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A Statement from Doomhouse


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[quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1300955317' post='2674535']
You'll spin it as a RoH, but it doesn't matter since even your DoW on GOONS was superfluous as attacking NPO is attacking TPF automatically. Still waiting for the decs on FAN nations, tough guy.
I didn't know you dictated the strategy, let alone targets, of this coalition.

I'll defer to you when I have further questions about our strategy.

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Strategy or not, declaring on an alliance that you have history with and losing will end badly for the most part. You can say you took the risk for the strategy to work fair enough, but you knew what you were getting into.

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[quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1300955317' post='2674535']
You'll spin it as a RoH, but it doesn't matter since even your DoW on GOONS was superfluous as attacking NPO is attacking TPF automatically. Still waiting for the decs on FAN nations, tough guy.

As far as I am concerned we are at war with FAN and NoR and every single alliance on your entire front. Your coalition aggressively declared on our coalition. But I did get a nice laugh out of the tough guy statement. Too bad I've been out of middle school for a few decades or that one would have really gotten me.

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1300955606' post='2674541']
As far as I am concerned we are at war with FAN and NoR and every single alliance on your entire front. Your coalition aggressively declared on our coalition. But I did get a nice laugh out of the tough guy statement. Too bad I've been out of middle school for a few decades or that one would have really gotten me.
So you are saying that you're at war with Umbrella as well?

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We posted a RoH because your coalition was attacking us with not even a DoW posted.

Nothing is going to change any of that at this point. The greater world knows this is a war of your making, your aggression, your choosing.

I am not sure why you don't just accept that and be done with it. At least MK does that much. The rest of you either cry about reps or try and spin 10 different reasons for the war.

You hate NPO and want them dead is plenty enough reason to DoW as long as you have the power to do it. And for now you have the power. The political fallout has most likely been worse than you'd calculated but hey, even that doesn't matter much with the NS your coalition has and the alliances you lead around by the nose and sic on people who rock the boat.

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[quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1300955592' post='2674540']
Strategy or not, declaring on an alliance that you have history with and losing will end badly for the most part. You can say you took the risk for the strategy to work fair enough, but you knew what you were getting into.
Oh, I knew what I was getting into. Fighting an opponent who has no honor is not something conductive to a quick and easy peace.

But we are an alliance of warriors, and for us, it only adds to the fire in our hearts, to give everything we have, to do everything we can to hurt you. And so we shall. Don't expect us to help you rebuild after the fact, that runs counter to logic.

Seriously, we're not going to reward your unwarranted aggression by paying outrageous sums of tech and cash. Are you out of your goddamn mind? We're going to make you hurt, and we aren't going to prop you back up at our own expense when it's over.

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1300955889' post='2674545']
Look at my war screen for the answer to that one.
Them why, by your logic, is it [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=97811"]this[/url] and [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=98281"]this[/url] not one solid DoW?

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[quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1300956091' post='2674547']
When 64digits reps come out to be tech deals at 3m/100, that doesn't have a lot of force behind it.
Perhaps I am behind the times, but the last offer I ever received was $75m. Sardonic tacked on an extra $5m afterward, and $80m is the last I've heard for what GOONS wants from our humble 6 man alliance.

Unless you're planning on making additional demands for yourselves, as it occurs to me that I never actually asked.

Edited by HeroofTime55
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Nah, I mean, if you can't pay the above, it'd be tech deals. 80m isn't much, though it should be 79m or 81m. Ugh. We're not planning to take any reps from anyone regardless, so don't worry about it.

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[quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1300956936' post='2674553']
Nah, I mean, if you can't pay the above, it'd be tech deals. 80m isn't much, though it should be 79m or 81m. Ugh. We're not planning to take any reps from anyone regardless, so don't worry about it.
$79m and wind up with some guy sending $1m? What a waste.

But to get more to the point, I'm not going to render my members as tech engines for your purposes either.

Edit: The whole new "we're not taking reps" thing caught me completely off guard. My brain ignored it because your coalition has been saying the opposite since forever now. So, uh, what?

Edited by HeroofTime55
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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300957356' post='2674554']
$79m and wind up with some guy sending $1m? What a waste.

But to get more to the point, I'm not going to render my members as tech engines for your purposes either.

Edit: The whole new "we're not taking reps" thing caught me completely off guard. My brain ignored it because your coalition has been saying the opposite since forever now. So, uh, what?
Man, you sound like you're talking to people who give a darn about what you're saying.

(No, this isn't irony. Don't claim that it is.)

Edit: and I think Roq is referring to their alliance only. Not GOONS, as you've claimed.

Edited by Feldheim C
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I meant 78m, sorry.

It's not new because it's not a coalition-wide policy and only applies to Umbrella. All I have said is Umbrella will not be asking for reps, which has been a consistent stance.

