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Announcement from the Blackstone Commission


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[quote name='PotFace' timestamp='1294207358' post='2564086']
Well, thanks for admitting to the cyberverse what your intentions are here. You have just lost the right to complain about classlessness and tastelessness. And with that, I can now have you dealt with.

Gratz on posting the reply after 3 edits. Was just trying to see things from your perspective so I could try to understand where you're coming from. But yet, here you are again addressing people in a way that is drawing them out to reply. You continue to prove my point that you aren't maintaining a stable position on things.

To respond to that, who's complaining? I was simply stating an opinion.

Edited by Moe Szyslak
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Edit: bah, you're gone already.

Have fun while you still can. And if you have any legitimate concerns or questions, I'll be happy to get back with you on that. In the meantime, I'm just going to sit back and let the last few posts work their courses. And buddy, I'm going to love every bit of it.

Edited by PotFace
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[quote name='Future' timestamp='1294193906' post='2563762']
I don't think you can count. Two weeks and several months is a big difference. Shows how much [b]you[/b] got on and acknowledged us....
Who the hell are you?

[quote name='Andover' timestamp='1294202371' post='2563962']
whoopty fricken do, so the only one doing admin stuff was you, this doesnt really prove much considering you and probably 1 other person where probably the only ones with Admin access. Besides, you already stated you set up the forum and everything and this connfirms that, good for you, want a cookie?

I dont have a problem with how you ran your alliance, but the way you disbanded was very distasteful and not done very well.
Quite the contrary. This disbandment is perhaps one of the best in the history of this world. Tell me Andover, how the hell do you run an alliance when the members don't actively co-operate? I would have done the same thing, were I in PotFace's position. If someone ain't gonna contribute positively to an alliance, they don't deserve protection in the first place. Period.

[quote name='Moe Szyslak' timestamp='1294204620' post='2563993']Bunch of posts by this random guy who is apparently the founder of SLAP.[/quote]
I really don't understand why you're whining about another alliance's disbandment. Does it affect you that much? Are you crying because a few inactive nations weren't given a protective net? I mean, really? Grow up man. As for this arguing over closing the discussion...the OP requested a cease of said discussion, which you all ignored. This makes you, frankly, disrespectful and dishonourable.

To anyone else thinking of coming in and arguing about how unfair the disbandment was, please, for the love of Admin, make sure you have an argument with solid facts rather than simply !@#$%*ing about how "distasteful" it is.


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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1294245620' post='2564434']
Who the hell are you[/quote]

He's one of those "inactive" people that "did nothing". I see the "Polar Recruit" on your AA, so I'll assume that with the tone that you asked that question, this is pretty much just a blind hailing of an alliance mate and trying to come after anybody that doesn't agree with Potface's position?

[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1294245620' post='2564434']As for this arguing over closing the discussion...the OP requested a cease of said discussion, which you all ignored. This makes you, frankly, disrespectful and dishonourable.[/quote]

Somebody coming in here opening a topic doesn't make them the sole owner of all discussion. I assume that you would feel differently if I were to open a post, say about something derogatory regarding you and/or your alliance and then said "Please do not discuss this matter any further for I have spoken." I could be wrong, maybe you'd accept that at face value and let your name be dragged into the dirt, so I doubt it. However, if you wouldn't be willing to accept that, then please don't use that as your argument.

The facts are there. He not only set his alliance up to be raided, but personally invited the entire raiding world to come in and get their shots in. There's your facts. Please remove all personal opinion from your argument and state only facts. Let me know how that works out for ya.

Edited by Moe Szyslak
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[quote name='Moe Szyslak' timestamp='1294246905' post='2564445']
He's one of those "inactive" people that "did nothing". I see the "Polar Recruit" on your AA, so I'll assume that with the tone that you asked that question, this is pretty much just a blind hailing of an alliance mate and trying to come after anybody that doesn't agree with Potface's position?

His avatar might tell you a better story than his AA. [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9197543/9645282b069dbda3516a0cbb2850db6fbd7fee90.jpg[/img]

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[quote name='Moe Szyslak' timestamp='1294246905' post='2564445']
He's one of those "inactive" people that "did nothing". I see the "Polar Recruit" on your AA, so I'll assume that with the tone that you asked that question, this is pretty much just a blind hailing of an alliance mate and trying to come after anybody that doesn't agree with Potface's position?[/quote]
OOC: Well first of all, I have never seen his name, which leads me to think about whether he signed up on the offsite forums at all- a specific requirement for most if not all alliances. I left BCOM long before the disbandment, but I made damn sure I kept tabs on people who signed up. He's not one of them. If I somehow missed him, then fair enough but as far as I can see, he contributed nothing. At least, nothing worth being protected for.

