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The Majesty of Winter

Justinian the Mighty

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The Minister of the Imperial Household
is Commanded by the Emperor
To invite you to
Their Majesties’ Annual Winter Ball
At Peterhof Palace

Guests of Honor
Will include delegates from:
The Germanic Union
Great Britain
and the Grand Duchy of Austria

For further details
Please see attached protocol sheet

His and Her Majesty ask that all guests wear formalwear, ladies should wear hats, and gentlemen should wear lounge suits, morning dress, or uniforms.

Weapons of any kind are strictly forbidden. Security will be handled by the Leib Guard and Slavorussian Armed Forces. All weapons must be turned over to the security before entering the palace compound. Unarmed bodyguards are allowed.

The Pushkin Airport has been reserved for international flights. The terminal will be secured and cleared of traffic for all arriving dignitaries.

When addressing the Sovereign, the Imperial Consort or any other member of the Imperial Family please be mindful to use their appropriate style. The Emperor and Empress are styled Imperial Majesties. The Tsar-Regent, Grand Dukes and Grand Duchesses of Imperial the Blood are styled Imperial Highnesses.

Finally, Guests of Honor may sit privately with the Emperor and Empress if they choose to. Tea will be served in the Empress‘s drawing room at 6:00 p.m.[/center]

ooc: Everyone is invited, Even JED. Nobody is allowed to get killed at this one. If you want to kill each other then do it when you're outside of Slavorussia.

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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The First to arrive would be the delegation from the United Kingdom of Idaho-Montana. Making the trip in the King's Private Jet would be King Kellen who despite his severe illnesses and now enfeebled body still wished to pay his respects, and also his son the reigning King, Kellen II. Making all haste towards Slavorussia, the plane flew towards Pushkin Airport and now awaits clearance to land.

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"Its hard to imagine that Cinderella was written in Central Europe." Said Maria as the carriage galloped along the snow covered streets of St. Petersburg towards Peterhof Palace, the home of the Russian Tsar and His Imperial Court, perhaps one of the only aristocratic families in Europe in the present day that could boast lasting as long as the Hapsburg Monarchy. "St. Petersburg is beautiful, to think that I never once visited here."

The rest of the carriage occupants smiled at the young woman who's eyes were glued to the glass window as they crossed over one of the many bridges of the city nearing the sprawling palace. With the Duchess came, Rudolf Rall, the Austrian Minister of Finance, along with Janez Drovnik and his wife Sophia, now the Prince and Princess of Slovenia under Austrian rule. "I wouldn't sell short the beauties of an Alpine winter Your Grace." chuckled Rall. "These are wild winds and wild snows."

"Perhaps that's what makes it so much more beautiful." The Duchess smiled watching the twinkling flakes illuminate in the city's light and then disappear onto the darkness of the street. However if St. Petersburg itself enthralled Maria, then as Peterhof's gates were opened and the link of the lost age of European Royalty was regained, she nearly felt her heart fall into her stomach. The palace was just as she imagined it would look from the few pictures she had obtained from her ministers having visited Slavorussia during the reign of her grandfather, but seeing the grandeur of the Tsars so close that she could touch it was another matter entirely.

Finally the Austrian delegation arrived in the palace itself, where as per the invitation it would only be proper for the Duchess to join the Empress for tea. So the Foreign Minister and the Prince and Princess of Slovenia parted their ways from their monarch, while the Russian soldiers escorted Maria to the Tsarina's drawing room and when the doors opened, a blush that hadn't formed on Maria's face since Austria's independence transformed her into a rose. In her long white ballgown, the red and white sash of the Austrian Royal family around her, and the tiara of the Archduke's upon her bright hair, she bowed clumsily and yet happily at her hosts.

"It is a great honor to be here Your Imperial Highness, it would appear that even after all these years a Hapsburg and a Romanov can still see each other in a way our ancestors intended. I'm sure this will be a party of special magnificence, I couldn't imagine a more beautiful city or palace to hold it in."