Edited by Antoine Roquentin
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[quote name='Feldheim C' timestamp='1300956838' post='2674551']
Them why, by your logic, is it [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=97811"]this[/url] and [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=98281"]this[/url] not one solid DoW?

Honestly we were probably trying to stick to old world standards when DH threw them out the window. In the future I would hope we no longer post DoW's at all, just begin attacking per the Doomhouse standard.

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[quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1300957749' post='2674559']
I meant 78m, sorry.

It's not new because it's not a coalition-wide policy and only applies to Umbrella. All I have said is Umbrella will not be asking for reps, which has been a consistent stance.
And yet, anything sent to GOONS is going to fund a transfer of tech to Umbrella at 2x the normal speed, and any forced tech deals would go directly into your nations with someone else paying the tab. So I'm going to call you out on that, the only reason you're not demanding reps is because you have more efficient ways of taking advantage of us than direct payments.

[OOC] Last post for the night, 5 AM and should have gone to bed hours ago. [/OOC]

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[quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1300957749' post='2674559']
I meant 78m, sorry.

It's not new because it's not a coalition-wide policy and only applies to Umbrella. All I have said is Umbrella will not be asking for reps, which has been a consistent stance.

To me you are asking for reps, just that they be sent to GOONs instead of UMB itself.

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I don't know really if they're planning to use the money you send them to give us tech. I thought it was going to be to build up their nations, personally. It'd be great if there was an actual scheme in place for all of it to go to us from a greed standpoint, but there isn't. It'd be funny if it worked out that way though.

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1300958069' post='2674562']
Honestly we were probably trying to stick to old world standards when DH threw them out the window. In the future I would hope we no longer post DoW's at all, just begin attacking per the Doomhouse standard.
Nice try, but that doesn't answer the question.

If attacking NPO meant we attacked TPF (as a coalition) then why did you declare on GOONS only and not all of DH and our comrades at arms? there's a full 10 day gap there, was that the length of time it took your alliance (and to an extent coalition) to come up with that policy (read: excuse)?

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[quote name='Feldheim C' timestamp='1300958424' post='2674572']
Nice try, but that doesn't answer the question.

If attacking NPO meant we attacked TPF (as a coalition) then why did you declare on GOONS only and not all of DH and our comrades at arms? there's a full 10 day gap there, was that the length of time it took your alliance (and to an extent coalition) to come up with that policy (read: excuse)?

Welcome to the new world. Not sure why we bothered with a DoW just as I said, DH and company certainly don't bother with them.

Coalition warfare is like that I guess. Bob has a treaty web but after this war that no longer really applies. It's basically just coalitions, or so we were told when Sparta was ordered to attack NV by Umbrella without any treaty obligation.

The Pacifica coalition was aggressively declared upon by the Doomhouse coalition. In the future when DH coaltion rolls us again (I figure you have at least one more in you before the political fallout becomes great enough to see DH on the chopping block) I would suggest our entire coalition just post a RoH and fight whomever we match up with best.

That's basically what we did here but via DoW rather than RoH. We removed GOONs nations in the 20-50k ns range and have moved on to fighting UMB/MK/CnG as best we are currently able in those ranges. Sure MK's upper tier is sitting pretty but plenty of their nations are running through the meat grinder. They've lost almost half their pre-war NS themselves.

As has been pointed out, Umbrella has been twiddling it's thumbs and using it's aid slots for means not normal to them, ie not importing huge amounts of tech.

No one really grows. We stagnate, you stagnate. The rest of the world moves on, rebuilds, stocks up, techs up while both the DH coalition and the Pacifica coaltion fall behind. But since we see our options as be killed and pay reps or be killed in a way of our own choosing, we choose to be killed in the way that causes you the most trouble and frustration. It's quite fun.

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You do realize that the whole "stop DH from buying tech" thing will stop working in around a month or two at most? Why would we play into your hands when aid will become superfluous soon enough? In terms of fighting a long term war when outnumbered, you're no TOP. Dragging it out isn't even in your interests at this point.

Edited by Antoine Roquentin
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[quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1300955457' post='2674538']
It's a matter of perspective. TPF used the "RoH" or DoW from our perspective to activate defense treaties. We interpreted it to activate our defense treaties. It's pretty great actually.

LOL, of course you did...too bad you already had active Attacking wars against us when that took place, or have you forgotten all about ML declareing on your "Rogues" that came about?? Remember all that drama and the statements from BOTH MK and Umbrella that you BOTH assumed we were at war because we DoW'd on GOONs?? Remeber that part?? Of course you didn't actually post an official DoW, you were hopeing we would (didn't work that well did it) so you could activate defensive treaties yourself. Too bad only a few small alliances actually did that, otherwise who would TOP have had to attack??

I really like this thread :D

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We didn't see a need to post DoWs when everyone in your alliance save a few outliers was in TPF mode. ML wanted to get involved so they tried doing it in a shady way. It was funny especially when one of them was like "I have no idea why you are attacking me."

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