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The United States of The Islands News


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[i][b]In Congress
June 29 20XX[/b]


On July 1st, 20XX , the "Tourism Quotas" will be changed permanently, unless changed in the future. The "Immigration Quotas" will also be addressed.
These new quotas will be the following:

[b]Tourism-Per Year[/b]

Irish-Born Citizens living on the Island of Ireland (or few surrounding islands): Unlimited
European-Born Citizens living in Europe (for the exception of Ireland and Scotland): 3,000
Scottish-Born Citizens living in Scotland: Unlimited to the Western Isles, normal limits for The Island

In order to come to the United States as a tourist, for the exception of Irish-Citizens, a foreigner must apply for a visa. If done online, a visa will be replied to within 12 hours. If done via mail, the government will have it back to you within 48 hours from when we get it.

Irish-Born Citizens Living in Ireland: Unlimited

*The Republic of Antarctica voted to not accept immigrants until a permanent population be sustained and a full State government be formed.


This bill was created to renew tourism and immigration policies.

Written by Representative [b]Joshua Davidson[/b]"[/i]

For: [b]89%[/b]
Against: 11%

The bill has [b]Passed[/b].

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[b]A New Flag[/b]
Islanders For: 87%[/b]
Islanders Against: 13%
Congress For: 97%[/b]
Congress Against: 3%


This is the new flag of the United States of The Islands. The former USI flag will still be used as the flag for the Federal District of The Island. People cheered in the streets as the new flag was raised over the Orange House and military facilities. Several flags were shipped to the State of Antarctica to be raised there as well.

President O'Reilly signed the new flag into practice early this morning, taking effect immediately.
-Islands Post[/i]

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OOC: It is now the Republic of Antarctica

Red is the militarized area where men a dug into the ground and defenses are set up. Yellow is Port Atlantis and Port Pearl (in the East) and the Former Torunian Research Facility in the West.

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  • 2 weeks later...

[b]The USI Dollar[/b]

Most of us use money every day. Rather it is a few cents for a Coke or thousands of dollars for land the exchange of the United States currency is alive and well every day of the week, every day of the year, and every hour of the day. Unlike other parts of the world it is not common at all to use electronics for payments of bills or buying everyday items. The government even typically pays directly in cash for most payments. Because the use of electronic payment is so uncommon and unwanted a new bill was brought into congress to create a one-thousand, five-thousand, and ten-thousand dollar bill so that trucks do not need to be filled with cash every time someone purchases farmland.

While this could solve the problem of paying large sums of money to individuals without having to have a large amount of commotion, it does not solve the problem of the way Islanders use their currency. Coins currently dominate Islanders's pockets - not dollar bills. If you pay attention to our currency system, it is actually quite complex. Here are the current coins and what they are worth (not including the coins that represent cents):

$1 Coin
$2 Coin
$5 Coin
$10 Coin
$20 Coin
$50 Coin
$100 Coin

These coins are more commonly used in the general public then their dollar bill counterparts are - by a large margin. Should we drop the dollar bills all together for the exception of the proposed one, five, and ten-thousand dollar bills? If the current usage of the coins goes on, the Secretary of The Treasury told us that we would most likely drop most of the dollar bills and stick with our commonly used coins. Only time will tell however this does bring out one thing - this country is very unique.

[i]-The Islands Post[/i]

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  • 3 weeks later...

[b]Immediate Act of Congress[/b]

Today several congressmen from the USI Independent Party stated that all USI civilians were being called out of Mogtopia. The number of civilians in the country, around 50, took the last planes leaving Mogtopia nearly 24 hours ago. Congress has suspended all flights to and from Mogtopia for fear of citizens being harmed in the obvious upcoming war. Two representatives from the Republican Party and one Senator from the Conservative party demanded to know why the United States was not defending Mogtopia. President David gave a brief statement saying that while Mogtopia has been friendly to us, the situation is out of our control. He went on further to say that Mogtopia has not even asked for any type of assistance however humanitarian aid will be sent to locations with clear skies when the war is over.

