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Aut Callout



Will Aut fight?  

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In April, Aut called me out for a fight. I agreed, and he attacked. And my alliance cut me off. I gave Aut white peace and promised him I would duel him some time down the road.

Today, I offered Aut a duel in CN:TE (something that hadn't even occurred to me). Aut declined. I suspect it is because, in TE, he will no longer have his tech advantage (he had over 20x my tech) and he will no longer have his wonder advantage (he has 9x the wonders I do, including a Pentagon, MP, and FAFB.)

Aut, I promised you a duel. The time is now. Accept and fight me on an even playing ground or admit that you're a coward who only wants a fight when you have massive advantages against your foe.


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You were sub-2000 NS with 5 GCs and 5 Barracks. Doesnt matter how many you put on someone like that, nations at that size are going to be overmatched due to lack of improvements...but you know this, or at least should with your wealth of military knowledge :lol1:

But to this current situation, you're running scared. I get it. You're not much for fighting unless you have the upper hand. You talk a big game yet rarely, if ever, back it up. I'm just glad you've made enough of a spectacle of your little spat to let everyone else see it as well.

I didn't even have enough cash to pay my first day's bills, dude.

And as to this current situation, my proposition is an even fight in which I have absolutely no advantages. If anyone sees this as fear of infra then they're just letting me know they're idiots, basically. I mean, I proved a few months ago that yet again I do not care about my infra when I lost it all. Twice.

I'm ready to back my talk up. I already did it against your alliance - twice. Now it's Aut's turn. But he's probably too scared to take me on in TE.

Aut asked for a duel. I have offered. He won't accept. I'm assuming the reason is a) He's too lazy to create a TE nation -or- b) He now thinks a duel is stupid and pointless -or- c) He doesn't want an even fight.

Either way, he asked, I've delivered. The reason we're not dueling right now is Aut, not me.

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I said we can fight in TE, but we'd also have to fight in SE. I don't care what CSN said. You coming in yelling and crying to try and prove yourself. You want to play in a form of the game with no consequence and no bearing whatsoever on the game that really matters just because "CSN said so"

You're not ready to back up your talk. You're just ready to make excuses every which way to avoid what we agreed to in favor of a cheap alternative. You want to do TE? Fine by me, but let's do SE like you promised.

But wait.. you're too scared to keep your word.

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I never promised to duel in SE. Prove that I did. I said I'd duel. I'm upholding that.

Requiring SE is a good move for you though.

1) Hopefully I can't and it looks like I don't want to duel.

2) Once you lose in the even fight (and you will) you might have a chance with your 500 tech and 8-wonder advantage.

Just accept the duel or not, Aut. We either get to duel or not. I have fulfilled your callout. I don't care if you follow through or not. Just say yes or no to a TE-only duel, Aut.

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I never promised to duel in SE. Prove that I did. I said I'd duel. I'm upholding that.

Requiring SE is a good move for you though.

1) Hopefully I can't and it looks like I don't want to duel.

2) Once you lose in the even fight (and you will) you might have a chance with your 500 tech and 8-wonder advantage.

Just accept the duel or not, Aut. We either get to duel or not. I have fulfilled your callout. I don't care if you follow through or not. Just say yes or no to a TE-only duel, Aut.

Only to a TE duel? A duel that has 0 consequence and was not what we agreed to? An idea brought up on the spur of the moment by Wabooz that you hopped on in #nso since it meant you got off easy for all the trash you talked? Wow, you're so full of it it's incredible.

You want TE, I said okay.. but you also promised SE. I don't care about TE, you don't either. I want it to be in SE. I even gave you the luxury to take your time to build up in SE and prepare to fight me. TE is meaningless, no nukes and cruise missiles and bombing raids for 2 infra a pop. That's boring and worthless. You take "welcome to the consequences" and make it seem like, "welcome to the consequences, er I'll find a way to come up with a cheaper and cost effective alternative!"

