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An ultimatum to Portugal

Zoot Zoot

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[center]Portugal is to surrender Councilor Roybal to Great Britain for the crime of the attempted assasination of Triumvir Aegis Titus-August.

Great Britain captured the assassin and before the assasins death from wounds he sustained before being captured, he named Councilor Roybal as the culprit who ordered the attack.

We have a video confession as evidence of his crime and an audiotape of the interview which revealed Roybals orders.

Failure to release Roybal into British custody will result in Great Britain being obliged to collect him ourselves.

Co-operation with British officials will result in Roybal being placed into the Athenian consulate until the date of his trial.

[quote]**Attached with the ulimatum are copies of the confession and audiotape of the interogation***

"My name is Gustav Portillo, Corporal in the Brotherhood's Fist Marine Division...serial Alpha 589-66-8727...I was a spy sent to assassinate Triumvir Aegis.
We were called here under orders from Councilor Royban"[/quote][/center]

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The Kingdom finds it hard to believe that a Marine Corporal would so easily give up his nation without the use of torture or other illicit methods. As the Corporal is not alive to tell his tale today, the Kingdom can not support the England's wishes to try one of Portugal's highest ranking government members with such flimsy evidence.

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1296248182' post='2607899']
The United Lands support Britain in destroying this violent country and will offer assistance using their newly trained recruits.

If the United Lands wants to face the bullets of Athens it better not try assisting in the attack of a state Athens has sworn to defend.

In regards to the ultimatum itself, the Athenian Federation seriously doubts the accuracy of the charge but will give Great Britain the benefit of the doubt. If the suspect is held on Athenian ground in Great Britain we can support it for now.

Edited by Centurius
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[quote name='King Timmy' timestamp='1296252022' post='2607960']
We condemn your support of this attempted assassination and find it sickening that you would dare utter these words.
Has anything healthy come out of Alaska? They have mocked the London nukings and are overall sick people.

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"The Union of Arctica does not recognize this as acceptable evidence. A confession is not enough when it could have been extracted in any number of ways. Due to the prevalence of so-called inquisitors in the UK, it is likely that the confession was obtained under duress, and likely torture. Torture, while not an effective way of gaining information, is a very effective way of obtaining fake confessions such as what we suspect this to be. There is simply not enough evidence, and what there is, the British government had every motive to fake.

The Union of Arctica urges Portugal not to abide by this ridiculous demand, unsupported by good evidence.

The nations of the world no longer fear the British Empire. Times have changed, and the British need to be made to understand that. Through solidarity with the Portuguese people against the British demands we will show them this."


Edited by Vedran
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[quote name='Vedran' timestamp='1296253125' post='2607984']
"The Union of Arctica does not recognize this as acceptable evidence. Torture is an ineffective ways of gaining information, but is very effective at getting false confessions like this, due to the fact that eventually the pain will become so great, the subject will say whatever the torturer wants him to say.

The Union of Arctica urges Portugal not to abide by this ridiculous demand, unsupported by good evidence."
The Xinyan Republic mirrors the statement of the Union of Arctica in this matter.

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[quote name='Vedran' timestamp='1296253125' post='2607984']
"The Union of Arctica does not recognize this as acceptable evidence. Torture is an ineffective ways of gaining information, but is very effective at getting false confessions like this, due to the fact that eventually the pain will become so great, the subject will say whatever the torturer wants him to say.

The Union of Arctica urges Portugal not to abide by this ridiculous demand, unsupported by good evidence."

OOC: Vedran not to be a dick or anything but how do you know for sure the man was tortured?

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1296253324' post='2607988']
OOC: Vedran not to be a dick or anything but how do you know for sure the man was tortured?
OOC: Oh, it never did say anything about that, did it? I'm sorry. But a "video confession" would clearly show the sort of treatment he was subjected to, wouldn't it? Also, they have an audio copy of the "interrogation" so that might shed some light.

If not, I'll modify my statement.

Edited by Vedran
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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1296253595' post='2607997']

And in the other thread it was set the man was cleaned up first.
OOC: "We have a video confession as evidence of his crime and an audiotape of the interview"

It's still not quite clear. I'll wait for zoot to make it clear what exactly the videotape shows and what the audiotape reveals as to evidence of torture, before modifying my statement.

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Video confession was him cleaned up and looking fine as no... Visible physical damage was done that was in view of the camera... If he held up his hands with broken thumbs and missing fingers it would be different lol.

Secondly the audiotape extracts are only of him giving what I quoted, edited and very select what is revealed.

Proba won't get on again tonight cos I have company ad we are enjoying drinks
Pip pip

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We urge the Ivory Coast to still their tongues and not be so combative. Athens are an honourable country and swore to defend the right Nation. Whilst Great Britain is poised on the edge of a knife where Portugal is concered, its people are honourable, its Army is fearless and each Portugeuse soldier fights with the ferocity of ten more.

The evidence is solid enough to demand the extradition of Roybal to Britain to stand trial.

We must also urge the Nations of the world to let Portugal declare their answer before jumping the gun.

As for Arctica, we are NOT the British Empire. We do not expect to be feared, we do not expect all nations to kneel before us and do as we command. Those days are long gone.

To the Athenian Federation, long have you been our ally, we thank you for the support, aswell as giving us the benefit of the doubt in the matter. To hold Roybal in the Athenian consulate in Great Britain is satisfactory.

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"Councilor, these charges against you are very serious. Serious enough that we need to question what exactly our forces have been doing for the past few months."
"I can assure you Osorio, our men have not dabbled in any wrongdoing. This...assassination attempt on the Triumvirate is a complete fabrication! I would never-"
"Never what? Lie to make yourself look better? Stop stalling, Roybal and get to the point."
"My point [i]is...[/i]is that I did not order this assassination! This audiotape must have been fabricated! What I urge you all to see is that this is not me! Yes, I hate the English with a passion but that doesn't mean I would order one of their government members killed!"
The other councilors mulled this over before Councilor Osorio spoke again.
"We will believe you, for now. But another slip-up like this, and you will be handed to the English on a silver platter."

It is the Council of Ten's decision to not release Councilor Roybal into British hands. We honor ourselves on honesty and security of Portugal, and we feel that Councilor Roybal did nothing to threaten the security of Portugal and as such did not order this assassination attempt.

Let it be known that once English soldiers come to "collect" Councilor Roybal, they will have to face the might of the Brotherhood's Fist and the entire Portuguese Army. We will not and cannot tolerate foreign soldiers on our land without justification, no matter what your "Inquisitors" say or give evidence of - Councilor Roybal is an honest man![/center]

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