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I'm back. People can come back from ban's. C'est Possible.

You just have to be tactful and patient. Very patient. For those who know who I am, hello again. For those of you who don't, hi.

Hades has frozen over.

Time to make this game interesting again.


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I have a long history, I was a serviceable member of the MHA for quite some time. Way back when, when I first joined, I was a member of NATO. I still talk to some of the old guys, Pameshelu in particular, but I've been around the cybergalaxy and have done good and bad, but look forward to doing more good and bad.

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Nonono! You're doing it wrong. Where's the suspense if you actually announce that you're back instead of sneaking in the back door. You're ruining all the fun!

Welcome back to Bob. 'Twas boring without you.

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I kept quiet, but I was brought up as the UJP was being formed. Originally of NATO, I had a few run ins, posted my own tech-raiding guide for 10k ns level nations, rose through the ranks of my alliance and have enjoyed the game. I have worked with numerous alliances, I needed a break from MHA and once served as the TORN diplomat to OV the day before we attacked. However, peace was achieved (I intended to stay till the war ended, but it ended.) and I decided MHA was the only alliance worthy of my shenanigans. So the application is in the mail and I'm having fun with it. I go by IYIyTh, or MyTh, or whatever. Caligula was my nation ruler and name before ban. I have changed it and it fits now.

I hold numerous titles: One of two members to tie in an election in NATO history. Also the only to lose said tie in a decision by government. I have held several ministerial positions in MHA, and also enjoyed tech-raiding back when it was plentiful and worthwhile. I became less enraged and learned to bide my words with tact, and it has served me well. I also hold the most court cases in MHA history, and 0 convictions. I'm also aware that I'm irrelivant and I'm okay with that. I enjoy the finer things in the game like people entertaining me by fighting over drama.

It's good to be back.

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^_^ WOOOOOOOOOT! ... It's nice to have you back.

I look forward to see all the good drama you know you can't live without... Now be good and don't blow it up again, will you? :D

jerdge hugs Myth

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You weren't entirely irrelevant, actually. The drama you started had repercussions down the road.

Hopefully you're no longer interested in those types of shenanigans though, which weren't anything to do with why you got banned anyway. Good luck, and welcome back. :)

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