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The loss of tact, diplomacy and interest



Well before I go into my blog today I graduated and will be out working soon. I may take up a job offer in Syria, but I don't know. If I do needless to say you'll know because I'd then leave CN but I'm looking at my options all together.

Anyways on to something more within the realm of the game.

It's no secret I'm an outspoken individual with little relevance or power within this game. At one point, I did want to strive to be both relevant and command power. However looking at this game, I've realized something.. it sucks! You can command all the power and relevancy in Planet Bob but if you don't enjoy your position more than some irrelevant and content player who is having all the fun he can possibly have it is you who is losing the game.

I'm at that point right now. I lack any tact, diplomacy and interest. I go to channels and just start insulting whoever and whatever simply because I don't like them. I don't hide my secrets. Many a time alliances like Zenith/TFD have had to bail me out (I love you guys for putting up with me) simply not because I care rather because I don't. Many may say I'm an idiot for doing this, or just some sort of low life but I don't do it just to hurt others feelings.

Conflict, anger and action is what are the defining moments in this game. We need edginess and grudges. Yes foreign affairs and tactics can rule the day and heal wounds but it's not like you're insulting their mothers. You're only creating friction within the realm of a game of which you want to make the most of.

No, I can't/won't trigger a massive war on CN. However what I can do is create as much fun for myself and what alliances I'm in like to call it, "foreign affairs action." After all if foreign affairs, diplomacy and tact ruled the day everyday would any of us still be here?


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Well before I go into my blog today I graduated and will be out working soon. I may take up a job offer in Syria, but I don't know. If I do needless to say you'll know because I'd then leave CN but I'm looking at my options all together.

Perhaps make a poll?

Besides, the game is MUCH more fun now that both sides actually have a chance to come out on top. Before, we knew who would win every time. Let's be serious, here. You're not complaining because it's less fun overall. You're complaining because you don't like that you're losing. If you were winning you'd be agreeing with me that, overall, the game is much more fluid and dynamic now than it was even 6 months ago, and much more dynamic than just over a year ago.

With that said, I agree, enjoy the game however you'd like. From arguing with over-the-top opinions to playing seriously, you can do a lot in this game.

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The people in my alliance shout insults and say mean things because we're horrible people. To do so only in an attempt to create friction is just...weak.

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The people in my alliance shout insults and say mean things because we're horrible people. To do so only in an attempt to create friction is just...weak.

No when I do it, it's hot.

When you guys do it.. well it's not.

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Perhaps make a poll?

Besides, the game is MUCH more fun now that both sides actually have a chance to come out on top. Before, we knew who would win every time. Let's be serious, here. You're not complaining because it's less fun overall. You're complaining because you don't like that you're losing. If you were winning you'd be agreeing with me that, overall, the game is much more fluid and dynamic now than it was even 6 months ago, and much more dynamic than just over a year ago.

With that said, I agree, enjoy the game however you'd like. From arguing with over-the-top opinions to playing seriously, you can do a lot in this game.

While I would debate whether or not the game is more fluid in its current state, I won't deny that being the underdog once again has certainly provided a fresh challenge, while it is yet to be conquered it has certainly been an interesting experience and has changed my attitude toward how the game could be played and how an alliance should conduct itself.

Prior to this war and the existence of a multi polar world the foreign affairs aspect was indeed interesting I'll have to see how the current climate plays out before casting judgement on the next cycle.

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I think tact/foriegn affairs could exist, but there would have to be something tangible to be able to lose off of them aside from a few pixels. If it were possible to have territories that could be lost to other people or something then players might be willing to be more tactful and so on. Until such time there's very little aside from political gains that are worth getting from tact so why bother.

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While I would debate whether or not the game is more fluid in its current state, I won't deny that being the underdog once again has certainly provided a fresh challenge, while it is yet to be conquered it has certainly been an interesting experience and has changed my attitude toward how the game could be played and how an alliance should conduct itself.

Prior to this war and the existence of a multi polar world the foreign affairs aspect was indeed interesting I'll have to see how the current climate plays out before casting judgement on the next cycle.

OK, I'm going to be kind of blunt here (surprise surprise): Where is your basis to support the claim that that the game is not more dynamic now? Before, there were literally dozens of decent sized wars in a row where we all knew who was going to win. The last 2 wars have been much closer to start out with. I don't see how you could state, with a straight face, that the game post-Karma is a static one, let alone that it's more static than pre-Karma.

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This comment was missed, and is of vital importance.

I could make a poll about how he should fight me but I'm sure the excuses and tears will flow forth from his eyes and mouth to try frantically to avoid the inevitable show down. :smug:

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