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The Red Storm


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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1294615180' post='2570307']
The United Federation of the East recognizes the new government and announces its intention to continue the alliance under the Pacific Harmony Accords under the principle of continuation of the State. Further it is ready to begin immediate rebuilding assistance to the new government from recovering from the nuclear attack and offers to train new party cadre at either the Beijing Zeon Socialist Party School of Public Administration Advanced Studies or the Spirit of Yunnan University School of Public Administration run by largest Chinese democratic party, the Revolutionary Communist Party of China. A strong party apparatus is necessary to harnessing national power
[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1294615484' post='2570319']
"Like our Asian allies we gladly recognize the rise of another socialist state to the world. It is a pleasure seeing the revolution spread across the world"


"[i]Comrade, I'm appointing you as the People's Secretary for Foreign Affairs.[/i]" Premier Helo Silveira told Gerard Sinclair, People's Secretary for Defense and Chairman of the Military Coordination Committee. "[i]You have some experience in diplomacy. Are you up to the task, Comrade?[/i]"

Sinclair groaned inwardly. As People's Secretary for Defense and chairman of the MCC, he had much responsibilities on his shoulders. But not the one to disappoint his superiors, he accepted the post.

"[i]I will perform my best, Comrade.[/i]" Sinclair vowed.

Silveira smiled and nodded. "[i]Good to hear that, Comrade, but rest be assured, your appointment to the People's Secretariat for Foreign Affairs is only temporary while the Central Commune looks for someone qualified enough to head the post.[/i]"


The Revolutionary Federation thanks the United Federation of the East and the Athenian Federation for their recognition. However, we would like to let it be known that the city of Vancouver had not been occupied by the Red Army yet because we are preparing reconstruction efforts, but we welcome your assistance nevertheless.

As for training, we are willing to send a group of Party cadres of the Revolutionary Workers' Party to the Spirit of Yunnan University School of Public Administration.

[quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1294616082' post='2570341']
Leaf Corporation would attempt to contact RFSR to inform them that they want a fair payment of $9.1 million for their "stolen" biotechnology lab that hasn't been fully constructed yet.

Leaf Corporation would receive a short telegram stating that the corporation's request for payment had been rejected by the Economic Coordination Committee of the Central Committee of the RFSR. The biotechnology lab in the RFSR would remain "[i]socialist property[/i]" for the time being.

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[quote]The UFE is prepared to lend whatever assistance necessary to end the civil war now that the outcome is clear, we hope that the defeated accept the new government and recognize that the humanitarian devastation from the nuclear attack on Vancouver is far bigger a threat to their way of life than countrymen with a more leftist persuasion.[/quote]

The UFE Coast Guard flotilla including a Sea Control flat top ship along with a amphibious assault ship were dispatched from Fort Beihai to Vancouver. They were expected to arrive within two days with 2500 marines, 400 coast guard police. In addition four coast guard cutters, a navy frigate, a navy littoral combat ship, and two nuclear powered coast guard mother ships and a navy Zheng He Class Command ship would be dispatched to provide aid.

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Now that the RFSR had become part of the world stage, it was now time to conclude some unfinished business, and not to mention, further consolidate Party control over the new state. This included taking over the ruined city of Vancouver, eliminating the remaining loyalist holdout on Griffin Island off the coast of Columbina, and asserting the RFSR’s role in the Pacific.

Throughout the Revolutionary Federation, scattered loyalist holdouts continued to resist Communist rule; several uprisings continued to break out all over the state, though they occurred less and less due to the “[i]extraordinary measures[/i]” the Reds had enforced in their cities.

In a closed session, the Central Committee voted to approve the launching of a special operation dedicated to the elimination of internal enemies. After intense debate, of which no records of the proceedings were taken in accordance to the Premier’s instructions, a new government department under the control of the Central Committee was formed: the [b]People’s Secretariat for State Security[/b]. This office, in turn, would control and administrate the [b]Committee for State Security (CSS)[/b], an organization dedicated to defending the Revolution from its enemies, both real and imagined. Paolo Vargas was appointed [b]People's Secretary of State Security[/b]. It was under him the CSS would, over time, become a truly fearsome organization.

