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The millions outside the city franticaly ran away except for a few ten thousand. These thirty thousand came back after running with weapons. Men and women charged into the city with their weapons, fighting a war that would be lost. Their guns blazing, knives swinging and bats also swinging, they charged death.

Edited by Fizzydog
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"We are under attack, request permission to engage."

"Forces are clear to use sufficient force to defend yourselves."

Hostile forces were clearly violating the rules of war by wearing civilian clothes. The armored vehicles opened fire with their heavy machine guns as armored vehicles accelerated into the armed crowds. Assault rifles were brought through machine gun holes, and equipped with drum magazines. The rifles were switched to fully automatic and opened up into the illegal combatents.

Overhead MH-60s unleashed their gatling cannons and rockets into the crowds of illegal enemy combatents as they made strafing passes. Snipers moved rapidly firing their rifles into the crowd targeting those who seemed to have radios, cell phones, bull horns, and other command and control equipment. The rumbling sound of artillery opened up as NLOS-Cannons and Mortars fired tear gas shells into the combat areas. Guided shells would land and create screens of the gas rendering escape routes from the armored charge nearly impassable.

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Being massivly outnumbered, the British orders dictated, "British Forces are to respond with the necessary ammount of force required to protect themselves", the British ground troops simply opened fire, tanks and all.

The hundred and fifty Warrior II's opened fire not only with their 30mm Rarden autocannons, but also with their 7.76mm machineguns. British lead rattled down the confines of the narrows roads, allyways and streets that made up south Abidjan, with ten thousand soldiers in the battlespace now mobilising to forward defensive positions along with the armour.

Mortar companies in Fort Africa, using directions from troops on the ground, the Lynx helicopters and the snipers in Top Cover, all began a barrage of 80mm guided HE rounds. The Apaches strafed into the dense ranks of the Ivorian militants and fired 30mm HE rockets into them aswell as using their 30mm cannon to blast HE rounds into the enemy.

However, the massive ammount of firepower being displayed and the dangerously inaccurate firing of the civilians began scoring kills across the front, soldiers dropping from their positions either dead or suffering critical injuries.

Two advance light infantry companies, the first to get into the fighting began to fall back to stronger positons after the weight of enemy numbers overwhelmed their positions forcing a tactical withdrawel. Two platoons were however, not fast enough and got caught up in a Melee against the insurgents. The three remaining platoons took positions further down the street and fired at the Ivorians who were pushing the two platoons back step by step. The British training and bayonet drill was the only thing preventing their thin, tan colour line from breaking. Step back step they withdrew.

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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The Tamanskaya Mechanized Regiment was preparing to move up and support British when the missiles hit. Fortunately they hadn’t left the airport yet and were spared heavy casualties. Three soldiers reported illness and were withdrawn from the battlefield to the Ekaterina Velikiya’s medical bay. Their commander orders them into their protective gear before leaving the airport to cover the British rear.

Spetsnaz snipers with the Dragunov sniper rifle set up in lookout positions inside the occupation zone to scope out insurgent activity in the rest of the city. The crazed Ottoman crowd members proved themselves to be easy targets for these expert marksmen.

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In a mere 30 minutes the number of rebels dwindled down to only 2,000. These survivors locked themselves inside huge apartment buildings, heading for multiple floors. Once nearly 200 buildings were occupied, the actual residents joined the rebels and the elevators were destroyed. Stairwells would be assaulted with blocks of C4 to make movement upwards impossible. The 2312 soldiers were now firing out of windows or just hiding and praying in the hallways

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It didn't take long for Imperial Air Command to be informed about the rebels hiding in buildings all around the area. Within a few minutes 3 squadrons of Tu-160s went into the air with a few fighter squadrons as escort. Once in the area of the buildings the bombers would launch their deadly hypersonic cruise missiles at the buildings shots were fired from. The sheer power of the missiles would be sure to destroy or at least seriously damage most of the buildings. 30,000 of the total 130,000 forces were ordered to assist allied forces in the east.

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The buildings collapse, bringing with them the rebels. Unfortunately, 200 buildings collapsing at once was dangerous. Smoke, concrete and glass whipped through nearly all of Abidjan, damaging buildings and shoving glass and concrete into those foolish enough, or just not fast enough, to find indoor cover.

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All it would take for the snipers to locate the insurgents would be the flash from the muzzle of their guns. It’d take a shot or two to zero their guns before they could start to pick off the insurgents from several hundred meters away. Then suddenly the snipers were blinded by the exploding cruise missiles.

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"Enemy is using buildings, thermo scopes confirm civilians are assisting in setting traps. ROE confirm status as combatents. Requesting permission to use incendiary fire support." said the Colonel at the front of the armor unit, he forwarded the video confirming the status showing the building inhabitants being illegal combatents by assisting the militants.

