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Declaration of War


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"There is no defense. Britain breached our safety. They know they are the aggressors. If we threaten to slaughter one million people, and the world invades because we won't agree to not do it, then it will be the same situation here, accept the slaughteres are Britain and the world is us. Of course, all the world cares about is who has the big guns. Britian isn't communist/socialist yet it still joined the Red Dawn? Why is this? Nations do not care about political or humane ways anymore. It is all the large nation killing anyone who gets in their path to world domination."

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[quote name='LBT88' timestamp='1299010088' post='2648406']
Nova Scotia supports England's declaration of war against the Ottoman Republic, though it shall remain neutral in this war.

[i]Rotavele Laughs[/i]

"We support England who declared war too, Oh wait, Pitiful me I dont know whats going on but im going to support someone who has Terrorized, Colonized, and attempted to Destroy Africa because they gave me money, Derp Derpa Derp"

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1299012900' post='2648462']
"There is no defense. Britain breached our safety. They know they are the aggressors. If we threaten to slaughter one million people, and the world invades because we won't agree to not do it, then it will be the same situation here, accept the slaughteres are Britain and the world is us. Of course, all the world cares about is who has the big guns. Britian isn't communist/socialist yet it still joined the Red Dawn? Why is this? Nations do not care about political or humane ways anymore. It is all the large nation killing anyone who gets in their path to world domination."

"And yet it is still your nation that fired on British forces, it is your nation that didn't give them a dignified withdrawal, it is your nation that couldn't wait 3 days. You are the aggressor. The acceptance of Great Britain into Red Dawn is none of your business as the proceedings of the meeting are private."

Edited by Centurius
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Let it be known that Communist Australia will not stand for such slander, and as such the moment that Red Army soldiers step into the Republique and the Republic all offending government and military leaders will be rounded up and tried for crimes against humanity and terrorism. As of this moment, any further messages from enemies of Communist Australia will be blocked and ignored.

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1299012900' post='2648462']
Britian isn't communist/socialist yet it still joined the Red Dawn? Why is this? Nations do not care about political or humane ways anymore. It is all the large nation killing anyone who gets in their path to world domination.

"They're scared to death. Look at all the nations who support it, Who are supporting the very ones who have ADMITTEDLY had several human rights violations against it, The ones who are under review for Human Rights Violations right now. It is Pathetic. Due to our Islamic religion the world is against us. Then when we say this Nations rise up with a 2% Islamic Rate and claim they are not against Islam due to their 2% of population who is Islamic, Who I might add has to hide every day. Have you noticed NO other Islamic Nation has stood up for Britain? Even Novak who we accused of killing Muslims even didn't declare war against us. We appologized to them because we were wrong. Britain is Wrong. They wont admit it and rather cause bloodshed. For god's sakes, Republique Du Fleuve is 10x more socialist that Britain is and we would never join such trash as Red Dawn."

[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1299013117' post='2648468']
Let it be known that Communist Australia will not stand for such slander, and as such the moment that Red Army soldiers step into the Republique and the Republic all offending government and military leaders will be rounded up and tried for crimes against humanity and terrorism. As of this moment, any further messages from enemies of Communist Australia will be blocked and ignored.

"Let me rephrase the Communist Australian Message so that it is more understood...

Communist Australia will not stand for such understandings, And as such the moment that our small army step in the Republique and the Republic, All government and Military Leaders will be rounded up and tried for crimes against humanity, Which Britain is also admittedly doing but we have a treaty so we cant do anything about it. As of this moment, We will not understand the message from enemy nations because it is simply something that could be talked about but we want to use our super small army to shoot it out because were small and Communist and were tied to a Non-Socialist nation through a socialist bloc"

"Haha I didnt even know we were doing crimes of Humanity now. I blame the rest of the world for not notifying me that we committed crimes against humanity, Nor did I know were terrorizing anyone."

Edited by Rotavele
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"3 days time? In 3 days time a global war could've started. We did not want possibly hostile troops on our soil. But until your nation has any experience of a dangerously more powerful and hostile nation with thousands of troops in your capital city, do nto speak again.

Furthermore, we suggest your own nations look at your actions. US having crimes against humanity? You massacred our troops. The mobilization of your nations is absurdly large. Are you trying to defeat us or make our nation one giant crater?

Look at these attacks. Hundreds of airplanes have torn our nation apart.

Is this a war or a massacre? Answer us, Red Dawn. There is no battle, no fight. You are merely slaughtering and you have destroyed us. There is nothing left of our nation. Nothing..."

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As an ally, the Caliphate requests the High Priest Rotavele step down to save his people from further bloodshed. After which time, the goals of the coalition will have been accomplished unless of course this truly is a war against Islam. If it is, than our only apology should be for our late entry into the war. Until that is the case, we advise that the Republique please follow our instructions as to ensure that no Red Dawn will rise over Africa.

