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"And what interpretation would the UFE give to 'We hereby consider MDOAP between us void, replaced by the terms of peace signed recently.' then? In the message following our initial reply you even mentioned yourself that you were referring to the addendum. As such, if we may put it bluntly, there was no decision by the Zargathian government for the UFE [i]TO[/i] veto. Again, we point out that voiding the addendum was a product of your foreign affairs bureau, not ours."

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Our view is that the agreement on mutual defense and optional aggression are void. If you note we stated we don't consider the military and commercial linked. If your going to attempt and defy this veto, we will consider it a breach of terms. The Federation has stated to others we will respect not going into Zargathia, but do not force our hand. Any attempt to seize REM assets will be taken as a defiance of the foreign affairs veto section as well as a illegal seizure of our property, and will be responded to as defiance against the Qingyuan Diktat. The consequences of which will be a war between Zargathia and the United Federation of the East.

-August Imperator Jia

Edited by Triyun
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"The two articles are in the same treaty, with the same signature under them. How this does [i]not[/i] make these articles linked is honestly beyond all comprehension. It is [i]impossible[/i] for a government with any degree of efficiency to claim that it didn't know the wording of the treaty it would be voiding. Your original message stated that the MDOAP treaty was void. Your second message stated that the addendum was replaced by the Qingyuan Diktat. Note how the Qingyuan Diktat makes no mention of the Tianjin Agreement nor its addendum, and is thus considered to be a separate treaty.

As you are no doubt well aware, any modifications to an existing treaty will require it to be signed anew in order to make it valid, and if the UFE desires to renegotiate the terms of the addendum to the Tianjin Agreement then it is welcome to do so using the usual diplomatic channels available to them. However, let it be noted that we are not charmed by the UFE's continued diplomatic hostility and direct threats of war when it doesn't get what it wants fast enough for their liking."

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Charm is irrelevant, the situation on the ground is. You know exactly the parameters of what is acceptable to us in this situation, I don't particularly care if you like them or not, I would not in your shoes, but I did not commit the offenses to earn them, you did. If you attempt to seize the mines and defy the veto, I've outlined the consequences. There is nothing further to discuss. You have a choice to make. If you wish to be treaty by the UFE in a manner other than a hostile power, I would suggest you begin taking real stronger steps to do so. This will be my final transmission on the matter.

-August Imperator Jia

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"Zargathia does not intend to [i]seize[/i] anything. We trust that next time you will decide on less ambiguous wording rather than a glorified 'Oh wait, we didn't mean that' coupled with more threats if we did not accept immediately. The 'situation on the ground' is that the Qingyuan Diktat is signed and all terms of it are being respected, if these steps are somehow not strong enough we encourage you to elaborate further. We are not your servants to be cussed out whenever you feel like it, nor a dog expected to be happy at the scraps being thrown at it. Antagonization comes at a price."

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There would be no response from the Federation as promised, instead the PLA was ordered to take up positions to enforce the veto if the Zargathians attempted to ignore it.

Twenty thousands mechanized soldiers backed up by 80 artillery pieces, 2 anti-air battalions, 3 armored cavalry regiments were dispatched to inspect the rare earth mineral zone for weapons on a permanent basis.

Northern Army Group is to mobilize on all fronts. 350, 000 regulars are to deployed for operational action, 80, 000 of the elite 'Imperator's Own' Armored Core are to assume position in the Beijing Security Zone.

Construction has begun on an expansion of the inter island highway system. This combination tunnel system which is to include both rail and auto-on-rail transport connects Taiwan to the mainland at two points and shall be expanded to go up into the Ryukyu Islands. A second section will be built linking the Islands in the Japanese archipelago under UFE control to Korea. Korea and Qingdao shall also be linked. Lastly a seperate system is planned between Hainan and the mainland as well as Sakhalin and Ehestadt. A final system will run from Ehestadt to Korea.