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[quote name='graniteknight' timestamp='1297231428' post='2626703']
The First to arrive would be the delegation from the United Kingdom of Idaho-Montana. Making the trip in the King's Private Jet would be King Kellen who despite his severe illnesses and now enfeebled body still wished to pay his respects, and also his son the reigning King, Kellen II. Making all haste towards Slavorussia, the plane flew towards Pushkin Airport and now awaits clearance to land.

“This is air traffic control at Pushkin airport. You are cleared to land.”

[quote name='Sarah Tintagyl' timestamp='1297231521' post='2626706']
"Its hard to imagine that Cinderella was written in Central Europe." Said Maria as the carriage galloped along the snow covered streets of St. Petersburg towards Peterhof Palace, the home of the Russian Tsar and His Imperial Court, perhaps one of the only aristocratic families in Europe in the present day that could boast lasting as long as the Hapsburg Monarchy. "St. Petersburg is beautiful, to think that I never once visited here."

The rest of the carriage occupants smiled at the young woman who's eyes were glued to the glass window as they crossed over one of the many bridges of the city nearing the sprawling palace. With the Duchess came, Rudolf Rall, the Austrian Minister of Finance, along with Janez Drovnik and his wife Sophia, now the Prince and Princess of Slovenia under Austrian rule. "I wouldn't sell short the beauties of an Alpine winter Your Grace." chuckled Rall. "These are wild winds and wild snows."

"Perhaps that's what makes it so much more beautiful." The Duchess smiled watching the twinkling flakes illuminate in the city's light and then disappear onto the darkness of the street. However if St. Petersburg itself enthralled Maria, then as Peterhof's gates were opened and the link of the lost age of European Royalty was regained, she nearly felt her heart fall into her stomach. The palace was just as she imagined it would look from the few pictures she had obtained from her ministers having visited Slavorussia during the reign of her grandfather, but seeing the grandeur of the Tsars so close that she could touch it was another matter entirely.

Finally the Austrian delegation arrived in the palace itself, where as per the invitation it would only be proper for the Duchess to join the Empress for tea. So the Foreign Minister and the Prince and Princess of Slovenia parted their ways from their monarch, while the Russian soldiers escorted Maria to the Tsarina's drawing room and when the doors opened, a blush that hadn't formed on Maria's face since Austria's independence transformed her into a rose. In her long white ballgown, the red and white sash of the Austrian Royal family around her, and the tiara of the Archduke's upon her bright hair, she bowed clumsily and yet happily at her hosts.

"It is a great honor to be here Your Imperial Highness, it would appear that even after all these years a Hapsburg and a Romanov can still see each other in a way our ancestors intended. I'm sure this will be a party of special magnificence, I couldn't imagine a more beautiful city or palace to hold it in."

The Empress’s spacious drawing room is a sight to be seen. The walls are ruby red and the vaulted ceiling is a mix of gold molding and ivory colored stucco with intricate patterns carved into it. A gilded chandelier hangs in the middle, over the Empress and three other women. A precession of servants bring tea and some of the Empress’s favorite treats.

“Good Evening Your Grace. We are so glad you could come.” she rises to offer one of the empty seats. Her white and gold dress and her silver Kokoshnik Tiara catch the light and glisten.

She motions briefly to the other women as she introduces them, “Allow me to make the introductions. This is the Grand Duchess Maria Grigorievna, the Emperor‘s Mother. Also my mother Princess Margaret and Lady Medvedev, the Prime Minister‘s wife. Please join us for tea.”

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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The King's Private Plane landed and the pair of Royals disembarked along with Kellen's private physician. Climbing into a waiting private carriage bearing the seal of the Palace, the men were off and ready to enjoy a night of good food, good wine and excellent, worldly company. Kellen the Elder coughed thrice into a monogrammed handkerchief he carried in his pocket and gazed almost glassy eyed at the beautiful winter scenery that lay before him. He know that he did not have much time left on this Earth and that he would have to make sure to give his final words of advice to his son, the reigning King. As the carriage arrived at the Royal Palace, the three men alighted from the transport, planting his trusty walking cane that had been in the family for over 500 years into the ground Kellen the Elder and his son walked slowly and totteringly towards the doors, rapping on the door a few times with his stick all three men waited to be given entrance to the Ball.

