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Proclamation from the Church

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[center][size="5"]Proclamation from The Church[/size]


[i][b]religion (ri-lij-uhn) n. - something one believes in and follows devotedly; a point or matter of ethics or conscience[/b][/i]

The Church declared war on GOD on the 25th of November, nine days ago. As Patriarch, Founder, and sole member, I proclaimed that the leader of GOD, Xiphosis, was a heathen who needed to be brought back to the proper moral ways of Our Lord, or scourged from Planet Bob. I believed that Our Lord had sent me as His servant to carry out His will. And thus I delivered a great deal of harm onto Xiphosis and those members of GOD who defended him. These retaliating attackers were also to be considered heathens and given the full fury of Our Lord. The use of nuclear weapons was free and justified in defence of Our Lord and in attacking these supposed heathens. I fully believed that this crusade was indeed for justice and was fully supported by Our Lord. I come before you on this day, the 4th of December, to say that I was wrong.

Our Lord did not command me to eliminate the heathens, but rather I had allowed the Other to deceive me into believing that I was meant to carry out this war in the name of Our Lord. In reality, Xiphosis and GOD are not the heathens that I have been proclaiming, if anything, they are just as favored in the eyes of Our Lord as most any of those that I have considered good and moral. The Other played on my prejudices against GOD and their allies, and though he did instigate my wrongful actions, that I allowed myself to be deceived so demonstrates a perhaps incorrectly tuned relation with Our Lord. I have seen now, that my prejudices, though based in some truth, do not apply as universally as the will of Our Lord. The need to pay penance for that unfortunate reasoning that led to war is clear.

In my first step towards eliminating those prejudices in favor of the truth that Our Lord so willingly provides, is my declaration of reconciliation between The Church and GOD. Both sides have seen better of the other since the moment the conflict began, and to continue a war now would be harmful to each side, and would serve to benefit the Other. Now is the time for peace, mutual prosperity, and a return to the proper path set down by Our Lord.

The Church was formed as a physical entity for a sacred purpose, however distorted, and it shall continue to serve following this reconciliation as a platform for the will of Our Lord to be served. However, it shall return to its state from before the beginning of hostilities, as a non-physical entity meant for the guidance of those who require help in tuning their own relations with Our Lord. Though The Church disbands this day, should the message of Our Lord require force to once more be mandated, hopefully without the corrupt influence of the Other, it shall be ready to take up the sword and fight in the name of righteousness.

Thank you for your attention, and may Our Lord be with you all.

[b]Lord Cyvole, Patriarch[/b]

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[quote name='Static' timestamp='1291526727' post='2530619']
So basically GOD tore you a new one and you are trying to get at least some dignity? Ok I can see that happening. GOD vs. The Church and GOD wins.
All jokes aside, that's ridiculous. I never intended to win, I mean come on. I rogued, rogues never win in the long run. We fought each toher, and in all honesty, I did find that these guys weren't as bad as I thought. What I posted may have been fanciful and kept to the amusing reference of The Church vs GOD, but the grander meaning is true. I thought they were bad, I attacked. As I fought them, I realized they weren't all that bad. So once the war expired I contacted Xiphosis to arrange for peace. You can keep trying to make wild presumptions from a completely uninvolved perspective, but all it does is make you look like something of an idiot.

Also, the wars are officially closed (damn GOD must be pretty damned active to be able to close all the wars in the little less than an hour since we agreed to peace) and I've disbanded The Church in-game.

Edited by Lord Cyvole
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[quote name='Static' timestamp='1291526727' post='2530619']
So basically GOD tore you a new one and you are trying to get at least some dignity? Ok I can see that happening. GOD vs. The Church and GOD wins.

Nah. He was a good sport and a good opponent [we had to mix tactics up several times to try and get the jump on him/throw him off, which is pretty impressive considering he hasn't had a war in a while by all accounts] so I cut him some slack. He wanted to go to his old alliance, so we agreed he'd disband The Church, take back the heathen stuff [just for lulz since we're GOD, etc] and then he was free to go. I waived reps because he did make it a good war.

[quote]Also, the wars are officially closed (damn GOD must be pretty damned active to be able to close all the wars in the little less than an hour since we agreed to peace) and I've disbanded The Church in-game. [/quote]

We are indeed. :smug:

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Cyvole I had a lot of fun fighting you. You were amusing and I loved the discussions we had in #church...

Also, doesn't this just prove how evil Xiphosis really is? The surrender terms are just so onerous and unacceptable... I mean, really, forcing an alliance to disband? Just wow.

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