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Offical Announcement From the United Lands of Ivory Coast.


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"As a nation of Africa, for Africa, we are apalled by Rebel Army. Their country was created in Asia and should stay in Asia. But instead, they have decided to send their wave of tyranny across Egypt and the Africas. Their nation swept innocent, dilapidated lands into their own control. The people of Africa are currently under rule by the lazy, inactive Rebels. They have done nothing, NOTHING, to improve the poor and shattered economies, and people, of Africa. They hold the continent under their might fist, deciding that Africa is too sad and pitiful to rule itself. Instead, when in times of trouble, the other continents must come together and take control of Africa.

For too long has Africa been under the iron grip of foreign nation. Not since the great ancient days has Africa had glory and honor. This ends. We will do all in our power to free the African lands and diversify the entire continent. To allow local powers to govern themselves. Ivory Coast no longer recognizes the lands held by Rebel Army, besides Egypt, and will do all in its power to create talks [b]once we can get a steady wave of contact with Rebel Army[/b]. War will not solve this issue. We shall use diplomacy, like mature gentlemen do."

Herve Ulrich

OoC: Yes, I realize Lavo is inactive. Which is why I bolded that line. Lavo and I will settle this once the war ends. But I'm making this now because, well, this isn't the conversation thread. :3

Edited by Fizzydog
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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1296777518' post='2618366']
Rebel Army is a foreign nation now? Oh lord, this will be interesting to watch.

"If the above quote is the best that the Communist Australian Office of Foreign Affairs can provide on a situation, then perhaps it is best if the office stays silent. The Ivory Coast is doing something most nations on this world ignore, that of diplomacy instead of pursuing war. Regardless of how the Kingdom feels on this issue, the Ivory Coast should be congratulated for, if nothing else, standing up for diplomacy over sending men and women to die for lines on a map."

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1296779168' post='2618397']
"The Athenian Federation hereby withdraws any recognition it had for Ivory Coast. Furthermore we fully support Rebel Army and should the situation devolve, with force."
"We will not less this mess turn to war. It is sad the Athenian's first thought is war."

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"What has RA done for us? Allowed us to crumble and sit as a destroyed, anarchic nation while they made no attempts to repair our motherland. We created our government and our country by ourselves, with not even a nod of the head from them. The most they have done is not react to our sovereignity."

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1296856079' post='2619528']
"What has RA done for us? Allowed us to crumble and sit as a destroyed, anarchic nation while they made no attempts to repair our motherland. We created our government and our country by ourselves, with not even a nod of the head from them. The most they have done is not react to our sovereignity."

"Start making a choice, either you want Rebel Army to stay away or you want Rebel Army to build you up. You can't have both."

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1296857035' post='2619541']
"You have missed our point and made an idiotic comment."

"No you lack a definite point, you first call out Rebel Army to not interfere in Africa and only a day later you basically state that they should have done more for your state. Make a choice."

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I think what's pathetic is flip-flopping on how you believe that Rebel Army should behave. The fact that your people were rioting was not the fault of Rebel Army. Rebel Army has been a part of Africa long before you were born, probably (using the 1 month = 1 year IG scale), and is very much an African as well as a Mediterranean nation. Your government should respect that.

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[color="#000080"]The Republic of Transvaal sympathises with the frustration by the government of the United Lands of Ivory Coast. Our own foreign affairs minister has also been trying to establish a regular conduit of dialogue with Jerusalem but to no avail.

Until recently, Transvaal maintained a deep-seated mutual hostility with the government of Rebel Army. However we are now trying to go down the path of restraint and dialogue - instead of jingoism and distrust. We advise Ivory Coast to follow the same course as Rebel Army has the weight of many important allies behind them.

- [i]Andries Joubert, Foreign Minister of Transvaal[/i]

OOC: Without going into details, Lavo has RL issues that are the reason why he is not always able to get back to people all the time.[/color]

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[quote name='Vince Sixx' timestamp='1296858952' post='2619575'] Rebel Army has been a part of Africa long before you were born, probably (using the 1 month = 1 year IG scale), and is very much an African as well as a Mediterranean nation. Your government should respect that.[/quote]

[color="#000080"][i]Even [/i]Transvaal now acknowledges and accepts that Rebel Army has a right to be in Africa - which is saying something about the situation.[/color]

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OoC: I realize he has RL issues. But Those issues can't go without reply. It's like someone leaving for a while OoCly after being attacked (not invaded, just attacked) by another nation adn the international community still comments on the situation whether he is gone or not. In all truth, I do it for the RP. If you leave then you leave an RP gap that can be filled with issues.


"We are not flipflopping. We are merely saying that should they invade Africa, which they shouldn't, they should not leave it to rot. If an occupator allowed millions to starve and fend for themselves, how would the international community act?"

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1296859485' post='2619583']
"We are not flipflopping. We are merely saying that should they invade Africa, which they shouldn't, they should not leave it to rot. If an occupator allowed millions to starve and fend for themselves, how would the international community act?"
Rebel Army left millions to starve and fend for themselves in Africa? Really?

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  • 3 weeks later...

"We thank the government spokesman for, whether they see it themselves or not, support the mission goals of the Rebel Army forces in Africa, that is to ensure the establishment of local, stable, governments who can safely look after their own people. We are pleased to say that this is being accomplished, with countries such as yourselves and the Zamonian Federation for example, taking the initiative and declaring independence. Furthermore, we invite you, and other new African powers, to aid in the continued protection and care of lands whom are yet to establish themselves, should you so desire."

OOC: Sorry for the late reply mate, I do recognize you have changed gov'ts since then, but that's alright. Also I might have misspelled the ZF.

Edited by Lavo_2
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