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[quote name='Justinian the Mighty' timestamp='1297234008' post='2626748']
The Empress’s spacious drawing room is a sight to be seen. The walls are ruby red and the vaulted ceiling is a mix of gold molding and ivory colored stucco with intricate patterns carved into it. A gilded chandelier hangs in the middle, over the Empress and three other women. A precession of servants bring tea and some of the Empress’s favorite treats.

“Good Evening Your Grace. We are so glad you could come.” she rises to offer one of the empty seats. Her white and gold dress and her silver Kokoshnik Tiara catch the light and glisten.

She motions briefly to the other women as she introduces them, “Allow me to make the introductions. This is the Grand Duchess Maria Grigorievna, the Emperor‘s Mother. Also my mother Princess Margaret and Lady Medvedev, the Prime Minister‘s wife. Please join us for tea.”

"My thanks, but please, for all purposes Your Highness, if we are all equals here, I have nothing to hide underneath my title." She laughed for a moment. "I was going to say you could just call me Maria, but it would appear that His Highness, the Tsar's mother," she bowed to Grigorievna as she spoke. "already has claim to that name here and if seniority through age is of any importance, I would be more than alright being addressed as Magdalena."

The Duchess took her seat amongst the women though the blush didn't immediately fade. Sure, she had made it through the first barrier of conversation, but now Magdalena found herself in the center of the proverbial lion's den and to sit at the table like a stooge would be deathly embarrassing. "You know, I've never been to Slavorussia for all my twenty-seven years of life and for the volatile history that Russia has been privy too, I would imagine that conflict has only increased the beauty of both the countryside and the cities themselves. I was just saying to my entourage that if I hadn't been brought up on the Grimm Fairy Tales I would have been sure they were written with St. Petersburg in mind or at least the Russian Winter. Also I have to thank you and your husband both Your Highness for allowing Austria such a special position at this engagement. I wouldn't have thought a country that is really only a couple of months old as of now could earn such a prestigious spot in Russia's psyche. People always have said that the days of fighting between Germans and Slavs are over, if this isn't proof of that, I don't know what is."

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"I hate Tuxedos, Stromberg," Vidarr says as he adjusted his tie, "The jacket is too short."

"As a head of state, you will be expected to attend events such as this, Kansler, so be polite, remember the etiquette classes you took."

"Yes, of course. It's not like I haven't been groomed to be a political leader from birth, at least until Magnus was born."

"Correct, so I'm holding you in even higher standards, Kansler."

"Perfect. Even more stress. This head of state business is harder than I thought. I never thought I'd actually [i]have[/i] to do anything. But it appears my cabinet is now my boss."

"We're not your boss, only your advisors, but our advice is strongly encouraged."

"Almost at the point of a sword," Vidarr laughed before he pulled his jacket on, assisted by Stromberg.

"Just enjoy yourself, in an adult way. This isn't one of your parties in Germany. You're 30, that's a definite adult in these people's eyes."

"Well as I understand it, I'm practically an ancient compared to some of these world leaders. Hell, Betrakte ruled when he was 17," Vidarr scoffed.

"It was a different government system. It was a government run with the ideology of a seventeen year old boy, so it was fitting."

Vidarr boarded his jet from Gothenburg-Landvetter airport to Pushkin airport, where he arranged for a town car to meet him. From what he had been reading in the papers, he half expected to see a head of state jet in in a fighter. It was more show-offy than Vidarr's velvet lined seats, although they were nice.

"Kansler, we've gotten clearance from the airport, we're making the landing procedures now, we will be touching down in just a minute here."

"Thanks," he yelled up to the cockpit.

The plane touched down, and Vidarr stepped out. A few news people awaited his arrival, mostly from Sweden. They asked him questions about his visit, which Vidarr tried to answer, but Stromberg had pushed him to the car already. Irritated, Vidarr rode to the palace in silence.

