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Everything posted by Cataduanes

  1. haha Sindorin was a fool, a tool and an utter liability (you still about somewhere Sindorin ), I think your sorely mistaken if you think ODN and the Commies will not stand together...fact is when the majority of Planet Bob was hoping the CPCN would get rolled it was alliances like ODN that gave them a hand and i can assure you come what may ODN will stand with the The International. Of course you only have my word on this and no doubt i expect VoX Popper's to troll the s##t out of me but hey thats life
  2. Who knows, i was hoping it would be over in time for christmas '08..i got the estimate so wrong. But for argument sake i will go with 6 months.
  3. Yes its very much in vogue EDIT: Forgot Orrple bit
  4. I will add the obligatory 'wtf' about the boards, all my haunts (Footie & CNRP) got jumbled up Anyway everyone looking forward to next season? i hope i do better than the one just completed
  5. boy its good to see you posting again :D

  6. You know me well enough to know that i will go the full 12 rounds...we have not quite reached the end yet I have three communities close to my heart, whom i love above all others; ODN, CPCN/International & GATO and home is where the heart is (:lol: whats that too corny or what? :lol:).
  7. Yes that is one way of putting it, CN Commies have in the past done tried to do that or did you think Vox Pop was the first community to attempt to fight the powers that be? As for what they are doing at present i wlll let a Commie flying a Commie AA answer that :lol: yeah no doubt i look forward to another surprise attack after KM has his arm twisted by Arcades .. also hi MegaAros B)
  8. Application Nation Name: Philippines Nation Capital: Manila Government Type: Military Dictatorship Areas wanted: Philippines, Sulawesi & Borneo Ethnicities: Various Filipino Malay, Sulawesi Malay and Borneo Malay groups. Link to nation: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...Nation_ID=12258
  9. I have my own ideas on it certainly, i just want to hear your take on it? please indulge me
  10. And what exactly is the commies natural role within the CN community?
  11. Don't worry boss the rest of us have mad love for you
  12. hmmm i thought we were too uncool for y'all anyway ohhhhh a represenativge :lol:
  13. well this post of yours is certainly to the point, your others were vague stabs but hey who am i to quibble
  14. Well my take is that they could not handle the rigours of CN's largest democracy , And ODN has got other 'best' assets mainly of the sort that have remained ODN through thick and thin :lol: ....and Golan is mega-fine in more ways than one Many thanks Gatherum, your respectful presence here in this celebration is very much appreciated (Setsuna might disagree but hey thats war for you). *Cata bows deeply Many thanks, its mighty good to see GPA having more of a presence on the BB's these days
  15. Besides it would be probably be better to just forget about him and concentrate on KM instead, i would rather deal with KM anyhow
  16. == Classified memo to UFE High Command == The Philippines high command has acknowledged this state of affairs and has placed our forces on full alert, we shall confirm the numbers being made ready for dispatch later today, in the meantime we need to know were our forces will be needed.
  17. You might be surprise to know that sometimes i agree with individual Vox Pop members...just not you Hi Zombie Glaucon, I see what you saying however i counter that with the idea that those who bear reponsibility have indeed jumped ship! leaving the rank and file to carry this burden...One has to remember that the decision in question was made without any major imput from the General assembly, it was a decision made by a certain Sec-Gen and a committee, so no not every member deserves to be labelled a coward for this surely! not all of us lack a spine and i remain ODN because i want to try strive to repair this ungodly mess. Indeed Dujek hits the nail on the head, we who remain or have returned deserve a fair crack of the whip. Your kind words are very much appreciated Penguin, some of us are indeed beating ourselves over the head about this and with good reason
  18. Yavvy Always a pleasure to see you floating around , as for GW1 opinions always vary no? thats the beauty and sometimes the burden of democracy.
  19. Twizz You reminded me of something! the whole betraying the commies angle?!?! i am still seeking clarification on this latest accusation
  20. how little you know, was the Citrus war spineless? was GW3 spineless? i will never say ODN has been perfect nor that our elected leaders always made the right choices far from it, i am the first to criticize my own community for such decisions but the casual blackening of our name is unjustified, our history is not as clear cut as you are alluding to. EDIT: I have never taken a convinience only approach to honor, i have in the past taken it very seriously :jihad: Many thanks ES, and i agree GW1 and the recent Polaris debacle were gross errors and ones i hope i never ever see repeated.
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