According to the Central Committee, the CSS was to be the national security force of the RFSR, and as such would incorporate many state services, such as police, investigation units, border guards, archive guards, security for government and public buildings and public officials, and counterespionage service. Through a special decree passed by the Central Committee, elements of the former Ursalian Border Agency, Ursalian Intelligence Agency, police departments across the RFSR, elements of the Parliamentary and Royal Guards, and the Guarda Civil who had defected, among many others, were formally incorporated into the CSS. The CSS was authorized to coordinate operations between lower-level (Socialist Republic-level and lower) police forces, conduct relief operations in times of disasters, and other responsibilities.

But the CSS was not established merely for the purposes of national security. As Premier Helo Silveira stated, the CSS was to be the “[i]vanguard of the Party and avenging sword of the Revolution.[/i]” Under the command of the People’s Secretary of State Security, the CSS was authorized to conduct “[i]extra-judicial operations[/i]” in the name of national security. It would be allowed to maintain its own police forces, special units, and intelligence services, along with other aspects.

The CSS, headquartered in Revolutio, quickly established itself across the vast length and breadth of the RFSR. Branches were established in major cities, from Victoria in the west all the way to Regina in the east, from Juneau in the north to Calgary in the south (except Vancouver, which was not occupied). CSS agents, small but growing, proceeded to take over policing and security responsibilities from the Red Guards and the Red Army (though Red Army soldiers remained to be stationed at the entrances and exits of the cities). Armed with heavy weaponry, inherited from the former Royal Ursalian Army and Ursalian Border Agency, and advanced intelligence equipment inherited from the UIA, the CSS would embark upon its campaign to eradicate “[i]enemies of the state[/i]”[sup]1[/sup] across the country.

[sup]1[/sup] “[i]enemies of the people[/i]” in this case indicate loyalist rebels.


While the CSS were engaging loyalist rebels in many parts of the country, Red Army troopers camped near Vancouver received, and equipped themselves, protective equipment and supplies.

When orders came from MCC to take over the city, Red Army troops marched into the city cautiously. Weaving through the ruins, they came across many contaminated survivors, which were quickly rushed to the rear for medical treatment. The operation would take some time, for Vancouver was a fairly large city.


Vancouver was truly in ruins, a vast landscape of blackened buildings and destroyed infrastructure. And not to mention, there was a huge crater near where the Ursalia Capitol building used to be. Still, the haz-mat Red Army soldiers continued to cautiously take over the city, bit by bit, just in case loyalist soldiers still lurked (silly, yes, but you never know).

Finally, after some time, the soldiers reached the harbor, which managed to survive the destruction as it was quite a distance away from the city’s center. Vancouver, the former Ursalian capital, was now under the control of the RFSR.

Large quantities of supplies, equipment, and resources were channeled into the devastated city as the reconstruction process was declared by the Central Committee to be “[i]in progress[/i].” The Reds would await the arrival of UFE and Athenian aid workers and cleanup crews. Elements of the Red Navy stationed in Alta Vancavite were ordered to work together with UFE ships that were sailing to Vancouver.

Edited by JEDCJT
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While Red Army soldiers and reconstruction teams went to work on reconstructing the irradiated city of Vancouver, other Red Army units were mustering forces for an amphibious campaign against the loyalist holdout on Griffin Island, located off the coast of Red Columbina.

With assistance from the Red Navy, which proceeded to shell loyalist troop formations on the island, Red Army troops were airdropped in from S-22 Osprey and C-130 transport aircrafts at the same time their counterparts were ferried across the Hecate Strait from Sipatau and Ketchikan. Upon landing, the Reds fought their way across the tiny island, overwhelming the loyalist defenders and reducing them into pockets of resistance and finally eliminating them. Soon, the Red flag flew above the island as hundreds of loyalist survivors were herded off into captivity.

