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The Democratic Order

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Information Update

Forums: http://z6.invisionfree.com/TDO1/index.php?act=idx or http://www.TheDemocraticOrder.com/

IRC: #tdo on Coldfront

Wiki: http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/The_Democratic_Order


High Senate (14)


* AislinnEdana

* Axisbold1

* CabooseBlueArmy

* Jebbie

* Kippa Tarxien

* Macaddict

* Mitch Daniels- Chancellor

* Mopar

* Nojudfoo

* rabidman

* Rychro Anrise

* ScottyBoomSnick

* thechort

* Theo Cupier


Low Senate (32)


* Archon Daverin

* AScott

* Beauchamp

* Bingo

* Blitzkreig1010

* Bluseychris

* Bobogoobo

* cornfield

* Da DreadLord

* Darklordtim

* Fortuna

* Glynman

* Godspal

* Gran DBabu

* Haitaka

* hefe4711

* Ion Warrior

* John Warbuck

* Kendaer

* Kev the Great

* Knightwing

* Loch Ness Monster

* mchap

* MorganRaelin

* MrZeus

* Navygraym

* Otto von Moltke

* Pbaff

* RMarx

* Rooterkid22

* Smilie

* Sosa


TDO Family


* Anundrr Orlof

* Lowenbrau

* Ttubrukiki


Current Ministers


* MOD: CabooseBlueArmy

* MoIA: thechort

* MoFA: Rychro Anrise

* MoF: Kev the Great

* MoMO: John Warbuck

* MoT: Hefe4711

* MoI: Glynman

* MoR: Bobogoobo

Edited by Bobogoobo
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  • 3 months later...


Is the TDO senate roster up to date? Just want to make sure that the info we got post is the correct info and current.


TDO Deputy Minister of Defense

Edit: Obviously not since it shows Mopar as Chancellor and Rabidman is our current chancellor.

Edited by Andover
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More than just a bump.

Why I left my former alliance and joined TDO:

It's all about the people

Digiterra and Planet Bob would not be the same without us.

Tired of wars, skirmishes, tech raids?

Want a place to grow among friends?

Come take a look, come stay, you will be glad you did.

/o TDO

The heart and soul of neutrality


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Today's bump, brought to you by.. Insomnia!

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