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Dissent as Freedomland changes constitution and bans Muslims

President PJ

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From the Freedomland Independent News (censored for international readers): The government has p***** off many of the citizens of Freedomland by declaring a "constitutional emergency" and changing the Freedomland Constitution.

The constitution, which was only brought into law days ago, guarantees rights and freedoms and has special articles to prevent interference and even punish the president for interfering with constitution.

Articles 15 and 15 (somehow the constitution was passed into law with two article 15s) state, in full:

'Articles 3, 4, and 5 apply also to creating a new law. The constitution applies equally to animals and humans - all persons. For the purposes of this constitution and all other laws and acts, a person refers to any living being which can breathe and has feelings.' Articles 3 to 5 are restrictions on interfereing with the constitution.

The government has declared a constitutional emergency because they believe that two articles with the same number may lead to future problems, and because it is not reasonably practical to apply certain things to animals.

Therefore, for a period of 14 days, the articles have been merged into a single article 15, which now reads 'Articles 3, 4, and 5 apply also to creating a new law.

The constitution applies, [b]as far as reasonably practical[/b], equally to animals and humans - all persons. For the purposes of this constitution and all other laws and acts, a person refers to any living being which can breathe and has feelings'. [emphasis added]

This has angered some citizens because they don't feel that emergency measures should be used to change the constitution in this way, but the president has insisted that this was the only way the articles could legally be changed. The measure will last for 14 days unless approved by public vote, in which case it will become permanent law.

Something that has angered many more citizens is the fact that, at the same time, a second emergency has been declared by the president (the constitution has no safeguards against declaring several emergencies at once). The declared emergency is a 'Terrorist Emergency' which bans Muslims from entering the country or openly practicing their religion, with compulsory 'Islam Awareness Classes' (which the president claims reveal the truth about Islam) for anyone who is a Muslim.

Hijab Yuhard, a Muslims citizen, declared "This is disgraceful. We are a peaceful religion." Another said "He's a f******* kn**head!" However, the president insisted this was not the case. The measure will last for 7 days but the president is understood to be trying to persuade government officials to vote to add an extra 14 days to the measure and wants a public vote eventually. But an inside source told us: "If the president doesn't get a vote from the public to keep the ban, he will just keep inventing new emergencies."

Edited by President PJ
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[quote name='President PJ' timestamp='1280889643' post='2400287']
The constitution applies, [b]as far as reasonably practical[/b], equally to animals and humans - all persons. For the purposes of this constitution and all other laws and acts, a person refers to any living being which can breathe and has feelings'. [emphasis added]

If you're RP'ing a furry nation you're doing it in the wrong place man. You want National RP.

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Looks like RP in the wrong place.

[QUOTE]* Due to the ban on Muslims, the DEFCON and threat levels have been raised. ....... [b]Only Voodoo cus Wicca not listed.[/b] Freedomland honours freedom that don't harm others. Nudity, free speech, freedom of religion or lack thereof, all important here. [/QUOTE]

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  • 4 weeks later...

[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1281285724' post='2404587']
President PJ, i do think somebody might have insulted you due to the TOPIC of your thread pal.

[quote name='ottawa1234' timestamp='1281296143' post='2404758']
Its your topic. You dont find that a tad racist?

OOC: It was a roleplay thread. I clearly don't actually own a country, so clearly I am not actually banning Muslims from anywhere nor even CLAIMING to be against them.

And ottawa1234: no. Even if I was talking AS ME, not as a FICTIONAL PRESIDENT, I would still say no - perhaps you would be so kind as to tell me what specific country the "race" of Muslims is from. I was under the impression it was classed as a religion. So you're are being racist by suggesting that anyone who doesn't fit your particular idea of what race a "real" Muslim is, is not a proper Muslim. And even if I said, as a FICTIONAL president, that I was banning all people of a particular race (white people for example), I would still not be being racist as it would be a fictional character speaking, which should be obvious if the forum says 'IC' (in-character).

By your logic, you better go round up all those white actors in the black slave-trade films, especially as those films were based on actual events. How dare those actors play racist people?! They must therefore be racist themselves!

Are you one of those people who organises campaigns to free fictional tv show characters from fictional prisons?

And as for what was "going through my head", I wanted something controversial. But I guess you all have to shake hands and be merry all the time here, and never ever decalre war on any country lest you get hit with the Book of Self-righteousness

Edited by President PJ
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Ok Pj if you want to get funny about it.
Your post shows a clear disregard for people of the Islamic faith and projects an aurora of prejudice.
Regardless of your own personal feelings about it, your roleplay...was banning muslims, you are reflected in your roleplay, so it doesnt matter if you dont have a country, or have anything against them, the fact is that you have declared a blanket ban on Islam within your borders in roleplay.

I think people might be getting mad or find you intensly funny, because your missing the point of "this thread is clearly anti muslim intentionally or not".

If you have an issue with this and my comments, PM me and ill be happy to explain it more, because blowing your top and being abusive and all "im on my high horse" wont win you browny points, and yes I know this because Ive lost count the times ive come a tumblin to the earth.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1283430291' post='2439074']
because blowing your top and being abusive and all "im on my high horse" wont win you browny points, and yes I know this because Ive lost count the times [b]ive come a tumblin to the earth[/b].

Like you are now. You are definitely not getting brownie points for crying 'prejudice!' because of an [u][b]IC post[/b][/u]. If you want to judge someone because of something they chose to RP, be my guest, but don't spout your nonsense in this thread or on these forums as if you were doing all of us a favor.

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