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[quote name='arch3004' timestamp='1290839198' post='2524460']
To be fair BALAN is not turteling anymore. He did make 2 GAs against me this morning, albeit unsuccessfully even after the 12 GAs and numerous bombings before him, but he did attack.

I will continue to fight but I am pretty beat up already. BIGFUDGE is a little out of my league. As long as I have 5% odds I will be attacking !

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[quote name='BALAN' timestamp='1290841515' post='2524480']
I will continue to fight but I am pretty beat up already. BIGFUDGE is a little out of my league. As long as I have 5% odds I will be attacking !
Defending Soldiers:
505 (1,543)

You cant get 5% odds on that?

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[quote name='spearo' timestamp='1290870519' post='2524621']
Defending Soldiers:
505 (1,543)

You cant get 5% odds on that?[/quote]
*sighs* Yes, I'm sure he can; and as he's said, he'll be attacking.
You've been hanging with SoT too long lol

[quote name='Clash' timestamp='1290725977' post='2523302']
OP Last Updated: 11/25/2010 4:31:30 PM: 37 nations, 102,734ns, 2,777avg
OB Last Updated: 11/25/2010 4:33:53 PM: 34 nations, 30,403ns, 894avg

OP/B Last Updated: 11/25/2010 4:35:23 PM: 71 nations, 133,137ns, 1,875avg
LE Last Updated: 11/25/2010 4:29:46 PM: 66 nations 65,791ns, 997avg[/quote]
Ordo Paradoxia: 36 nations, 97,829ns, 2,717avg
Last Updated: 11/27/2010 10:03:04 AM

Orbit Black : 32 nations, 33,391ns, 1,043avg
Last Updated: 11/27/2010 10:02:00 AM

OP/B Totals: 68 nations, 131,220ns, 1930avg
Lafayette Escadrille: 64 nations, 57,462ns, 898avg
Last Updated: 11/27/2010 10:00:41 AM

Things look tough for LE. The bad news? They like that lol

Does anyone remember the war where OP hit LE's 40-odd (at the time) nations with like 260 or whatever nations of OP's first round? I believe that was OP's first war ever. Does anyone remember how long LE chose to fight? I'm not going to look it up - but I seem to remember it was a lot longer than one week of wars. I think it was OP who said this would be their final set of wars of the round. What if LE took you seriously?

OP has 13 nations 3700ns and up, but half the alliance is under 2000ns. For OB, 31 of 32 nations are under 2000, with one large nation surviving this war. LE has one nation over 2000 - they will be out of range of the top nations of OP/B when the current round of wars expire. So that's 64 LE nations under 2000, against 49 for OP/B if there's another week of wars. There'd be a lot of reroll nations going at it for both sides, but that battle would be very up for grabs.

If this alliance war were a tournament itself, OP/B will probably finish with the top 19-20 places. Alliance wars really aren't though, and less so the longer they go. Alliance wars should be measured across the alliances involved as wholes. Sure OP wins here, and OB might even finish in second. They can still be very Pyrrhic victories when the final wars have been fought.

Well, maybe they are peace talks going on I don't know about, but OB and especially OP shouldn't be surprised if this war keeps on. What else is LE to do with their nations - is there anyone else left for them to fight in this round? Remember: DF also chose this very same path last round against OP. Victims of a massive under-declare, they chose to fight and reroll their nations to hit OP last round for the rest of their round. Do not underestimate the stubborn fatalistic courage in such a choice. It should not be too difficult to see LE walking that same path.

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As far as I know there are not any peace negotiations going on, so war it is ! We will continue to pull OP/OB guys down till peace is reached. "So I figure we will just keep fighting!"


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[quote name='Clash' timestamp='1290876640' post='2524644']
Does anyone remember the war where OP hit LE's 40-odd (at the time) nations with like 260 or whatever nations of OP's first round? I believe that was OP's first war ever. Does anyone remember how long LE chose to fight? I'm not going to look it up - but I seem to remember it was a lot longer than one week of wars. I think it was OP who said this would be their final set of wars of the round. What if LE took you seriously?

OP has 13 nations 3700ns and up, but half the alliance is under 2000ns. For OB, 31 of 32 nations are under 2000, with one large nation surviving this war. LE has one nation over 2000 - they will be out of range of the top nations of OP/B when the current round of wars expire. So that's 64 LE nations under 2000, against 49 for OP/B if there's another week of wars. There'd be a lot of reroll nations going at it for both sides, but that battle would be very up for grabs.