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Two South-Atlantic carrier strike groups (CSGs) under the overall command of Fleet Admiral Gao have been ordered to deploy to Africa. In particular, CSG Liberation would make port in the Western African Republic along with roughly 50,000 soldiers and their equipment including vehicles in the amount of no less than 500 APCs, MICVs, and MBTs. Here, the troops would set up support positions until the need arose for them to serve the nation in another capacity. Liberation with her aircraft would provide air support should the need arise. CSG Vigilance along with an extra aircraft carrier would depart for the U.F.E. zone of the former Mogatopian state. Like her sister CSG, Vigilance would off load some 50,000 soldiers with their equipment including vehicles in the amount of no less than 500 APCs, MICVs, and MBTs. Once more, the troops would set up in support positions until called upon for other duties. The Vigilance would provide extra air support should the need arise, and like all CSGs of the U.F.E., rail guns on supporting ships would ensure that the ground forces were well protected. The extra aircraft carrier, Hammerhead, would not make port but would go on to Morocco where she would join with the Austrians per the orders given to her captain by Fleet Admiral Gao.

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Vampire Killing has hereby been legalized in the United Federation of the East.

Rules for identifying and defeating the undead menace have been issued to all citizens and visitors of the Federation:

1) Vampires can be identified by two well defined characteristics: Red Eyes and being !@#$%bags
2) If you encounter a vampire, make a visual assessment to determine whether your combat power exceeds theirs or not. If it does not, make a tactical withdrawal and request support from the People's Commissariat of Investigative Affairs Paranormal Division or the Imperial Guard.
3) If you can, avoid direct engagement, instead waiting till it is vulnerable and destroy its coffin.
4) Be sure to decapitate all vampiric opponents and drive a stake through their heart.
5) Be sure to verify red eyes before decapitation, it is often possible to mistake goths for vampires as both are in fact !@#$%bags.
6) Air and artillery support are not guaranteed.
7) Above all else remember Vampires are evil incarnate and hell spawn, and are not as Vampire revisionists like to say misunderstood. Therefore their elimination is amongst your highest priority as a citizen of humanity.

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B-11 Bombers have been moved for their first combat trials to Fort Beihai to join with two squadrons of B-10 Bombers. These forces are expected to participate in field drills over the Polar and surrounding regions, designed to simulate a strategic attack on a major naval and integrated air defense network of a first tier country in order to cripple it for Amphibious Invasion. These drills are expected to be live fire in nature, with weapons capable of engaging most of the Northern Hemisphere.

Edited by Triyun
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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1315007211' post='2793243']
Vampire Killing has hereby been legalized in the United Federation of the East.

Rules for identifying and defeating the undead menace have been issued to all citizens and visitors of the Federation:

1) Vampires can be identified by two well defined characteristics: Red Eyes and being !@#$%bags
2) If you encounter a vampire, make a visual assessment to determine whether your combat power exceeds theirs or not. If it does not, make a tactical withdrawal and request support from the People's Commissariat of Investigative Affairs Paranormal Division or the Imperial Guard.
3) If you can, avoid direct engagement, instead waiting till it is vulnerable and destroy its coffin.
4) Be sure to decapitate all vampiric opponents and drive a stake through their heart.
5) Be sure to verify red eyes before decapitation, it is often possible to mistake goths for vampires as both are in fact !@#$%bags.
6) Air and artillery support are not guaranteed.
7) Above all else remember Vampires are evil incarnate and hell spawn, and are not as Vampire revisionists like to say misunderstood. Therefore their elimination is amongst your highest priority as a citizen of humanity.
"Ceylon fully supports this law.
We will introduce a similar regulation in our nation shortly. For the meantime, we volunteer the use of [i]Icarus[/i] for cases of extraordinarily resilient Vampires, should all else fail."

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[quote]To: Office of the Grand Vizier of the United Federation of the East
From: People's Republic of Africa Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Subject: Re: Treaty Status

The Republic would be more than willing to send a team of diplomats in order to discuss our relations.[/quote]

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[quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1315023551' post='2793447']
"Ceylon fully supports this law.
We will introduce a similar regulation in our nation shortly. For the meantime, we volunteer the use of [i]Icarus[/i] for cases of extraordinarily resilient Vampires, should all else fail."

