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King Alexander IV

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[quote name='Biff Webster' timestamp='1294144908' post='2563028']
People blaming Admin for being bored make me laugh. It's like saying Chess would be more fun if the inventors added range or area of effect attacks to the pawns. Get over yourself. The game is fine, it's the forums, IRC, backrooms, etc. that make this game what it is. If you aren't involved in those things, you're either lazy or incompetent. Your nation is what you put at risk/use to contribute. Think of it as an avatar: Pretty advanced avatar huh?

I don't care what alliance you're a member of, there is always something that needs done. Get involved, be ambitious, or take off.

Ignoring the fact that many (most?) people prefer to keep a low profile, I agree with most of this. (Just to use myself as an example, I had a nation for nearly a year before making my first post on the old CN forums.)

This game is what you make of it. If you're content to stay in the shadows, good for you. If not, there are plenty of opportunities to stick your neck out and risk having your head chopped off.

I don't see complaints about game mechanics to be particularly valid. CN has evolved considerably since I signed up in mid-2006, and evolution takes time. There will be more changes down the road. Some I'll love and others I'll loathe, but I don't expect them to arrive in an endless flurry. Besides, if they did I expect people would complain about that, too.

I'll agree with the OP that much of what's on these forums amounts to little more than white noise, but what can you do? The 'mindless hail' and the 'no u' have been a fixture of CN since it started. I happen to believe that the number of substantive commentators has actually increased as a percentage of total posters. (Others are free to disagree, of course. It's all about one's perception, after all.) It really doesn't matter, though, since real alliance politics takes place on alliance forums and on IRC.

I think of this forum as being something like the United Nations. This is the place where leaders/members of any alliance can communicate with the leaders/members of any other alliance. As a result it is a cacophony of divergent opinions, the expression of which is ultimately meaningless. Nothing really gets done here so sit back, point and laugh.

I don't have much to say with respect to the OP's final point. If you're not happy with one alliance, there are plenty more out there to choose from.

Good luck in RL.

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I kind of agree. I've collected all the stats I care to collect and become completely disillusioned with the CN forums, to the point where the only thing keeping me in this game right now is sheer stubbornness. Have fun on the other side, KA. I always liked talking to you.

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