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Declaration of War


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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1298987597' post='2648032']
Red Dawn has declared war mate.

It was done piecemeal due to timezone differences, PI is within his right to declare war on you, so just suck it up and accept it.

OOC: Red Dawn has never declared war on Republique Du Fleuve. They declared war on The Ottoman Republic. Seeing as I have allies in Red Dawn they cant declare war as a full entente. Suck it up Zooters.

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[quote name='Vedran' timestamp='1298951340' post='2647451']
"The Union of Arctica endorses the offer by the Free Association for peace talks. While massive deployments and wholesale destruction may be the modus operandi in Europe, it is not the way we do things in Africa. The Union calls for a ceasefire by Ottoman and British-allied forces to conduct peace talks and redress grievances in a manner befitting civilized governments."

"Insulting an entire continent in your statements is not the way to get nations on said continent to the negotiation table. Just keep in mind it weren't the Europeans that fired the first shot. The Athenian Federation will not attend a peace conference in Arctica."

Edited by Centurius
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They declared on Ottoman, you declared war on the English coaltion, which by default of the nations at war against Fizzy, is Red Dawn.

Moreover, your declaration against me, is an aggressive act, which activates the defence clauses of Red Dawn.

Sorry Buddy.

But your at war with:
Great Britain
The Empire of PI.

If I really want to ruin your day, ill just activate the rest of my own personal defensive alliances, unless of course they are obliged later today.

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"Republique Du Fleuve is very highly accepting of The Athenian Federation. While holding a high level alliance with us they did honor their allies in Red Dawn and the Treaty of Zurich. That is true honor. We see them as an honorable ally regardless of the side there on. We thank The Athens Federation for their friendship and we will be keeping the treaty, that we both signed, for a long time coming.

Much Respect,

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1298987908' post='2648039']

They declared on Ottoman, you declared war on the English coaltion, which by default of the nations at war against Fizzy, is Red Dawn.

Moreover, your declaration against me, is an aggressive act, which activates the defence clauses of Red Dawn.

Sorry Buddy.

But your at war with:
Great Britain
The Empire of PI.

If I really want to ruin your day, ill just activate the rest of my own personal defensive alliances, unless of course they are obliged later today.

OOC: None of these nations declared war on me, If so can you please link me and I will gladly appologize for the statement. Seeing as I have an MDoAP with Athens they cant be at war with me. Centurius can verify this.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1298987323' post='2648024']
OOC: Therefore you have no reason for war until Red Dawn declares. My post did not read differently. Last Edit was at 7:06 your post was at 7:17 and I could really careless on your feelings for me OOCly. OOC Hate for RP is pretty pathetic and will be ignored.

OOC: My declaration stands. You can try and argue your way out any way you want, but it doesn't matter to me. To use your own words... "suck it up Rotavelpme". If you don't want to accept my reason, I declared war on you for poops and giggles. How does that grab you, Nancy?

Again, there was no OOC hatred. Sarcasm? Oh hell yes. Hatred? No. But it's okay Rota-"Charlie Sheen"-vele. I'm sorry that I hurt your delicate feelings by declaring war on you.

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[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1298988147' post='2648044']
OOC: My declaration stands. You can try and argue your way out any way you want, but it doesn't matter to me. To use your own words... "suck it up Rotavelpme". If you don't want to accept my reason, I declared war on you for poops and giggles. How does that grab you, Nancy?

Again, there was no OOC hatred. Sarcasm? Oh hell yes. Hatred? No. But it's okay Rota-"Charlie Sheen"-vele. I'm sorry that I hurt your delicate feelings by declaring war on you.

OOC: Lol ok that works.

[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1298988214' post='2648045']
Are you really that slow?

They didnt declare war on you.
YOU declared war against the "English coaltion"

All of those nations I listed are the English Coaltion and are at war against Fizzydog.

OOC: Ok if im being labeled as Slow please quote the post in where i declared war against the English Coalition? I declared war on Great Britain. Where did it come from that I declared war on all those nations xDDDDDD

Edited by Rotavele
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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1298987997' post='2648041']
"Republique Du Fleuve is very highly accepting of The Athenian Federation. While holding a high level alliance with us they did honor their allies in Red Dawn and the Treaty of Zurich. That is true honor. We see them as an honorable ally regardless of the side there on. We thank The Athens Federation for their friendship and we will be keeping the treaty, that we both signed, for a long time coming.

Much Respect,

**Private to High Priest Rotavele**

Likewise the Athenian Federation regrets forces have brought us on opposing sides of the war, we will however also maintain the treaty for a very long time to come. Good luck.

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Is this a war of defense or one of one of spite? This conflict is beginning to appear as an unreasonable over use of force on our brothers in the Republique. We are beginning to question justification even of the Coalition whose scope in military use begs the inquiry; Just what exactly is your business in Africa?

In many ways, this is begin to appear as an imperialist armada rather than a righteous coalition. The Caliphate moves to DEFCON 2.