The vote today was one of the most split votes along party lines.
Here are the results:

[b]Bill To End All Public Access To Mogtopia For The Time Being[/b]
For 67%[/b]
Against 33%

[b]Independents For: 93%[/b]
Independents Against: 7%

[b]Conservatives For: 65%[/b]
Conservatives Against: 35%

[b]Republicans For: 50%
Republicans Against: 50% [/b]

The Independent Party was strong for favoring it while the Conservative Party seemed to have a minor but noticeable split. The Republican Party on the other hand hand an outstanding one half of the party take an entire different leap and vote against the bill. With the Independents controlling the majority and the Conservatives controlling a large amount of the minority, the Republicans obviously won't get their way.

When asked about the mass mobilizations of some European forces President O'Reilly assured us that, "There is no threat for any type of violence or political action towards the United States that would harm us. We are staying neutral in this conflict - I only asked those who were on the offensive to explain a few of their reasons to going to war with Mogtopia. I am sure our friends in Athens had very good reason to do so however I was puzzled when the UFE and the other nations made a joint statement of essentially declaring war without giving a single message of diplomacy however we all have our reasons. Hopefully this conflict will go without to much bloodshed and it will not extend into Rebel Army or any of the Southern European nations. As I said before we will be sending humanitarian aid to the region when this is all over with and I do plan on talking to officials of Greenland."

Rarely has President O'Reilly ever taken a "Neutral" stance on any matter however this is obviously something he can not do much about even if he wanted to with so many large and powerful nations, some of them friends of the USI, coming together to "liberate" Mogtopia. Liberate it from what?

[i]-Islands Post[/i]

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According to Senate Majority Leader [url="http://images.huffingtonpost.com/gen/144868/HARRISON-FORD.jpg"]Harrison Ford[/url] it was technically legal in the United States of The Islands to own a slave until five this morning when the House and Senate both unanimously passed a bill to make it illegal with harsh punishments. The bill, now law, read, "Any form of slavery or indentured servitude, including sexual, will be tried with no parole and a minimum of 30 years in a federal prison." However the question had to be asked: What if someone is caught today to have owned any type of slave in the past? Well we asked that to Senator Ford and he had this to say, "Making slavery illegal was a precaution however it was more of an act of symbolism.
If any citizens would have attempted to 'own' another human being within this country then they could be tried for violation of Civil Rights. The only difference now is that they can and will be persecuted for violation of human rights as well."

President O'Reilly himself was the one who stormed to the capital when reading a letter from a citizen asking, "Why isn't slavery illegal?" Vice President McNeil was residing while the President walked up to him and gave him a letter. After review the Vice President called an emergency vote which passed the House of Representatives within minutes and the Senate in ten.
-Islands Post[/i]

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[b]Hair Color[/b]

The Island has been found to have a very unique culture and history in itself. The United States is arguably the smallest nation in the world yet somehow the isolationist Irish culture is so strong that our regional and national governments, including even the youngest of generations, support cultural isolationism while more people are opening up to more buisness opportunities.

Because the government typically does not keep track of most things involving race, the [i]Islands Post[/i] sent in a request to the Government of The United States and asked for specific studies on residents of the Island and what their hair color is. We just thought this would be interesting to know and good to know considering it probably wouldn't get done unless someone requested the information.

Here was the information we get from the Department of Internal Affairs:

Red: 67.5%
Blond: 15.7%
Brown: 9.1%
Black: 7.4%
Other: 0.3%

"The results were found to be pretty amazing" says geneticist Franklin Smith, "we all knew a majority of the people on the Island had red hair however we weren't thinking anything like 67.5%. Furthermore the number of blonds was also a large number. All of the different colors are spread across the Island except for some red dominant regions and New Dublin. New Dublin is probably the most diverse city in the entire USI. An outstanding majority of blonds live in New Dublin with an unusual amount of brown haired individuals as well." He went on to explain that some of the black hair are our Italian and French friends from the Athenian Federation.

Red hair has been associated with the mutation of a protein in chromosome 16 when two partners both with the same recessive gene have a child. It is largely unknown why the gene is prevalent in the British Isles, namely Ireland and Scotland, however it is definitely prevalent here.

Only in the Island.

