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Project Cerberus had successfully produced two working ICBMs, the two ultra heavy lifters would be launched from Vietnam over to impact zones in unpopulated areas of Alaska. 120 mile radius would be clear for the simulation of an airburst giant thermobaric bomb (nicknamed Emperor of All Bombs) with an estimated destructive capacity of 30 city blocks. A second package would deliver three tungsten telephone pole shaped rods against abandoned hardened bunkers meant to simulate nuclear testing facilities. The new lifter performed to specifications, full production would begin immediately.

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The first of two lines of ground effect vehicles were to enter service with the coast guard and amphibious forces. The mid range turbojet line would be capable of carrying up to 16 medium ground vehicles or two companies of soldiers at a range of approximately 1500 miles. Further it could be launched from the projected mobile off shore base force under construction. Additionally the unit was capable of at sea refueling. The second group was the ultra long range turboprop units capable of transporting 2.8 million pounds at a range of 11, 000 nmi with a maximum flight capacity over land of 6500 nmi. Both units would be made capable of landing on beaches with the turbo prop variant coming in reduced range (8000 nmi) with heavy armor to accomadate live fire strategic insertions and the tactical turbojet variant capable at 1200 nmi. Both units would have a demagnetized bottom hull against mines. The first squadrons were operation with an estimated ten squadrons of each being projected to maximize the amphibious power projection capacity globally.

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The United Federation of the East hereby establishes home rule on the Island of Hokkaido and west of Lake in Honshu. This area is granted complete autonomy until the political negotiations on the final status of the former Japanese Empire is decided.

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With heightened global tension, the United Federation of the East was moved to Defcon 2. Emergency orders were given to have civilians be aware of their local fall out shelter systems. Critical war factories which had been moving into the interior were ordered to be prepared to be operation in underground bunkers. The air force was ordered to scatter to its many smaller air bases throughout the countryside. NBC provisions were made available throughout the UFE, emergency vaccines were pre-positioned and being made available for known biological weapons threats. Special priority was given to concentrated urban areas starting with the most vulnerable parts of the population. Special travel restrictions were put in place. Reserves were ordered to be ready for full mobilization. The 2nd Artillery Brigade was ordered to begin full 24 hour evasion deployment. Potentially hostile satellites were ordered to be tracked and prepare to be engaged by anti-satellite lasers.

A UFE mobile base supported by a surface action group and three squadrons of Type-022 boats would begin moving through the Indian for prepositioning as a major logistical point in the Atlantic.

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[quote][b]Classified Transmission to Athens[/b]

To Whom It May Concern:

We are pleased to announce we've completed Low Initial Rate of Production of the F-1 Quantum. Assembly kits are being sent to Athens for your first squadron. Production equipment will be delivered shortly as well. Of the assembly lines within China, we are producing at a 3:1 ratio of 3 UFE Aircraft and 1 Athenian Aircraft while you complete your own assembly lines. Congratulations on being among the first to own the world's first 6th Generation Fighter.[/quote]

Production Notes:

Highly Classified:


[Key Construction:
(1)The F-1 is constructed around an advanced microsphere based hollow skeletal frame. This gives it dramatically decreased weight, while not sacrificing structural integrity. Outside the based structure is advanced 3-d printing based composite materials which provide a strong heat and g-force resistant high endurance frame which is superior at managing and masking thermal energy while providing optimized reduced radar cross section.
(2) The F-1 is design is capable of reaction to electric impulses which allow the air frame to "morph", this occurs when the wings readjust themselves in flight from flat, to curve, to a final configuration which has a significant reverse sweep for hypersonic flight. This system is designed to maintain a stealth shape while allowing for greater or less air resistance, and higher angles of attack in normal configuration, while higher air speed with lower drag in others. This change gives the F-1 a significant reduction in IR as well, as it requires less thrust and friction.
(3) The F-1's tail less design decreases the stability of the aircraft dramatically meaning yielding significant improvements in its maneuverability and agility, while also reducing the areas of drag. As with other designs this drag decrease increases range, while decreases IR profile. Instead of a tail the F-1 uses thrust vectoring technology to steer the plane. This is supported by the skeletal frame and its morphing wing capability to help further steer the plane.
(4) Beyond an optimized stealth air frame design, near immune to most first generation stealth detection methods ranging from passive radar detection, to OTH radar waves, the F-1 is equipped with advanced nano-technology based radar absorbent materials. These materials have been optimized to trap radar waves rather than simply redirect them. In this way the body is optimized to defeat any type of radar. Once internalized, the stealth uses the thermosystems developed to deal with excess heat and reduce infrared to redirect energy into the engines. This doubles as making the plane resistant to directed energy attack and jamming. The absorbant material also acts as a method to reduce the infrared profile while the fighter is moving at higher speeds.
(5) The nano-technology involved on the outside of the frame also enables optical camouflage allowing the plane to blend in with its surrounding, acting as a sort of semi-cloaking device.
(6) The unit is also designed to minimize UV reflectivity, allowing it to hide in the fog of the Earth's atmosphere.


