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The Supreme Caliphate


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[quote name='LBT88' timestamp='1298259999' post='2640158']
The Free State does not recognize the Caliphate as a sovereign nation.

Neither does the Caliphate recognize the "Free State" as a sovereign nation, despite the fact this effects & accomplishes nothing.

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[quote name='AlDei' timestamp='1298258996' post='2640141']
When have we denied this? Your misguided assumptions have & will continue to lead to wrongly stated comments such as this.
The national religion of our Khaganate is Marscurian Judaism. Will the caliphate recognize our right to worship and rule ourselves as we please, and will you abstain from any harassment or attempts at conversion?

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[quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1298260647' post='2640174']
The national religion of our Khaganate is Marscurian Judaism. Will the caliphate recognize our right to worship and rule ourselves as we please, and will you abstain from any harassment or attempts at conversion?

Yes! Of course. Who in the world do you believe us to be? You see us only through a perception of fear & uncertainty. We seek to establish our Caliphate where we may be given voice, protection, & freedom to practice Islam as we please in peace while protecting the rights of Muslims worldwide. Christianity & Judaism are respected as having received word of God, only not retained it in its entirety; this is the sole reason is was instructed of Muhammad by Allah to write the Q'uran, because His word had been distorted & lost throughout time. Islam was only the result of this third & final attempt to give man the true word of God.

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[quote name='AlDei' timestamp='1298258907' post='2640139']
We represent hundreds of millions of Muslims. Also consider the fact that while we are loudly opposed, those who are amongst the opposition are still a minority. We do not profess to be "right" by the standards of man, but devoted by the standards of Allah. Perhaps the contrast lies in the fact that we believe God supersedes the customs of man?
The government did not respond to this message. However, the NGO [i]Council for the Benefit of Irreligion[/i] did issue a statement in response:

"But the customs of man do supercede God, for it is by these customs that God was invented by man, and by his nature adheres to the standards of man, or a group of man with a particular goal, such as the Yaza Hajin or any number of extremist groups."

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Mohammed was a pedophile who perpetuated a 4000 year old lie about a false god. There is no savior coming from on high at the end of days. There is only now. These are just stories used to justify the butchery and pillage by the priestly and ruling classes.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1298261597' post='2640196']
Mohammed was a pedophile who perpetuated a 4000 year old lie about a false god. There is no savior coming from on high at the end of days. There is only now. These are just stories used to justify the butchery and pillage by the priestly and ruling classes.

If one wished to butcher & pillage, he will find his justification anywhere. If you do not believe in God, you already understand our stance towards you. To mention pedophilia, I know you must speak of Muhammad's marriage to Aisha who was one of his several wives as was custom in culture of the region during that time. There is not only now, there is then & later as well.

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[quote name='AlDei' timestamp='1298258907' post='2640139']

The statement you quote, in its entirety, is directed to the Muslims who do not follow the commands of the Q'uran, not necessarily by not joining the Caliphate, but by denying our endeavors to follow them. Thus these men & women can be considered nominal Muslims only, but never devoted followers of the faith. They're actions do not reflect their claims.

By instituting Islam correctly as a 'religious ideology', our society may certainly progress. If you read the Constitution of the Supreme Caliphate, you would see it operates much like any other nation, only towards us, there is a discrimination since we are "The Terrorists who never actually Terrorized anyone but we look like the guys from a movie I saw last week so they must be Terrorists.."

The Muslims of Cochin have never denied any of your endeavors to follow the Qu'ran. However we do not believe your Caliphate represents the true philosophical aspirations of Muslims worldwide. Does this mean we are infidels in your eyes? We find such an outlook despicable. You bring disrespect to the words of the Prophet. You bring dishonor to the faith of Allah.

The true tenets of Islam is found in peace, sharing and charity. Not in the guns and politics as defined by your politics.

- Haji Pir Ahmad.

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1298262990' post='2640215']
[b]The Muslims of Cochin have never denied any of your endeavors to follow the Qu'ran[/b]. However we do not believe your Caliphate represents the true philosophical aspirations of Muslims worldwide. Does this mean we are infidels in your eyes? We find such an outlook despicable. You bring disrespect to the words of the Prophet. You bring dishonor to the faith of Allah.

The true tenets of Islam is found in peace, sharing and charity. Not in the guns and politics as defined by your politics.

- Haji Pir Ahmad.

If you are truthful in this statement, you have answered your own question.

