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September STA Press Conference


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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1283666928' post='2442320']
No, it has worked for almost 4 years so I don't really see our government structure as a problem or a weakness. Quite the opposite.

I'll give you one thing as an alliance leader I can't give to many others: whatever it is you are doing to keep the STA both strong and intellectually vigorous, at least publicly, seems to be working. I believe I just find your "staus quo" dictatorial gov model intriguing since so many other alliances with the same leadership model really struggle where you, at least publicly, do not.

I answered no so no need to answer this. I'll come back to you with a question though. What gives you the opinion the STA needs to change and is becoming inviable?

Nothing that I can think of at this moment, but there was a reason I may have to follow up on when I remember it. I think am trying to figure out or even not so subtly prod to see if there may be internal discontent with the STA's leadership. It may be more of an exercise in argumentative defense building, not quite sure right now.

The increase in irony is really compensating for any troubles caused by increased levels of illiteracy.

I, aye.

also, o/

See, you even have me doing it... a hail for Tyga, really? I find that curious since I generally despise leaders historically positioned such as you are.

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[quote name='Bavaricar' timestamp='1283667723' post='2442342']
I'll give you one thing as an alliance leader I can't give to many others: whatever it is you are doing to keep the STA both strong and intellectually vigorous, at least publicly, seems to be working. I believe I just find your "staus quo" dictatorial gov model intriguing since so many other alliances with the same leadership model really struggle where you, at least publicly, do not.

Well, it may not be an issue with government style with the others as much as not having the right people to make it work. The STA has been and is blessed with hard-working and dedicated members in government and outside of government that make the system work. No one leader can run an alliance of medium to large size on their own so the skills and abilities of the membership and government are what makes an alliance a success.

Nothing that I can think of at this moment, but there was a reason I may have to follow up on when I remember it. I think am trying to figure out or even not so subtly prod to see if there may be internal discontent with the STA's leadership. It may be more of an exercise in argumentative defense building, not quite sure right now.

I'm probably not the best to answer this as it all looks rosy from my ivory tower.

I, aye.

also, o/

See, you even have me doing it... a hail for Tyga, really? I find that curious since I generally despise leaders historically positioned such as you are.

I guess that is the trouble with generalisations. ;)

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OK, now I think I understand. If you are open and even welcoming to comment from some random rambling and more or less frank or even potentially aggressive speaker here, you probably are similar in your home settings. So, yeah, perhaps time to reclassify my generalizations. Also, thanks for actually taking the time to decipher that first question. That also goes a long way to answering its obscured questions. :)

Edited by Bavaricar
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[quote name='Bavaricar' timestamp='1283667723' post='2442342']
I'll give you one thing as an alliance leader I can't give to many others: whatever it is you are doing to keep the STA both strong and intellectually vigorous, at least publicly, seems to be working. I believe I just find your "staus quo" dictatorial gov model intriguing since so many other alliances with the same leadership model really struggle where you, at least publicly, do not.

Nothing that I can think of at this moment, but there was a reason I may have to follow up on when I remember it. I think am trying to figure out or even not so subtly prod to see if there may be internal discontent with the STA's leadership. It may be more of an exercise in argumentative defense building, not quite sure right now.

I, aye.

also, o/

See, you even have me doing it... a hail for Tyga, really? I find that curious since I generally despise leaders historically positioned such as you are.

The thing with STA government is that we are all willing to argue with each other. Tyga, Uhtred and I are especially adept at it, and there have been many situations in which none of us agreed with the others and we had to argue it out. In order for our sort of government to work, I think you have to have the sort of relationships with each other where you're willing and able to intelligently argue a point until it is dead, and then still have a high level of respect for each other, even if you lose the argument. We disagree with each other pretty regularly, but none of us take it personally and none of us get mad about it. When the issue is resolved, we just move on and do what we do. Bzelger tends to be our voice of reason, and it's a role he has served for quite awhile now. We need that as well. We have a working dynamic amongst us, and none of us would change it. While I may fight with Tyga sometimes, there is still, even after all these years, no one else in Cybernations that I respect more than him. So no, there's definitely not any sort of internal discontent. We are the same as always.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1283780629' post='2443745']
Do you support the use of sanctions as a weapon in alliance wars and how did GOONS convince you guys to sanction me? Also what do you guys think of GOONS forcing $90m out of NSO?

