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Respect Thine Enemy


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[quote name='SpiderJerusalem' timestamp='1298836044' post='2646249']
Props to Emperor Crake from NPO and Cpt Jean Luc Piccard from NADC...The friendly bantering, the fighting and the humour really made this funCheers!

War is the H-word and in this case "H" stands for humor.. ^_^

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Shoutout to my PC enemy, pooksland of pooksland. :awesome:

Although I was late to the dance, I have enjoyed myself. :gag:

Pooksland has turned out to be a wonderful dancer... although...

Buy some friggin troops!! :mad:

You have way more toys than me.. cut me some slack, mang! :ph34r:

Sure I could raise my casualty count by restocking just so you could nuke them all to vapor, but where's the fun in that? :P

edit: ow ow ow! :awesome:

Edited by Valtamdraugr
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[quote name='Cynic' timestamp='1298848760' post='2646396']
I suppose that I may as well do some shout outs now before I forget anybody:

Commander Virius of Hydra - I fought this guy in my first round of wars and while he wasn't one for chatting he's a brutally competent fighter and gave me a great fight to start the war.

Lancel0t Albi0n of Hydra - You kept me on my toes and gave me a good fight, it's a pity that Commander Virius was whooping my tail at the time otherwise I would have been able to give you more of a fight.

Machanidas of CSN - You are one of the toughest and classiest opponents that I have had this war. It was an honor to fight you on the battlefield and I shall not forget you.

Thomas214 of CSN - Another CSN'er that gave me all that I could handle, he was fun to talk to while we were fighting and kept up the pressure even after I was bill locked for a short time.

Catamount of Legacy - By far one of the more respectful and active opponents that I have had the pleasure of facing. This guy fought tooth and nail and it took me and all of the others attacking him 5 days of 5 on 1 attacks to finally take him down. This guy deserves the utmost respect for his war capability.

SoldierGiorgio of Legacy - It was a pleasant surprise to finally see somebody counter me after a couple of rounds of just filling my offensive slots. You were a consistent fighter and it was fun.

Master Ice of CSN - Even though you were pounded mercilessly by me you still would not accept my offer of surrender. You were broke, outmatched and had no way of defending but you still gave it your best and you deserve props for your tenacity and hanging in there.

Kesselring of CSN - Another opponent who never gave up even though he was in a tough spot fighting me. You kept a positive attitude and we had good conversation.

Hetman Vladislav of Legacy - A tough, active opponent with a spy network that I just can't touch. If all of your slots weren't full you'd be a beast to have to fight against. By far another one of the toughest opponents that I have fought this war.

Rune Walsh of CSN - You've been an active opponent and I haven't seen a day go by yet without battle reports from you. Not bad considering you are getting nuked back into the stone age by others.

I have fought many others but those who I have listed are the ones that stand out the most and deserve credit for keeping this war fun and lively.

Quoted for emphasis. Cynic and I shared many of the same targets: Machanidas, Catamount, and Hetman Vladislav in particular. Solid fights. Hetman, if you're reading this, why didn't you buy nukes and nuke us when you still could?

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[quote name='Ragashingo' timestamp='1297582475' post='2631036']
I'll give a shout out to Ilya Murometz, Argin, and MrMuz. They've all attacked well and even coordinated quads once or twice. Sadly MrMuz hasn't attacked for two days now. I fear something has befallen him, what with his talk of being disappointed by his previous opponents not challenging him.

Heh, I was going to give a late shoutout to you, Conformator, and Perditio. Nice coordination, kept me on the edge of my seat on update, cursing every microsecond of lag. Too bad I didn't get the chance to pull off that old trick where I'd spy away your nuke right after you buy it :P

Sorry for going missing. RL has put CN back into a 30 min a day kind of game, with no internet access at the end of our war. Kudos on managing to reduce my infra from like 1.7k or something to about 400 at the end of the war.

Also, another shoutout to most of the people active in politics in this game who aren't afraid of stepping on each others' toes. I'm a fan of multiplayer RPGs, and often, you need your share of good guys and bad guys to have an intense conflict. Someone has to go out of his way to play the villain to make the game interesting. In CN, whatever side you're on is always the good guy, and the opposite is the bad guy. Always such a strong sense of conflict without anyone having to deliberately play the bad guy.

So, every alliance leader deserves a bit of a shoutout, especially the ones who are putting a (intelligent) spin on politics. You are the ones who make this game worth playing.

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I know I'm not big or important or anything. But I'm giving a shout out to New Little England from NpO, not only did he give me my first nuke, but he also shows great character in being able to full out attack me, and later come back to hold out a great entertaining conversation with me. Waring with a nice guy makes the fight a lot better.

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[quote name='trash' timestamp='1298988326' post='2648048']
I know I'm not big or important or anything. But I'm giving a shout out to New Little England from NpO, not only did he give me my first nuke, but he also shows great character in being able to full out attack me, and later come back to hold out a great entertaining conversation with me. Waring with a nice guy makes the fight a lot better.
Bigness and importance are of no relevance in this thread. :)

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[quote name='MrMuz' timestamp='1298978794' post='2647942']
Heh, I was going to give a late shoutout to you, Conformator, and Perditio. Nice coordination, kept me on the edge of my seat on update, cursing every microsecond of lag. Too bad I didn't get the chance to pull off that old trick where I'd spy away your nuke right after you buy it :P

Sorry for going missing. RL has put CN back into a 30 min a day kind of game, with no internet access at the end of our war. Kudos on managing to reduce my infra from like 1.7k or something to about 400 at the end of the war.[/quote]

Yeah, I altered my nuke buying schedule after that one failed spy attempt. Nice to see you back in action by the way. :)

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I wish to give a shout out to all of my opponents in the ODN that I have faced over the last week, simultaneously,

[url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=54332"]The Vaunted Natons[/url]

I have had a thoroughly good time fighting you all, and we've burned an ocean of pixels together. I wish Antigen of Cardinay the best of luck in getting one more nuke in tonight and wish to say that I was honored to have given JWZepf of Zepftopia the tenth nuke he's ever received. I hear he is going to get a ribbon for this, and I must say that he certainly deserves it 100%. For all of my opponents have worked extra hard to fight me till the end - and I have done my best to give them a good time as well. Together, with the 30 nukes I've detonated and the 6 that I've taken in the war, we have done our part in raising the GRL ever higher - bringing us ever closer to the glorious day when "Furry" or "Genetically Mutated" will finally be accepted as a national ethnic group due to genetic variations in the human genome. (It would kind of be interesting if it became an option for your nation after taking X number of nukes, like a badge of honor, no?)

[CENTER] :nuke::nuke::nuke::nuke: NUKES FOR EVERYONE!:nuke::nuke::nuke::nuke:[/CENTER]

From The Aether Empire with Luv :wub: ,
Zarfef Ze Terrible

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[quote name='NOMNOMNOMNOMNOM' timestamp='1299467704' post='2654971']
I would like to salute Methrage in getting about 20 million's worth of illegal tech deals from other alliances.

This is what he does...it's his M.O.

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