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A Statement from Doomhouse


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[quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1302126035' post='2685712']
Wow, it took you that long to notice my post?

Do yourself a favor, go back read your post that I quoted, and what post you quoted, then go look up the Green Civil War.

Okay, I did. No where on the wiki for the Green Civil War is there mention of any alliance declaring on another because they "might" get involved in an on-going war. I did see an alliance and two predecessors of alliances on the Doomhouse side of this equation declare war on another for what is a total BS reason i.e. to control a color sphere.

I literally did control+f to see if there was something I was missing. There is nothing that even begins with "pre" let alone prempt, there is nothing with "un" that resolved to un-involved.

So, clearly you're not talking about my response to Roquetin <sp?> but to his statement. Fair enough, GGA, NPO, GOONS, FAN, MDC, \m/, and Genmay were bad people. They were then, and may be now, I don't know but I do know that if it was wrong then, it's just as wrong now and if you had a shred of honor you'd denounce BOTH actions and not just the one that damaged you.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1302127127' post='2685721']
This war continues because DH wants this war to continue. DH are the aggressors, their sole somewhat valid reason for entering the war has long since passed.

:lol1: Here we go again. DH has offered terms. Ergo DH wants the war to end. NPO has refused said terms, thus wants the war to continue.

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[quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1302098966' post='2685464']
While we are confident in our sdi's capabilities to shoot down your nukes, I think you've overlooked the fact that you have [i]none[/i], and require an infrastructure level of at least 1000 to make a purchase. Since your nation is currently sitting at 618.31, this may cause you a slight hiccup. If we were you (and thankfully we're not) we'd start purchasing more infra quickly before Lincoln County's leader starts to press the launch button daily, because I get the feeling he will. He does have 24 of those wonderful uranium tipped missiles in his silos at his disposal, and somewhat of a trigger finger when it comes to the control panel.

I think your missing the point that tomorrow I will be back at 1k infra throwing nukes at you instead of fail boy.

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1302127984' post='2685727']
I think your missing the point that tomorrow I will be back at 1k infra throwing nukes at you instead of fail boy.
I'll be waiting sweety. Until then I'll just be reading that little pm you sent me and :lol1: all night in anticipation. Should I post it here?

Edited by William Bonney
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[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1302097168' post='2685457']
Indeed i love it when you get butthurt and run away crying ;)

Well I wasn't the one crying that he's done talking to me, it seems you can't stop. I know I'm irresistible and all, or you're a drama queen and indeed have no intentions of not responding to me? Or maybe you were the one that began crying that he's done responding to me? Whichever one I'm pleased.

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[quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1302128106' post='2685728']
I'll be waiting sweety. Until then I'll just be reading that little pm you sent me and :lol1: all night in anticipation. Should I post it here?

If you want to begin posting pm's shall I begin posting mine?

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1302127984' post='2685727']
I think your missing the point that tomorrow I will be back at 1k infra throwing nukes at you instead of fail boy.

Be careful not to spend too much with the amount of money you have left :ehm:

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[quote name='Borsche' timestamp='1302127964' post='2685726']
:lol1: Here we go again. DH has offered terms. Ergo DH wants the war to end. NPO has refused said terms, thus wants the war to continue.

Is your side trying to purposefully parade someone out here every 2-3 pages of this thread making claims about the status of the peace negotiation process that are blatantly false?

I am seriously starting to wonder if your governments are not informing you of the status of talks because the level at which you are clambering over each other to make claims and accusations that do nothing but show how little you actually know of what is going on is getting to the point of alarming.

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[quote name='silentkiller' timestamp='1302128401' post='2685732']
Be careful not to spend too much with the amount of money you have left :ehm:

Why? Do you think I have some kind of care for my nation? You guys certainly wont bill lock it, so why should I worry?

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[quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1302126215' post='2685713']
Does that clarify?

No, because I did not attribute any notion of right or wrong to the action.

They stand idly by for whatever their reasons, as I pointed out by posing hypotheticals.

Also, I applaud my fellow GOONS speaker and his chivalrous and morally upright stance to absorb nuclear malintent for the good of all nations.

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[quote name='speakerwire' timestamp='1302128497' post='2685737']
No, because I did not attribute any notion of right or wrong to the action.