How about you get into your CSN "super duper" growth program and level up then come find me. You want to do TE as well, sure why not. But I'm giving you an ample amount of time in SE to get ready as well.

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I didn't even have enough cash to pay my first day's bills, dude.

And as to this current situation, my proposition is an even fight in which I have absolutely no advantages. If anyone sees this as fear of infra then they're just letting me know they're idiots, basically. I mean, I proved a few months ago that yet again I do not care about my infra when I lost it all. Twice.

I'm ready to back my talk up. I already did it against your alliance - twice. Now it's Aut's turn. But he's probably too scared to take me on in TE.

Aut asked for a duel. I have offered. He won't accept. I'm assuming the reason is a) He's too lazy to create a TE nation -or- b) He now thinks a duel is stupid and pointless -or- c) He doesn't want an even fight.

Either way, he asked, I've delivered. The reason we're not dueling right now is Aut, not me.

No, he asked for a duel in CN:SE, not TE. You're hiding behind CSN. Nothing more, nothing less. Again, you talk big but fail to back it up. If you care so little about your nation, as you've stated, leave CSN, fight AUT as you said you would, and rejoin CSN afterwards. If you're really gonna hide behind the excuse of "CSN won't let me" then you're proving what has already been assumed of you.

As for when you fought my alliance, I return to the fact you fought against our noobs as you had more military improvements than they had of any improvement. It's easy to talk like you're a big boy when you skew the reality.

But the reality of this whole ordeal is you're an attention whore and you back down once someone calls you on your &$*# talk.

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No, he asked for a duel in CN:SE, not TE. You're hiding behind CSN. Nothing more, nothing less. Again, you talk big but fail to back it up. If you care so little about your nation, as you've stated, leave CSN, fight AUT as you said you would, and rejoin CSN afterwards. If you're really gonna hide behind the excuse of "CSN won't let me" then you're proving what has already been assumed of you.

As for when you fought my alliance, I return to the fact you fought against our noobs as you had more military improvements than they had of any improvement. It's easy to talk like you're a big boy when you skew the reality.

But the reality of this whole ordeal is you're an attention whore and you back down once someone calls you on your &$*# talk.

I'm not leaving CSN to violate orders for fricken Aut. He's not worth it to me. I like CSN a lot and I'm not risking my standing in this alliance so I can fight Aut for a week (especially when a viable and identical alternative is on the table). And what does it matter if it's SE or TE? Oh, that's right, it's the same thing except the name and that we'd both start fresh nations. Literally the only difference is that Aut would have fewer advantages. Apparently that's not acceptable to Aut. He can't take a fair fight and I'm not allowed to partake in the unfair fight.

I didn't agree to a SE fight, I agreed to a duel. TE is the same as SE except the name (and faster growth).

And how am I backing down? You really have a pair of blinders on. I'm allowed to fight in one way: TE. I've offered this one way to Aut because I want this duel. HE is the one trying to find ways to make it impossible for that to happen, not me.

Only to a TE duel? A duel that has 0 consequence and was not what we agreed to? An idea brought up on the spur of the moment by Wabooz that you hopped on in #nso since it meant you got off easy for all the trash you talked? Wow, you're so full of it it's incredible.

You want TE, I said okay.. but you also promised SE. I don't care about TE, you don't either. I want it to be in SE. I even gave you the luxury to take your time to build up in SE and prepare to fight me. TE is meaningless, no nukes and cruise missiles and bombing raids for 2 infra a pop. That's boring and worthless. You take "welcome to the consequences" and make it seem like, "welcome to the consequences, er I'll find a way to come up with a cheaper and cost effective alternative!"

How about you get into your CSN "super duper" growth program and level up then come find me. You want to do TE as well, sure why not. But I'm giving you an ample amount of time in SE to get ready as well.

The 'consequence' is the same: Someone wins and someone loses. I say once again the only difference between TE and SE is that we'd start out evenly with no advantage over one another. Are you such a coward that you can't take a fair fight?

When did we agree to 'SE duel', either? We agreed to a duel. That was it. You never said 'standard edition only'. You called me out and asked me for a duel. I'm agreeing in the only way I'm allowed to.

