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Just a reminder, Kingdom of Ireland is not a constitutional monarchy but rather absolute. Unfortunately, my system of government is rather confusing as there is a Parliament that helps make laws, but the King maintains supreme power and the right to ignore Parliament thereby making my government system an absolute monarchy.

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[quote name='King Timmy' timestamp='1298507432' post='2643257']
Maine's not a dictatorship, you would think the words Democratic Republic in the name might give away what it is :P

German [b]Democratic[/b] Republic: USSR's puppet, not very democratic as it did not treat its protesters well.

[b]Democratic People's[/b] Republic of Korea: Human rights? What human rights?

[b]People's[/b] Republic of China: Last time I checked, freedom of speech is promised but not delivered.

I [i]totally[/i] trust your government is democratic just because the country's name mentions "Democratic"...

Edited by HHAYD
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[quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1298512315' post='2643354']

German [b]Democratic[/b] Republic: USSR's puppet, not very democratic as it did not treat its protesters well.

[b]Democratic People's[/b] Republic of Korea: Human rights? What human rights?

[b]People's[/b] Republic of China: Last time I checked, freedom of speech is promised but not delivered.

I [i]totally[/i] trust your government is democratic just because the country's name mentions "Democratic"...
Oh yea silly me, I forgot those are the nations I am. Thank you for reminding me with your well placed input.

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