IC: I don't see what my being on the Polar Recruit AA has anything to do with the matter at hand. If you're insinuating what I think you're insinuating, then you're quite wrong, I've been on the Polar Recruit AA longer than Pot's been a Polar member.

My tone is the way it is because you're whining about something so insignificant that you are, for all intents and purposes, a troll. This is no blind hailing; I co-created this alliance with the OP, I have every right to be here. You, on the other hand, don't. All I see is you and another SLAP guy moaning about a few inactive (and I stress, [b]inactive[/b]) nations not being given protection. I don't give a damn about whether you wanted them protected or not, it wasn't your alliance and therefore, not your decision. If you want to protect them post-disbandment, fine, feel free, but don't try dictating to another alliance how they should disband.

[quote]Somebody coming in here opening a topic doesn't make them the sole owner of all discussion. I assume that you would feel differently if I were to open a post, say about something derogatory regarding you and/or your alliance and then said "Please do not discuss this matter any further for I have spoken." I could be wrong, maybe you'd accept that at face value and let your name be dragged into the dirt, so I doubt it. However, if you wouldn't be willing to accept that, then please don't use that as your argument.

The facts are there. He not only set his alliance up to be raided, but personally invited the entire raiding world to come in and get their shots in. There's your facts. Please remove all personal opinion from your argument and state only facts. Let me know how that works out for ya.[/quote]
I'm sorry, when did I say "PotFace is the sole owner of all discussion, hurr durr"? Please direct me to where I said that? Oh, what's that, you can't? No, I didn't think so.

The OP [i]rather kindly requested[/i] that the discussion be allowed to die. BCOM is not GGA- this announcement should not have gone on this long, to be perfectly honest. Unfortunately, you and Andover seem to be intent on !@#$-talking my old alliance.

I don't see anything wrong with "inviting the entire raiding world to come and get their shots in". Sure, I'm an avid hater of raiders, but it's widely accepted that if you're not in an alliance, it's your own fault if you get raided. By all means Moe, [b]you[/b] can guide nations along, protecting them and holding their hand like babies, but please, don't think the rest of us have to do it.

Think very, very carefully about your response. If there is one, that is.

Edited by Hadrian
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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1294250708' post='2564494']
I don't see anything wrong with "inviting the entire raiding world to come and get their shots in". Sure, I'm an avid hater of raiders, but it's widely accepted that if you're not in an alliance, it's your own fault if you get raided. By all means Moe, [b]you[/b] can guide nations along, protecting them and holding their hand like babies, but please, don't think the rest of us have to do it.

Think very, very carefully about your response. If there is one, that is.

So when Potface disbanded the alliance without any warning the members are at fault for becoming raid targets?

That is such a f-ed up train of thought, its not their fault for being raid targets when there leader suddenly disbands an alliance and especially isnt their fault when said leader invites the whole raiding community by saying "Before we disband im canceling all treaties so no one can call protection and so raiders get free targets", Honestly.

If you where one of those nations in the alliance and suddenly your leader disbands and (lets try and imagine this) your hit with 3 raids and lose alot of Infra and tech as a result. Dont tell me you wouldnt be pissed at your ex-leader for that? Do you think said member would believe its their own fault for being raided and not the leader who was a jackass and disbanded the alliance and declined having protection from allies?


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[quote name='Andover' timestamp='1294253346' post='2564549']
So when Potface disbanded the alliance without any warning the members are at fault for becoming raid targets?

That is such a f-ed up train of thought, its not their fault for being raid targets when there leader suddenly disbands an alliance and especially isnt their fault when said leader invites the whole raiding community by saying "Before we disband im canceling all treaties so no one can call protection and so raiders get free targets", Honestly.

If you where one of those nations in the alliance and suddenly your leader disbands and (lets try and imagine this) your hit with 3 raids and lose alot of Infra and tech as a result. Dont tell me you wouldnt be pissed at your ex-leader for that? Do you think said member would believe its their own fault for being raided and not the leader who was a jackass and disbanded the alliance and declined having protection from allies?


I was under the impression that they were given 4 days notice?

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[quote name='Andover' timestamp='1294253346' post='2564549']
So when Potface disbanded the alliance without any warning the members are at fault for becoming raid targets?

That is such a f-ed up train of thought, its not their fault for being raid targets when there leader suddenly disbands an alliance and especially isnt their fault when said leader invites the whole raiding community by saying "Before we disband im canceling all treaties so no one can call protection and so raiders get free targets", Honestly.

If you where one of those nations in the alliance and suddenly your leader disbands and (lets try and imagine this) your hit with 3 raids and lose alot of Infra and tech as a result. Dont tell me you wouldnt be pissed at your ex-leader for that? Do you think said member would believe its their own fault for being raided and not the leader who was a jackass and disbanded the alliance and declined having protection from allies?