Methrage, it's not an alliance war. I really don't care who called it one first or why you or anyone else is calling it that. You are rogue attacking them, just as you've been rogue attacking folks for awhile now. Bringing an additional person into your cause does not make it an alliance war. GOONS "convinced" us to sanction you by asking us for a sanction. You can holler about it being an alliance war all you want. It's still not going to be one.

GOONS did not force 90M out of NSO. GOONS requested either 90M from Corinan or that NSO expel him and allow them to do what they wished with his nation. NSO decided that Corinan was worth the 90M and paid it. The only threat of war on NSO was if they protected Corinan, which no reasonable alliance would have done in that situation. I've dealt enough with NSO to know that they are not an unreasonable bunch. Is the amount high? Yes. Very.

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[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1283785127' post='2443813']
Methrage, it's not an alliance war. I really don't care who called it one first or why you or anyone else is calling it that. You are rogue attacking them, just as you've been rogue attacking folks for awhile now. Bringing an additional person into your cause does not make it an alliance war. GOONS "convinced" us to sanction you by asking us for a sanction. You can holler about it being an alliance war all you want. It's still not going to be one.

GOONS did not force 90M out of NSO. GOONS requested either 90M from Corinan or that NSO expel him and allow them to do what they wished with his nation. NSO decided that Corinan was worth the 90M and paid it. The only threat of war on NSO was if they protected Corinan, which no reasonable alliance would have done in that situation. I've dealt enough with NSO to know that they are not an unreasonable bunch. Is the amount high? Yes. Very.
Glad to see your views on the unfortunate incident are reasonable as ever. Thank you again for the sanction.

As to a question:

This has probably been discussed before but why don't you extent your raiding to low AAs, even 1-5 members or so? There aren't a whole lot of targets out there after all.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1283803423' post='2444231']
Glad to see your views on the unfortunate incident are reasonable as ever. Thank you again for the sanction.

As to a question:

This has probably been discussed before but why don't you extent your raiding to low AAs, even 1-5 members or so? There aren't a whole lot of targets out there after all.

At the end of the day, it really just boils down to not wanting to deal with the headache that comes from folks raiding AAs. We don't want to train our members to verify protectorate statuses (statusii? Mystery!) and we don't want to clean up the inevitable mess when someone does raid a protectorate. Tech raiding just isn't a focus in STA, but we do recognize that there are plenty of folks out there who like doing so, and if they want to, they can. We're just really not at all interested in cleaning up after it.

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[quote name='Max Power' timestamp='1283837075' post='2444953']
How does STA compose itself in regard to economic versus military builds in regard to its member nations, and does it demand any economic and/or military benchmarks from its member nations?

I can tell you that we have warchest requirements, and there are tangible, heavily punitive and undesirable consequences for not meeting them. No one is exempt from the requirements. I'm paying for my failure to comply as we speak. As for the rest of your question, I'll let Regolith and Uhtred, our Siberian Bank and Military Ministers, respectively, answer.

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[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1283785127' post='2443813']
Methrage, it's not an alliance war. I really don't care who called it one first or why you or anyone else is calling it that. You are rogue attacking them, just as you've been rogue attacking folks for awhile now. Bringing an additional person into your cause does not make it an alliance war. GOONS "convinced" us to sanction you by asking us for a sanction. You can holler about it being an alliance war all you want. It's still not going to be one.
Considering the whole reason I ended up at war with GOONS was to help an alliance mate who messed up and GOONS wanted unpayable reps, isn't that the very definition of an alliance war? I ended up at war with GOONS sticking up for an alliance member of mine, so how does that make a rogue? I didn't bring him into the war, he has been a member for over 100 days and was the one who decided to hit GOONS without asking me first.

Can you explain a little more how me helping an alliance member of mine makes me a rogue who's just dragging someone else in?

Edited by Methrage
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