(1) The engines are embedded deep within the bowels of the aircraft, hiding the heat the produce within; and the hot exhaust is shielded from detection by the body in exhaust channels that allow the hot gasses to cool significantly.
(2) Materials have been chosen wherever possible that limit greybody radiation and have low emissivity levels. In the few areas where these simple systems of reducing the heat signature are not enough, power from the engine is employed to actively cool the region at minor performance loss.
(3) The engines themselves play a large part in minimizing heat. Being very efficient, waste heat is minimized and contained within the engine block itself. Extensive heat scavenging is used to both cool the exhaust and improve efficiency. Additionally much of the waste heat is captured and returned into the engine. The engine itself actively optimizes its geometry for its current speed and atmospheric conditions.
(4) These functions combined create an aircraft that is nearly invisible on the infrared spectrum when traveling below approximately Mach 2.5. Above that range, the aircraft operates in ramjet mode which produces too much heat to be fully concealed, but still retains a reduced signature, especially when taken in conjunction with the smart air frame design.

Photonics and Control Systems:

(1) The F-1 Quantum features fly by light controls, which allow for the pilot to take advantage of the plane's tail less extreme aerodynamic instability for extraordinary agility and maneuverability, as well as for ease of flight while cruising and capability for carrier landings.
(2) The F-1 Quantum features an advanced network artificial intelligence system which can assist pilots in both manned and unmanned configurations. The F-1 Quantum is linked to the cross-platform UFE air network, which can both share information amongst planes as well as operate in a more limited capacity on a single platform. This network builds data points based on intelligence as well as encounters with enemy units to improve each F-1s awareness of enemy units with information ranging from maximum rate of turn, to radar and infrared profiles, to targeting data. Further the system operates the directed energy weapons suites, unified sensor systems, and electronic/cyberwafare suites in defensive modes and can be set to operate them in offensive mode. The unit also automatically retunes engines for maximum efficiency in task and assists with repairs and maintaining stealth systems to minimize the pilot's involvement in mundane tasks. Further the AI can achieve omni directional missile locks at instruction without requiring the pilot to sight a target with their HUD. Block 3 F-1s are equipped with a further improved version of this system, the AI is equipped with advanced prediction capabilities which exceed previous models, and inputs the data directly into the pilot via neural uplink. This allows for maximum reaction time while requiring considerable training. Further the system is designed to be highly resistant to cyber and electronic warfare.
(3) The F-1 Quantum features an improved version of the 360 degree virtual heads up display developed for the F-47 Sino Fighter.

Sensor Systems:

(1) The F-1 Quantum features a photonics based unified sensor system, of multiple band passive and active LPI radar systems (AESA, SAR, Passive), passive electro-optical infrared sensors, advanced computer recognition imaging visual sensors, LIDAR, and passive ultra violet scope. The F-1 is capable of cross reference enemy units across a wide database of information to detect even some of the most advanced stealth aircraft in the world while remaining undetected itself. This capability is widely embedded into the skin of the aircraft itself creating a 360 degree battle space image.
(2) The F-1 Quantum features an advanced integrated jamming system. This capability includes directing radar energy from the unified sensor to conduct energy attacks that are capable of frying guidance on other planes, incoming missiles, and ground systems. This capability is further enhanced by a dedicated phased array high powered microwave weapon system, which is designed to penetrate even hardened systems.
(3) The F-1 Quantum features advanced cyber attack and redundant broadband data uplink capabilities, allowing it to share information and conduct advanced ever changing tailored data stream cyber attacks, as well as probe enemy information security defenses.
(4) The F-1 Quantum is capable of deploying "digital wingman" support drones which have been configured to act as picket and electronic warfare units, as well as decoys.