[i]-Islands Post[/i]

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*Private to the team*

"The the [i]Moral Majority[/i] and [i]Council on Family Values[/i] backed public institute for universal morality, would like to know the legal status of sinful intrafamilial relationships in the isles."

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David drank his afternoon Coke while Robert read over the questions from some governments and organizations, "David, why do we have so many red heads?" David threw Robert a Coke, "First off the majority of our nation is Irish, now only about 13% of Ireland has red heads while 50% have the recessive gene in order to have the mutation." Robert stretched and opened up the bottle and enjoyed his lunch - yum, potato soup. "So why do we have a larger percentage then even Ireland?" David relaxed in his chair and let his lunch settle, "Much of it was just chance that many of the families that came over had red hair. Although some people like me" he felt his combed hair "have blond hair."

Robert pondered, "So about 80% of our citizens have the recessive gene and about 68% of red hair. Unless the other people form some league, red hair will problably keep growing percentage wise." Robert nearly choaked on a noodle, "Why would they ask if we allow incest?" "Well" David said, "some people either choose to be idiots or are idiots. The Island is nearly all Catholic and the government and people have been socially conservative since the unifaction of the country. Conservatives and Catholics don't like immoral things like incest.."

"But-" Robert tried to say but David interrupted, "That message was from the same nation that 'liberated' Mogtopia.. The only thing they liberated them from was ruling themselves. I guess I'll give the statement dude, you seem to be enjoying your soup."


"The Island has a conservative population with strong moral backgrounds and Catholic beliefs. There are nearly 105,000 people living on the Island, not 45. And marriage is considered sacred on the Island. You would rarely see an Irish marry a non-Irish let alone a sister marrying a brother or two first cousins marrying one another. Also our laws are in a Public Archive... Next time look them up instead of having to send an international public diplomatic message to a country who is very busy as it is.

So no, it is not legal here."

David Anthony O'Reilly
President of The United States

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"Wait you say marriage is sacred and then in the next sentence you start it off by saying we rarely see a irish marry a non-irish. It seems you suggest some sort of relationship between the two. Are you suggesting that marriage between an irish and non-irish are in anyway less sacred than marriage between two irish?"

-Zhao Sewei, Late Night Comedian and Satirist

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[b]Congress Places Embargo on United Federation of The East[/b]

Last night the United States Senate passed a bill that put an embargo on the entire nation of the United Federation of The East. All interactions, public, private, economical, educational, goods/trade, civilian, and military are "hereby banned". The embargo was set in place because of the banning of all forms of Christianity in the region of Alaska. It passed the Senate and the House with no debate and a small applause at the end - it is now just a waiting game to see if the President will sign the bill however many think the Congress would vote with a two-thirds majority and over-rule the President's Veto power.

All three parties of the congress are strongly pro-freedom of religion and so with the banning of Christianity in Alaska it was obvious but shocking that they acted this way. President O'Reilly, being an Indapendent himself, believes in the same policies however he seems to have a somewhat favorbility to the UFE. The House stated that this embargo only extends to the UFE and it's protectorates.

What this embargo means to consumers is that any goods made in the UFE (or it's protectorates) and any materials made or grown in the UFE (or it's protectorates) is illegal to own or sell. Owning such items or materials will result in fines or jail time if serious enough.

It is unclear what decision the president will make however most likely will come I'm hours.

[i]-Islands Post[/i]

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"We will be taking time to review our own treaty with the United States of the Island. Whether or not the President signs this embargo into law, the actions of Congress have reflected negatively on the Republic of Austria and we are not sure of our future with the USI. Depending on the actions of your Congress will determine the actions of our Foreign Affairs with you."

-Director Annett Schiffer

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[b]When The Black Crow Flies 1[/b]

"And welcome back - you are with Glenn Shepard with Green News. I -" Glenn put his hand to his ear, "We will be discussing tourism laws when we return but first Jeffrey Oliver in New Dublin covering a message from The President of The United States. Jeffrey?" the camera switched from a handsome man in Douglas to a younger man in New Dublin. He was new to TV and this would be his first broadcast, "Thanks Glenn; let's listen in to President O'Reilly as he addresses us on the matter of an embargo against the United Federation of The East, let's listen."