In Revolutio, the Central Committee sanctioned the establishment of [b]Socialist Republics[/b] on the provincial level. This was part of the ongoing efforts by the RWP to develop a federal system of administration and governance in the Revolutionary Federation. According to the resolution:

Five Socialist Republics would be established within five regions: the [b]Nova Coimbran Socialist Republic (NCSR, Nova Coimbran SR)[/b], with its capital centered in Calgary; the [b]Columbinan Socialist Republic (CSR, Columbinan SR)[/b], with its capital in Nadrink; the [b]Alta Vancavitean Socialist Republic (AVSR, Alta Vancavitean SR)[/b], centered in Nanaimo; the [b]Saskatchewan Socialist Republic (SSR, Saskatchewan SR)[/b], with its capital centered in Regina; and the [b]Nova Alascan Socialist Republic (NASR, Nova Alascan SR)[/b], with Juneau as its capital.

Furthermore, the Committee raised a possibility of additional Socialist Republics on the autonomous level, one centered in Calgary (in the form of the [b]Calgary Autonomous Socialist Republic (CASR, Calgary ASR)[/b]. It would be administered not by the Calgary Commune, which serves as the local government of the city itself and the CSR on the provincial level, but directly by the Central Committee. There is a strong possibility that an ASR would be established in Vancouver once reconstruction efforts were over.

Efforts at government centralization continued under the direction of the Central Committee and enforced by the Red Guards and/or the CSS.

Edited by JEDCJT
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(OOC: before the nuclear attack on Vancouver)

[b]"The corporation does not recognize any plans for a nuclear strike, nor will we engage in any business regarding the acquiring & use of WMDs. However, if we did conduct such business one may assume necessary personnel have been briefed & fully equipped for the operation."[/b] The Corporate Representative dispatched to Ursalia (albeit unofficially as I.G. BekampfenIndustrie documents would recognize the leave as a vacation) smiled politely as she spoke in a friendly, professional tone. The person on the other line understood her statement, & made it clear that so long as corporate interests coincided with the goals of the revolution the partnership would prove successful..hypothetically, of course.

Now all involved parties where on board with the nuclear operation, already prepared in such an event, in fact, I.G. BekampfenIndustrie officers within Ursalia had been lobbying for the final deathblow that would generate great benefit in the cleanup & reconstruction- long term profit while the corporation would invest & back much of the early rebuilding operations.

(OOC: after the nuclear strike)

Before the liquid steal cooled of the former Vancouver, I.G. BekampfenIndustrie would by now have its hands steeped into the conflict. Embracing the policy of creating no physical documentation of operations that the Revolution's leadership utilized, no trace of its presence here would be found until later on, when the corporation would publicly invest in the Vancouver cleanup.

[font="Courier New"]
We at I.G. BekampfenIndustrie invite the new government of Ursalia to a friendly business venture. We offer our assistance in the cleanup & reconstruction efforts within Vancouver via investment & personnel if your victorious government would grant us the necessary rights to operate within your nation by the guidelines of your country as well as our own strict corporate protocols.

Erich Honecker,
I.G. BekampfenIndustrie Chairman

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I.G. BekampfenIndustrie would receive a reply from Egeo Orozco, Chairman of the Economic Coordination Council:

[quote][font="Courier New"][color="#000000"]Firstly of all, there is no Ursalia anymore, only the Revolutionary Federation of Socialist Republics. On to the matter at hand, we accept your offer. You shall have the rights to operate in the R.F.S.R., providing you abide by the relevant laws as determined by the Central Committee and enforced through the EEC, as you have stated. By operating in the R.F.S.R., you acknowledge the ultimate rights of the Revolutionary Government to assert control over all businesses on R.F.S.R. soil, including yours, in certain situations.

We look forward to your cooperation in this effort.

Egeo Orozco,
Chairman of the Economic Coordination Committee,
Central Committee of the R.F.S.R.[/color][/font][/quote]

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Since the conclusion of the Civil War, the new government had been busy setting everything in place that would usher in a new revolutionary age not only for the Revolutionary Federation of Socialist Republics, but hopefully for the rest of North America and the world. According to Premier Helo Silveira, the RFSR was to serve as a model for Communists around the world.

While the Socialist Republics were being installed in place, and the CSS stamping out any and all opposition to Communist rule, the All-Union Revolutionary Workers' Commune issued orders for delegates from workers' councils as well as these from the city Communes, from all over the nation, to attend a "special convention" in Revolutio. In a closed session of the Central Commune, Silveira declared that the most important step now was "establishing a worker's democracy in place." Precisely what he meant would be clear at the convention.

