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I have a confession to make

Krunk the Great

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[quote name='legion-x' timestamp='1280556596' post='2395805']
dont worry about it he is simply mad about something that happend months ago.

The OP has little to nothing to do with LoSS.

[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1280557608' post='2395809']
You picked a funny AA to join if security and protection is really all that you're after.

I know! considering all the bigger alliances out there!

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[quote name='BamaBuc' timestamp='1280538675' post='2395571']
If the OP's assumption were correct, there would probably be about 15 huge alliances in the world. And someone probably would have just made a thread about how most of them needed to split into several smaller ones since they were so fat, complacent, and unwieldy that they were slowing down the game and killing the drama.

That's assuming that Krunk is serious and isn't using 12 layers of sarcasm to make sone convoluted point about LoSS. Never can tell.


Someone named corinan? :rolleyes:

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[quote name='Krunk the Great' timestamp='1280501495' post='2395008']
[size="2"]I know that not one of you are in your alliance for its community, or because they can afford to protect you. No, you are in your respective alliances because you all hide from tech raiders together under the same name.[/size]
Actually, my alliance was at war twice in about 1 month of existence, so I doubt that's the case.

That and we tech raid ourselves. :smug:

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[quote name='Desert Ratz' timestamp='1280511207' post='2395169']
Ill give it a stab.

Krunk [b]chooses to pretend to not[/b] let [b]some things[/b] go when [b]they still provide him entertainment[/b].

He [b]pretends to be[/b] butthurt about LoSS

He [b]fakes being[/b] butthurt about the DF/Nemesis treaty thread.

Therefore he creates a topic to [b]win[/b]

I almost didn't catch your post there.

Fixed :smug:

Edited by Krunk the Great
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[quote name='Krunk the Great' timestamp='1280559728' post='2395825']
Someone named corinan? :rolleyes:
Not necessarily. I was just making the point that if everyone joined big alliances and we had around 15 huge ones, people would probably complain that they kill the drama and should be split into smaller ones (the opposite of the current situation).


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[quote name='BamaBuc' timestamp='1280593026' post='2396033']
Not necessarily. I was just making the point that if everyone joined big alliances and we had around 15 huge ones, people would probably complain that they kill the drama and should be split into smaller ones (the opposite of the current situation).


Right, I think more of the problem now is everyone is tied to everyone somehow.

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Oh how have I missed this thread?

Krunk, do you need you ego boosting some more? Does your alliance not satisfy you enough that you have to come running to the OWF so that you can get attention? At least when you were in LoSS (until the whole multi thing) you were vaguely respectable, now you just add a nice large amount of petrol to the NSO flamefest.

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IÂ’ve been lurking your posts a long time, and IÂ’m not entirely convinced you are the coward you claim to be. Your alliance, New Sith Order, has been through tough times and you have yet to leave them to a more prosperous allegiance. When the Sith were besieged on all fronts you stood to face an uncertain future, you chose not to abandon your allies. Staying with the Sith through a losing battle was brave, courageous, and loyal - everything the Sith claim to hate most.

You, like many of your Sith brethren, are a complete hypocrite.
Sith may claim absolute self-interest, but continue to demonstrate passionate loyally to each other.

Edited by Generalissimo
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[quote name='Generalissimo' timestamp='1280632947' post='2396667']
I’ve been lurking your posts a long time, and I’m not entirely convinced you are the coward you claim to be. Your alliance, New Sith Order, has been through tough times and you have yet to leave them to a more prosperous allegiance. When the Sith were besieged on all fronts you stood to face an uncertain future, you chose not to abandon your allies. Staying with the Sith through a losing battle was brave, courageous, and loyal - everything the Sith claim to hate most.

You, like many of your Sith brethren, are a complete hypocrite.
Sith may claim absolute self-interest, but continue to demonstrate passionate loyally to each other.

Get it.

This guy doesn't.

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[quote name='Krunk the Great' timestamp='1280501495' post='2395008']

[size="2"]I know that not one of you are in your alliance for its community, or because they can afford to protect you. No, you are in your respective alliances because you all hide from tech raiders together under the same name.[/size]


Actually, I was just explaining to some MA folks that the community is IRON that I love and it is my favorite thing about IRON. I do not know where you got your reasoning for that statement.

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