"Incendiary weapons authorized. Prepare for shelling." AFCOM command replied.

The attacks of the Athenians were followed quickly by the use of white phosphorous shells by the mortar and artillery NLOS batteries, upon their burst in the air, flames would erupt into the air creating an instant inferno to smoke out any survives. Snipers circled the combat area on their helicopters ready to snipe any enemy combatents who came out of the buildings.

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Abidjan was destroyed. Fires ran rampant throughout the cities, exploding poorly maintaned gas stations and setting a near thousand of buildings on fire. As the entire city burned, "We Didn't Start the Fire" played innocently from a dead civilian's care radio, suggesting that the rebels did not in fact start the fire.

Only a hundred or so civilians survived the assault, and they soon would die of injuries.

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A dozen or so more units were killed outright and three dozen more wounded from enemy gunfire from the buildings before the Greek cruise missiles struck, obliterating the occupied buildings.

One of the larger buildings collapsed onto a British company advancing up the block to secure the crossroads, killing and trapping most of them.

Calls went across the radios of the coaltion networks.

The British followed the Chinese example and began launching 80mm white phosphorous guided mortar rounds to the northern edge of the southern districts to cut off retreat, and prevent more combatants entering the battle.

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"Operations in the coastal region have been concluded. Begin preparations for the assault against Bouake." the transmissions were sent to begin the operation against the city. Two heavy combat brigade teams had been unloaded from shore, one from the army one from the amphibious forces. The army one was lead by a combined arms battalion of MK-28 Tigers and Juggernaut tanks, while the marine one used mounted combat systems instead of Juggernaut tanks. The forces would go right through the center of the city into the interior at full speed. Following the heavy armor columns, artillery with mechanized defense companies would move forward. Armored recon battalions would move to harass enemy forces fleeing the capital.

Meanwhile in Maghreb a flight of four ALI-133s was being equipped for providing heavy bombing support for the Bouake assault.

Offshore the Marines were in position with the first fleet were readying their air cavalry battalion to join in the assault.

Meanwhile in the chaos of the moment, the incendiary ordinance weapons nearby where the Xinyan mercs were landing had unfortunately been left somewhat unattended.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1299178747' post='2651324']
Preparations were made to begin the airlifting in of Mascurian Siberian, Tahoe, and Xinyan units. Private military contractors and their equipment would be given their own landing strips and staging areas for when the units began to enter into urban areas in the future.
The thirty thousand Xinyan troops arrived soon after at the designated area, and began unloading their personnel and equipment, awaiting further directions from UFE forces.

Edited by dotCom
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With San Pédro secure a total of 80,000 soldiers and 800 tanks would follow the UFE in their invasions further land inward, this left 50,000 soldiers and 500 tanks left in the San Pédro region to hold it. The force would attach to the UFE one in Sao Paolo.

After returning to their bases the Air Force would again be prepared for another series of strikes in the upcoming hours.

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The Battle of Abidjan was over.

15,000 Royal Marines with 5000 SAS support moved North West towards the city of Tanda along the Eayakokore River. The Marines had with them one regiment of armoured cavalry, and two regiments of mechanised infantry. Most of the force likewise used armoured transport vehicles like hard cover 5T Trucks and Snatch landrovers with GIMPY machineguns on the top.

The SAS would fly in advance of the column and secure a beachead along the western coast of the rover and establish a field base of operations for the Royal Marine strikeforce.

The British columns as a whole were overwatched by two squadrons of FA-18's. B-2's were made ready for a strategic bombing campaign against the city.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1299193830' post='2651599']
Meanwhile in the chaos of the moment, the incendiary ordinance weapons nearby where the Xinyan mercs were landing had unfortunately been left somewhat unattended.

However, with this new development, let's just say the Xinyan troops got a...fair bit carried away.

"Load the incendiary bombs onto our attack aircraft," Guang Heibing ordered, a twisted smirk appearing on his face at this latest discovery. Well, hey, the UFE was paying them to kill people, might as well make good use of their resources to do it.

The ordinance was loaded on to eight Tupolev Tu-160 bombers, which then took off towards Bouake.

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All across the nation horror spread. large cities in the high north were deserted as citizens scrambled to leave the nation. Huge, panicking groups of civilains could be seen from airplanes walking in large groups to escape.

As for the south, citizens rose up to fight. Nearly 370,000 citizens grabbed weapons and bordered themselves in their homes. Gas masks, canned food and water wre placed everywhere, along with medical supplies. A fight was coming, and it was going to be bloody.

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The British Fleet returned to Abidjan Harbour with eight ships missing.
Soldiers in Fort Africa, aswell as the coaltion troops would look on in shock at the ravaged fleet. Massive holes tore the hulls of the warships, scorchmarks and dried blood on the decks and the hulls.