Countermeasures and Counter Counter Measures Go Here:

Weapon Systems:
"Dial an Effect" Directed Energy Weapons Suite: The F-1 features a variable powered directed energy suite consisting of high powered microwave and laser directed energy weapons capable of destroying incoming projectiles, and in the latest models other aircraft and some surface targets. At minimum it is capable of jamming if not destroying completely defeating surface targets. The F-1s Weapon suite may be controlled by the pilot, or more often in defensive mode, acts as an autonomous active defense system against missiles and guns.
25 mm 'ETC' Reactive Round Cannon: The F-1 features an ETC Reactive Round Cannon, with this capability it is capable of firing its gun at a much more rapid rate and have it much more destructive. The gun is capable of programmed area effect explosive rounds using HDRM technology. This allows the fighter to have an unmatched edge in a gun dogfight as a single direct hit or even several area hits is sufficient to engaging and destroy other enemy aircraft rather than multiple direct hits. Further this weapon can be used in direct ground support for the F-1s secondary strike fighter role.
*This weapon is slowly being phased in as new rounds become available.
Internal Weapons Bays: The F-1 is capable of deploying 10 next generation tactical air munitions or NGTAM. The NGTAM can be optimized in flight for range of engagement from long to short range, and comes in both air to air and air to ground configuration, utilizing multiple guidance systems both onboard other platforms and on itself, including revolutionary image recognition final kill capability against advanced stealth opponents. Its power has further been enhanced by the introduction of HDRM technology. The F-1 is also capable of deploying additional picket extreme stealth drones from this bay.

Base Stats:

Maximum Speed: Mach 4 (Ramjet) Mach 2.5 (Turbofan)
Combat Range: 3400 nmi
High Altitude Ramjet Interception Range: 4400 nmi
G Load: -6/+14 G manned, High as $%&@ UCAV[/quote]

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The United Federation of the East secretly put its latest suzereignty treaty on file.

Resolved that shared interests between the the nations of the United Federation of the East and the Xinyan Republic, the before mentioned hereby commit themselves to the following articles.

Article I: Suzerainty
The Xinyan Republic shall become a Suzerainty of the United Federation of the East and acknowledge the glory of the Heavenly Court. As such it shall pay tribute to the Son of Heaven (Imperator of China) through the good will of its people. It will not be frowned on if gypsies are sacrificed as well.

Article II: Mutual Defense
Each signatory recognizes that an attack on one is an attack on the other, and therefore will provide any and all requested support be it military, financial, or political. This obligation is moreover conditional to wars whereby one of the signatories to this pact is an initial point within the overall conflict, or otherwise participating within a coalition that was itself initially defensive, and not the aggressor within the war.

Article III: Optional Aggression
i) Should either signatory choose to execute or participate in a policy of aggressive war, economic sanctions, or otherwise; each signatory is encouraged but not obligated to support this policy by whatever means they deem appropriate.
ii) In the event of such a policy this article may constitute an independent legal casus belli.

Article IV: Economic & Trade Affairs

i) Both signatories pledge to mutually eliminate tariffs on goods produced within the other’s nation. Both signatories agree to established a standard trade code in order to foster transaction between the two nations. Such will be managed by a jointly chaired trade commission tasked to oversee and manage UFE-XR trade relations.

ii) Both signatories are encouraged but in no way required to provide economic assistance or aid when requested.

Article V: Cancellation

i) Should Article I, Article II, or Article IV be violated by either signatory, the counter signatory may choose to immediately dissolve this pact in its entirety.

ii) Should either nation come to decide that they no longer wish to be bound by this pact, it may be cancelled at any point. However its articles will remain in effect for 47 hours after either private or public notification of the activation of Article V.


For the United Federation of the East:

Jia, August Imperator of the United Federation of the East, Scourge of Dreams, Hopes, and Aspirations

For the Xinyan Republic:

President Wu De Ling, all that !@#$.[/quote]

With the formalizing of suzreignty status, the Xinyan Republic would be granted special access privileges at Qingdao Port.