Be advised we have located vampire in Europe, attempting to put cheesy stereotypical anime moves on the Imperator's Sister. We advise searching for the target at overly priced men's hair salons, and goth clothing stores.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1315007211' post='2793243']
Vampire Killing has hereby been legalized in the United Federation of the East.

Rules for identifying and defeating the undead menace have been issued to all citizens and visitors of the Federation:

1) Vampires can be identified by two well defined characteristics: Red Eyes and being !@#$%bags
2) If you encounter a vampire, make a visual assessment to determine whether your combat power exceeds theirs or not. If it does not, make a tactical withdrawal and request support from the People's Commissariat of Investigative Affairs Paranormal Division or the Imperial Guard.
3) If you can, avoid direct engagement, instead waiting till it is vulnerable and destroy its coffin.
4) Be sure to decapitate all vampiric opponents and drive a stake through their heart.
5) Be sure to verify red eyes before decapitation, it is often possible to mistake goths for vampires as both are in fact !@#$%bags.
6) Air and artillery support are not guaranteed.
7) Above all else remember Vampires are evil incarnate and hell spawn, and are not as Vampire revisionists like to say misunderstood. Therefore their elimination is amongst your highest priority as a citizen of humanity.
The Northern Federation has put a similar statute into effect. Known vampire hotspots such as Hot Topic, Evanescence concerts, and theatres currently playing the Twilight films are being searched extensively.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1315112833' post='2794359']
Be advised we have located vampire in Europe, attempting to put cheesy stereotypical anime moves on the Imperator's Sister. We advise searching for the target at overly priced men's hair salons, and goth clothing stores.
"Thank you for the advice.
We will initiate a search at once, though we'll gladly accept any help in determining their location."

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With procedures for accounting for and dismantling of the Zargathian Army underway, the second step of military integration would now begun. First much of Zargathia's old radar and SOSUS systems would be demolished and made way for new more advanced ones provided by the United Federation of the East. Secondly, airbases would begin being reinforced to a superior level of quality. Reinforced hangars and runways would replace old obsolescent ones.

The Zargathian Navy and Air Force would be put into storage while buyers were found. The systems in both were found quickly beyond hope of military integrations.

As for the territory it would quickly be integrated into the Northern Army Group's Zone of Operation.

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[b][center]Private to the United Federation of the East Military Leadership[/center][/b]

The Chancellery of Cyrantia wishes to inquire about the naval vessels of the recently dissolved state of Zargathia. Given the proper information about their systems, condition, capabilities, and with a fair price, we would be more than pleased to purchase them secondhand from you. We eagerly await your response.

-Mikhail Zherdev
High Chancellor of Defense

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[b]Dispatch from the Office of the August Imperator of the United Federation of the East:[/b]

By order of the August Imperator, rapid industrialization in high technology and space technology is to begin immediately in Mongolia and Manchuria. This is to center around the construction of a launch loop in the North, which to be roughly 2000 kilometers long built parellel to the equator.

In addition to this several advanced fusion plants are to be constructed to supplement power for this massive undertaking.

The Inner Mongolia Rare Earth Mines and Thorium Mines are to connected to processing facilities which will eventually allow a UFE monopoly on deployment of Rare Earth materials into space t supplement any nations construction projects there. This shall be considered the basis for development of the UFE space economy.

Infrastructure bank loans are to be offered to help pay for this investment, private funding within the UFE should be prioritized along with reliable bond holders.

Edited by Triyun
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[b]Private Transmission to Selenarctos, Japan, Vauleyo, Austria (Ehestadt Office), and Burma:[/b]

The Infrastructure Bank of the United Federation of the East wishes to raise 20 billion international bancors in loanable funds from foreign sources for the Transmongolian Launch Loop. Investment will be recouped by value added tax to all launch materials into space. We estimate to pay a 5% return on investment. Additionally we would like to raise an additional 5 billion for infrastructure improvement around the area.

