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[font="Verdana"][size="4"][b]1. Rank struggle, its role and meaning[/b][/size]

There is no “one single nationhood”
There is a nationhood of Ranks
Slaves and Masters


[size="3"][indent]Like all those which have preceded it, the post Karma society of our times is not "one nationhood". It is divided into two very distinct camps, differentiated by their situations and their functions, the aggressors and their targets in their various forms: the smaller nations and the bigger nations, the smaller alliances and the bigger alliances, the smaller blocs and the bigger blocs, the smaller coalitions and the bigger coalitions.

There are two kinds of ranks, nation ranks and alliance ranks. And there are two ways to be victorious: build your nation and alliance up or destroy the other nations and alliances.

This generated a ranks' struggle, at one point taking on an open, violent character, at others a semblance of slow and intangible progress, which reflects needs, necessities, and the concept of the justice of nations and alliances.

[i]The social and political regime of Digiterra is above all the product of the rank struggle. The slightest change in the course of the battle of ranks, in the relative locations of the forces of the rank struggle, produces continuous modifications in the fabric and structure of Digiterra.[/i]

Such is the general, universal scope and meaning of rank struggle in the life of rank societies.

[/indent][/size][size="4"][b]2. Anti-rankism[/b][/size]

[size="3"][indent]The experience of the rank struggle gave birth to the idea of anti-rankism: the idea of the total negation of an international system based on the principles of rankism, and its replacement by a free non-rankist society of nations, that is a society where prosperity, freedom and security does not depend from your position in the rankings.

[size="3"][indent]This does not mean that anti-rankism is the product of humanitarian aspirations. A single nationhood does not exist. Any attempt to attribute to anti-rankism a general humanitarian character would be a historical and social lie which would lead inevitably to the justification of the status quo and of a new exploitation.

Anti-rankism is generally humanitarian only in the sense that the ideas of the lower ranks tend to improve the lives of all nations, and that the fate of today's or tomorrow's nationhood is inseparable from that of the oppressed lower ranks. If the lower ranks are victorious, all nationhood will be reborn; if they are not, violence, exploitation, slavery and oppression will reign as before on Digiterra.

[/size][size="4"][/indent][b]3. The negation of power blocs and allegiance.[/b][/size]

[size="3"][indent]The ideologies of the higher ranks often define the Power Bloc as the organ which regularises the complex political, civil and social relations between nations in modern Digiterra, and protecting the order and laws of the latter. Anti-rankists are in perfect agreement with this definition, but they complete it by affirming that the basis of this order and these laws is the enslavement of the vast majority of the nations by an insignificant minority, and that it is precisely this purpose which is served by the Power Bloc.

Allegiance is always dependent on the enslavement of the mass of the nations. It is born of this enslavement, or it is created in the interests of it. Allegiance without violence and without enslavement loses all raison d' être.

The Power Blocs and Allegiance take from the masses all initiative, kill the spirit of creation and free activity, cultivates in them the servile psychology of submission, of expectation, of the hope of climbing the ranks' ladder by blind confidence in their leaders, of the illusion of sharing in allegiance.

[i]In consequence, it should be clear that the conquest of power through a new power bloc, or coalition of such, would not advance by one single step the task of emancipation of nations.[/i] Any Power Bloc, immediately and supposedly constructed for the defence of the revolution, invariably ends up distorted by needs and characteristics peculiar to itself, itself becoming the goal, produces specific, privileged castes, and consequently re-establishes the basis of rankist Allegiance : the usual enslavement and exploitation of the nations by violence. There is no better example than what happened after Karma.

[/indent][/size][size="4"][b]4. So why all this. [/b][/size]

[size="3"][indent]This platform, in providing a more solid theoretical basis for the Left, hopes to serve a triple purpose:

i.Begin a process that will hopefully have as a result the creation of an alliance based on anti-rankism. This could perhaps be the happy result of a leftist anasynthesis. If the Left lacks unity on Digiterra, the absence of a common theoretical ground is not the least to blame. Perhaps anti-rankism and the discussion that will ensue can help cure this weakness.

ii.Rally the leftists back to the Left. Many are the militants who have lost all hope in the Left and stay scattered and idle, while their power and capabilities are important. The reason of their disappointment is the lack of a consistent leftist analysis of Digiterra and the consequent fracture of the Left. Perhaps this new vision could energise them again.

iii.Eventually overthrow rankism. Analysis of modern society leads us to the conclusion that the transformation of this rankist society into a society of free nations will necessarily involve a level of violence. The past experience of GPA as well as the recent experience MFO had (as well as other examples) do not allow us to believe that a declaration of neutrality is a viable solution However, through the signing of a special defensive treaty in this purpose, through a new kind of “armed semi neutrality”, alliances and nations wishing to protect themselves from rankism could perhaps succeed in doing so.

