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Big News on Xbox 720 and Playstation 4 Including some Launch Games

Tom Marvolo Riddle


We already know that the Xbox 720, which is already believed to be finished after a Former Microsoft Executive hinted at specs which matched the Speculation and rumors. Not only this, but the Xbox 720 will be unveiled later then the Playstation 4. It will be unvieled on June 11th.



As for the PS4, a design of that has also been leaked, leading to speculation that both systems will feature touchscreens and lifelike graphics. The System will be publically revealed at a press conference on February 20th, putting a end to the rumors.



As for games, 2 games have been all but confirmed for release on the Next-Gen consoles. Those games are Battlefield 4 and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4.

I personally am very excited for both. Each of these games will have a massive succes rate. For me, these games will not only sell out in days, they will smash records for sales, and quickly.



In my opinion, both next-gen consoles will do great. Whether the price tag is $400, $300 or whatever, A LOT of people will still buy it. If I have the cash, I will get it. These consoles will have unmatched graphics, unmatched capabilities and best of all, unmatched awesomeness.

If you have a question or want me to research something regarding the Gaming Industry, if you have any info, go right ahead and post in the comments section.


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Woah, look out guys, the 720 has a one terabyte hard drive and wireless controller recharger.

Meanwhile, system building just gets better and better, the core components (GPU/CPU) more and more powerful for less and less money.

I dont hear of computers featuring a graphic engine that not only is lifelike, has a customization level, from a development standpoint, matched by nothing. I dont hear of computer games featuring lifelike graphics. A leaked video of the 720, when zoomed in on, you can clearly see hair folicles, each eyelash and every bead of sweat. I dont think the PC does that.

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Educate yourself, christ:

Also, all I'm seeing is a bunch of marketing talk. PC hardware will always be more powerful by definition. Regardless of whatever ridiculous prerendered "lifelike" graphics you've seen.

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This is correct. As of February 5th, Rockstar, the creator of GTA, said that the game will be released on both the current consoles and next gen consoles. He also said that Microsoft, creator of Xbox, will get the game 3 days-1 week later then sony.

But the game release has also been delayed to September. Speculation is that they want to finish all 4 (360,ps3,720,ps4) games before release.

Excellent!. Thanks for the info. I am getting a bit excited about this one, but that isn't unlike rockstar to play with emotions via delays lol

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Excellent!. Thanks for the info. I am getting a bit excited about this one, but that isn't unlike rockstar to play with emotions via delays lol

Not a problem.

Hey guys, this is what I want these posts to be about, not about the PC Master Race.

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The new generation console specs will indeed be better/same as the top level pc hardware......for about 6 months (if that). The consoles however don't need a graphics edge to beat PC gaming into pulp and that death of pc gaming people keep talking about is far more likely then the death of console gaming the PC crowd like to preach.

Consoles make things easier for consumers and that as has been shown will always win out in the end.

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I can build a PC that'll outperform both of these for the probable price of the systems. Consoles have always been dumbed down in terms of graphics capabilities, but PCs can do anything as long as you have the money.

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The new generation console specs will indeed be better/same as the top level pc hardware......for about 6 months (if that). The consoles however don't need a graphics edge to beat PC gaming into pulp and that death of pc gaming people keep talking about is far more likely then the death of console gaming the PC crowd like to preach.

Consoles make things easier for consumers and that as has been shown will always win out in the end.

A dumb response for a dumb person; you my friend are dumb.

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PC will always be better than console. I have skyrim for both and the 360 graphics are !@#$ compared to my pc(which I built). That is another thing, you can build your pc and upgrade it as time goes on. Can't do that with a console.

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A dumb response for a dumb person; you my friend are dumb.

*Scratches head*. What exactly justifies that response? I acknowledged that the PC will have better specs and I made a comment that reflects the fact that the PC is a poor platform in terms of sales. Where exactly am I being "dumb"?

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My xbox has a 320GB hard drive

Yeah well, the 720 will have a ridiculous 1 TB HD. I dont think anyone will ever run out of memory. Except everyone who decides to install there games to their console.

That is another thing they may leave out of the 720. In case you didnt know, you can install games to your 360 HD and take them anywhere. They may leave it off this time because people could just rent a game for 5 bucks, install the game onto there console and have gotten the game for $5 instead of $60. Personally, I want them to bring it back because I bring my HD over to some of my friends house because I have like 20 games ont here they dont have so it is very useful.

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As far as I knew you can't do that. You have to have the disc to play the game, it just reads the game off the HD. My GTA is scratched to !@#$ but will only work from the HD if the disc is in the tray.

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I remember the days that 250GB was said that "it could not be filled", that was quickly proven wrong in three years. I easily have 200GB just for games alone and 1TB for other media. But in reality, I should have 3-4TB for other media though.

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Yeah well, the 720 will have a ridiculous 1 TB HD. I dont think anyone will ever run out of memory. Except everyone who decides to install there games to their console.

That is another thing they may leave out of the 720. In case you didnt know, you can install games to your 360 HD and take them anywhere. They may leave it off this time because people could just rent a game for 5 bucks, install the game onto there console and have gotten the game for $5 instead of $60. Personally, I want them to bring it back because I bring my HD over to some of my friends house because I have like 20 games ont here they dont have so it is very useful.

1 TB HDD? Welcome to 2007.

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