They stand idly by for whatever their reasons, as I pointed out by posing hypotheticals.

Also, I applaud my fellow GOONS speaker and his chivalrous and morally upright stance to absorb nuclear malintent for the good of all nations.
Yes, that post left out the hundreds of other posts you've made stating your praise for your alliances actions, mea culpa.

You should applaud him, he says he enjoys contributing to grl so much I think it's only fair he gets a taste of it first hand.

[quote]About Tora Tora Tora:
Proud contributor to the GRL. Possibly Inactive. 3 x NAC 4 x TPF 1 x CoJ (deleted) 3 x NPO 2 x NSO 1 x Legion 1 x 64 Digits [/quote]

Edited by William Bonney
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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1302127127' post='2685721']
This war continues because DH wants this war to continue. DH are the aggressors, their sole somewhat valid reason for entering the war has long since passed.
They are certainly the reason this war came to be but do not hold sole responsibility for the war continuing. Terms were offered by them which if accepted may have very well ended this war.

[quote name='Borsche' timestamp='1302127964' post='2685726']
:lol1: Here we go again. DH has offered terms. Ergo DH wants the war to end. NPO has refused said terms, thus wants the war to continue.
By that logic the counter offers by our coalition which were rejected by our opponents suggests they want this war to continue.

The truth of the matter is negotiations have been going on for some time now. Both sides have presented offers which were declined and followed up with counter offers. Those were declined and said party would then offer counter offers of their own. This has happened multiple times now. It can be said both sides want the war to end but not to such an extent they're willing to do absolutely anything to get out of it be it agree to s status quo ante bellum or the initially offered terms.

[b]Edit:[/b] Rephrase of second sentence replying to first quote to clarify.

Edited by Hyperbad
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[quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1302128954' post='2685742']
Yes, that post left out the hundreds of other posts you've made stating your praise for your alliances actions, mea culpa.

You should applaud him, he says he enjoys contributing to grl so much I think it's only fair he gets a taste of it first hand.

That I have no quarrel with. But please don't send pm's like "lets make this a good one" when you clearly know that wont be the case. Send me pm's like "I'm going to gang smash you" I will fell much happier and content and most likely laugh like hell at the banter. The main reason I ignored The Rebel was because to be honest I knew it would irritate him and judging by his posting habits here, he would be as terrible at banter as he is at posting. I'm hoping you're better, I have quite enjoyed my banter with moneyman and every other one of your allies I have fought.

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[quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1302128954' post='2685742']
Yes, that post left out the hundreds of other posts you've made stating your praise for your alliances actions, mea culpa.[/quote]

The point of the posts that initiated this particular pointless bout of sparring, is that the world does not care for your plight.

Sad, yes, sure. But that type of apathy is rarely undeserved.

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1302129414' post='2685746']
That I have no quarrel with. But please don't send pm's like "lets make this a good one" when you clearly know that wont be the case. Send me pm's like "I'm going to gang smash you" I will fell much happier and content and most likely laugh like hell at the banter. The main reason I ignored The Rebel was because to be honest I knew it would irritate him and judging by his posting habits here, he would be as terrible at banter as he is at posting. I'm hoping you're better, I have quite enjoyed my banter with moneyman and every other one of your allies I have fought.
Why would this not be a good one? Your war with the rebel expires tonight, and moneyman tomorrow. That leaves us four days of alone time. :ehm: At this time I'd like to request of my allies and yours to not intrude, but I will be adding another [s]nation[/s] victim to my list this evening, and fighting Hiro and another at the same time to make things "fair" for him.

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[quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1302129800' post='2685751']
Why would this not be a good one? Your war with the rebel expires tonight, and moneyman tomorrow. That leaves us four days of alone time. :ehm: At this time I'd like to request of my allies and yours to not intrude, but I will be adding another [s]nation[/s] victim to my list this evening, and fighting Hiro and another at the same time to make things "fair" for him.