If this alliance war were a tournament itself, OP/B will probably finish with the top 19-20 places. Alliance wars really aren't though, and less so the longer they go. Alliance wars should be measured across the alliances involved as wholes. Sure OP wins here, and OB might even finish in second. They can still be very Pyrrhic victories when the final wars have been fought.

Clash, I like you. I think that you are a thoughtful, intelligent and mostly well meaning person. But at times you tend to inject opinion in place of facts and intellectual honesty. Or maybe you are just a bit forgetful.

Let’s start with your claim of a curb stomp by OP in its first ever war. First, within about 15 days of the start of that round, [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=73199"]LE sanctioned[/url]about a dozen OP members for no reason at all and spied away many nukes. OP, rightfully so, attacked the two LE Senators responsible for the sanctions and only those two nations.

Almost immediately, several alliances “friendly” with LE started trying to [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=73198"]goat OP[/url] into a full out retaliation. And [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=73186"]LE[/url] tried to kick all OP members from the [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=73662"]Black Team[/url].

OP then recognized the [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=73287"]state of War[/url] initiated by LE. LE asked for [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=73596"]help[/url] from MHA and WAPA, ODN, RnR, PU, BlackWater, TFK and RD also [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=73718"]attacked[/url] OP.

Here were [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=73718&view=findpost&p=1967223"]the stats[/url] at that time (thanks for the stats, Clash):

Ordo Paradoxia: 394 nations 251 active 682,602 tot ns
Allies totals: 454 nations 357 active 750,082 tot ns

LE finally [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=74326"]admitted[/url] they were the aggressors and orchestrated the whole war. And then there was [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=74326&view=findpost&p=1986221"]this[/url] from FarFromPukin. :smug:

OP and LE reached a [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=75374"]Temporary Cease Fire [/url], just to turn around and work together to [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=75712"]attack[/url] RE.

And I almost forgot about the [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=72968&view=findpost&p=1950389"]spy[/url] on our forum.

Now let’s take a look at your claim that our victory is a “Pyrrhic victory”.

First, we are the defenders in this attack. Some seem to forget this. Your implication is that we will some how get devastated as a result of our successful defense.

When LE attacked, OP and LE has just about the same number of top tier nations. The reason that OP has half of our nations over 2,000 NS and LE has virtually none is because OP beat them down to that level. You are correct that the war now is basically one where LE has a 25% nation count advantage. But for some reason, you failed to mention that about 60% of LE's low tier nations are in Anarchy as compared to about 30% of OP/OB’s.

So I fail to see how you can claim that our victory could be considered a Pyrrhic victory with over half of the attacking Alliance’s nations in Anarchy compared to under 25% of the defending Alliances. And the attacking alliance has lost 70% of their starting NS compared to 35% for the defenders.

Finally, peace talks.

It is normally not the defending Alliances that orchestrate peace. But it is also not normal that the defending Alliances are the victors. I am pretty sure that LE is aware we are willing to talk about peace. All they have to do is ask.

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[quote name='paul711' timestamp='1290895016' post='2524810']
Cowboy speaks the truth, noone in LE has even spoke to me on an official level.

Paul, I believe an ingame pm can be considered "a conversation". As far as I know, you (OP)gov. did receive pm(s) from LE gov.

I've enjoyed our non-gov conversations for a while though :)

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[quote name='BALAN' timestamp='1290906731' post='2524957']
I believe a lot of talk is what started this war !

Really? You started this war with OP and OB because of "a lot of talk"? I did not see you mention that in your DoW. And with whom was this talk? IIRC, "talk" from our side was about OP not having any intention to attack LE this round. Was the "talk" with OB?

Edited by Thomasj_tx
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[quote name='kong' timestamp='1290904057' post='2524936']
Paul, I believe an ingame pm can be considered "a conversation". As far as I know, you (OP)gov. did receive pm(s) from LE gov.

I've enjoyed our non-gov conversations for a while though :)
Yes I have but nothing that could be construed as peace negotiations. Considering that we were attacked one would think that the ball is in LE's court.

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Yes I would think a DoW means war not talking. But I would hope that a war. Is not started just by one person. there has to be multiple peoples there. And the peoples can not just be anyone. They have to be someone that is trusted and liked at least a little. I would hope that a war would not start over a newbie to this game that jumps right in and try's to do this to who ever they can.

