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Everything posted by Elderago

  1. ahh you people are taking this to seriously really it probably was for the lol's p.s this made me lol down to those damn commie-hippies !
  2. oh modavi how I do love this doctrine, even though I am not part of NSO
  3. actually echelon was formerly a 250 member alliance that during the two months of war got what can essently be discrbed as being gang banged from all sides, trust me i was part of that war. I was also someone who saw how much they had the will to rebuild and the took those terms which were very harsh, imagine a nation at 64k NS being reduced to under 10k NS, those terms were meant for a 250 member alliance not a 52 member alliance. with that said I am glad to have helped and also glad that echelon let me help wuith even though I was part of "karma".
  4. except for synthfg nice to see you guys all going back...except for synth,poyples,jer,rhino and some guy named sircrimson )): their jerks
  5. lines are being drawn, painted, etched, cut, glued and roughly hacked...or maybe not good, luck to everyone
  6. hmm true, my next post would seemingly contradict what I said in my previous post you got me on there
  7. Far enough ,btw I'm not saying this is a "moral injustice", because tech raiding is raiding OOC/ this game is to dull we need more war and less politics/moral banter /OOC the problem with this situation is that this would be a a defensive war plus a tech raid from my knowledge that nation would be granted amnisty since they had no past of causing issues with said attacker or goons, furthermore if the attacker did not stop attacking and GOONS kept on supporting the raid, it could be then technically viewed as GOONS engaging in indirect war against GLOF , that salithus would in essence make GOONS the bully. GLOF could simply inquiry as to why goons is attacking the said nations, if it was a raid then the nation would now be aligned (From my knowledge alliance will still accept nations being tech raided if this nation is not on a zi list from GOONS ) continued attack would be viewed as harassment and could be there be taken as an act of warfare. with all that said salithus there are an indefinite amount of circumstance that could be taken into place, e.g war declared after the nation had filed for joining the allience but before the application was accepted, the raid started before the nation applied (FYI most nations join alliences to get out of being tech raided) etc. My last point is this, I'm not trying to change your opinion nor am I trying to say your right or wrong, personally I just fined this fun, if pointless
  8. I'll try then it only matters if GOONS continues to aid the unaligned nation that is attacking the ( now new) GloF member because GOONS would now be aiding a raid on an aligned nation, that salithus put GOONS responsible since aiding aligned nation tech raids is a big no-no but otherwise in my logic it would fine unaligned raiding another unaligned nation is fine ,unless another alliance(s) have declared all nations of said color is under their protection which would also cause GOONS problems. also if glof accepted a nation that is at war with a goon member, and said nation is not under any zi punishment for past transgression the goons member would really have to peace out, then again this sort of a grey area and I am unsure how another alliance would deal with such a matter.
  9. Okey first I'm not going to go into the whole morel aspect of why you would have a hard time enforcing this policy (imo I find this a wonderful change to the constant bandwagoning ) but rather just some of my own personal thoughts and reasons why. your still a rather small alliance that is relatively new to planet bob, you just ended your protectorate with NPO and NPo, both would support this policy and besides that as a new alliance your reputation hangs in the balance of what your making yourself out to look like and though i am aware of your kiss my a** approach to what other alliances view you as, it can make or break an alliance and can cause wars. As is obvious to you most alliances are fiercely against tech raiders, and have agreements with other alliances of the same sphere to offer protection unaligned same colored nations (i.e NPO's red court ), your policy would come into direct conflict with other alliances and their anti-raiding policies if it was found out that YOU ,meaning your alliance, had supported these raids. I know these aren't necessarily the specific reasons tat you were looking for OOC: I am sick and really don't feel like going into the semantics of why this policy want work /OOC
  10. that comment was neither warranted nor necessary, I was making a comment on the GOONS past actions that I saw on the moon ( OOC lunerwarz /OOC, )and stating that such a policy will not work well here on planet bob really ? I was not trying to twist anything I just remember being pummeled by multiple goon colonies with something because I was unaligned , but perhaps I mixed this memory up with another alliance I think it was more in around the lines of "if your unaligned get aligned or we will raid you". OOC: this was way back when lunerwarz was new aka 2007-2008 so again I may be wrong and if I am wrong I apologize, it also made the game quit interesting /OOC with all that said planet bob needs some drama so when I say good luck I'm really interested at how this will work out, bob a bit dull these days OOC: glad to see your here to play tis game as a game /OOC
  11. hmm this policy oddly sounds like something similer they did on the moon...wow now I remember why I left the moon. I think it was "join an alliance (preferably us) or be destroyed anyways, GOONS you will have a very hard enforcing a policy like this, plus your still a relativly small allience and don't have enough influence to do so. that said good like..I guess
  12. I don't role play, sure I like it but it really isn't me, sircrimsion actually really sounds like "sir.crimson" ( I once had someone say to me that he thought I was circumcision ) and am, as you can tell by my avatar, a fan of king crimson (Epitaph is a brillant song) I tried for a while to be a one of those raging manics it didn't work mostly because I found out after words I had made myself to look like a royal jack $@!...