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[quote name='Michael von Prussia' timestamp='1298573633' post='2643981']
I think you have succeeded where others have failed: to give a purpose and meaning to leftism in the Cyberverse. Very, very well done, Trikoupis.
Thank you. I hope I have succeeded at least in adding a new word to the leftist dictionary on Digiterra.

[quote name='Jack Straw' timestamp='1298595442' post='2644284']
Very well written Triky. I hope others can get behind this.
Already three or four, not bad as a start, I was expecting worse.

[quote name='+Zeke+' timestamp='1298604891' post='2644413']
You are in forced peace mode and your alliance is in a war with no visible ending. That's where power blocs and your allegiance brought you to. For you, the choice may have been conscious. For others however it isn't. They still believe in the rankist lies about a just cause, about a good and a bad side, about honour or a paradise to follow their victory. Hopefully, pieces like mine can help them see things for what they are, give them hope and a goal, help them break their chains sooner rather than later :).

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*Hoists this document as a flag on the mast of the fail boat.*

There is no such thing as equality, only those seeking to exploit the exceptional. All men may be created equal, but some of us try harder than others.

No matter how hard you try, strife will develop within any system. It is a fundamental aspect of human nature. Until you eliminate the need for resources, there will be a struggle for resources. That is simply how Bob works.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1298618846' post='2644566']
*Hoists this document as a flag on the mast of the fail boat.*

There is no such thing as equality, only those seeking to exploit the exceptional. All men may be created equal, but some of us try harder than others.

No matter how hard you try, strife will develop within any system. It is a fundamental aspect of human nature. Until you eliminate the need for resources, there will be a struggle for resources. That is simply how Bob works.

There is no scarcity of resources on Digiterra :mellow: .

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[quote name='Trikoupis' timestamp='1298621648' post='2644582']
There is no scarcity of resources on Digiterra :mellow: .

Sure there is.. the most scarce being technology. The second cash.

And rapidly.. infra..

Lets all thank Doom House for giving us [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwELajFteTo&NR=1"]Another Way To Die.[/url]

Stand with Pacifica. Stand with order. Save Bob.

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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1298621784' post='2644583']
Sure there is.. the most scarce being technology. The second cash.

And rapidly.. infra..

Lets all thank Doom House for giving us [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwELajFteTo&NR=1"]Another Way To Die.[/url]

War destroys all of that, tech, cash, infra, all of it. There's nothing to be gained in war from a resources point of view. The point of wars is the violent intervention in the rankings. Also the accumulation of allegiances -subjugations in reality- which will allow further violent intervention in the rankings.

Nice tube ;).

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Thank you. I felt it quite appropriate.

This anti-rankism nonsense is not useful and will not solve the problem of war. Francoism did. It kept Bob nice, orderly and generally at peace for 3 years except for a few regrettable and oppressive policies we have evolved from that hurt others during that time. Our refined policies in combination with the Francoist doctrine are perfect for a peaceful and orderly global method of governance. While we realize not all are willing to agree with us, we're much more tolerable of that than we have been in the past.

No system will eliminate war. The best you can do is moderate the degree of aggression.

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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1298622567' post='2644589']
Thank you. I felt it quite appropriate.

This anti-rankism nonsense is not useful and will not solve the problem of war. Francoism did. It kept Bob nice, orderly and generally at peace for 3 years except for a few regrettable and oppressive policies we have evolved from that hurt others during that time. Our refined policies in combination with the Francoist doctrine are perfect for a peaceful and orderly global method of governance. While we realize not all are willing to agree with us, we're much more tolerable of that than we have been in the past.