Now I'll make this clear: Stop. Wiggling. Prove that I agreed to SE specifically (I didn't) or fight me in TE. Prove yourself on a fair playing ground. Or keep dancing, Aut.

We'll duel or we won't. Your call. I've called you out. I'm tired of your sidestepping the issue and saying that I promised this and said that. Either prove that I'm a liar and that I promised you a SE fight, or fight me in TE, or run. There is no other choice.

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Alright then, both of you guess how many fingers I'm holding up right now and whoever is closest is better at CN.

I'm betting on one finger. And I think I know which one....

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We'll duel or we won't. Your call. I've called you out. I'm tired of your sidestepping the issue and saying that I promised this and said that. Either prove that I'm a liar and that I promised you a SE fight, or fight me in TE, or run. There is no other choice.

I told you to...

Double. Or. Nothing. I. Don't. Care. What. CSN. Told. You. TE. Is. Not. An. Adequate. Alternative.

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It really wouldn't be a fight at all for the AUT in a standard duel, since he has such a huge advantage. I see where Penkala's coming from, if you're going to do a duel at least be a man and have a fair fight. It'd be different if the advantage was small, but 3 military wonders, 1000 infra, and 400 tech is a pretty big gap for smaller nations.

The AUT's major stats:

Technology: 562.12

Infrastructure: 1,999.87

National Wonders: Foreign Air Force Base, Great Monument, Great Temple, Internet, Manhattan Project, Pentagon, Social Security System, Stock Market, Strategic Defense Initiative

Nation Strength: 12,475.202

Penkala's major stats:

Technology: 100.21

Infrastructure: 999.99

National Wonders: Manhattan Project

Nation Strength: 4,069.783

Edit: You guys aren't even in range of each other :huh:

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1. Penkala fighting in war's just proves you're willing to lose stats but not prestige. When fighting in wars there are a variety of factors you can point to, to justify your horrifying losses like "oh durr I fought 3 nations and was triple teamed" but when fighting a duel 1v1 if you lose you lose and you'd lose face to AUT. So don't be like "I already proved I'm a badass just because I fought in the last war" hell most people back their alliances when put into a war in fact I'd say that 90% of CN fights in wars when called to why? not because of bravery but because IT IS REQUIRED OF THEM BY THERE ALLIANCE. Duels are a whole different story as they aren't required or necessary and aside from the rather pointless lose of stats due the fluctuation of a random battle generator, can actually prove you have the stones to fight the AUT for a real tangible loss.

2. Your justification for CN:TE are terrible. You say you should use different names so that people won't interfere with your duel. I think you just want that so if you lose you can deny it. Lets be honest no one would really screw this up since we're all tired of your pointless posturing. In addition once again CN:TE proves nothing. Its a noob war training program essentially since losing in that has no real effect or loss. Seriously in TE you wouldn't prove anything and AUT not fighting proves what...? That he doesn't want to waste his time in a pointless gesture?

3. You have no reading comprehension abilities. The AUT has agreed to fight you in TE if you fight in SE. BUT CSN won't let you due to the pointless loss of precious stats. :gag:

4. WHY THE HELL DON'T YOU LET HIM FIGHT CSN!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I'm sure you guys are tired of Penkala make you guys look like idiots on the forums and this would be a great way to end this by 1 week of dueling. AND SERIOUSLY IF YOU'RE WORRIED ABOUT STAT LOSS HE HAS FREAKING 999.99 INFRA AND 100 TECH!!! That with Construction, 5 factories, and Monarchy government is $4,039,941.90 and calculate about 1mil (max) in land losses, and 3mil in tech losses. In addition 1 week isn't enough for bill-lock (unless you suck) so you've got a GRAND TOTAL OF $8,039,941.90!!! Seriously if CSN is so cash strapped they can't rebuild a guy with 3 aid slots of 3mil each you've got a serious banking problem. The Golden Horde could finance this fight and our top tiers is significantly less than CSN. Hell I'll volunteer to pay Penkala 9mil which is more than all his losses if you let him fight.