Lastly we are offering equity investments which are less secure, but offer higher return on profit, when the loop becomes profitable. 25% of the company will be available for foreign purchase, 25% is currently being offered through domestic stock market offerings, while 50+1% will be control by the United Federation of the East Government.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1315192502' post='2795048']
[b]Dispatch from the Office of the August Imperator of the United Federation of the East:[/b]

By order of the August Imperator, rapid industrialization in high technology and space technology is to begin immediately in Mongolia and Manchuria. This is to center around the construction of a launch loop in the North, which to be roughly 2000 kilometers long built parellel to the equator.

In addition to this several advanced fusion plants are to be constructed to supplement power for this massive undertaking.

The Inner Mongolia Rare Earth Mines and Thorium Mines are to connected to processing facilities which will eventually allow a UFE monopoly on deployment of Rare Earth materials into space t supplement any nations construction projects there. This shall be considered the basis for development of the UFE space economy.

Infrastructure bank loans are to be offered to help pay for this investment, private funding within the UFE should be prioritized along with reliable bond holders.

"If we may interject, Zargathia currently has one nuclear power plant, one solar plant and numerous hydroelectric plants along the Amur river and wind turbines in the Greater Khingan Range. In addition, all skyscrapers are by law obliged to be equipped with solar paneling, and have been for several decades now. Should the current surplus not suffice there should still be plenty of power available by increasing the output to be closer to maximum capacity."

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"It likely would be insufficient for the amount of power this thing will draw, its a 2000 kilometer long magnet. Fusion power is the most environmentally friendly form of power, there will be no cost the environment. Also please forward the details of the older fission nuclear plants to the central government so we can appropriate funds to replace them."

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"Very well, the documents are attached to this message."

[url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=67831&view=findpost&p=1844158]Nuclear Power Plant[/url] (Built by Subtleknifewielder, Promised Land). Should be in Jiutai, between Jilin and Changchun.

[url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=66269]Solar plant (and panel)[/url] (Built and kept updated by SpacingOutMan, United Mechodamian States). Should be in Zalantun, near the Heilongjiang-Inner Mongolian border.

OOC: Yeah, these things are ancient history. The ones building them had a good amount of tech though, so they should just be old, but not [i]that[/i] obsolete

Edited by Amyante
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OOC: Actually did a comprehensive survey on China's solar capacity, you'd be nowhere near enough. Nuclear fission power plants are also very geographically short range. So there will need to be massive infrastructure improvement here.


The Central Government expects that with the integration of Inner Mongolia and Manchuria's economies into the more energy intensive Federation Economy, there will need to be extensive build ups of power infrastructure. As such, we will appropriate funds for the construction of HVDC lines across the area, and the construction of multiple new fusion power plants.

Solar for its part can also be significantly increased with CSV power.

Lastly the gradual replacement of solar panels should also begin, this can be done mostly through tax policy. Increases in nano-technology have lead to better photonic conversion ratios on newer panels, business should get tax incentives for installing these on sky scrappers and other buildings.

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[b]Black Project #88[/b]

Based on combat armor derived from the fugitive's Kang's men, the United Federation of the East is to begin immediate design of a suit for VIPs and special operatives of the left arm of the Imperial Guard. This combat armor is to be designed with the functionality of small teams or single operative missions rather than for broad shock trooper assaults.

The requirments for this armor are foremost a reliable power supply which is long lasting and easily replenishable, some technology should be adapted so as to recharge the suit as it moves. Secondly the suit should be multilayered with a flexible underlying weave defense, and an outer layer scaled plate defense. This should be designed to stop ballistics, fragmentation, and close quarters weapons, as well as provide some NBC protection. The unit should be equipped with a synthetical skeletal system as well which can significantly augment strength and endurance.

These suits should have onboard informational warfare capabilities and secure data uplink capabilities. They should be adapted for high altitude jumps and for underwater operations as well.

Uplinks should be made between these units and the weapons they carry, as well as capacity to sync and integrate information with most commonly found on field weapon units.

Active camo should be integrated into these units as well.

This unit should have both a line and special models. Cost is not an issue with special models as few are expected to be produced.

In addition to these suits, new personnel weapons research should begin for outfitting small elite teams with the latest in personal weapons.

Edited by Triyun
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