No system will eliminate war. The best you can do is moderate the degree of aggression.

Let me reply first by quoting the OP :

[quote]The ideologies of the higher ranks often define the Power Bloc as the organ which regularises the complex political, civil and social relations between nations in modern Digiterra, and protecting the order and laws of the latter. [b]Anti-rankists are in perfect agreement with this definition, but they complete it by affirming that the basis of this order and these laws is the enslavement of the vast majority of the nations by an insignificant minority, and that it is precisely this purpose which is served by the Power Bloc.[/b][/quote]

As for the system that could put an end to war for those who wish it, that would be a defensive treaty. Allow me to pull a quick draft, although perhaps work would be needed on technicalities :

[QUOTE][b] The "armed semi neutrality pact".[/b]

=== [b]Article I - Peace[/b] ===

The undersigned agree to remain respectful and polite to each other in all channels of communication, public or private. They also resolve to seek diplomatic means to any possible conflicts they may have. Both alliances should look out for each others well-being. As a consequence of their mutual friendship, all parties agree not to attack each other for any reason.

=== [b]Article II - Intelligence[/b] ===
Should any party receive information that pertains to the safety or well-being of the any signatory, they will seek to make it known to that signatory. Also, if any signatory has any reason to believe a security breach exists in the alliance of any signatory they are to present this concern and any evidence to this other signatory. Additionally, all parties agree not to commit espionage against each other.

=== [b]Article III - Defense[/b] ===
Should a signatory come under the attack of a third party or even by a signatory, the other signatories shall offer any and all military support that they can muster to the attacked signatory, except in the event that a signatory has been attacked as a result of external treaty obligations, in which case the other signatories are obliged by this treaty not to offer any support of any kind.

The same military support is expected if a signatory is attacked for honouring this treaty.

As an attack is defined any war declaration or DoW, any spy ops, as well as sanctions placed. No other kind of CB may activate this treaty. The rest are problems which should be either solved in a civil manner either not at all.

=== [b]Article IV - No oAs or chaining MDs[/b] ===
The undersigned agree not to sign any oAs or chaining MDs in the future. Furthermore, by signing this treaty they agree to immediately and effectively cancel all their oAs and chaining MDs within 48h. Failure to do so automatically activates Article V.

=== [b]Article V - Cancellation[/b] ===
In the unlikely event that any signatory wishes to cancel this agreement, they are to give 48 hours' notice to the other signatories with reasons through private channels. This treaty will remain in effect throughout that time period.

Signed by

All the undersigned. This is between all the undersigned. [/QUOTE]

Or to answer with a vid in turn, watch from 3:15 to 3:46 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KECcfKViog&feature=related

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[quote name='Trikoupis' timestamp='1298623348' post='2644600']
Let me reply first by quoting the OP :

As for the system that could put an end to war for those who wish it, that would be a defensive treaty. Allow me to pull a quick draft, although perhaps work would be needed on technicalities :

Or to answer with a vid in turn, watch from 3:15 to 3:46 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KECcfKViog&feature=related

So in essence you're trying to create a multinational body/alliance of sorts to enforce the "peace" and "equality"....

*points at laughs* Oh my God.. that's a riot. That will never work. Tried so many times! Failed just as many! I wish you luck on this endeavor.. it will entertain me immensely to watch.

Oh oh.. My ESP is.. kicking in.. making prediction.

You might succeed.. if you do.. I can imagine a situation many years down the road.. where a dictator will begin to oppress his people and separate the masses.. and this body will not be able to make up its mind on what to do about it!

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[quote name='Balbo' timestamp='1298623548' post='2644601']
This. If everyone's equal, then no one wins. And that's no fun.

This is a fundamental rankist ideological lie, promising the masses some kind of victory. In reality, within the rankist system everyone loses but a handful of individuals at the top of the Food Chain. And this is no fun.

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[quote name='Trikoupis' timestamp='1298623964' post='2644605']
This is a fundamental rankist ideological lie, promising the masses some kind of victory. In reality, within the rankist system everyone loses but a handful of individuals at the top of the Food Chain. And this is no fun.

You do not seem to get it. Ranks will form even when you are in power. They'll just form behind a lie. A delusion of equality since true equality can never be ascertained without oppressing someone.. holding them back.. restraining them from progress.

