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Opening Tip Off - DoW

White Chocolate

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[quote]Come now eddy it may have been a while since I played TE, but i am confident i can still beat you lolz [/quote]
Well since it's you jera i'm taking it easy on yah LOL but the other guy has no clue what he's doing tbh :L someone needs to get him sorted out ;) and yeah I'd love to have 1 more nation hit me xD but tommorow i get to anarchy 3 of them so work fast people ;) everyone goes into anarchy tommorow :)

[quote]And over 500 infra, which lets face it... its not happening roflmao. [/quote]

Well this war looks as though it's gonna go on for a while so even if you have 500 infra you'll need an MP for nukes lol

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PS are not renowned for fighting down imho.
Truth is, I don't think any alliance could get away with it.
Individual members of any alliance could choose that option on defense, but on attack we follow round leader rules.
A round leader would not choose an opponent that was way too much an easy target and expect to get away with it.
Sure, we will always get attacked by nations larger than ourselves, but the round leader looks at the whole package and makes it work for his alliance, and some alliance members should be prepared to go into A to make the package work..

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