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Everything posted by Cortath

  1. Let justice roll down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream. Be careful you don't drown, though, ModusOperandi.
  2. Oh, brave, new world, how thy light shines upon the darkness and lifts the low to the high!
  3. *chuckles heartily* You came into a thread about the friendship between my alliance, and my great comrades at Invicta, and chose to slander us. ModusOperandi, I will say two things: you know nothing about economics. Don't talk about rep payments. You know nothing of this. I am honestly befuddled as to why you speak and open your mouth. Secondly, I have one more friend than any opportunist like yourself ever will.
  4. Comrade Corinan, I must respectfully disagree. I do not know if hate or fear are the predominant values being expressed by some persons in this thread. It's more of a confusion. What do you do when you build your persona, your nation, your foreign policy, perhaps even your alliance (I'm looking at you, Modus Operandi, and many other late-comers to the "Free Red" movement), on a hatred of the New Pacific Order? I don't know if they still really hate or fear us, but I do think that they've created themselves in such a way that they do not know how to feel anything else anymore. It is fascinating to watch those who have built their careers by hating us, so swiftly see their purposes collapse. So Comrade Corinan, it's clear what they have to do. If you only know how to fear and hate, then you have to build up something that you fear and hate. And regardless of the substance or truth to that fear or hate, you have to build it up pretty big, or learn how to feel something else. The latter is rather difficult.
  5. No, but it was insulting an alliance which we were once very close to, and I take umbrage at that. *chuckles heartily* Xiphosis, I'm not a parrot, I'm a blackbird.
  6. It's alright, ty345. I'll assume that Big Z's class act of us insulting us while we send his nation tech is not representative of the alliance.
  7. Remember when you made an alliance on the Red Sphere, to help free the poor, huddled masses of red nations from the evil NPO? Remember how it was an utterly transparent tactic to try to take advantage of the NPO during a time of war, and how no one believed you for a second that you had the interests of Red at heart? What sphere are you on now, again? Take some self-responsibility, would-ya?
  8. This is good to see. Our comraderie and friendship with Invicta stands strong through war and through peace. May it continue to stand as strong as ever!
  9. I'm crying big far tears that we took so long to negotiate the forces against us from their utterly untenable economic positions.
  10. "War in general." *chuckles heartily*
  11. I want you to look around you. Do you see that space over there, where the two walls come to a point at a perpendicular angle? That's called a corner. You asked for an Educator. Go sit there for the next hour, and don't come back screaming for an Educator until you've done your homework. To make it that much easier for you, this is what you need to read: An Economic Analysis of Reparations A Logistic Analysis of 90% War Mode Compliance Why Your Alliance's Economics Don't Work on My Alliance Why Karma Gave the Terms They Did; They Want War without the War
  12. I would be happy to educate you. Read the threads in my signature. I will then, await your reasoned and rational critique, which I expect to be long, detailed, and in particular, full of math.
  13. That is the stupidest argument I've ever heard. It takes no time to put quotations marks around the word truth, so I fail to understand why you would possibly think that it would have detracted from any amount of time that would have been spent on an argument. I'd recommend, Ragashingo, you spend less time arguing and more time thinking.
  14. Cortath

    TORN Q&A

    Well, I have another question. Besides your post-apocalyptic war realization that the CB was a bad idea, is there any conduct say in the month of April, having to do with your allies, you would do different?
  15. Cortath

    TORN Q&A

    Really? That's the only thing you regret? Acting on the CB?. Wow.
  16. Cortath

    TORN Q&A

    I am interested in hearing the answers to these.
  17. Cortath

    TORN Q&A

    We had treaty with them too! That's almost as if we have a treaty, right?
  18. Both myself, and the Imperial Officer of Media Affairs Wiki Project team take great umbrage at your unjust and uncalled for granting of the credit for all our hard work to that lazy, slovenly, but dashingly handsome Imperial Counselor.
  19. Sorry for the misunderstanding. The bolding was not mine.
  20. That statement was in response to the first sentence of the quote. Please read the context.
  21. Cortath

    TORN Q&A

    I'll be here all week. Tip your waitress.
  22. Cortath

    TORN Q&A

    An amount equal to your honor.
  23. Francoism has no flaw, and we followed it sincerely. Francoism allows for humanity, however.
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