"Magnificent. Those Russians know how to build palaces, don't they," Vidarr finally said as they pulled up to the palace.

"Sure," Stromberg said under his breath.

"And this is why I'm not letting you come with me, even though you 'encouraged' it. You hate Russians, don't you."

"No, I just..."

"Thought so," Vidarr said as his chauffeur opened the door and let him out. Vidarr walked up to the guards at the door of the palace and looked at the both of them.

"I am Vidarr von Gothenburg, Kansler of Svearike, I have an invitation, is it valid?" He said in his best, but still a bit broken, Russian.

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President Wu De Ling strode up to the doors of the palace, looking up and admiring the architecture as she did so. Truly it was a magnificent, elabourate, elegant wonder--nothing like the cost-effective but admittedly bleak architecture that existed today in the Xinyan Republic--where, it seemed, the most beautiful buildings were the ones left behind by empires and civilisations of old.

"President Wu De Ling...of the Xinyan Republic," Her Russian was somewhat awkward; she spoke in with a noticeably present but unavoidable accent, and displayed the invitation to the guards. "Am I able to enter?"

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To: The Imperial Majesties of Slavorussia
From: Peter Callister, Steward of Dromoland Castle

Your Imperial Majesties,

It is with the his Majesty's deepest regrets that he must decline your invitation to attend the annual Winter Ball
at Peterhof Palace. Relations between our two great nations have, since the Slavorussian signing of the Zurich Pact and subsequent cancellation of the Kingdom of Ireland - Slavorussian MDoAP, been rather chilled. Until relations can be warmed his Majesty feels his presence at this festivity will only serve to take the spotlight away from the hard work the Slavorussian people have done in order to put on such a splendid event.

With the best regards,

Peter Callister,

on behalf of his Royal Highness the King of Ireland[/quote]

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Like the invitation stated all arriving guests would have to leave their weapons at the gates with the Leib Guards. After they complied mounted Cossacks would form up beside the delegates transports and usher them the short distance to the palace’s doors. The temperature was well below freezing, and gentle snow deposited a fresh layer of the pure ivory powder on the ground, but the Cossacks showed no signs of succumbing to the harsh weather. Once they reached the palace, guards dressed in colorful pre-WWI Russian uniforms escorted them inside to the warmth of the grand ballroom.

[quote name='graniteknight' timestamp='1297235188' post='2626776']
The King's Private Plane landed and the pair of Royals disembarked along with Kellen's private physician. Climbing into a waiting private carriage bearing the seal of the Palace, the men were off and ready to enjoy a night of good food, good wine and excellent, worldly company. Kellen the Elder coughed thrice into a monogrammed handkerchief he carried in his pocket and gazed almost glassy eyed at the beautiful winter scenery that lay before him. He know that he did not have much time left on this Earth and that he would have to make sure to give his final words of advice to his son, the reigning King. As the carriage arrived at the Royal Palace, the three men alighted from the transport, planting his trusty walking cane that had been in the family for over 500 years into the ground Kellen the Elder and his son walked slowly and totteringly towards the doors, rapping on the door a few times with his stick all three men waited to be given entrance to the Ball.

Guards quickly opened the door and let the party in to be greeted by Count Lvov. “Greetings, I‘m Count Felix Lvov, His Majesty‘s Minister of the Imperial Household. On behalf of the Imperial Family, please allow me to thank you for coming.”

Count Lvov escorts King Kellen, Kellen the Elder, and the doctor to the ballroom. Members of court had already begun to fill the grand ballroom and the two smaller adjacent ballrooms. “Please enjoy yourselves. The hosts will be along shortly.”

[quote name='Sarah Tintagyl' timestamp='1297235303' post='2626780']
"My thanks, but please, for all purposes Your Highness, if we are all equals here, I have nothing to hide underneath my title." She laughed for a moment. "I was going to say you could just call me Maria, but it would appear that His Highness, the Tsar's mother," she bowed to Grigorievna as she spoke. "already has claim to that name here and if seniority through age is of any importance, I would be more than alright being addressed as Magdalena."