Also as far as Constitutionally you can have a military action as long as its approved by your milcom. If I paid to front your losses Penkala would receive if he was somehow ZIed, 0 teched, and 0 land you really have no reason to refuse other than sheer stubbornness.

5. On a final note you should make it one of you can't post on the forums for 3 months for who loses. Seriously 2 weeks is a joke. <_<


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It really wouldn't be a fight at all for the AUT in a standard duel, since he has such a huge advantage. I see where Penkala's coming from, if you're going to do a duel at least be a man and have a fair fight. It'd be different if the advantage was small, but 3 military wonders, 1000 infra, and 400 tech is a pretty big gap for smaller nations.

The AUT's major stats:

Technology: 562.12

Infrastructure: 1,999.87

National Wonders: Foreign Air Force Base, Great Monument, Great Temple, Internet, Manhattan Project, Pentagon, Social Security System, Stock Market, Strategic Defense Initiative

Nation Strength: 12,475.202

Penkala's major stats:

Technology: 100.21

Infrastructure: 999.99

National Wonders: Manhattan Project

Nation Strength: 4,069.783

Edit: You guys aren't even in range of each other :huh:

You clearly haven't followed the progression of how this developed. I suggest you look up my thread labeled, "Gosh CSN!"

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4. WHY THE HELL DON'T YOU LET HIM FIGHT CSN!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I'm sure you guys are tired of Penkala make you guys look like idiots on the forums and this would be a great way to end this by 1 week of dueling. AND SERIOUSLY IF YOU'RE WORRIED ABOUT STAT LOSS HE HAS FREAKING 999.99 INFRA AND 100 TECH!!! That with Construction, 5 factories, and Monarchy government is $4,039,941.90 and calculate about 1mil (max) in land losses, and 3mil in tech losses. In addition 1 week isn't enough for bill-lock (unless you suck) so you've got a GRAND TOTAL OF $8,039,941.90!!! Seriously if CSN is so cash strapped they can't rebuild a guy with 3 aid slots of 3mil each you've got a serious banking problem. The Golden Horde could finance this fight and our top tiers is significantly less than CSN. Hell I'll volunteer to pay Penkala 9mil which is more than all his losses if you let him fight.

Also as far as Constitutionally you can have a military action as long as its approved by your milcom. If I paid to front your losses Penkala would receive if he was somehow ZIed, 0 teched, and 0 land you really have no reason to refuse other than sheer stubbornness.

Your ability in reading comprehension is quite impressive, really. I would rehash the government position on this by CSN, but then that would negate the point. Learn2read.

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I told you to...

Double. Or. Nothing. I. Don't. Care. What. CSN. Told. You. TE. Is. Not. An. Adequate. Alternative.

TE. Is. Literally. The. Same. Thing. With. A. Different. Name. Literally.

1. Penkala fighting in war's just proves you're willing to lose stats but not prestige. When fighting in wars there are a variety of factors you can point to, to justify your horrifying losses like "oh durr I fought 3 nations and was triple teamed" but when fighting a duel 1v1 if you lose you lose and you'd lose face to AUT.

Please read again. I'm the one trying time and time again to get Aut to agree to a 1v1. I would still lose 'prestige' (I have that?) if I lost in TE. Even more so. If I fought in SE and Aut won it'd be clear that he SHOULD have won. If we fight in TE and I lose, in an even match, then what do I have to fall back on?

I still maintain Aut is the one who doesn't want to lose face (an even fight in which he loses).

2. Your justification for CN:TE are terrible. You say you should use different names so that people won't interfere with your duel. I think you just want that so if you lose you can deny it. Lets be honest no one would really screw this up since we're all tired of your pointless posturing. In addition once again CN:TE proves nothing. Its a noob war training program essentially since losing in that has no real effect or loss. Seriously in TE you wouldn't prove anything and AUT not fighting proves what...? That he doesn't want to waste his time in a pointless gesture?