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*Classified to UFE*

The CAS has recently acquired the budget to maintain a navy but lacks the ability to design ships at this time, as such we are interested in the purchase of downgraded versions of the following ships to make them usable to our less developed infrastructure.

8 Littoral Combat Ship
8 Chongqing Amphibious Transportable Dock
6 Qing II Class Frigate
6 Jade Emperor Class Destroyer
7 Qin Shi Huang Class Missile Cruiser
7 Xia Class Nuclear Powered Guided Missile Fast Battleship
3 Pacific Wolf Class Carrier
3 Imperial II Class Grand Carrier
4 Dragon Class Nuclear Attack Submarine
2 Franco Class Ballistic/ Guided Missile Submarine

OOC: These numbers are based on what I will have in a couple days, I am hitting the 8 ships a day cap.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1301079118' post='2676198']


Naval Act: Plan G

The United Federation of the East hereby authorizes the following naval improvements:

Construction of 3 new nuclear powered aircraft carriers to replace the Pacific Wolves. Units are expected to include some surface combatent capabilities, though less than the Pacific Wolves, they are expected to be capable of fielding more aircraft however and maintain low observability.

Construction of ten landing docks for strategic sealift and disaster relief, to be maintained by both the Navy and Coast Guard.

Construction of four new command ships for increased command and control.

Construction of ten replenishment ships to supplement the current force to allow current naval units to maintain longer “at sea” capability.

Construction of ten new coast guard cutters to increase green water defense capability.

Establish joint partnership with UFE SOEs for increased strategic sea lift capacity.

Authorizes the construction of forward operating bases in the Mediterranean and in the Arabian Sea.

Plan G Update:

Auxillary and Amphibious Forces Update:

60 Type 022 Fast Missile Boats have been constructed, bringing the total to 8 flotillas of 10 boats for near abroad defense

5 Replenishment Ships have been added to the naval auxillary

4 Coast Guard Cutters have been built and 2 deployed to Fort Beihai to supplement the Alaskan Defenses. 2 have been deployed to Cam Ranh Bay as a compliment Auxillary Anti-Submarine Squadron

4 Landing Docks have been completed and are scheduled for prepositioning at Fort Beihai and Guam. These vessels are based on the Ropucha Class with much of the offensive armaments removed instead superior protection against torpedos, naval mines, and active artillry/ missile defenses have been built.

3 Operational Ground Effect Squadrons are coming into operational to complement fast amphibious attack and transportability capability. Newest systems have confirmed successful testing of active electronic and direct energy defensive weapons. These forces are expected to dramatically increase the rapid reaction capability of strategic sealift as part of the UFEs Pacific Control Doctrine.

Blue Water Fleet Update:

One Zeon Amphibious Assault Carrier is to be brought out of reserve to replace the loss of a current one against the SAS. Further a second of the reserves it is to undergo field trials for the installation of a ski lift jump platform as a possible upgrade to enable the launch of none STOVL jet aircraft.

The Pacific Wolf damaged in the Carribean is to be repaired and then brought into the reserve Fleet. It is to be replaced by the first of the [i]Prince Gong[/i] Class Low Observability Carriers.


The [i]Prince Gong[/i] will be the first ship equipped with a navy carrier air wing centered around the F-1 Quantum (3 squadrons), and is expected to receive two squadrons of the new carrier F/A-66 bloc when it is completed shortly.

[b]Other Research and Construction Developments:[/b]

Testing is to begin on the new Fury Main Battle Tank design, Hydra Bloc II NLOS AA platform, and Titan Bloc V Artillery Platform.

Legacy upgrades based on F-1 research are to begin on most fighters, including those which are due to be phased out within the UFE but our allies fly.

New AWAC drone bloc is due to begin production.

Next Generation Infantry Combat System is due to begin introduction among the ranks, starting with Airborne Combat Brigades and frontline marine amphibious rapid response brigades..