The Duchess took her seat amongst the women though the blush didn't immediately fade. Sure, she had made it through the first barrier of conversation, but now Magdalena found herself in the center of the proverbial lion's den and to sit at the table like a stooge would be deathly embarrassing. "You know, I've never been to Slavorussia for all my twenty-seven years of life and for the volatile history that Russia has been privy too, I would imagine that conflict has only increased the beauty of both the countryside and the cities themselves. I was just saying to my entourage that if I hadn't been brought up on the Grimm Fairy Tales I would have been sure they were written with St. Petersburg in mind or at least the Russian Winter. Also I have to thank you and your husband both Your Highness for allowing Austria such a special position at this engagement. I wouldn't have thought a country that is really only a couple of months old as of now could earn such a prestigious spot in Russia's psyche. People always have said that the days of fighting between Germans and Slavs are over, if this isn't proof of that, I don't know what is."

The Grand Duchess Maria quietly snubbed the thought of dispensing with protocol and ceremony. She loved the grandeur that came with her status. “It is our duty as the prominent family in the country be the model for all people. I believe that adhering to a strict protocol is what elevates us and sets us apart from common-”

“Thank you for sharing your philosophy with us, Mama.” The Empress adds abruptly, before having a sip of tea. “Unlike myself the Grand Duchess enjoys rigid protocol, especially when she appears at court. You may call me Christina by the way.”

She pours a cup of tea and passes it across the table to the Duchess. ”I agree with you about St. Petersburg in the winter. It’s like something out of a fairytale. I felt a little like Cinderella when the Emperor and I were first married. Speaking of him, he’s inspecting a ship out in the bay. It was his idea to make you one of our honored guests. Introducing you to our allies is his own way of welcoming you to the neighborhood.“

[quote name='Vince Sixx' timestamp='1297236500' post='2626794']
"I hate Tuxedos, Stromberg," Vidarr says as he adjusted his tie, "The jacket is too short."

"As a head of state, you will be expected to attend events such as this, Kansler, so be polite, remember the etiquette classes you took."

"Yes, of course. It's not like I haven't been groomed to be a political leader from birth, at least until Magnus was born."

"Correct, so I'm holding you in even higher standards, Kansler."

"Perfect. Even more stress. This head of state business is harder than I thought. I never thought I'd actually [i]have[/i] to do anything. But it appears my cabinet is now my boss."

"We're not your boss, only your advisors, but our advice is strongly encouraged."

"Almost at the point of a sword," Vidarr laughed before he pulled his jacket on, assisted by Stromberg.

"Just enjoy yourself, in an adult way. This isn't one of your parties in Germany. You're 30, that's a definite adult in these people's eyes."

"Well as I understand it, I'm practically an ancient compared to some of these world leaders. Hell, Betrakte ruled when he was 17," Vidarr scoffed.

"It was a different government system. It was a government run with the ideology of a seventeen year old boy, so it was fitting."

Vidarr boarded his jet from Gothenburg-Landvetter airport to Pushkin airport, where he arranged for a town car to meet him. From what he had been reading in the papers, he half expected to see a head of state jet in in a fighter. It was more show-offy than Vidarr's velvet lined seats, although they were nice.

"Kansler, we've gotten clearance from the airport, we're making the landing procedures now, we will be touching down in just a minute here."

"Thanks," he yelled up to the cockpit.

The plane touched down, and Vidarr stepped out. A few news people awaited his arrival, mostly from Sweden. They asked him questions about his visit, which Vidarr tried to answer, but Stromberg had pushed him to the car already. Irritated, Vidarr rode to the palace in silence.

"Magnificent. Those Russians know how to build palaces, don't they," Vidarr finally said as they pulled up to the palace.

"Sure," Stromberg said under his breath.

"And this is why I'm not letting you come with me, even though you 'encouraged' it. You hate Russians, don't you."

"No, I just..."

"Thought so," Vidarr said as his chauffeur opened the door and let him out. Vidarr walked up to the guards at the door of the palace and looked at the both of them.

