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DEATH TO THE ROMANS! Barbarians Unite!


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[quote name='ADude' timestamp='1282370156' post='2425514']
The Barbies..i think i like that name :D

Maybe your ruler name should be AChick?

You are now known as AChick in the eyes of the Barbies. :lol1:

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Since "The Roman Empire" is a compassionate alliance, we have taken the liberty of adding a resignations thread for your members. This is to streamline and simplify the process, clear and concise instructions have been given.

They can be found [url="http://s4.zetaboards.com/The_Barbarians/topic/7979030/"]here.[/url] Also you're welcome. :)

Edit-: It appears that someone over thar fumbled with their keyboard and deleted my epic thread. Fear not I haz screen shots. I'll be back soon. :)

Edited by Kingneptune
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As promised.

Nice Photoshop! Did that take you long?

As for the content... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

You think because you dogpiled two of our members we will bow to RE?... What a joke! But hey man, whatever makes you feel "Adequate". Something has to I suppose.

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[quote name='Dethkon1' timestamp='1282366312' post='2425444']
1. Yes. Because not only do you persistently raid small alliances, but when peace has been reached with one RE raider, another immediately follows from RE.

The problem with RE is the persistent raids and the fact that nearly every single raid I've fallen victim to by a RE member was not merely a raid but an all out attack (Planes, CM's, Aggressive Attacks). Is this what you consider a raid? [/QUOTE]

I can respect your decision to start fighting back, but my point is that we are not the only alliance to raid unaligned nations. If you think that is evil and what not, so be it, but dont label us the only ones.

As for that second point, so I do not consider the use of CMs and planes to be a raid, I consider it a small scale war, and quite frankly, this planet revolves around war. If our members want to raid or make war on other nations, we are not going to forbid it, that's what they are here for. But again, I can understand your frustration, I just dont understand targeting us specifically for it.

[quote name='Dethkon1' timestamp='1282366312' post='2425444']
2. I Love War. This is why we are here right? [/QUOTE]

My point exactly, which is why we let our nations raid and attack other nations. If you just want to fight us, I can get behind that, and see you on the battlefield and have a good time as well.

[quote name='Dethkon1' timestamp='1282366312' post='2425444']

3. Nah and Visigoth comparisons are flattering. But they will get you nowhere. :wub:

Cant blame a guy for trying ;)

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[quote name='Mikeyrox' timestamp='1282406077' post='2425714']
I can respect your decision to start fighting back, but my point is that we are not the only alliance to raid unaligned nations. If you think that is evil and what not, so be it, but dont label us the only ones.

As for that second point, so I do not consider the use of CMs and planes to be a raid, I consider it a small scale war, and quite frankly, this planet revolves around war. If our members want to raid or make war on other nations, we are not going to forbid it, that's what they are here for. But again, I can understand your frustration, I just dont understand targeting us specifically for it.

My point exactly, which is why we let our nations raid and attack other nations. If you just want to fight us, I can get behind that, and see you on the battlefield and have a good time as well.

Cant blame a guy for trying ;)

I must say... this is the most pleasant reply yet from a RE member on this subject. It was coherent and concise. It would be awesome if your brethren were all like you, but I digress. This conflict is about defense at its core. Should we be subjected to endless RE raids because we are not RE members ourselves? Can you see how this makes the game a little less enjoyable when you are persistently raided by the same people with no recourse? The game is indeed about war fundamentally, but when you are constantly being stolen from by RE members, it kind of takes the piss out of your ability to fight effectively, be it a Roman enemy or otherwise. I know it's fun to wax poetic about how much the 1337 RE can ÃœBER pWN The Barbarians, and sure... you could, but we will not go quietly into the night. We target RE's raids specifically because as I have repeatedly said, they are never ending and as you said, the tactics involved amount to War... Not Raiding.

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Well if this plays out like RL then Rome will eventually fall to the Barbarians. Good luck in the struggle at least it should be a good round for wars

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[quote name='Dethkon1' timestamp='1282370861' post='2425521']
Maybe your ruler name should be AChick?
OK? at least Barbies is a play on your name, this doesn't even make sense and kind of makes you look desperate..

You are now known as AChick in the eyes of the Barbies. :lol1:

eh..better try again.

[quote name='Dethkon1' timestamp='1282407442' post='2425735']
I must say... this is the most pleasant reply yet from a RE member on this subject. It was coherent and concise. It would be awesome if your brethren were all like you, but I digress. This conflict is about defense at its core. Should we be subjected to endless RE raids because we are not RE members ourselves? Can you see how this makes the game a little less enjoyable when you are persistently raided by the same people with no recourse? The game is indeed about war fundamentally, but when you are constantly being stolen from by RE members, it kind of takes the piss out of your ability to fight effectively, be it a Roman enemy or otherwise. I know it's fun to wax poetic about how much the 1337 RE can ÃœBER pWN The Barbarians, and sure... you could, but we will not go quietly into the night. We target RE's raids specifically because as I have repeatedly said, they are never ending and as you said, the tactics involved amount to War... Not Raiding.

because [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=90943"]THIS[/url] deserves polite responses right?
also we are only raiding you because your AA obviously wants to harm RE, you brought this on yourself so please try not to cry.