David walked out from behind a curtain as the crowd cheered. David gave a brief smile and a wave and then grabbed the wooden podium. Vice President Robert McNeil stood next to David on his right and Susan, his lover and Chief Diplomat, was on his left, "Good morning my fellow Islanders. I come to you to address you all on the matter of the embargo placed on the UFE. We got a message from the Austrian government and they told us our alliance and any future of one would not be able to exist if we place this embargo against their ally. That is what has made this decision so hard however I came to a conclusion. The banning of a religion, let alone a group of religions, is totally wrong and evil. I will not stand for the banning of any religion around the world so I have decided that if we have survived this long without our Austrian friends, then we can wait a little while longer and stand for our morals. When I get back this evening I will sign the embargo into law."

There was a moment of silence because David was looking around to see the reaction of the crowd. Time froze as a leaf fell by Susan. A black crow flew overhead but did not land...... "DAVID" Robert jumped in front of his best friend and President. A bullet from a cowardly sniper slammed into Robert's body much faster then the speed of sound. Before David could react or even blink two more bullets invaded his chest with one shooting out the back. Blood stained the curtain behind him as he fell to the ground. Jeffrey tried to yell over the screaming crowd , "THE PRESIDENT HAS BEEN SHOT. SOMEONE HAS JUST SHOT PRESIDENT O'REILLY AND THE VICE PRESIDENT... OH MY GOD!!-" Susan had some of Robert and David's blood on her white blouse, "DAVID" she cried. Her tears fell onto his black jacket as she knelt next to him, not knowing what to do but helplessly watch. A Marine grabbed Susan and brought her into the limousine which rushed away to the Orange House. Two ambulances brought David and Robert to the best hospital in New Dublin. Their conditions were unknown.

To be [b]Continued[/b]

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Firstly, the United Federation of the East condemns political violence and whomever did this.

That said, we also condemn the interference in the internal affairs of another state to prevent political instability within its own borders. The attempts at any embargo are a clear sign of Neo-Cultural Imperialism which has unfortunately in recent years permeated the British Isles. This group which has routinely oppressed workers is now condemning the United Federation of the East for cracking down on political groups which use the facade of religion to attempt and deprive workers of their rights. That said, the United Federation of the East is the most populace country in the world and among the largest economies, the exact opposite is true of your islands. Should embargoes be enacted we're fairly certain that it will be punishment enough for you to lose access to our superior markets.

- Vice Imperator Kou

[b]Private to Athens:[/b]

Per terms of our technology sharing agreements with you, any technology originating in the UFE we request be suspended in being given to the USI. We would not want them breaking their own laws.

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The New Republic is ready and willing to assist in any way possible.


The Irish armed forces were prepping on DEFCON 3 in case political instability led to a breakup or breakdown of the USI or its government, respectively.

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[b]When The Black Crow Flies 2[/b]


[b]New Dublin

"This is Orange leader. Overlord, permission to go weapons ready?" Three helicopters flew over the presidential motorcade as they made their way back to Douglas. "Orange Leader this is Overlord. You do have permission to go weapons ready. In four minutes all public flights are being grounded and will land in New Dublin International. Be suspicious of any non-military aircraft in Douglas. Lock and load Orange Leader." Orange Leader switched his microphone to a different frequency, "All right boy, lock and load. We're going in hot."

[b]New Dublin
Holy Mother Catholic Church[/b]

"And in the Name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy spirit.. Amen. Now today-" an alter server walked over to Father Matthews and whispered something in his ear. The Cathedral was filled as people eagerly watched the break from tradition of a common Mass. Father Matthews looked down for a second and then walked over to the pulpit, "I apologize for the inconvenience, but Mass is ending early today." A low commotion began but Father Matthews raised his voice, "Before we let out let's please say an Our Father for the President and Vice President. In the middle of the prayer the sound of three loud black hawk helicopters zoomed over the Cathedral. Father Matthews was the only one to finish the prayer, "Brothers and Sisters before I release you today I do need to tell you something - President O'Reilly and Vice President McNeil have been shot."