"I am Vidarr von Gothenburg, Kansler of Svearike, I have an invitation, is it valid?" He said in his best, but still a bit broken, Russian.

Count Lvov greets the Kansler and accepts the invitation. “Yes Sir, your invitation is valid. Welcome to St. Petersburg. I‘m the Minister of the Imperial Household, Count Felxi Lvov. Did you enjoy your trip?” he asks as he escorts the Kansler to the ballroom.

[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1297296981' post='2627409']
President Wu De Ling strode up to the doors of the palace, looking up and admiring the architecture as she did so. Truly it was a magnificent, elabourate, elegant wonder--nothing like the cost-effective but admittedly bleak architecture that existed today in the Xinyan Republic--where, it seemed, the most beautiful buildings were the ones left behind by empires and civilisations of old.

"President Wu De Ling...of the Xinyan Republic," Her Russian was somewhat awkward; she spoke in with a noticeably present but unavoidable accent, and displayed the invitation to the guards. "Am I able to enter?"

Count Lvov is the first to greet the guests once again. He introduces himself welcomes the President into the palace. “Good evening Your Excellency. You speak Russian very well. How did you come to learn the language?”

[quote name='sandman9913' timestamp='1297297837' post='2627421']
Industrial Magnate Isaac Drakon would arrive in his private jet for an appearance in Slavorussia in the court of the Emperor and Empress with his girlfriend Hailey Redstone. This was quite a momentous occasion for Isaac. He was hoping to be able to meet some other Chairmans and CEO's from Slavorussia.

Always the available host and face of the Imperial Household, Count Lvov greets Isaac Drakon and Hailey Redstone. “We have a lot of Slavorussian businessmen here tonight, mostly representatives of energy conglomerates. I‘m sure they‘d like to meet you.”

ooc: Also this event exists outside of CNRP's space time continuum... thingy. Outside events that weren't going on when I posted the thread should be ignored because they wouldn't have happened yet.

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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"Short as it was, yes I did, thank you Count Lvov. Old Russian cities are beautiful," Vidarr said as they walked to the ballroom.

He entered the ballroom and was taken aback by the lavishness of it. The only palace he had been in was the Innsbruck Castle, and even that wasn't as rich as this. It was a bonafied Imperial palace, absolutely wonderful. His first stop was to see if they had Champagne or Cognac. [i]Time to get fancy,[/i] he thought

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Dressed in his finest suit, Mikhail arrived in St. Petersburg. While he disembarked, the pilots instructed the ground crew at the airport to take a look at the left engine of the plane, as the oil pressure was acting strangely. After the drive in the car, Mikhail arrived at the palace. "Gates," he scoffed in Yiddish as he exited the car. No palace in Marscurian history had ever had gates. A king should have nothing to fear from his people. Still, one could see why the Tsar wanted them. The palace was simply magnificent, nothing in Mikhail's lands could even cast a pale comparison. It almost seemed like there was more gold on the statues than there was in the whole treasury back home. Striding up to the gate, Mikhail was careful to have everything in the right place. His sash and medals were neat and straight, his hair was perfectly done (mostly in an attempt to hide a receding hairline), and his shoes were polished to a shine. He walked up and held his invitation to the guards manning the gate. "I request entry into the premises on invitation from His Imperial Majesty, the Tsar," he said in fluent Russian, the language being one of the two official ones of his nation.

Edited by KaiserMelech Mikhail
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[quote name='Justinian the Mighty' timestamp='1297309832' post='2627638']
The Grand Duchess Maria quietly snubbed the thought of dispensing with protocol and ceremony. She loved the grandeur that came with her status. “It is our duty as the prominent family in the country be the model for all people. I believe that adhering to a strict protocol is what elevates us and sets us apart from common-”

“Thank you for sharing your philosophy with us, Mama.” The Empress adds abruptly, before having a sip of tea. “Unlike myself the Grand Duchess enjoys rigid protocol, especially when she appears at court. You may call me Christina by the way.”

