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Everything posted by Moridin

  1. Moridin


    Had the same nation since July 30 2006, never rerolled nor have I ever really even considered doing so.
  2. I am not sure why there appears to be such a taboo against expressing one's opinion. Yes, it probably doesn't carry much weight without being presented as an argument, but that doesn't mean someone should be verbally attacked simply for doing so.
  3. I do not want to quit CN, and I find there is a distinct lack of a poll option to reflect this. Quite simply, if someone wants to quit CN, they are free to do so, and I am not sure why this thread is needed to reflect the opinions of people who presumably won't be here any longer. When did we almost disband? I do not remember anything of this sort throughout my time in Vox. Not unable, just uninterested. There are many former Vox members that are continuing to play this game actively.
  4. What you do with Athens is your business, and I don't think anyone here is going to try and stop you from talking to them about the issue if you feel it is important. If tech raiders believe they have a sovereign right to attack everyone within range then they need to get over themselves. It is a well established that alliances have the sovereign right to defend themselves, but the notion that one has the sovereign right to attack anybody they want without repercussions is frankly ridiculous and I don't honestly think that anybody believes that.
  5. Yes, there are two sides to every issue, but that doesn't mean they are both equally valid or deserving of mention. If anyone actually believes STA defending their members is unfair to tech raiders, they can say it themselves.
  6. Just because A happens doesn't mean we are automatically on a slippery slope to C. I'm not sure where you get the idea that any of this could potentially lead to punishing alliances simply for having rogue members; this was only something more than a regular rogue situation because of the apparent involvement of the former alliance in intentionally or unintentionally preventing the STA from defending its own. You could take any event in history and use your same argument to say it is a slippery slope to something worse than it really is.
  7. Farewell, I've always had a great deal of respect for you. Do come back sometime.
  8. It is amusing to see all the replies assuming this coup is somehow legitimate, or even successful.
  9. I guess Athens wanted to try out being the aggressor in a 'noCB War'. I find it fascinating that this comes barely half a year after the moral outrage over NPO's unwarranted aggression on Ordo Verde.
  10. Yes. IRC is not a court of law, Coldfront is operated, maintained, and paid for privately. You do not have a right to be there, and they don't have an obligation to listen to your pleas when one of their IRCops has decided the evidence against you is damning. They don't ban people on a whim, they ban people when there is a severe breach of network rules. If you honestly expect them to hold a trial every time they need to ban someone, then you are probably overestimating the amount of time they have on their hands.
  11. Your brilliant argument has me convinced. Well done!
  12. Yes, it is incredibly stupid. When has that stopped him in the past? And it was not #polaris, it was the NpO private channel, as well as several private NPO channels. Unless you've discovered a method by which a slap script might try to make a brute force attack on several channels in an attempt to gain the founder password, I think we know all the relevant parts of the story. You are defending someone who has, in the past, shown that he has no objections to lying about his actions by feigning innocence. You are asking us to withhold judgment on someone who has repeatedly tried to hurt the NpO, because for some reason you haven't specified other than vague possibilities of there being "more to the story", you are unwilling to accept the IRCop's evidence that Ursarkar attempted to hack several channels, after said IRCop specifically said that it was impossible a rogue script such as Ursarkar's could cause such an incident. What evidence could possibly convince you, so long as Ursarkar keeps pleading 'not guilty'?
  13. If he rerolled and applied to Polar, it would be the third incarnation in which he has done so if my count is correct, not that it particularly relates to the current situation.
  14. I suspect you would continue to deny it even if we presented the evidence, as you would otherwise need to admit you lied when you denied everything, so I am not sure what the point of telling you even is. Suffice to say that if we were merely carrying out an old grudge, we would've simply sentenced you to more than one week of war to begin with after you left NPO.
  15. If you want to argue about the IC/OOC line, then I would consider vital alliance communication channels, both IRC and forums, to be at least to some extent in the IC realm; compromising their security on several occasions culminating in this evening is essentially an attack on the alliance. I would say there are both IC and OOC components to this, and that our tolerance of Ursarkar up to this point has been extremely high - for example, he received only one week of war after spying on us for an extended period of time. The fact that we are at the end of our rope should not surprise anyone.
  16. We should start a tally of the number of times Ursarkar has, over the years, tried to hurt the New Polar Order. I suspect it would number more highly than just about anyone else in CN.
  17. These logs were hilarious the first time I read them. Frankly I'm surprised NPO even admitted you in the first place. OOC: The whole DDOS part is really just sad Francesca.
  18. Hey look, Polar filth dressed as ODN scum. Why am I not surprised?
  19. MT is MoFA? God help us all. edit: Oh man, looks like 10 or so people beat me to the punch.
  20. I guess for the first time nobody wants to talk about rtbh99. Edit: Wait, shoot, that wasn't in costume... let's try that again. He was LUE filth. It is beyond my comprehension why anyone would want to remember rtbh99.
  21. Who wants to bet Monos Archein just had six people drop the AA so that tomorrow they can rejoin and get off WAE Island?
  22. Moridin

    Best DoW

    Maybe it's arrogance, but I've always liked this. Maybe it's because of the almost universal support in the replies, in large part from people would in the following months switch to condemning Vox and supporting the Continuum, and then go full circle come April. Either way, I always find it enjoyable to, on occasion, take a walk down memory lane and read that thread over again.
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