I don't lie about silly !@#$ like that. We could do it under my regular name too if he wants. I was just trying to make interference less likely since that was the first problem he pointed out. And yes it has no real loss. You're not thinking here. The permanent loss of infra is NOT the point of a duel. So it doesn't matter that TE is meaningless. It still utilizes the same war system. How is it a 'pointless gesture' to offer war under the same system? It's the same thing!

I need you to spell this out for me. I think you can't because you're wrong. What are the appreciable differences between the war system for CN:TE and CN:SE? If there is no difference then what does it matter if it's on a 'noob training ground' or not?

That's really the problem. I'm debating in facts (i.e. it's the same war system) and you're arguing in emotion (i.e. "that's just for noobs so of course he doesn't want it").

You have no reading comprehension abilities. The AUT has agreed to fight you in TE if you fight in SE. BUT CSN won't let you due to the pointless loss of precious stats. :gag:

CSN has a policy of not letting members being aided tens of millions of dollars duel because that's their investment, yes. You are correct. So let's drop SE and move on, shall we? A defeat in the CN war system is a defeat in the war system.

Also as far as Constitutionally you can have a military action as long as its approved by your milcom. If I paid to front your losses Penkala would receive if he was somehow ZIed, 0 teched, and 0 land you really have no reason to refuse other than sheer stubbornness.

I'm already getting my slots filled with cash. So your offer doesn't change much. Add in spies I'd lose, the cost of nukes, etc. and the costs go up, too.

Regarding the time for no posting for the loser, I figure he'd balk at anything too long since he knows he's going to lose in the even battlefield of TE.

Aut, if you win, I won't post until 6/6.

If I win, there are no consequences to you.

Will you accept THIS offer?

What I'm doing is offering Aut a 100% fair 100% even duel in the CN war system. What he's demanding is a one-sided war with him having all the advantages. It's clear that someone here is willing to have an even duel, and that person is me. It's also clear that someone only wants a duel if there are TONS of advantages for him. That person is Aut.

Aut, you have proved the people of CN right yet again. You have cowered when I brought war to your door step.

Don't talk to me again until you're ready to accept an even duel.

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Actually, I believe you've both proven that you're attention-seeking hypocrites. You both talk a big game but don't really produce. Penkala with his constant posturing and running his mouth. The AUT with, well, somewhat the same issues, but not quite as annoying. We both know that neither of you will end up fighting. The AUT knows that CSN won't let Penkala come out to play, and the TE option, is -as it's been stated numerously- a pointless option. So, continue your little posturing/epeen contest, and we'll all continue to laugh at the spectacle you guys play out for us.

I can only pray that when my time comes, you're both within range :lol1:

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Actually, I believe you've both proven that you're attention-seeking hypocrites. You both talk a big game but don't really produce. Penkala with his constant posturing and running his mouth. The AUT with, well, somewhat the same issues, but not quite as annoying. We both know that neither of you will end up fighting. The AUT knows that CSN won't let Penkala come out to play, and the TE option, is -as it's been stated numerously- a pointless option. So, continue your little posturing/epeen contest, and we'll all continue to laugh at the spectacle you guys play out for us.

I can only pray that when my time comes, you're both within range :lol1:

Your alliance surrendered to my friends. Please spare me about not 'producing'. Now go away before I cripple your alliance for a third time.

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Your alliance surrendered to my friends. Please spare me about not 'producing'. Now go away before I cripple your alliance for a third time.

You crippled his alliance 2 times before?

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You crippled his alliance 2 times before?

Yup, look at us crumble. It's horrible. We can barely stand on our own two feet.

Oh, and by the way, my alliance (which I created and ran for over a year) is still thriving and growing. You, on the other hand, are more of a punchline than anything to be taken seriously. Granted, I appreciate the comic value you bring to the game and how you make me smile every time you think you've bested someone. But you really do need a nice reality check, and I can only pray losing to the AUT will do that for ya. :D

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