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What I'm Thankful For

Lord GVChamp


Wow, a full 17 days since my last entry? I'm a terrible blogger. I have something good to say today, though!

Americans observe Thanksgiving tomorrow. We get together with family members, eat a bunch of turkey and pumpkin pie, and watch the Cowboys lose in spectacular fashion. And, something about giving thanks.

I'm an econ guy. What do we really have to give thanks for? Our lives ain't that bad, but they're a lot crappier than they should be. North Korea is attacking our ally, the economy is a trillion dollars in the hole, unemployment remains stubbornly high, and Ireland is going bankrupt. Hell, the US government has decided to become the world's largest sexual predator in the name of security. I mulled all this over a Sam Adams last night. The world sucks.

But, something flashed before my eyes!

The American people are willing to be sexually assaulted, in the name of preventing a terrorist strategy that hasn't worked against us. The American people are willing to let other people see them naked, on the basis of the government telling them they have to see them naked.

Some people are depressed about this. But when I think about it...goddam, if you're willing to let the government molest your children in the name of a phantom threat, you're pretty much willing to put up with anything. And I am thankful for this.

Because I used to think a GVtatorship was just some far-out fantasy. Now I realize that an American Caesar is not only desirable, but inevitable. You want it. You crave it. You need it. Most of all, you just don't give a !@#$ as long as the circus is there and bread is on your plates.

I look at your lionized leaders. Lincoln, who suspended Habeas Corpus, FDR, who threatened to pack the Supreme Court, Andrew Jackson, who actually ignored a Supreme Court decision to commit ethnic cleansing.

I look at the steady growth of government, and how you cry for more even as spending consumes more than 35% of all spending.

I see your pundits crying for Senate reform, demanding an end to all veto points in the system and a stronger executive, even as Congress passes more landmark legislation than at any time since the 1960s.

I see one of your major parties plotting to destroy the independence of the Federal Reserve.

I see your people decrying the Supreme Court because they make a few decisions you don't like

I see no support for a proposed amendment to allow 2/3 of states to overturn a US law, nor much concern for the gradual trampling of states by the federal government. Indeed, many of your pundits see this as a GOOD thing.

I see no concern over how federal agencies are staffed. Indeed, your pundits cry out for the death of the filibuster so Presidents can fill vacant positions faster.

I see tolerance for minorities growing at a steady clip, yet people always finding a new group to demonize for some god-forsaken reason.

I see even your hope and change Presidents claiming he has the power to assassinate US citizens based on no authority other than his own.

I see more financial regulation, with basically total discretion given to the regulators over whatever they want.

I see 100,000 troops in mountains halfway across the world because we are afraid of a few hundred terrorists.

I see most Americans think they are being ruled against their will

Every trend in America points to a stronger executive, with more and more control over the people he appoints to the various, increasingly powerful agencies, and more and more resources at his command. Soon, forming a semi-sturdy political coalition will give one carte blanche to reform the entire system, an almost trivial task: we usually have a majority party. 1860-1932 it was the Republicans, 1932-1980 it was the Democrats, 1980-2008 it was the Republicans. Other elites will raise a fuss, but they will be relegated to little more than talking heads on the television set. A ripe stage for a terrible grab to power. I suppose some nations would find it difficult for this to happen. France had a nation-wide shutdown over a small raise in the pension age, students are rioting in Britain.

But Americans?

Americans will let people molest them as long as they think they're being protected.

And don't worry. There are plenty of scary things in the world for GVChamp to protect you from.

So that's what I'm thankful for. I'm thankful for TSA invasive scanning, because they demonstrate that there are no practical limits to how much power I can amass. The GVtatorship is now!

I have prepared a list of names you may call me after I assume the throne:

Lord GVChamp

Emperor Zerg

Robert Vi Americana


Darth Valconious


Chancellor Zero

Papa Nurgle



Recommended Comments

That was a great read. Well done.

To quote a certain important American someone:

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

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