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The UFE Foreign Ministry Upon Reviewing Treaties is serving cancellation notices to the Revolutionary Republic of Vancouver and pulling out of defense obligations to the People's Republic of Africa. We will maintain our intelligence sharing arrangements. We feel no ill will between us and either power, but as it stands currently we do not have much in common either. l

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*Classified to UFE*

While preparing to send the funds we notice an accounting error, the correction of this error revealed a significant amount of funds that we intend to use to increase our order. The new order is as follows:

20 Dragon Class Nuclear Attack Submarine (+16)
4 Franco Class Ballistic/ Guided Missile Submarine (+2)

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[quote][center][u]Revision to the Nuclear Doctrine of the United Federation of the East[/u][/center]


Prior to this day, the United Federation of the East has had the most restrictive nuclear weapons doctrine of any nuclear power in regards to the use of nuclear weapons. This is because nuclear weapons are the most terrible weapon ever built by mankind and could well lead to the destruction of mankind when used in even medium numbers. However, this doctrine was also based on the fundamental principle that all nuclear powers are lead by rational individuals who are equally cognoscente of the danger posed by nuclear weapons and fundamentally have the interest of their nations' populations general lives and welfare at heart. Recent events have definitively proven that this era is tragically gone.

Many a leader today considers a nuclear weapon just another tool in the arsenal, no different from a rifle or RPG. Further they have failed to place sufficient safe guards on their weapons to ensure that a rogue commander cannot threaten entire countries. Such blatant disregard not just for chain of command but the fundamental safety and security of every human being living on this planet cannot be overlooked. Since their introduction almost a century ago, nuclear weapons have thankfully been a weapon of deterrence. Now they have become a weapon of baseless aggression. Therefore, the proper response to such a scenario is to use the full national resources of this nation in coordination with a global coalition of the willing to fundamentally deny the ability of radical actors state or non-state from acquiring, building, and deploying nuclear weapons through preventative diplomatic, economic, and even military action. This new approach to our most serious pillar of foreign policy, is considered by this government to be the best worst solution to the problems of nuclear aggression and nuclear terrorism.

[b]The United Federation of the East Nuclear White Paper[/b]:

1) The United Federation of the East will use nuclear weapons in response to a biological, chemical, or nuclear attack upon it or its ally by another power.

2) The United Federation of the East will use its nuclear weapons as tactically necessary to prevent extremist powers from developing weapons of mass destruction.

3) The United Federation of the East will use its nuclear weapons to pre-emptively defeat aggressive behaving nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons powers who have shown an inability to properly use their own weapons of mass destruction.

4) The United Federation of the East will use its nuclear weapons to defeat strategic threats against the United Federation of the East or its allies.

5) The United Federation of the East will use its nuclear weapons as tactically necessary to defeat non-state or state actors seeking weapons of mass destruction to harm the UFE or its allies, and will use nuclear weapons as tactically necessary to defeat supporters of these actors.

6) The United Federation of the East reserves the right to use all aspects of its national power including nuclear weapons to defeat threats to the general maintenance of international peace and security both on the UFEs own borders and internationally.

[center][b]Regrettably Signed:[/b][/center]

Jia, August Imperator of the United Federation of the East[/quote]

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[quote][center][b]Executive Order Regarding Internal Migration and the Status of Alaska[/b][/center]

Due to labor shortages in part caused by ongoing reactionary insurgencies in Alaska, the Governor of Alaska has informed this Office that Alaska lacks the necessary manpower to keep key industries like fossil fuels, lumber, and fishing going at a sustained rate. To prevent an economic contraction, this office is lifting the moratorium on restriction of travel and migration between the rest of the United Federation of the East and Alaska. Alaskans will also have the option of traveling anywhere within the Federation, although they must obtain the proper identification RFID card issued to all Federation residents under [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=90288&view=findpost&p=2673269]a previous act.[/url]


Jia, August Imperator of the United Federation of the East[/quote]

Fort Beihai which had become something of a military metropolis and was now Alaska's largest city by population was flooded with airport bookings within days from Chinese migrant workers who were seeking either to make their fortune like the early European pioneers in North America and many more as workers particularly in harvesting vast amounts of oil and lumber for production back in the Federation. The flood had begun.

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[quote][b]Dispatch from the United Federation of the East[/b]:

The United Federation of the East has begun a withdrawal from Northern Japan, reducing our armed forces there. A forward action unit will remain in Shikoku, and two infantry brigades deployed around Kyoto-Kobe-Osaka corridor. We hereby recognize the full self autonomy of Northern Japan. It is our estimate that it will be sovereign in a time span under a year. Further armaments have been provided to a provisional northern Japanese army including equipment for 300, 000 infantry, 3000 armored vehicles, 1500 self propelled artillery, 3000 main battle tanks. Additionally 25 combat air squadrons are being delivered. We expect that the Japanese will repay for this force within 5 years and we are investing to help them develop their own defensive military capabilities superior to the old antiquated imperial force.