Recon missions have been initiated by the Caliphate of Africa air force to identify foreign military elements in service for the conflict. Notifications would be allotted to both sides that the Caliphate is still a neutral party, & is not exerting activity beyond its own right as an Africa power & sovereign nation dealing with war at its borders. All squadrons have been placed on high alert. Ground forces have mobilized for action readiness at a moments notice. The Caliphate fleet has entered active standby, keeping to friendly waters for the time being.
This is by no means a private announcement.

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[size="4"][i]By the order of Chairwoman Katie Collick, Communist Australia announces the following[/i][/size]

CITING the Red Dawn Treaty, Communist Australia recognizes a state of war between Communist Australia and the Republique Du Fleuve. This war is a declaration of a defensive war in defense of Great Britain.

RECOGNIZING that the Republique du Fleuve has attempted to shame Great Britain, and by extension, her allies, and in declaring war against Great Britain, the Republique has incited Communist Australia's wrath.

IN ADDITION Communist Australia will do everything in her power to see the Republique du Fleuve's peoples liberated from the oppressive and narcissistic regime that threatens the stability of Africa.

IN CONCLUSION The Red Australian Army will commence offensive operations against the Republique and will free her people from an anarchistic regime that cares not for her people's welfare.[/center]

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In response to the Caliphate:

You need not worry, this is a war unjustly thrust apon Great Britain by the Ottoman Republic, our allies have in short order, come to our aid and honoured their obligations.

The Republique however, has also declared an unjust war against Great Britain in response to our war in the Ivory Coast. Their talk in recent days of exterminating the British, and bringing war to our native lands, all made in public diplomatic channels were seen by the world was a precursor to the war they declared against Great Britain this morning.

I will re-iterate, Great Britains war, is with the Ottoman Republic and the Republique, and those Nations alone. Both Nations attacked, and or declared war first. The Caliphate has the word of the King, that our war will not infringe on Caliphate's Sovereign territory and we bear you, nor the rest of the African continant any ill will.

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"We enjoy the Caliphate's mighty stance. It has scared the British out of control. The Caliphate is one of, if not the strongest nation in the world and is a mighty ally. We ask the Caliphate to defend the Government of Republique Du Fleuve if the situation comes to that of Re-Colonizing Africa or an event in where the coalitions sees to remove the Government of Republique Du Fleuve."

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1298991225' post='2648078']
In response to the Caliphate:

You need not worry, this is a war unjustly thrust apon Great Britain by the Ottoman Republic, our allies have in short order, come to our aid and honoured their obligations.

The Republique however, has also declared an unjust war against Great Britain in response to our war in the Ivory Coast. Their talk in recent days of exterminating the British, and bringing war to our native lands, all made in public diplomatic channels were seen by the world was a precursor to the war they declared against Great Britain this morning.

I will re-iterate, Great Britains war, is with the Ottoman Republic and the Republique, and those Nations alone. Both Nations attacked, and or declared war first. The Caliphate has the word of the King, that our war will not infringe on Caliphate's Sovereign territory and we bear you, nor the rest of the African continant any ill will.

We are thankful of the reassurances by the English, let us hope your word does, indeed, reflect your actions in this conflict. We respectfully remain at DEFCON 2.

[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1298991390' post='2648079']
"We enjoy the Caliphate's mighty stance. It has scared the British out of control. The Caliphate is one of, if not the strongest nation in the world and is a mighty ally. We ask the Caliphate to defend the Government of Republique Du Fleuve if the situation comes to that of Re-Colonizing Africa or an event in where the coalitions sees to remove the Government of Republique Du Fleuve."

Should the coalition prove itself to be overstepping the boundaries of conventional warfare, we will guide them back within those boundaries. We have always been treated well by the Republique and though this war may not be any evidence, we do believe your government to be respectable, and has been a leader in steps toward African unity. For this, we applaud you and will certainly support your government had it not entered aggressions so suddenly and without clear reason. It saddens us to see this take place. What exactly was your cause for war?

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1298991390' post='2648079']
"We enjoy the Caliphate's mighty stance. It has scared the British out of control. The Caliphate is one of, if not the strongest nation in the world and is a mighty ally. We ask the Caliphate to defend the Government of Republique Du Fleuve if the situation comes to that of Re-Colonizing Africa or an event in where the coalitions sees to remove the Government of Republique Du Fleuve."

First, it is highly doubtful the Caliphate is the most or even one of the strongest nations in the world.

Secondly, yet again you are playing the victim. Of course the Coalition sees fit to remove the government of Republique du Fleuve--you have only brought more strife and warfare to Africa by declaring war against Britain, who has a more than valid casus belli to attack the Ottoman Republic.

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[quote name='Moriarty' timestamp='1298991969' post='2648089']
We are thankful of the reassurances by the English, let us hope your word does, indeed, reflect your actions in this conflict. We respectfully remain at DEFCON 2.

Should the coalition prove itself to be overstepping the boundaries of conventional warfare, we will guide them back within those boundaries. We have always been treated well by the Republique and though this war may not be any evidence, we do believe your government to be respectable, and has been a leader in steps toward African unity. For this, we applaud you and will certainly support your government had it not entered aggressions so suddenly and without clear reason. It saddens us to see this take place. What exactly was your cause for war?

