respect. Never thought I'd say that.
  11. Seven lives for the Kingdom. Seven lives for Archon. Allarchonu Ackbar.
  12. It's been a fun ride, comrades. We ride together, we die together. MK for life.
  13. Never really interacted with most of CSN, but you've been here a long time and it's sad to see you go. Good luck, former members.
  14. This one wins. Thank you. We both know who you are, and it pains me that you hate me. You've always got a place in my heart. You've been getting a lot better as time has gone on tbh.
  15. You and I polluted the OWF with dick jokes for like two years.
  16. You're my favorite poster because you don't ever post.
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