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[quote name='AlDei' timestamp='1298258907' post='2640139']
If you read the Constitution of the Supreme Caliphate, you would see it operates much like any other nation, only towards us, there is a discrimination since we are "The Terrorists who never actually Terrorized anyone but we look like the guys from a movie I saw last week so they must be Terrorists.."
We state again that if Yaza Hajin did not want to appear as terrorists, perhaps they should not appear in their film messages wielding guns while simultaneously making claims of 'spreading Islam to the four corners of the Earth' (by the way, the Earth is a sphere).

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[quote name='AlDei' timestamp='1298262514' post='2640205']
If one wished to butcher & pillage, he will find his justification anywhere. If you do not believe in God, you already understand our stance towards you. To mention pedophilia, I know you must speak of Muhammad's marriage to Aisha who was one of his several wives as was custom in culture of the region during that time. There is not only now, there is then & later as well.

Ah so your saying that your all knowing so called prophet was omniscient enough to know the highest truths of man's place in the universe but not know that forcing himself on young girls was wrong? I find it astounding that someone who was divinely inspired could not find it in him to use the medium of his new religion to stand up against sexual predation rather than help codify it. Of course that would require critical thinking, something religion in general and yours in particular is quite lacking in.

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[quote name='Folkvar Forkbeard' timestamp='1298266881' post='2640294']
King Alfonso V of the Catalan-Aragonse Crown welcomes the Supreme Caliphate to the world stage, even though there are not any active mosques in Aragon and probably never will be.
"We thank the Catalan-Aragonse Crown for keeping an open mind."

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"While the Athenian Federation has nothing against an Islamic state we must ask whether you practise the traditional Sharia which includes punishments such as stoning and mutilation or a more modern version which has adapted to the sentences practised in the rest of the world"

Edited by Centurius
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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1298307440' post='2640692']
"While the Athenian Federation has nothing against an Islamic state we must ask whether you practise the traditional Sharia which includes punishments such as stoning and mutilation or a more modern version which has adapted to the sentences practised in the rest of the world"

"The Caspian Clique would echo the Athenian Federations' sentiment, and would also like to know whether these practices are still in use."

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[quote name='JEDCJT' timestamp='1298261425' post='2640189']
The URSR does not recognize the Caliphate and declares it the enemy of the People.

The DRM follows the URSR in its statement and refuses to recognise the Caliphate and declare them enemies of the nation. Any Caliphate members found in the DRM will be arrested and detained.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1298265533' post='2640257']
Ah so your saying that your all knowing so called prophet was omniscient enough to know the highest truths of man's place in the universe but not know that forcing himself on young girls was wrong? I find it astounding that someone who was divinely inspired could not find it in him to use the medium of his new religion to stand up against sexual predation rather than help codify it. Of course that would require critical thinking, something religion in general and yours in particular is quite lacking in.

The prophets marriage with the young Aisha was an acceptable action by the laws & expectations of the region (including much of the known world) & time. Who ever claimed Muhammad to be an angel? Either way, your accusations rely on a law; ex post facto the marrriage, by thousands of years.

[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1298307440' post='2640692']
"While the Athenian Federation has nothing against an Islamic state we must ask whether you practise the traditional Sharia which includes punishments such as stoning and mutilation or a more modern version which has adapted to the sentences practised in the rest of the world"

If it is instructed by Shari'a Law, then it should be expected that the Caliph would rightfully & lawfully execute the practice should ever it become necessary. Criminal punishments of a sovereign nation should not be a concern so long as they are justified by law, rather then the views of a foreigner.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1298391992' post='2641718']
So in short, you are saying that the Caliphate WILL use stoning and mutilation as acts of punishment if the accused is found guilty of a crime under Sharia law?

Yes, if that is the punishment explicitly stated to be issued for a specific offence. Why?

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[quote name='AlDei' timestamp='1298392757' post='2641722']
Yes, if that is the punishment explicitly stated to be issued for a specific offence. Why?

With all due respect, the Sharia law was made in a completely different time where corporal punishments, executions and mutilation was very common. Is it not reasonable to assume these laws should adapt to the times as they pass?

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[quote name='AlDei' timestamp='1298391686' post='2641714']
The prophets marriage with the young Aisha was an acceptable action by the laws & expectations of the region (including much of the known world) & time. Who ever claimed Muhammad to be an angel? Either way, your accusations rely on a law; ex post facto the marrriage, by thousands of years.

I do not expect any man to be an angel. I simply think that it would be logical that your holy book might spend time speaking out against what is then and is now a totally unacceptable action in absolute morals, sexual abuse of a child. If space was an issue perhaps they could replace it with the passages about how wrong it is to eat pork.

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