As they converged upon Revolutio, the selected delegates knew one aspect: the Revolutionary Federation would have a constitution. The timing may have been impeccable, considering that it had been a while since the Civil War had ended. Everything in the RFSR was moving at blinding speed, and the delegates could see it.

The convention, presided over by Joshua Sevilla, would take place at the University of Northern Columbina. The Premier, the Deputy Premier, and other members of the Central Committee would be present at the convention.

Once everyone was present and accounted for, the convention duly began when Sevila opened up with an introduction on the issue at hand. He outlined the general plan, as well the issues, to be covered in the convention, and about what should occur in the near-future. He also proposed one guiding principle: the current All-Union Revolutionary Workers' Commune would thus serve as a basic blueprint for the government structure of the RFSR. This was agreed upon by the vast majority of the delegates, and ratified with a binding vote.

With that out of the way, Jeffrey Ramos, Silvia Gomez, Jean Harding, and William Ryean, to start off with, went into the 'offensive' by proposing that a sort of 'continuance' be maintained between the former Kingdom of Ursalia and the current RFSR. They suggested the establishment of an 'Office of President of the R.F.S.R.', which would serve as the head of state whereas the Premier would serve as the head of the government. Though the President's powers would be limited (the precise extent was never defined clearly), the position of President was generally similiar to the Ursalian Monarchy in the fact that the President was the ultimate authority when it came to the military and civilian administration in certain situations. In addition, they proposed the establishment of a parliamentary system of government similiar to the former Kingdom, albeit with modifications: the All-Union Revolutionary Workers' Commune would be transformed into a bicameral [b]All-Union Revolutionary Council[/b], with a [b]Senate[/b] and [b]House of People's Deputies[/b]. They also advocated the establishment of an independent judiciary as a means of "[i]providing the Revolutionary Federation with a strong judicial ethos[/i]", including the formation of a Supreme Court.

The first proposal invoked a storm of debate, where agreements, disagreements, and criticisms were heard all around the room. At one point, the debate became so heated that Sevila had to maintain order ("[i]Order! Order![/i]" He shouted as he slammed a gavel repeatedly on a table).

John Schultz ridiculed Ramos and his comrades' first proposal, stating that it was tantamount to the "[i]continuance of the Kingdom of Ursalia under a Red Flag[/i]", and that it would be a "[i]betrayal of the Revolution[/i]" if the first proposal was accepted. He thus made a proposal of his own: an [b]All-Union People's Assembly[/b] would be established, where it would encompass both legislative and executive powers and generally function as the Central Government as a whole. Schultz's proposal interwined the Revolutionary Workers' Party with the government by making the Party Central Committee electable by the lower-house [b]Congress of People's Deputies[/b], which would serve as a law-making body (thus making the Central Committee a executive body). In turn, an upper-house [b]Council of the Federation[/b] would have the power of oversight over the Central Committee. The Congress, according to Schultz, should elect the membership of the Council (with confirmation and approval from the Central Committee).

He dealt a major blow to the first proposal by proposing a "[i]complete overhaul of the existing judicial system[/i]", which was one of the remaining vestiges of the defunct Kingdom. In this, he proposed the judiciary would be made more accountable to the Central Government: all federal judges would be appointed to lifelong terms by the Premier (and could be recalled at any time for any reason), to be confirmed by the Council of the Union. A Supreme Court would not be established, but rather a Procuratorate Council, which would interpret the Constitution and nullify any laws passed by the All-Union People's Assembly if they were not compatible with the "[i]people's wishes[/i]." In essence, he advocated the establishment of an inquistorial court system, with People's courts on lower-levels and as such.