She pours a cup of tea and passes it across the table to the Duchess. ”I agree with you about St. Petersburg in the winter. It’s like something out of a fairytale. I felt a little like Cinderella when the Emperor and I were first married. Speaking of him, he’s inspecting a ship out in the bay. It was his idea to make you one of our honored guests. Introducing you to our allies is his own way of welcoming you to the neighborhood.“

"I'll be sure to extend my thanks with the Tsar when I get the chance Christina, though talking about politics only for a moment. I've been able to meet with both the heads of state of the Germanic Union and the Athenian Federation in the weeks since Austria's independence though perhaps I would be able to ask a few political questions of my own." She blushed for a moment more. "All in light talk of course, but I'm curious of Slavorussia's views of politics, in Europe and the Greater World as a whole. Such an ancient nation as this, one that has never been brought under the banner of another people, must have a great deal of insight to give and I would be happy to listen, we venerable monarchies have to stick together after all, of with the wide range of Communist and Socialist style governments popping up all over the world.

Austria has only recently applied to the Zurich Pact for safety among Europe's country, thought I feel a tie to Slavorussia is even more prevalent than what that pact could offer. As a mentor and as a friend." Magdalena raised her tea cup in salute to the Tsarina. "There's no telling what we could accomplish."

She paused for a moment, hearing a bit louder commotion from out of the drawing room. "Your husband sure knows how to throw a party, it seems the festivities are well underway."

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Although the ongoing strife at home was dictating significant attention, President Sham Dawkins felt that as part of his duty to his country, was to attend the Winter Ball. A man that was trained in business, Dawkins knew the value of keeping up appearances, and to refuse such an invitation was, at least what he felt, a diplomatic snub. His closest advisers had encouraged his attendance, and had seen him off, he would return in the same night.

His private jet touched down at the Pushkin airport without incident, he admired the long rows of other aircraft, from various other countries that lined the tarmac, before stepping into the chartered car that would take him to the Peterhof. It seemed so peaceful here, with a light snow falling, the countryside glazed with the whiteness of winter. So much different from the dusty nature of the Caspian Clique, it was a whole different world. The ride would give him a quiet moment to reflect on his short term as a leader thus far. Things had been going well, but there was still much to do; maybe he could garner some outside support in trying to accomplish his goals by being here tonight? While Dawkins' finances were well taken care of, rebuilding and establishing a nation took capital, capital that could come from abroad.

As the car splashed through the slushy streets, and he had his first view of the Peterhof, he was astounded by its glory, its splendor. When he arrived at the gate, he produced the invitation from his front pocket, to hand to the guard, with a small smile. "President Sham Dawkins, of the Caspian Clique," he said, the Russian rolling naturally off his tongue.

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[quote name='Justinian the Mighty' timestamp='1297309832' post='2627638']
Count Lvov is the first to greet the guests once again. He introduces himself welcomes the President into the palace. “Good evening Your Excellency. You speak Russian very well. How did you come to learn the language?”
"Russia as culture and as historical nation has always been of interest to me," De Ling replied. [i]Not to mention when you're the daughter of the biggest politician in the territory, and then the nation, learning major languages is kind of required.[/i] She watched the elabourate welcoming ceremony with a great amount of respect visible in her eyes as she observed the Cossacks, who withstood the biting cold as if it were not even there. Then again, this was Russia, the land infamous for its cold. This was probably considered 'meh, a bit chilly' in Slavorussia.

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Premier Wei Hai of the United Federation of the East arrived at the event in a charcoal colored Mao suit crisply ironed. While business suits were the norm in the World's largest socialist state, the Mao suit although ostensibly less formal was in fact the ceremonial dress worn by the members of the Politburo. Behind the Premier were high ranking officials from all the member states of the Federation: China, Indochina, Thailand, Singapore-Malaysia, and the Ryukyu Islands. Accompanying them was the Ambassador to the Czardom of Slavorussia as well as the Military Attache of the Embassy from the People's Liberation Army.

"Decadence at its height." mused Brig. General Han Xiao in Chinese, the attache. "It should remind us all that counter revolutionary forces are forever a threat." replied Premier Wei in Taiwan-hua, taking a greater precaution in the unlikely event that someone could understand mandarin.