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[quote name='LBT88' timestamp='1299013758' post='2648481']
In the wake of our screwup, we announce that we support England's fight against the Ottoman aggressors, despite our neutrality.

"Let me translate this.

We have decided to throw away our declaration of Neutrality and declare war because we were outsmarted by the Islamic once again. DARNIT!"

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[quote name='LBT88' timestamp='1299013758' post='2648481']
In the wake of our screwup, we announce that we support England's fight against the Ottoman aggressors, despite our neutrality.
We would like to correct our allies translation. What they are actually saying is this:

Because we are idiots, we support one side of this conflict even though we call ourselves neutral. We're the Finland of World War 2!"

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299013878' post='2648485']
"Let me translate this.

We have decided to throw away our declaration of Neutrality and declare war because we were outsmarted by the Islamic once again. DARNIT!"

No, we are remaining neutral, but diplomatically support England in its war against the aggressive and irresponsible Ottoman Republic.

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[quote name='Moriarty' timestamp='1299013767' post='2648483']
As an ally, the Caliphate requests the High Priest Rotavele step down to save his people from further bloodshed. After which time, the goals of the coalition will have been accomplished unless of course this truly is a war against Islam. If it is, than our only apology should be for our late entry into the war. Until that is the case, we advise that the Republique please follow our instructions as to ensure that no Red Dawn will rise over Africa.

"Step down for what? What have we done, Defended an Ally?

All of the "lies" were accused of have no reasoning to be lies. Why would we lie about Britain kidnapping our school kids? Why would we lie about a hacker on our systems? I will not step down, This is the right thing to do for Morality. Britain admits to Human Rights Violations and I need to step down for stopping it?

Why trust Britain for not kidnapping the kids after the human rights violations? Can we trust the sex offenders down the street to not be at fault when your daughter was last known going into his house? She hasnt called since? Shes missing. Who do you blame? Nigeria? Clearly this stuff has gone on too long. We will fight beside the Yaza Hajin until were all in Paradise for it is far better than here."

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[quote name='LBT88' timestamp='1299014042' post='2648491']
No, we are remaining neutral, but diplomatically support England in its war against the aggressive and irresponsible Ottoman Republic.
Also known as:

We support slaughter and massacre but label ourselves as not supporting it.

Finland, please take a seat and shut your mouth.

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[quote name='LBT88' timestamp='1299014042' post='2648491']
No, we are remaining neutral, but diplomatically support England in its war against the aggressive and irresponsible Ottoman Republic.

"Tell me then, What aggressive actions has the Ottoman Republic taken? What Irresponsible moves have the Ottomans done? Let me guess your going to run into your capital building and hold your hands over your ears like the Communist Australian have."

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1299014152' post='2648494']
Also known as:

We support slaughter and massacre but label ourselves as not supporting it.

Finland, please take a seat and shut your mouth.

We are not Finland, we are Nova Scotia. The main reason we are neutral is because it would seem like a waste to fight in a part of the globe that is thousands of miles from our home.

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[quote name='LBT88' timestamp='1299014329' post='2648500']
We are not Finland, we are Nova Scotia. The main reason we are neutral is because it would seem like a waste to fight in a part of the globe that is thousands of miles from our home.

"Typical British supporter. His reason is the British Declared War. Doesnt care about the cause. Its all about paper."

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[quote name='LBT88' timestamp='1299014329' post='2648500']
We are not Finland, we are Nova Scotia. The main reason we are neutral is because it would seem like a waste to fight in a part of the globe that is thousands of miles from our home.
"Ah, so you are cowards. And stupid too, if you don't understand why we called you Finland."

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1299014477' post='2648503']
"Ah, so you are cowards. And stupid too, if you don't understand why we called you Finland."

"Now we know who to not sign a treaty with, Or if your looking for American Domination it would be the perfect treaty as Nova Scotia doesnt seem to care why a war is started."

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1299014477' post='2648503']
"Ah, so you are cowards. And stupid too, if you don't understand why we called you Finland."

We are not cowards, we simply think wasting Nova Scotian lives in some faraway hellhole, especially considering the poor state of the MDF (our armed forces) at the moment.

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[quote name='LBT88' timestamp='1299014683' post='2648515']
We are not cowards, we simply think wasting Nova Scotian lives in some faraway hellhole, especially considering the poor state of the MDF (our armed forces) at the moment.
"Hellhole. At least one nation understands what it is like over here. Death, destruction and defeat by the hands of faraway men sitting in huge palaces surrounded by luxury. Yes, Hellhole."

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1299014970' post='2648525']
High Priest Rotavele will be captured and will be tried in either an English or Australian court of law for crimes against humanity by supporting the terrorist regime in the Ottoman Republic, as they have deliberately annihilated their own citizens. That is all.

"Yes because we have openly endorsed annihilating our own citizens. I just forgot it. Darn wheres my memory at?"

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