Though Schultz's proposal received more support than Ramos's, it nevertheless attracted criticism, particularly from Picard Niro. "[i]Your lack of faith in the Central Committee is disturbing[/i]." He began, scoffing at the notion of the Central Committee being subject to accountability. "[i]You want to make the Central Committee more vulnerable to the senseless squabbling that typically occurs in capitalist societies?[/i]"

"[i]Comrade Niro, Comrade Schultz's proposal makes good sense, actually.[/i]" Silveira spoke out before Niro could say more. "[i]However, your proposal of the Central Committee electable by the Congress of People's Deputies and subject to oversight by the Council of the Federation seems to place the Committee, and the Party as a whole, in an vulnerable position in the Central Government. You want to rectify that?[/i]"

"[i]Yes, Comrade.[/i]" Schultz proceeded to reiterate his proposal, elaborating on the relationship between the Central Committee with the rest of the government. He, however, conceded that he may have "[i]placed too much power in the two branches[/i]." Silveira's suggestion that 'decrees' passed by the Central Committee be placed on the same level as that of 'executive orders' in presidential republics (meaning it would apply only to the Committee and its organizations, and would not come under the scrutiny of the Congress or the Council) was accepted.

When Schultz inquired for any suggestions around the convention, many such suggestions came, and a debate raged on once again, with many inputs from Silveira, Niro, Ramos, and many others.

The convention dragged on for hours, then days, and finally weeks.

By then, a finalized proposal had been laid out. Taking into account elements from both Ramos' and Schultz's proposals, what would be called the "[b]Basic Plan for the Basic Law for the Government of the Revolutionary Federation of Socialist Republics[/b]" went as follows:

The All-Union People's Assembly would duly be established, consisting of the Congress of People's Deputies and the Council of the Federation. The Central Committee would indeed by elected by the Congress, and be subject to oversight by the Council, but a compromise had been reached where the Premier (the head of the Central Government) would preside over the Council in addition to leading the Central Committee and the Party. Moreover, the Deputy Premier would now be elected by the Council (the convention stated that this would be applicable in the next elections, meaning Picard Niro could remain in his current position).

Schultz's proposals regarding the judicial system remained largely unchanged, except the federal judges could be dismissed by the Premier only with the approval of the Congress. Instead of a Procuratorate Council, a Supreme People's Court would be established and serve as the highest court in the "[i]Socialist land[/i]." The SPC would have a degree of independence from the Central Government, and it would interpret the Constitution and nullify any laws passed by the All-Union People's Assembly if they were not compatible with the "[i]people's wishes[/i]."

Included in the draft were largely the results of the debates that had taken place, mainly on the representation model to be utilized in the two chambers of the All-Union People's Assembly. Half of People's Deputies would be elected from constituencies apportioned to the Socialist Republics according to population, and the another half would be elected from party lists. The Socialist Republics would have the ability to select over half of the membership of the Council of the Federation.

Human rights and constitutional amendments would be included in the final draft: many, if not all, rights that had been included in the Ursalian constitution would be included in the Basic Law, such as the right to a free trial and the like, with the addition of the rights to public ownership of natural resources, workers' control of the workplace, the rights of the workers to redress grievances, to determine "the internal affairs of the workers' state", and many others. Next, the Basic Law stated that the Basic Law could be amended by a two-thirds vote in the Council of the Federation, a two-thirds vote in the Congress of Deputies, and three-fifths of the Socialist Republics. A second method was included: three-fifths of the Socialist Republics could call for a constitutional convention to revise the Basic Law or propose amendments for ratification.

After some discussions, the finalized version of the Basic Law would be approved and voted by a supermajority of the convention. Sevilla announced at the convention's conclusion that drafts of the Basic Law would be sent to the Socialist Republics for ratification. If a three-fifths of the Socialist Republics (three out of five) ratified it, the Basic Law would officially enter into effect.

With a mighty pound from the gavel, the convention was over.

Edited by JEDCJT
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The Federal Republic of Alaska hereby declares diplomatic recognition to the new state. Although we still do prefer the democratic Federal Kingdom which existed before, as we don't like commies. Basically we will hate you, but with a smile until Democracy is restored.

-Brendan Luther, Foreign Affairs Secretary.

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The United Kingdom of Idaho-Montana urges its northern neighbor to remember the word of our statesman Benjamin Franklin- "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise." and urges the leaders of Alaska to get to bed early lest wiseness escape them further. Failing this however, The UKIM offers another quote attributed to our Franklin- "Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt"

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Michel Garland, the newly-appointed People's Secretary for Foreign Affairs, issued a note thanking these who had granted diplomatic recognition of the RFSR. He expressed some interest in the Labradoran offer for diplomacy and trade.


