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The Socialist Assembly

Voodoo Nova

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The UFE would like to propose the following act:

[quote]The Internationale Act:

Article 1: Members of Red Dawn shall adopt common ammunition standards, radio interoperability, command and control language and structures, IFF compatibility, and guided munitions interoperability.

Article 2: Members of Red Dawn shall establish a series of global forward operating bases through member states territory with sufficient supplies for rapid deployment and staging of Red Dawn Military Operations.

With this act our forces can rapidly deploy anywhere in the world with decreased logistical vulnerability.

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The British representative turned to the Chinese representative.

"With all due respect, this may cause issues with England. We have a pre-standing agreement with Scotland and the Kingdom of Ireland not to host any foreign forces in our Nation with the exception of the American naval base in Liverpool. The ammendment could well breach the terms of the Edinbourgh treaty and re-ignite a war against the Irish.

We can vote Aye to Article one, but Article two may provide hard to comply with for my Government, unless of course an exception can be made?"

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Great Britain has once again come under attack by the vicious lies of the Republique, as have Novak.

They burned down the Brtish embassy which was still being constructed in their nation and carry signs which incite of British citizens and soldiers.

Had the embassy been staffed over a hundred Britons would of died in the attacks. We are taking this threat very very seriously and believe these slanderous attacks are the opening moves for an un justified against Great Britain.

Many in the senate and workers party are openly calling this as an act of war and should be treated as such. The king wishes the council of this assembly on the matter before action is taken.

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"We vote yes on all motions, we would like to maintain restraint in regards to this recent development. Not only because the Republique is an ally but also because we have received intelligence that might compromise our security. Yesterday the Germans have extradited a former high official to Athenian authorities. This individual has provided large quantities of weapons and manpower to a yet unknown enemy. We are currently interrogating him however restraint must be maintained in all non-essential situations. Of course this recent wave of information is classified and limited to only essential personnel in your respective states."

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We thought restraint would e the beat measure however standard defence procedures have been put in place in the event that the Republique attack like keep saying they will do.

Would you be so kind as to defend our statements regarding their allegations?
No such flights have ever come from the Republique to Great Britain nor has anyone with a Republique passport Ever entered England?

You will be given all the required access to our data banks for the last twelve months regarding all civilian
Traffic seaborn and airborne.

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Classified to signators

The Republique as publicly admitted they plan on exterminating the British. They talk of nothing but war with Great Britain.

The British Armed Forces have been placed on security alert Bikini black, our highest state of alert.

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The UFE has just successfully decoded the Republique Ciphers. We are providing this info to the members of Red Dawn. Its imperative that this information not be shared with anyone else or give any indication we've broken them. We've begun mobilizing for a general war. If war comes, the UFE will be ready.

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Burma hereby mobilizes to DEFCON 2 in preparation for an impending operation. Liasons with the UFE armed forces have increased activity and intelligence sharing, relaying information the UFE might be passing along to allies.

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"The Peoples Republic of Africa is accepted in to Red Dawn. We will require your signature now. In regards to the war, Novak will be making a statement shortly. A war on Africa is not one I wanted to see, and it's one I hope is swift. Novak has had a long history on this continent, most of which has been peaceful. This peace has been maintained mostly due to peaceful governments. We seek to ensure Africa has peaceful governments once again."

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[b]Signed for The People's Republic of Africa[/b]
[i]Abdul-Aziz[/i] - Minister of Defense
[i]Asad Aswad[/i] - Minister of the Interior
[i]Habib Hisham[/i] - Minister of Economics
[i]Muwaffaq Muta[/i] - Minister of Foreign Affairs
[i]Abdul-Haqq Ibn Waffles[/i] - Head of Parliament

"The People's Republic of Africa is honored to be able to work in conjunction with fellow nations run and led by the people, for the people. We look forward to working with Red Dawn."

Edited by Axolotlia
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**Classified to Members**

"In line with our recent statements we have found further evidence in cooperation with German authorities."The Athenian repressentation said as he shared copies from the retrieved records. "As you see these indicate trnasports from Germany carrying weapons. When compared to German records they matched. Our satellites have also noticed a military build-up along the Gulf. The Federal Republic of America is preparing for and has been preparing for war. We should make sure we have plenty of forces to counter them in the near future."

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