  13. I suppose they need to prove that they are right.... rather then just nodding there head agreeing and hailing I actually am starting to miss that
  14. perhaps because no matter what NPO does people are still going to hate them and accuse there freinds that have stuck with them as a meat "shield" or a {insert team color } conlony of them ? or maybe they don't care anymore and simply want to move on and rebuild the allience. or maybe..just maybe that after this recent war they changed ? were humbled... just some thoughts
  15. ah DW I enjoy your thoughts anyways why do peoples sit and complain and b*^&% about things ? because they feel they need to prove their point and yet they do not realize that no matter what they say (and this is for everyone) people will not change their own opinions, or will not admit they are wrong... for that reason, people will argue over the semantics of say surrender terms without the conversation going anywhere.basically talk is cheap, you feel something is wrong then go and do something to rectify the situation
  16. 5k infra and I make over 6 mil a day I can buy my own tech (considering the circumstances) besides I have over 1k tech anyways, I am very much aware of what I am doing and have already decomissioned most of my military. also, I'm aware of what they did in the past, alliances change, especially after being pummeled to an oblivion, but as always if I am, in the future proven wrong then I'll admit it until then,good day
  17. huh well do the have a total of 150k tech or more now ?, no I really don't think so, please don't try to justify these reps, even if they were all active 67 nations are going to have one hell of a time repaying these reps. by the way, I am not a fan of echelon, never was but slapping this heavy of reps on an allience after a 2 and a half month long war is wrong. huh, but words only say so much in fact I think I'll join echelon just because they will need help /OOC this is a game after all, just because I was at war with them, does not mean I hate them/OOC p.s this is not for pr or to look good
  18. how do you guys expect them to pay those reps they went from over 6mil in strength to barely over 750 k ?, whats worse is that only 12 out of what ? 62 nations (formally 150 before the war I believe) are over 20 k ns ... I may have fought them but this was not an honourable war, I stopped attacking after I found that most of the nations that I was attacking had given up.... that said I applaud Athens for doing tech deals giving them a chance and R&R well for just being classy.
  19. okey let me clear up something... what I said was my pure unadulterated reaction to the OP, it was before I realized that it was simply a joke, or for that matter when admin edited the op... however to those (like me) who are unfamiliar with certain inside jokes can take things serious, and will say something about it. tl:dr:I did not realize it was a joke when I first wrote my response
  20. heh sorry admin I sort off realized that after that part of the article was removed in retrospect this is annocment was a pretty good laugh
  21. EDIT: never mind looks like it was removed from the OP it was a joke
  22. well said My only beef with it, is that ( and no I am not defending anybody)I agree with the reps being payed but I found the whole 90% out of peace mode backed up with two weeks of continued war rather unnecessary, I don't think any alliance would ever take such terms. that said another fine addition stumpy
  23. ^this, when a sworn enemy has laid down their sword, do you cut off there hands, aafter you have already taken their sword ?
  24. Indeed o/ memories I don't give out o/ very often
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