Where the Kingdom of Ursalia once stood, the RFSR stood in its place. Overshadowed by the vast Red colossus, the isolated and scattered elements of the Royal Ursalian Army and Navy stationed in Attu, Kiska, Unalaska, and Anchorage tried to reorient themselves with the new situation that had been created by the collapse of the old Kingdom.

Knowing that they couldn't return home due to the high possibility of Red persecution, the military officials of the RUA and RUN, virtually the only remnants of the now-former Kingdom of Ursalia, debated among themselves of what to do next. Should they establish an Ursalian government-in-exile, and wait for the right opportunity to overthrow the Reds and reestablish the Kingdom? Or should they simply bow down to the inevitable and take refuge in neighboring nations, namely the Alaskan Republic?

The Alaskan Republic made perfect sense. Not only was it near, but seeing as several major nations such as the UFE, Athens, and few others, recognized the RFSR as a legitimate government, there was virtually no chances of ever overthrowing the RFSR with the resources they had available. But still, the military officials grapped with what to do next.

Finally, they resolved to do one aspect: they decided to go to the Alaskan Republic and request asylum. In doing so, they would turn over control of the three islands to Alaska in the process. The Alaskan government would receive a message from Admiral Jason Solo, submitted from his headquarters at the town of Unalaska on its namesake island:

[quote][font="Courier New"]TO: Whom it may concern
FROM: Jason Solo, Admiral of the Royal Ursalian Navy

In considering of the new situation in the North American continent, I, Jason Solo, Admiral of the Royal Ursalian Navy and acting Commander of the Royal Ursalian Defense Forces, would like to request asylum in the Alaskan Republic for my forces acting under my command.

We await your reply.

Jason Solo,
Admiral of the Royal Ursalian Navy,
Acting Commander of the Royal Ursalian Defense Forces[/font][/quote]

Similiarly, Army commanders and soldiers in Anchorage, which had been in the process of withdrawing from the city when the Revolution broke out, contacted Alaskan military officials to allow them to stay, to take refuge in the Alaskan Republic. It was clear the commanders and soldiers did not want to go back home to vengeful Red authorities.

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A reply would be sent:

[code]Access rights for foreign military forces through our territories simply is not possible, and must be rejected. The same goes for a free-trading agreement. We will hold a meeting in Revolutio regarding the NAP only.

Michel Garland,
People's Secretary for Foreign Affairs[/code]

OOC: You make the thread.

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[quote name='graniteknight' timestamp='1294809112' post='2572763']
OOC: Jed you suck, how else am I to invade Alaska :P
IC: A short phone message would be left for the Communists "Due to unforeseen circumstances, we no longer wish to pursue this course of diplomacy with your nation. We however still maintain cordial relations with you."




People's Secretary Michel Garland, upon receiving the message, simply shrugged and continued on working.

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[quote]TO: Whom it may concern
FROM: Jason Solo, Admiral of the Royal Ursalian Navy

In considering of the new situation in the North American continent, I, Jason Solo, Admiral of the Royal Ursalian Navy and acting Commander of the Royal Ursalian Defense Forces, would like to request asylum in the Alaskan Republic for my forces acting under my command.

We await your reply.

Jason Solo,
Admiral of the Royal Ursalian Navy,
Acting Commander of the Royal Ursalian Defense Forces[/quote]

[b]Reply to: Admiral Jason Solo
From: Brendan Luther[/b]

We are truly glad to hear your message Admiral. The Ursalian Kingdom is regarded as one of our most dearest friends, even after the Anchorage issue. The Government accepts your request of asylum in the Republic. You and your men, including the Ursalian Commanders in Anchorage are offered Alaskan Citizenship too.

We will arrange for accommodation's to be made for you and your men. We recognize your army independently and your government. Your Government can debate and discuss in our Parliament Buildings and your forces train in our bases and military facilities.

If there is anything you need, let me know. Oh and you can dock your forces in Anchorage and other ports along the coast.

Edited by Chancellor Patrick
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