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Everything posted by Viluin

  1. It doesn't take a genius to realize that it is now harder to become nuclear capable. In fact, I thought that's what everyone agreed on so I'm not sure what kind of math you're asking for. All I've been saying is that I believe it is now too hard compared to the old system.
  2. There are 2 ways to interpret that sentence, so it might have been better if I rephrased it. He does not have nukes, so he does not have to pay extra bills, keep a uranium trade etc. Could you explain that?
  3. Such nations are pretty much impossible to pass if they are doing tech deals. Tech deals take a much smaller chunk out of your income than they do out of a 5k infra nation's income. On top of that, you don't lose any money from carrying nukes. EDIT: I'm not sure what my point was, but uhh.. yeah.
  4. Relatively speaking, the NS you gain from nukes is much cheaper than what you gain from infra. A nation will only be harder to pass when it's busy purchasing nukes, assuming it's growing via infra/tech purchases at the same time.
  5. They took a huge drop, while some nuclear nations even got a boost. That's 2 changes made to this game that are beneficial to larger nations and quite the opposite to smaller ones. I still think only 1 of them was necessary, 2 is just throwing salt in the wound.
  6. Yes. Wanna fight about it? And the nation you're trying to catch up to can import 100 tech just as easily. With a peacetime army I actually gained NS because of the boost I got from my nukes. About 2-3k. At the same time, all non-nuclear nations lost NS with no exceptions.
  7. Not everyone can afford to use their aid slots exclusively for tech/donation deals. That is incorrect. A nation with 10 nukes now gets 1k NS from them, when they would have only gotten 500NS before this update. Any nation with 6 or more nukes receives more NS per nuke now than it did before.
  8. Whether or not it could be considered "abusing" is a different debate. Making it impossible to "abuse" the system and then giving nuclear nations a large NS boost is just too much. Only one of these changes was needed, not both. It now takes forever for nations in the 8-10% range to become nuclear capable, and they can pretty much forget all about it if they send out a lot of aid to their alliance. I don't think this is a good thing. Newer nations should be strengthened, not old ones. It doesn't really affect me because I already have 20 nukes, but I'd hate to see CN's playerbase decline further.
  9. 1. The NS requirement for becoming nuclear has barely dropped. 2. It now takes much longer to reach that requirement, and the NS requirement will only become higher. No matter how you look at it, it is certainly much harder to get nuclear weapons now than it was before the update. It takes longer. At my size, I was able to get up to 4.4% before this update. Now I cap out at 5.1%. I need to grow more before I am back in the top 5% and the same goes for all nations below me.
  10. Nations with 20 nukes now get 4k NS from them.. It's going to make it considerably harder for smaller nations to get into the top 5%, especially because a large standing military doesn't have a large impact anymore. These 2 changes combined were a bit much imo, just the second was needed.
  11. The increase in income is pretty much negligible though.
  12. Global radiation always affects your environment. Chances are you have an environment of 1+GR. If GR goes up, your environment and, as a result, your pop happiness goes down.
  13. I'd recommend anyone to get up to 500 tech before making the 3k infra jump. Those lvl 9 fighters/bombers will help you more in a war than the little bit of extra infra you could have bought would have. It's not like a couple hundred tech costs a fortune.
  14. Set 2 is better, but depending on your starting resources set 1 might be the only option.
  15. Please add our flag. Full Alliance Name: Darkfall Alliance Abbreviation: DF Link(s) to flag(s): http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb283/d...flagcopygh0.png Thanks!
  16. Now that I've got nukes I kinda wish I had Oil + Uranium. If you have those as native resources you won't get an environment penalty from them. My environment will probably drop to below the maximum when my border walls stop being profitable, which I don't like. :angry: Also, I wouldn't have to worry about losing my uranium resource right in the middle of a nuclear war. Then again, Oil + Uranium is a pretty bad combo to start out with. You'd have a hard time getting trades. Wheat + Fish would be the best.
  17. 3 Border Walls is still profitable for me. A fourth is also profitable, but it only gives me $8k more per day or so. I can't be bothered. It won't be long till I'll only need 2.
  18. I agree, there shouldn't be a difference between purchased land and actual land when it comes to spy / battle odds and whatnot. You have those formulas? Hey.. uhh.. I have a case of beer right here.. Maybe we could work something out?
  19. From the update log. However, I'm not sure if it applies to battles as well. Being knocked into anarchy after a battle might still depend on your soldier efficiency. Does anyone know?
  20. When your soldier efficiency falls below 20% of your citizen count. I never quite understood why surrender terms always told you not to have more than 20-30% of your citizen count in soldiers. It's efficiency that matters.
  21. The title says it all. Please PM me in-game or on the forums if you're interested in selling me a donation. I'm afraid I can't afford to sacrifice my aid slots for middlemen, so I would have to send you $3 mil every 10 days until the deal is complete. My nation: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=130747
  22. I'd pick the Foreign Air Force Base. It increases your offensive capabilities and your defense against aircraft. Those 20 fighters will drastically decrease the chance of someone destroying your infra unless they too have this wonder. 50 planes vs 70-80..
  23. Yeah, but this is a guaranteed nuclear anarchy you're talking about. I think I read somewhere that, if you are knocked below 20% by a simple ground attack, your deployed forces will come home and possibly prevent your nation from being sent into anarchy if it means you're above 20% again. That was a long time ago though and maybe I'm just seeing things. EDIT: Yes, I was wrong, I just checked.
  24. When your defending force is below 20% of your citizen count, your deployed forces will be returned home, right? If you have enough deployed forces will this prevent you from going into anarchy, or are they coming home because you've been anarchied? I never really paid attention to this. I'm actually quite surprised information such as this is nowhere to be found in the game or the FAQ.
  25. Thanks, that's what I thought.
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