If having 25 nukes v my 0 and having money v my 0 then I'd hate to see what you think is an unfair fight. If you fought me at the beginning or in-fact anyone of your alliance did, then it could have been called fair. I'm in no way moaning about you declaring on me, I'm flattered. Just say it as it is :P]

The more nukes thrown at me then the less others in my alliance have to take, so by all means don't hide your other nations from my last slot :v

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1302130081' post='2685753']
If having 25 nukes v my 0 and having money v my 0 then I'd hate to see what you think is an unfair fight. If you fought me at the beginning or in-fact anyone of your alliance did, then it could have been called fair. I'm in no way moaning about you declaring on me, I'm flattered. Just say it as it is :P]

The more nukes thrown at me then the less others in my alliance have to take, so by all means don't hide your other nations from my last slot :v
I'm sorry I just can't help but laugh. Your on the side that is supposed to be winning by using a larger attack force [i]and[/i] a greater amount of nukes, and now your trying to tell me that this is not a fair fight because you have no nukes and I have 25? :lol1: Look out speaker, you may have some competition yet for that award. Not to worry, I'll be balancing it out by adding someone else on your side to my list tonight, and sending more nukes their way soon enough. You have my word.

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[quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1302130519' post='2685758']
I'm sorry I just can't help but laugh. Your on the side that is supposed to be winning by using a larger attack force [i]and[/i] a greater amount of nukes, and now your trying to tell me that this is not a fair fight because you have no nukes and I have 25? :lol1: Look out speaker, you may have some competition yet for that award. Not to worry, I'll be balancing it out by adding someone else on your side to my list tonight, and sending more nukes their way soon enough. You have my word.

I must at this point question the competence of President and Representative Bonney.

He doesn't seem to be able to differentiate between an alliance, a bloc and an individual nation. Nor can he identify the difference between a war and a battle.

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[quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1302130519' post='2685758']
I'm sorry I just can't help but laugh. Your on the side that is supposed to be winning by using a larger attack force [i]and[/i] a greater amount of nukes, and now your trying to tell me that this is not a fair fight because you have no nukes and I have 25? :lol1: Look out speaker, you may have some competition yet for that award. Not to worry, I'll be balancing it out by adding someone else on your side to my list tonight, and sending more nukes their way soon enough. You have my word.

No I'm not moaning about it not being fair, wth are you not understanding. Maybe I'm coming across wrongly excuse my English. I'm moaning about your pm, you should have worded differently. I have no problem in curb stomps, I have made this clear from day 1 of my nations existence. WTH. I do not care about unfair fights, I care for a better quality of trash talk in pm's This is what irritates me and this is why I blocked The Rebel and this is why I want you to be better. Don't pretend its going to be a good fight, I want you to trash talk god dammit. Not "lets make this a good one" If that is your best effort then I will block you as I did the rebel to annoy you.

As for being on the winning side (we will win), I'm one of these people that want you disbanded or at very minimum held paying reps for longer than karma. I'm not moral or care about right and wrong. I just want to see things burn.

If your construing me as whining then I'm coming across wrongly and I apologise.

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[quote name='speakerwire' timestamp='1302130801' post='2685763']
I must at this point question the competence of President and Representative Bonney.

He doesn't seem to be able to differentiate between an alliance, a bloc and an individual nation. Nor can he identify the difference between a war and a battle.
I'm quite certain you'll understand someday when you make it past 17 days. And your technically right there, what's in store for Hiro could hardly be called either. I'd consider it a slaughter.

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[quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1302131002' post='2685765']
I'm quite certain you'll understand someday when you make it past 17 days. And your technically right there, what's in store for Hiro could hardly be called either. I'd consider it a slaughter.

Yea that whopping tech ratio will really slaughter my with your massive nukes that do 150 infra damage. ^ this is slightly better trash talk but put more effort into it.

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[quote name='The Crimson King' timestamp='1302128414' post='2685733']
I am seriously starting to wonder if your governments are not informing you of the status of talks because the level at which you are clambering over each other to make claims and accusations that do nothing but show how little you actually know of what is going on is getting to the point of alarming.

Agreed. Lots weren't even aware that reps were being levied.

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1302131123' post='2685767']
Yea that whopping tech ratio will really slaughter my with your massive nukes that do 150 infra damage. ^ this is slightly better trash talk but put more effort into it.
If you have the tech advantage why complain? With your lack of nukes your bills will be significantly lower than mine.... Scared of losing your preciousness? :unsure:

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