"Britain put 40,000 soldiers into the Ottoman Republic. The Ottoman Republic told them to leave. They did not. The Ottomans declared war on them. The European Socialist Hegemony set out to destroy the Ottoman Republic, Our ally and your ally. So to defend the Ottomans declared war.

That is the reason for us going to war so quickly. Originally we were going to declare war on Britain anyway for the terrorism they committed against 72 school children who went on a field trip and then went missing, Presumably dead. Britain also had high levels of disrespect against Republique Du Fleuve which while we see is not a declaration of war, It is gasoline on the fire."

[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1298992387' post='2648093']

First, it is highly doubtful the Caliphate is the most or even one of the strongest nations in the world.

Secondly, yet again you are playing the victim. Of course the Coalition sees fit to remove the government of Republique du Fleuve--you have only brought more strife and warfare to Africa by declaring war against Britain, who has a more than valid casus belli to attack the Ottoman Republic.

"The Caliphate is a nation of over 1.1 Million Soldiers. They are definately the strongest in Africa atleast and are definately one of the strongest in the world.

We never brought warfare to africa, Seeing as Britain put troops into the Ottoman Republic a few weeks ago.

Also, I do not think there is such thing as more than valid. Congratulations on proving your intelligence."

Edited by Rotavele
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"We would appreciate if both sides cease using generalities to refer to the continents of Europe and Africa. Nothing is ever so simple that a whole continent can be incorporated into one political viewpoint. The Kingdom of Ireland, pursuant to the Ordinance of the Order treaty with Scotland, the MDoAP treaties held with Monaco, United Island Nations and Empire of Pravus Ingruo hereby declares war on Republique Du Fleuve."

Classified to Allied Nations:

Considering the overwhelming amount of force that is being used against the Republique Du Fleuve, the Kingdom feels its forces will be better served protecting the British Isles and ferrying allied forces through the Kingdom's territory and international waters to the African front. I have placed the 4th and 5th CSGs on patrol around the the British Isles, and the 6th on patrol in the Mediterranean. It is my understand that the Empire of Pravus Ingruo needs roughly 30,000 men transported to the front, if this is the case, arrangements will be made to ship them to the Kingdom's French territory to have the soldiers shipped by rail to the Mediterranean where the 6th CSG will transport them to the front. God speed and good luck, my friends. The Kingdom stands resolute beside you.

OOC: Edited out a spelling mistake.

Edited by Yawoo
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[quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1298994746' post='2648145']
"We would appreciate if both sides cease using generalities to refer to the continents of Europe and Africa. Nothing is ever so simple that a whole continent can be incorporated into one political viewpoint. The Kingdom of Ireland, pursuant to the Ordinance of the Order treaty with Scotland, the MDoAP treaties held with Monaco, United Island Nations and Empire of Pravus Ingruo hereby declares war on Republique Du Fleuve."

Classified to Allied Nations:

Considering the overwhelming amount of force that is being used against the Republique Du Fleuve, the Kingdom feels its forces will be better served protecting the British Isles and ferrying allied forces through the Kingdom's territory and international waters to the African front. I have placed the 4th and 5th CSGs on patrol around the the British Isles, and the 6th on patrol in the Mediterranean. It is my understand that the Empire of Pravus Ingruo needs roughly 30,000 men transported to the front, if this is the case, arrangements will be made to ship them to the Kingdom's French territory to have the soldiers shipped by rail to the Mediterranean where the 6th CSG will transport them to the front. God speed and good luck, my friends. The Kingdom stands resolute beside you.

OOC: Edited out a spelling mistake.

"Republique Du Fleuve recognizes war with Ireland on terms of honoring their Optional Aggression from Pravus Ingruo. We lack the records of rememberance of declaring war on Monaco or United Island Nations."

OOC: I do not recall declaring on the world. Not only are you guys saying I declared on this big coalition attacking The Ottoman Republic but no Monaco??? Who is that and where did it come from?? Ive never even heard of Monaco much less declared war on them...

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OOC: By declaring war on Zoot, you in effect declared war on all nations allied ot him, ergo Red Dawn and the Treaty of Zurich. I don't know how to put it any simpler, even if you declared war on jut Zoot, the mutual defense clauses in the treaties cause us to declare war on you in return.

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1298995658' post='2648170']
OOC: By declaring war on Zoot, you in effect declared war on all nations allied ot him, ergo Red Dawn and the Treaty of Zurich. I don't know how to put it any simpler, even if you declared war on jut Zoot, the mutual defense clauses in the treaties cause us to declare war on you in return.

OOC: Then declare war on me. I declared on Zoot. If you the US Declared war on Britain IRL would they invade France? No.

Edited by Rotavele
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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1298995745' post='2648172']
OOC: Then declare war on me. I declared on Zoot. If you the US Declared war on Britain IRL would invade France? No.
OOC: I have absolutely no idea what in the world you just said. Regardless, we are at war. Have fun, last OOC post from me in this thread.

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