Further the United Federation of the East is proud to announce a major commercial investment in the Greater Nordic Empire of Dalmatia, with Wuhan Armaments entering into a major strategic partnership with Stahl Armaments and licensing a Chinese version of their combat armor. We expect over the next five years to continue to further our commercial ties with our allies.


Jia, August Imperator of the United Federation of the East[/center][/quote]

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With the new found availability of nano-technology in mass producing quantities for aeronautics, orders were given to begin secretly outfiting a B-10 bomber with new thermo masking technologies and radar absorbent materials capable of enduring the high speeds of the bomber.

Additionally field testing would begin on a new 152 mm ETC gun capable of use both on MBTs and assault guns.

A UFE Mobile Offshore Base has been ordered to preposition itself off the coast of Northern Alaska.

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The Fury MBT Prototype had begun covert testing in Qinghai Proving Grounds. The tank had to balance three major aspects, the first was a new generation of prototype reactive composite armor designed to completely defeat 120 mm and 140 mm conventional smooth bore guns. The weapon was also highly resistant to most ETC guns of the 120 and 140 mm caliber, save for the newest variants with maximal power output, which even then required multiple shots to knock the tank out. Additionally it was equipped with a high powered energy weapon capable of frying the circuitry of other tanks, destroying missiles and some tank shells, as well as both destroying in frying the guidance on artillery shells.

Additionally it was equipped with a new prototype electric hybrid system for propulsion. While the tank mainly ran on a deisel turbine generator designed with increased energy capturing efficiency in mind, it also featured a powerful battery system designed to be a base for all future ETC large weapon systems. This battery not only would provide increased fuel efficiency or horsepower depending on the mode, but could power an extremely high MJ output 152 mm main gun.

The main gun on the tank was massive, it was designed to be both a tank to tank and an artillery siege weapon. The 152 mm was phased out in the passed before it even began, when the USSR collapsed and the designs with it were scaled back due to budget cuts. The UFE aimed to bring it back, taking advantage of increased amphibious off shore mobile base and air lift ground effect vehicle capabilities to realistically be able to field such a monstrous weapons beyond its land borders.

Invited to the demonstration of the new tank were delegates from Novak who had thus far been the only country to sign onto the new weapon.

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OOC: Bleah lost interest in the Palin Rebellion, so wrapping it up rather poorly

IC: The first combat brigade to receive the Fury Main Battle Tank was the 18th Armor Combat Brigade stationed to the siege of Fairbanks. The introduction of the fierce tanks came as a surprise to the rightist rebels as weapon after weapon provide completely ineffective against the Fury's advanced armor.

Meanwhile the appearance of the first full combat air wing of airforce Quantums was changing the aerial situation as well. Even the latest captured SAMs had not way of detecting the Quantum's stealth. There was simply no escape. Quantums used their directed energy weapons to annihilate fleeing vehicles and relay fleeing troop coordinates to the ground forces.

The end result was a massacre, while Palin and Beck had managed to escape across the border, almost the entirety of the rebel forces were destroy completely. Those out of uniform were executed in accordance with the laws of war on non-uniform combatants. A new order has been born in Alaska. Chinese immigrants were now flowing into cities and native peoples of Alaska were granted new economic rights: including large subsidies and expanded infrastructure in their reservations. As for the conservative older european settlers, a new re-education campaign would be initiated by the PLA:


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[quote][center][b]Classified Project 'Romulan'[/b][/center]

[b]To:[/b] AF-GNED-UFE Group
[b]From:[/b] Office of Ground Technologies Procurement
[b]Subject:[/b] Project Romulan

[b]Body:[/b] Project Romulan has begun for adaptive camouflage. Goals of the project include workable large scale adaptable ground camouflage for mass production and adaptation within two years. Goals of the project are to create the first large scale deployment of 'smart' camouflage which can adapt to any terrain which units find themselves in maximizing survivability and the element of surprise.[/quote]

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