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[quote name='Owney OSullivan' timestamp='1290922760' post='2525147']
Pfft, peace? How about we keep on spanking LE for the rest of the round instead? :awesome:

[img]http://www.the-isb.com/images/SuperboySpank.jpg [/img]""LE""

Edited by BALAN
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What is all this jabber?
Just so you guys know, words don't add to your NS, and they won't help you fight your wars. They just take up space, and waste my time.
There is a lot of whining going on, and it's making this a lot less fun than it could be. To be honest, really what constitutes winning a war? Nothing, it's your own personal interpretation. To me, if you put up a good fight and stayed respectful, you did a good job, and that's to be honored. My NS is currently: 713. Do I care? No. As long as I can still declare war on a nation, I'm happy. Why can't everyone just stick to that? You're not going to change LE by using big words, or pounding us, we'll always be LE, and we'll always conduct war the way we want. We also know that you will do the same. So please, quit jabbering about whatever you're jabbering about, and get back to the fight. It's more fun over there anyway.

- LE Grunt. My opinions are my own.


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[quote name='Son of Taeper' timestamp='1290939217' post='2525250']
Perhaps this post by Grover Cleveland on the OP forum might have something to do with it -

(yeah, I had to edit one word for CN boards.)

And this post by Paul711 on the same thread would imply that peace with LE might never occur as the olive branch appears to have been broken once again.
This statement by Paul -

was met with full respect for OP boards and it's members as LE appear to hold the same rules on their boards as they do on CN boards and they carry the same respect to other nations boards.
You don't have an SE nation or a TE nation why are you not banned.

ALso LE needs to stop being so insecure, y'all hate paul he's not in the corner bawwing though.

Edited by spearo
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[quote name='King Ernie' timestamp='1290930949' post='2525204']
What is all this jabber?
Just so you guys know, words don't add to your NS, and they won't help you fight your wars. They just take up space, and waste my time.
There is a lot of whining going on, and it's making this a lot less fun than it could be. To be honest, really what constitutes winning a war? Nothing, it's your own personal interpretation. To me, if you put up a good fight and stayed respectful, you did a good job, and that's to be honored. My NS is currently: 713. Do I care? No. As long as I can still declare war on a nation, I'm happy. Why can't everyone just stick to that? You're not going to change LE by using big words, or pounding us, we'll always be LE, and we'll always conduct war the way we want. We also know that you will do the same. So please, quit jabbering about whatever you're jabbering about, and get back to the fight. It's more fun over there anyway.

- LE Grunt. My opinions are my own.


This = Win.

Ernie = Awesome :awesome:

Clash, and Cowboy you guys are stat heads, and this game wouldn't be right without you, lol.


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[quote name='King Ernie' timestamp='1290930949' post='2525204']
My NS is currently: 713. Do I care? No. As long as I can still declare war on a nation, I'm happy. Why can't everyone just stick to that?

The problem with that is your alliance has been beat down to the point that some 30% (give or take a few %) of OP cant even declare on any LE nation.

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[quote name='King Ernie' timestamp='1290930949' post='2525204']
What is all this jabber?
Just so you guys know, words don't add to your NS, and they won't help you fight your wars. They just take up space, and waste my time.
There is a lot of whining going on, and it's making this a lot less fun than it could be. To be honest, really what constitutes winning a war? Nothing, it's your own personal interpretation. To me, if you put up a good fight and stayed respectful, you did a good job, and that's to be honored. My NS is currently: 713. Do I care? No. As long as I can still declare war on a nation, I'm happy. Why can't everyone just stick to that? You're not going to change LE by using big words, or pounding us, we'll always be LE, and we'll always conduct war the way we want. We also know that you will do the same. So please, quit jabbering about whatever you're jabbering about, and get back to the fight. It's more fun over there anyway.

- LE Grunt. My opinions are my own.

Agree let us wallow together in the gloriousness of this destructive war. Might as well get all of our frustrations out now, then we can start fresh next round with a clean slate.

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[quote name='Mark8240' timestamp='1290975181' post='2525407']
The problem with that is your alliance has been beat down to the point that some 30% (give or take a few %) of OP cant even declare on any LE nation.

LOL! so sell some infra and improvements and come on down and roll in the mud with us!

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[quote name='Janitor' timestamp='1290997332' post='2525583']
LOL! so sell some infra and improvements and come on down and roll in the mud with us!

Well, at least we have that option as opposed to being where your nations are due to having your infra and stuff destroyed against your will. :P

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[quote name='Thomasj_tx' timestamp='1291001695' post='2525632']
Well, at least we have that option as opposed to being where your nations are due to having your infra and stuff destroyed against your will. :P

C'mon Cowboy... Against our will? Like you guys have been saying all along, we started this war. Every member of our alliance farms their pixels to get them destroyed. We ALL do this willingly.

Seriously everyone, can we cool it with the poop throwing? SoT is no longer LE, or even a part of CN anymore. Lets just enjoy the devastation, pat each other on the back, and continue the mayhem.


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