As they approached the Czar, "Mr. Czar and Madame Czarina, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am Premier Wei of the United Federation of the East, thank you for the invitation to your event." he said offering a hand shake to the Czar.

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OOC: Hope it’s not too late for me to drop in :)

A single Vaulian Tu-144 approached the Pushkin Airport. The pilot radioed ahead for landing instructions and awaited final confirmation from the Slavorussian authorities.

Her Royal Highness, Princess Yulia accompanied by Lord Sergei Petrovich, waited on the aircraft for permission to land. The couple was accompanied by a translator and a single diplomat.

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The British Triumvirate was unable to attend the ball, however, King Alfred and Queen Elizabeth were able to attend. As they held no official power within Britain, but were still seen as public figureheads, not to mention the Monarchs-in-title, it was prudent and proper that they represent the nation.

Wearing the requested attire the King and Queen entered the reception arm in arm and began introducing themselves to the representatives that were already in attendance. Not being as formal as other leaders, they would introduce themselves simply as King Alfie and Queen Lizzy.

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Catalina Martinez, interim Procinctian administrator, arrived at Pushkin Airport by way of commercial airliner (economy class) to attended the Soiree at Peterhof Palace. After a long and uncomfortable flight, she began considering investing in a private aircraft like a real head-of-state. Changing into her formal dress (and hat) in the airport bathroom only reinforced that notion. A ride in a common commercial taxi from the terminal to the palace provided yet another opportunity to dwell on her inadequacy as a proper head-of-state. Hopefully now one noticed the possibly demeaning proletariat entrance to [i]Russia’s Versailles[/i].

Catalina, unlike pervious Procinctian rulers, wasn’t entirely comfortable at prestigious upscale international gatherings. Generalissimo, longtime generalissimo of Procinctia, wore these types of events as a suit. Generalissimo was known for, amongst other things, never turning down an invitation - even into the dark dens of his most hated opponents. Catalina wasn’t Generalissimo. She had survived worse, however, and it it would take more than a little childish insecurity to bring her down.

If Procinctia were ever to hold a luxurious international gala it would have to be in the Slavorussian style, nothing else on the planet could come anywhere near the absolute the extravagance of an imperial gathering. Even the pragmatically aloof Mao-Suited Chinese communists couldn’t resist the Emperor’s invitation. Despite the abundant elegance of Peterhof Palace, it is said Slavorussia’s old Imperial Palace was even more magnificent, it’s a shame about [i]that[/i] incident. Perhaps one day, a leader could dream, Procinctia could cobble together a structure equaling, even surpassing, Slavorussia’s artistic mastery.

Edited by Generalissimo
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A single jet was flying over the Greater Nordic Empire of Dalmatia, featuring the Athenian flag and coat of arms it was clear it was the Imperial Jet of the Eastern Athenian Federation. While they would have preferred to have both Monarch’s attend one was needed to handle important matters of state. This was a special occasion for Ariadne, she hadn’t been to an event like this before in her life. She wasn’t even sure how to act.

“When you talk to the Slavorussian royalty you address the Emperor and Empress as Imperial Majesties. The Tsar-Regent, Grand Duke and Grand Duchess are Imperial Highnesses.”

Ariadne sighed, her personal lieutenant had been briefing her on proper etiquette for the entire trip and she was getting sick of it.

“Yes, yes. I get it, please leave me alone now.” She said as she looked through the window, the jet was just crossing Slavorussian airspace and heading for its final path. Ariadne even in this event would show herself as an Empress of the people, she wore a red dress and hat as a reflection of her political color and even had a brooch designed in the form of a hammer and sickle.

An hour later she would enter the great palace where it was all held. Escorted by her Personal Lieutenant, who had left her weapons in the jet, she would head for the drawing room of the Slavorussian Empress. After all it was an invitation she could hardly refuse. Near the room she ordered her Lieutenant to enjoy herself as Ariadne walked into the room.

“Your Imperial Majesties, Imperial Highnesses. It is a pleasure meeting you”

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