Edited by ADude
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Indeed, I'd have to agree with ADude. When your sole existence is the destruction of another alliance, then you shouldn't really complain when members of that alliance don't feel the need to be polite towards you. Also, WAY more nations raid than RE. Yes, RE has the most members so comparatively speaking, they'll probably have more wars but that's just a matter of size. RE is not oppressing anyone. With that said, I'm sure RE will appreciate all the tech and land that you have donated.
Happy hunting. ^_^

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Heh.. a raid is one thing, but sending CM's and Planes along with that definitely isn't a raid. I guess it's just a 160 man AA trying to destroy a 4-10 man AA. I also don't know if true, but then getting peace so other guys in your AA can jump in and "harvest" another person is pretty shady to me. There's usually plenty of targets to go after.

While the barbarians have little chance here, I do think it's funny that RE gets new guys to attack them each round.

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[quote name='bcortell' timestamp='1282442238' post='2426170']
Heh.. a raid is one thing, but sending CM's and Planes along with that definitely isn't a raid. I guess it's just a 160 man AA trying to destroy a 4-10 man AA. I also don't know if true, but then getting peace so other guys in your AA can jump in and "harvest" another person is pretty shady to me. There's usually plenty of targets to go after.

While the barbarians have little chance here, I do think it's funny that RE gets new guys to attack them each round.

Ok first off saying that we are just trying to destroy a small AA when raiding is just stupid, we don't enforce any raiding "etiquette", we won't tell you to send bombing campaigns and we won't tell you to stop bombing campaigns, and this brings me to my second point.

Everyone has their own opinion about raids and what to do, they all have a right to do them the way they want (especially in TE), everyone in TE has a different style of raiding and you will probably find that a lot of people bomb in tech raids and still call it a tech raid.

"I also don't know if true, but then getting peace so other guys in your AA can jump in and "harvest" another person is pretty shady to me. There's usually plenty of targets to go after."

-False, if this does happen it is only because of someone else hasn't payed any attention. RE doesn't use this as a raiding tactic.

"While the barbarians have little chance here, I do think it's funny that RE gets new guys to attack them each round." - Its only because we are so popular ;)

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I would like to thank the founder of the Barbies for starting RE's personal "tech bank" alliance.

-Just noticed, in your first post, you say there are 20 of you and at least 15 of you use texts and phones to coordinate. LIARS!!! There's only 11 of you.

Edited by guthimillerk
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[quote name='guthimillerk' timestamp='1282454776' post='2426390']
I would like to thank the founder of the Barbies for starting RE's personal "tech bank" alliance.

-Just noticed, in your first post, you say there are 20 of you and at least 15 of you use texts and phones to coordinate. LIARS!!! There's only 11 of you.

and they don't seem to be very coordinated about this whole thing..this is day 2 of the raid and still no counter attack ( not even from the defending nations :o )

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So...with the intention of toppling the Roman Empire, an alliance who's inertia has kept it moving forward for a dozen rounds now despite several crushing beat downs, government turnover, decaying interest in TE, and dramaz...you announce on the OWF your intention to topple said alliance...which has the power to beat you into the ground twenty times over. Really, excellent plan you've got going there. Either that or...

Edited by Varianz
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I actually wish you luck with your endeavor, you should consider switching AA's, re-rolling completely, signing various treaties with alliances in secret. And then, ultimately DoW'ing us. Because all of that will take time, which gives us time to build our nations...and I prefer to fight at the higher NS ranges...it allows me to do more destruction then in other situations.

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Historically speaking, Rome never fell. Heck, it's still around today. However, very gradually, increasing numbers of barbarians became Roman citizens until it was no longer a case of simple culture assimilation, but one of amalgamation. Whereas Latin had originally been the bridge between Roman and various barbarian cultures, it eventually became a mutual starting point for several modern-day "Romance" languages (such as French, Spanish and Italian) developing from diverse countries/cultures that were all once Roman territories.

I'll expect y'all's merger announcement any day now.

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[quote name='Clash' timestamp='1282578335' post='2427775']
Historically speaking, Rome never fell. Heck, it's still around today. However, very gradually, increasing numbers of barbarians became Roman citizens until it was no longer a case of simple culture assimilation, but one of amalgamation. Whereas Latin had originally been the bridge between Roman and various barbarian cultures, it eventually became a mutual starting point for several modern-day "Romance" languages (such as French, Spanish and Italian) developing from diverse countries/cultures that were all once Roman territories.

I'll expect y'all's merger announcement any day now.

You win, Clash. Great history lesson. Salute!

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[quote name='CommanderX' timestamp='1282283158' post='2424123']
didn't the Visigoths do that last round, and look what happened to them, oh wait... you cant, there all DEAD!
Nope I am still here, but I am testing a few things right now and maybe next round too.
I will rogue you later. ~.-
Maybe I should nuke some RE nations?
Anyways last round I did more damage to RE than they did to me and had 3 defensive war slots most of the time too.
My goals were mostly to have fun last round and I did. :)
The Barbarians don't seem to be too full of crap here, I think that if they had the right members they could do some serious damage to RE.
I have not looked at thier members of alliance in game so I don't know... :/

Anyways Clash was right on his history leason however if being reduced to a single city is ok with him then ya RE will never fall. XD

Honestly though the Barbarians can not win at this point, you can't fight RE head on right from the start and hope to honestly win. The Barbains should have had a better plan than what I think their plan is, but if I am wrong then good job and kick butt!

*Looks around at what I started.* ( First me, and then me joining the visigoths and now this. )

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[quote name='Rongue' timestamp='1283127981' post='2435176']
I will rogue you later. ~.-
Maybe I should nuke some RE nations?


Please do, these guys aren't putting up much of a fight <_<


to be honest i kind of wonder if they even know where the war screen is..

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