Two destroyers lay very low in the waters of Abidjan port after suffering major damage, and HMS Ark Royal was listing heavily to her port side as she docked up.
The other ships, whilst suffering major damage, most ofit was superficial.

All ships flew the Jolly Rogor, the sign that British ships had destroyed the enemy. But a second 21 gun salute was made for the thousands of sailors lost at sea. The Union Jacks lowered to half masts as a lone bugle called out across the darkening city. The last post echoing out into the darkness.


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The eight bombers flew over Bouake, smirks spreading across their faces at what was coming, when a sight not far away from Bouake, masses of what looked like people fleeing in huge groups.

"Unit A-1, A-2, break off from the main squad," the squad commander said. Then a grin appeared on his face too. "Make sure those poor civilians running for their lives reach their destination just a bit earlier. I want to see a fire blazing across that hillside within the next few moments."

As the two bombers selected veered away from the group, headed towards the easily visible masses of refugees, the six bombers left in formation began to make their brutal bombing run. Below, Bouake's civilians were going about their daily business--children were going to school, some sitting outside enjoying the sunlight, sipping coffee outside of Bouake's outdoor cafes.

The incendiary cluster bombs then dropped. Flames consumed the streets and all around them, eating vehicles, buildings, and people--all that was in their way. The bombers ruthlessly continued their bombing run until all of Bouake was burning, lit with spreading fire--soon to become a burnt out, rotting corpse.

Meanwhile, A-1 and A-2 unit bombers flew over the crowds of fleeing refugees, passing over a few times to allow the terror of what was about to happen sink in on the fleeing refugees.

A moment later, the hillside was ablaze.

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The entire refugee ordeal was being filmed when the bombers struck. As word of what was happening throughout the region began to reach more and more civilians, total panick engulfed everyone. Thousands began mass suicides as the enemy troops pushed into the country.

As more and more dropped like flies, and more and more self destructed, a run for the borders began. Millions of refugees ran for Liberia, Mali and Ghana. Whether by car, bicycle or foot, the citizens made a run for it. Nearly 12 million were running, with the others staying behind or self destructing. A horrible amount of 2 million civilians had already been murdered.

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Once reports of the active bombings on refugees and use of incendiaries reached the local commander he would immediately order a squadron of fighters to be prepared however he wouldn't act just yet without knowing what was going on. As such within minutes all coalition channels would receive a single message.

"Who the hell is using napalm on refugees and cities and why? We haven't identified any of them as combatants yet"

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UFE armor approached the City as it burned down, while motorized reconnaissance teams would move around the city towards convoys of refugees. "What the hell."

When word reached head quarters of the fire bombing there was a check of what flights were ordered to operate over the combat area. The general staff was astounded. "What the $%&@?" was the general sentiment in AFCOM. Lt. General Diem was aghast at this violation of the rules of engagement.

"I want to find whose asses authorized this and have their asses." he ordered. Reviews were made determining that it had been Xinyan forces which had unleashed the bombing. Xinyan assets were ordered grounded while an investigation of why the bombs were used and how they were even available for use on the Tu-160s.

A transmission was sent to the Athenians and Brits:

[quote]It appears the mercs have gotten out of hand, we've suspended their flight rights and are engaging in a full investigation. We suggest the immediate setting up of refugee camps to take care of the displaced groups. Further the UFE will commit 25 billion to reconstruction efforts.[/quote]

Meanwhile in Taibei Jia was handed a note, "I see... good." he said to his aid. He look at Kou, "It appears the members of the revolutionary communist PLA cadre unit have been careless with arms control." he said. Kou looked at him, "Indeed." he said with a smirk.

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Classified to the UFE and Athens

Great Britain can spare no man power at this time.
We will be shipping in reinforcements before the week is our to handle with humanitarian efforts.

As for the mercs, we will assist your investigation as and when you require our input.

On a sidenote, we will be in a position to attack and capture Tanda in the North East of the country by tomorrow evening if we meet no resistance. As far, all the towns we have passed have been deserted, thousands if dead bodies in the streets. Suspected mass suicides.

If we do not focus on cleaning up asap, we would be looking at major pandemics of disease before the week is out. The British Red Cross is presently dealing with the humanitarian crisis in the Free Association and is unable to divert resources.

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[quote]**Private to Coalition Forces**

Understood, the Hellenic Air Force will do regular patrols of the nation so it can take down any other threats to unarmed civilians that might rise. Setting up refugee camps in San Pédro.[/quote]

People would start seeing the Hellenic Army pull back rather than push further inwards. By the end of the day the full force was staying within Bas-Sassandra and maintaing order there while providing safety for incoming aid convoys. A full internal investigation would be launched to see if the mercenaries had somehow obtained Hellenic weapons in the area.

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