[font="Georgia"]It should never be a surprise to you that your alliance disbanded. So yes, they are at fault if they didn't have a place to go when their alliance disbanded, especially with the plethora of people and alliances that would offer shelter from raiders.

And if Jaym is right and they had four days, then I have even less pity for them.[/font]

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[quote name='Andover' timestamp='1294253346' post='2564549']
So when Potface disbanded the alliance without any warning the members are at fault for becoming raid targets?

That is such a f-ed up train of thought, its not their fault for being raid targets when there leader suddenly disbands an alliance and especially isnt their fault when said leader invites the whole raiding community by saying "Before we disband im canceling all treaties so no one can call protection and so raiders get free targets", Honestly.

If you where one of those nations in the alliance and suddenly your leader disbands and (lets try and imagine this) your hit with 3 raids and lose alot of Infra and tech as a result. Dont tell me you wouldnt be pissed at your ex-leader for that? Do you think said member would believe its their own fault for being raided and not the leader who was a jackass and disbanded the alliance and declined having protection from allies?

HELL NO.[/quote]
He gave ample warning. In addition, if said members were active and had the alliance's interests at heart, then they would realise BCOM was disbanding, and y'know, maybe, just maybe, they might think to themselves 'Oh, my alliance is disbanding. How unfortunate. I'll need to join another one.' This is the path they could, and should, have taken.

So yes, they are at fault for becoming raid targets.

As for your last point...meh. That wouldn't really happen. I mean, I'm active enough that I'll know in a very, very short time if my alliance has disbanded. Do you see the difference yet? I'm active. The nations we're talking about? Chronically inactive.

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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1294257656' post='2564603']
He gave ample warning. In addition, if said members were active and had the alliance's interests at heart, then they would realise BCOM was disbanding, and y'know, maybe, just maybe, they might think to themselves 'Oh, my alliance is disbanding. How unfortunate. I'll need to join another one.' This is the path they could, and should, have taken.

So yes, they are at fault for becoming raid targets.

As for your last point...meh. That wouldn't really happen. I mean, I'm active enough that I'll know in a very, very short time if my alliance has disbanded. Do you see the difference yet? I'm active. The nations we're talking about? Chronically inactive.

Just to get this straight I was a member of the offsite forum. There was no warning. I went to the forums and thats how I found out. I am under the impression that George was the ONLY one to know about the disbandment of the AA.

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[quote name='PotFace' timestamp='1294258706' post='2564622']
You know, in today's world, it's actually kinda funny to see someone object to serving up some targets, fresh and hot....
Not a surprise at all really, a lot of pathetic micros try to gain relevancy by injecting themselves into these situations.

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[quote name='Future' timestamp='1294261997' post='2564665']
Just to get this straight I was a member of the offsite forum. There was no warning. I went to the forums and thats how I found out. I am under the impression that George was the ONLY one to know about the disbandment of the AA.
Just give it up man. This is old news. :rolleyes:

And to Andover: Who the hell are you to come in and tell people how to run THERE alliance? Why do you give a rats ass about this? Does this affect you in anyway? No. :mad:

Keeping this post alive is pointless. I found a new home, PotFace found a new home, WorldPeace and Future found new homes. Let the BCOM administration handle there !@#$ the way they want to.

Mods please lock this topic.

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Good luck to everybody in their new homes and with their new ventures. I wish everybody the best of luck on their journey. Agree or disagree with the way things have happened, I think everybody has said their piece.

Hadrian, I'd love to sit and debate with you, but given that Potface and I have come to an understanding of each others positions and have agreed to respectably disagree but to do so with understanding of each others positions, and given the request of others to let this die, if you'd like to discuss this issue further and get a response to your rambling, you'll have to find me in more private channels. I can be found on (ooc) IRC as Banned[SLAP] or Banned[SLAP|MoFA] (/ooc)

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[quote name='Moe Szyslak' timestamp='1294282843' post='2565212']
Good luck to everybody in their new homes and with their new ventures. I wish everybody the best of luck on their journey. Agree or disagree with the way things have happened, I think everybody has said their piece.

Hadrian, I'd love to sit and debate with you, but given that Potface and I have come to an understanding of each others positions and have agreed to respectably disagree but to do so with understanding of each others positions, and given the request of others to let this die, if you'd like to discuss this issue further and get a response to your rambling, you'll have to find me in more private channels. I can be found on (ooc) IRC as Banned[SLAP] or Banned[SLAP|MoFA] (/ooc)

Aye I can be found in the same private channels (OOC) im Andover[SLAP|MOE] and hang out in #CN-SLAP , #SLAP and #Furs (OOC) if anyone wishes to say anything further to me about BCOM.

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