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...An Idea Who's Time Has Come

Malik Shabazz


Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this blog are solely those of Loki Laufeyson and not those of my alliance, House Baratheon, or any other entity.

For the two years I've been a part of the CN community I don't think I've seen this amount of stagnation, degeneracy, and decline. The continued oppression of micros and neutrals at the hands of the upper-crust alliances, the downright hypocrisy that runs rampant in CN politics are all things that drive valuable members of the community away. I sadly admit that I am also guilty of these things, and before I go any further I would like to apologize. The only thing I can ask myself and my fellow players is "how did we let it get this far?" "How did we fall from a prosperous and thriving community, to a dreadful place where trolling and idiocy are the order of the day?" If you ask me, it truly is a shame.

CN needs a revolution. Point blank, period. I cannot be more serious. The overthrow of the upper-crust alliances by the underprivileged in CN society, is a necessary action that must be taken. Now I know the same hypocrites who claim to want to bring change to CN, will read this message of revolution and scoff at it. I do not know whether or not it is because they have nothing better to do, or if it is because of the person delivering the message. Regardless, I laugh at each and every one of you (you know who you are) and I think that your type are pathetic.

I seriously hope that each and every one of you, especially the micros and neutrals, are able to figure out who your true enemy is and unite before it is too late. Rest assured, a storm is coming to CN. With all the power TPTB have, they will not be able to stop the idea who's time has come. Thank you.


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The sheer amount of energy, coordination and planning needed to get DBDC to where it is now would astound you. We didn't happen to become an elite alliance, we made it that way, and may have started our own revolution to get there. The only uncheckable 'powers that be' are neutrals and good luck with that. Any other alliance, mine included, is just as susceptible to lopsided war and political isolation.

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Total NS in the world is 319 million NS

The sanctioned alliances alone make up 100 million of that.

You only need the top 26 alliances to hit 160 million NS-more than half the games strength.

So who is going to bring down these elite?

Depends on how you look at it.

The only uncheckable 'powers that be' are neutrals and good luck with that. Any other alliance, mine included, is just as susceptible to lopsided war and political isolation.

This literally has to be some kind of joke.

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There are many people who agree with me, they just aren't in this blog.

"My brother is stronger than you, he will beat you up after school"

You really don't have anything better than this playground talk?

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Don't know. It's foolish to assume that just because the people who have commented on this blog don't support this, that automatically means no one does.

Equally foolish to assume that they exist.
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Because you and like 10 other people = everybody.

Make it 11. Although if you are proposing a neutral MADP block to declare war on the rest of the world then I'm all for it. It'd be nice to see them actually play the game.

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Because you and like 10 other people = everybody.

Because you and a group of hypotheticals yet to contact you consist enough to a force to conclude your ideas time has come?
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There's a reason why we call this place Planet Bob. I mean, I respect your radical thinking, but perhaps you should blow off a little bit of your seriousness? Even a teensy bit? :)

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There are many people who agree with me, they just aren't in this blog.

Well perhaps the invisible people should be real people and start supporting you publicly. I also think you lack all respect to the people who currently reside in the upper echelon's, they didn't get there by luck and to assume otherwise is naive. People in this thread are not trying be condescending towards you, they know from experience that it takes a lot of work to do what you want. A lot of micros, if they were as organized as you want to believe they can be, would not be micros anymore unless it was by design. Personally I think you kill your own ideas by posting this nonsense, there won't be many who support your ideas because you clearly have no idea what you are talking about, nor how to play this game. The only people that would ever think you do know what your talking about are probably clueless as well.

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Well perhaps the invisible people should be real people and start supporting you publicly. I also think you lack all respect to the people who currently reside in the upper echelon's, they didn't get there by luck and to assume otherwise is naive. People in this thread are not trying be condescending towards you, they know from experience that it takes a lot of work to do what you want. A lot of micros, if they were as organized as you want to believe they can be, would not be micros anymore unless it was by design. Personally I think you kill your own ideas by posting this nonsense, there won't be many who support your ideas because you clearly have no idea what you are talking about, nor how to play this game. The only people that would ever think you do know what your talking about are probably clueless as well.

Except for Hero. He got there by luck.
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Well perhaps the invisible people should be real people and start supporting you publicly. I also think you lack all respect to the people who currently reside in the upper echelon's, they didn't get there by luck and to assume otherwise is naive. People in this thread are not trying be condescending towards you, they know from experience that it takes a lot of work to do what you want. A lot of micros, if they were as organized as you want to believe they can be, would not be micros anymore unless it was by design. Personally I think you kill your own ideas by posting this nonsense, there won't be many who support your ideas because you clearly have no idea what you are talking about, nor how to play this game. The only people that would ever think you do know what your talking about are probably clueless as well.

Yea, you are being condescending.

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Yea, you are being condescending.

It is hard not to be condescending to someone who wants to role play the village idiot, waving his pitchfork and lantern at the tanks rolling over the hill, extolling the other village idiots to rally around his pitchfork and see an end to the tyranny of organized, committed and respected alliances who work hard to maintain their role within the political sphere of Bob.

I am sure there are many other people who do not like not being in control of everything that happens, but rather than do something concrete and definitive about it, they choose to mouth off from the fringes or hold their tongue lest they be embarrassed by association with the current village idiot who is taking center stage.

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