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[quote name='Trikoupis' timestamp='1298623964' post='2644605']
This is a fundamental rankist ideological lie, promising the masses some kind of victory. In reality, within the rankist system everyone loses but a handful of individuals at the top of the Food Chain. And this is no fun.
I hate to break it to you, but there is no big lie, there is no system, the universe is indifferent. It's quite a view from up here.

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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1298623762' post='2644604']
Oh my God.. that's a riot.

This is indeed intended to be a contribution to the revolutionary ideological weaponry :).

[quote]You might succeed.. if you do.. I can imagine a situation many years down the road.. where a dictator will begin to oppress his people and separate the masses.. and this body will not be able to make up its mind on what to do about it![/quote]
One can not force people to be free. If they don't like it, then they can quit and opt for a more liberal and democratic existence in another alliance.

[quote]You do not seem to get it. Ranks will form even when you are in power. They'll just form behind a lie. A delusion of equality since true equality can never be ascertained without oppressing someone.. holding them back.. restraining them from progress.[/quote]
Anti-rankism does not involve taking power, it does not involve egalitarianism either nor a promise to build an utopia giving the solution to all problems once and for all. It simply denounces a specific problem and points to a plausible solution, given that all other solutions have failed. Francoism's solution in particular has failed as the Orders remain under siege. While declarations of neutrality have failed equally, their fragility exposed in many occasions.

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[quote name='Trikoupis' timestamp='1298624853' post='2644611']
This is indeed intended to be a contribution to the revolutionary ideological weaponry :).

One can not force people to be free. If they don't like it, then they can quit and opt for a more liberal and democratic existence in another alliance.

Anti-rankism does not involve taking power, it does not involve egalitarianism either nor a promise to build an utopia giving the solution to all problems once and for all. It simply denounces a specific problem and points to a plausible solution, given that all other solutions have failed. Francoism's solution in particular has failed as the Orders remain under siege. While declarations of neutrality have failed equally, their fragility exposed in many occasions.

You think we've failed because we're under siege? *Laughs* My friend.. that's the people who do not want order at our door.. storming the gates to prevent such an order from being established. If you want order.. stand with us. They are the embodiment of anarchy.. of a fight without cause or meaning other than sheer fear and jealousy. Whilst we sat back and peacefully constructed our society they plotted our destruction. How clearer a picture do you need? They fear us because they know we have reformed from our old ways. They fear us because we learned from the war known as the Karma Conflict. They fear us because we have perfected ourselves and they know the moment we have power the slavish hold they have locked over bob since Karma will be shattered.

If we come to power, the ranks you hate will still be there.. not necessarily because we want them there but to prevent evil, jealousy, hate, and fear from once again throwing the world into Chaos. Ranks are required because people are not the same. Ranks are required because some are greedy. Ranks are required just as police are required in a society. Someone must enforce the structure of the global society.

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It is obvious to see that Planet Bob is about growing your nation. It is inherent in the system that a bigger nation is better than a smaller one. Those that have been here the longest and been the most productive will have the bigger nations. I don't see how you could ever get over that fact. Granted, a large nation can not fight a small nation. But, the only means for these two nations to communicate is aid or tech deals. And, both of those things are meant to grow either 1 or 2 of the said nations, big and small.

It is more plausible to suggest that a new way of thinking would dispel alliances and create a utopian planet bob with no war and just production, as inequality between nations is a given. But, you will never accomplish ridding planet bob of alliances that vie for power. What I seem to here is that you would want a powerful, or a collection of powerful, militant GPAs. Though I don't see how that would work or last.

Also power on planet bob, at least political power, has nothing to do with the size of your nation. In fact, most alliance leaders must lead by example and get pummeled in war. So, I'd say it's wrong to say that the current system is large nations suppressing the small ones.

Edited by DogeWilliam
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[quote name='Trikoupis' timestamp='1298618217' post='2644561']You are in forced peace mode and your alliance is in a war with no visible ending. That's where power blocs and your allegiance brought you to.[/quote]

In other words, my bloc has enough status and clout to warrant the attentions of so many.

Yup, still seeing e-penis envy.

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