[b]Route 1
Heading To Douglas
The Presidential Motorcade[/b]

Susan was crying into the chest of a terrified Marine who was in training to protect the President - his first day was going quite well wasn't it? "It's going to be okay Chief O'Neil. Shh..." Susan continued to pour her tears out of her eyes as the motorcade approached 90 miles per hour. The passed a small National Guard facility in between Douglas and New Dublin. As they zoomed by sirens began to wale as the men rushed to their rifles and a few garage like doors opened. The tanks were being fueled up as the men lined up in front of their commander. Susan sat back in her seat and sniffled her nose, "What is your name Marine?" the young soldier sat up a little more straight, "Douglas, James Douglas ma'am." Susan gave a brief smile, "I like your last name Marine. You stick with me no matter where I go got it?" James nodded, "Yes ma'am."


[b]The Orange House[/b]

Secretaries were running around and people were crying and yelling inside the Orange House as no one knew what to do in a situation like this. They were trained, but they obviously never expected something like this to happen. They assumed the United States was under attack. Susan, still emotionally wrecked from seeing her lover shot, opened the large oak doors to see mayhem. She didn't have time to deal with this, "Marine, hand me your fire arm." James did as he was told and handed his side arm to the read head wonder who aimed it to the roof and shot four times, making everyone fall to the ground, "You all have one minute to get back to your posts or I will personally shoot every one of you. We have a lot of work to done NOW LET'S GET TO IT." Everyone quickly got up from the ground and returned to their chairs and posts. The guards had never flinched since she entered the building. Susan handed the gun back to the Marine and walked into her office, not daring to go into the Round Room. She looked at her secretary and sighed, "I'm sorry but you are going to suffer with me Lisa. Get me an encrypted line to Overlord and a pot of coffee. Also find Marine Douglas and tell him to get in here."


[b]The United States of The Islands[/b]

The DEFCON Level was set to Three as the National Guard was mobilized and dispatched to all major cities of the Island. New Dublin was immediately set into martial law. Nearly the entire military was set on high alert as trade halted and the stock-market was closed by the authorities. For the first time ever, the borders and all air traffic were closed and grounded immediately.

Susan declared a National State of Emergency and enacted the government's emergency response plans for such an event.

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[b][color="#008000"]Flag[/color] [color="#FFA500"]Change[/color][/b]

For now the second time in United States history, Congress have opened talks on changing the flag of the nation. With Ireland recently joining the Union, Congress thought it would be good to change the nation's flag to that of Ireland's flag in honor of the new majority of the population. Since congressional representatives would be elected soon for Ireland, many bills were being held from being voted on so that the Irish of Ireland could help make the decisions for the country. However the "Flag Bill" as many are calling it, is being voted on today because of people from all over Ireland and The Island requesting it. President O'Reilly reportedly got 75,000 letters in a matter of days with requests to do so.
He told us that, "If that many people took the time to write a letter to us about it, then I can't imagine how many more people there are that want this implemented."

The United States has always had an Irish flag flying over it's capital building and the Orange House as well. The USI flag and the Irish flag were always flown at the same height to represent that the Island was not above Ireland while Ireland was not above the Island, the people were equal. Every time President O'Reilly speaks in public, an Irish flag - along with the United States flag and the flag of the President - is always visible behind him.

[size="1.5"][i]A young man in New Dublin photographed in a crowd of people only hours after Ireland joined the union[/i][/size]

Will the flag be adopted? The vote will take place this afternoon but we hear much optimism that there is a strong chance it will pass. President O'Reilly hinted with his earlier remarks that he would be willing to pass the bill.
Only time will tell.

[i]-Islands Post, Also Distributed By The Irish Standard and Dublin Daily [/i]

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[b][color="#008000"]The Bill[/color] [color="#FFA500"]Has Passed[/color][/b]


The bill has passed. The Irish-tri-color is now the official flag of the United States. The short lived flag from before will still be considered historical.
At midnight, the previous flag was lowered from the Orange House and the Capital and the Irish-tri-color was raised above all government buildings to show Ireland's joining of the Union and the new majority they would hold in government. Hundreds of young people eagerly waited outside the Orange House to watch Vice President McNeil raise the Irish flag himself. The vote in congress wasn't to bad, but was uncomfortably close with 75% for and 25% either against or null voting. The members of congress that were to have elections held for them soon would make their way to Douglas where the capital building is having a makeover to accommodate the new seats that the new representatives will hold.

With the National Guard, Marines, and Army Corps building up the infrastructure and utilities of Ireland - hopefully Ireland won't suffer some of the "Cold Problems" that the Island gets in the winter - that being food shortages and dipping temperatures in rural areas with no heating.

[i]A picture of President O'Reilly in Dublin earlier yesterday, giving a speech to a small crowd[/i]

President O'Reilly himself is in Ireland, unloading humanitarian aid in Cork from the Cajun Federation. Rumors have risen that relations between the United States and the Cajun Federation have risen to new heights. As of now, the two nations in the New World with the most approval of the Islands people is Pravus Ingruo for saving us from Nuclear Inhalation and The Holy American Empire. The Cajun Federation may pass them very soon with this aid for the citizens of the USI.

[i]-Islands Post, Distribution Also Provided By Carriers of the Irish Standard and Dublin Daily[/i]

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OOC: Cochin and I started tech-trading. I thought I'd just make a little RP about it

[b]Major Trade[/b]


In the past few weeks the stock market has been unsure and fluctuating. However economists predict that with the recent trade deal made with the Kingdom of Cochin things will not only totally improve but drive us to nights we haven't seen since the boom before the nuclear attack from Maine. The United States has very few imports from outside nations because of self-sufficiency. However imports are becoming the new game. For the past few years the manufacturing buisness has exploded with other forms of economical buisness coming in second.

This new trade deal with the Kingdom of Cochin is expected to last long. President O'Reilly himself said, "It is great that we can export our goods to Cochin - we are both helping each other out and benefiting from it! What else could you ask for?" Agriculture started to take a hit when the manufacturing base of the country began to rise however the interior of the Island is still filled with farmland. The Western Isles, however, is being explored for new farms by families eager to expand.

It may soon be possible that building materials will be building the structures in Cochin and medical supplies will be caring for their sick. Who knows? Maybe unemployment could go back down below 7%.
-Islands Post[/i]

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Cochin Chamber of Commerce is indeed honored to have facilitated the new trade agreement with the United States of the Islands. The Cochin Special Economic Zone which had been functioning in the United States of the Islands has come massively onstream and productive over the past year and to capitalize on this new phase of economic cooperation between our nations we are only too glad to have USI industries making further inroads into Cochin economy. Fair trade means prosperity and greater peace in the world.

- CE Francis,
Minister of Commerce,
Kingdom of Cochin

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[b]The Bill...Passed[/b]

This day was symbolically marked by the signing of the President's pen in the Round Room this afternoon. Congress passed the "Austrian Law" that was approved in the House of Representatives by only a slim margin. The Senate too, only passed it by a slim margin. From what is understood, the law will put the United States under some sort of protection from the Nation of Austria. We attempted to ask Vice President McNeil about the situation however he decided not to comment on the matter but saying, "Ask President O'Reilly, I haven't been involved to much with the bill."
There have been many oppositions to the bill stretching from the governors of the Western Isles and The State of Antarctica all the way down to farmers who have begun organizing in New Castle and New Dublin.
[i]Security guarding the capitol building while protestors peacefully demonstrated. There have been not violent outbreaks so far[/i]

"This bill is a threat to our way of life" claimed a collage student studying in Douglas, "I have not finished my major in Political Science but I do know that the wording of this bill is very broad and my extend extra powers to the Austrian government that they.. well I was going to say 'do not need' but they are powers they can't legally own."

The State Legislature of The Island voted to fund to see if the bill was in fact legal. The National Congress sent a Representative to the Island State Legislature to reassure them the law was legal however the State Government seems to be pursuing this venture.

However, out of all of the opposition to this bill, now law, the Mayor of Douglas seems to be the most serious. He has requested to have court with Judge Marino who accepted his request not long ago. This is the beauty of our Justice System however we will have to see how this turns out. God help the Islands.
-Islands Post[/i]

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