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World Summer Classic 2010


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[quote name='Sargun' date='11 July 2010 - 08:13 PM' timestamp='1278897186' post='2367502']
Tahoe withdraws.
Tahoe's withdrawal has been noted.

[quote name='Triyun' date='11 July 2010 - 08:14 PM' timestamp='1278897239' post='2367507']
Nation Name: China
National Team Name: Chinese Dragons
World Continent: Asia
Sports: Soccer

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Nations now have one more day to sign up.

[quote name='Amyante' date='12 July 2010 - 07:42 AM' timestamp='1278938528' post='2368012']
Nation Name: Zargathia
National Team Name: Red Dragons
World Continent: Asia
Sports: Baseball, Basketball, American football and Association football.


[quote name='maddy' date='12 July 2010 - 03:18 PM' timestamp='1278965921' post='2368444']
[color="#4169E1"]From the request of Ryan, we have a baseball team that would also like to join Girltopia's football team(not soccer) if this late entry would be allowed. [/color]
Provided that it's a male team, it's approved.

Edited by KingChris
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As the attendees of the World Summer Classic's opening ceremonies entered Dallas's beautiful International Stadium, the interior was filled with enthusiastic entertainment from performers and musicians. Packs of friends attended wearing the colors of their countries. Little kids flew miniature flags of the home they loved.


After awhile, the lights turned off, and in the middle of the field, a giant clock counted down to the beginning of the ceremonies and of the games. Attention was then focused to 25 children marching in the flag of the host country, the United States, where four marines accepted the flag at the other end of the stadium to hoist it up on the flag pole. As the flag rose, the Star Spangled Banner was heard throughout the stadium as many of the Americans watched with inspiration. Following this, the Texas flag was brought out to the stadium by honorary guests of the country, and the four marines took it and hoisted up on a second flag pole as the [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPI4qYceKJg"]Texas Anthem[/url] was played. During this event, on the screens of the stadium, the victims of the nuclear blast in Houston and Galveston were displayed. Both flags were then lowered to half-mast for 21 seconds in honor of the fallen citizens in the attack, then they were raised back to full mast.

The ceremonies then turned into a short reenactment of the United States' history, from the revolution to the establishment of the Constitution, then to the Civil War, then to the Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression, followed by World War II and the Cold War. It then launched into the 9/11 attacks and the War on Terrorism, its fall, its revival, its second fall, and its second revival. At the point where history became present, the athletes of the countries began to march onto the field with their fellow citizens as the WSC logo was unveiled in the center of the field.


Finally, the group draws took place. The President of the United States, Bill Caudill, was given the honor of drawing for the groups. "We start off with basketball. The pots are based off of geographic location. In Pot 1, we have the United States and the Alaskan Union. In Pot 2, United Isocoles and Zargathia. In Pot 3, Australia and Carthage. One team from each pot will go to Group A, and the other will go to Group B. For the Group A drawings, the United States automatically goes to Group A, as it is the host country. For Pot 2, the nation going to Group A will be...Zargathia!" The audience politely clapped as Zargathian fans in the country stood up and cheered for their country. "Moving on, the nation from Pot 3 going into Group A will be...Australia! Therefore, the countries that make up Group A will be the USA, Australia, and Zargathia. Those in Group B will be Carthage, United Isocoles, and the Alaskan Union."

"For baseball, Pot 1 consists of the USA and Puerto Rico, Pot 2 consists of United Isocoles and Carthage, Pot 3 have Vietnam and Zargathia, and Pot 4 includes Australia and the Alaskan Union. In Group A, we will have the USA from Pot 1. From Pot 2, the country to go to Group A will be...Carthage! From Pot 3, it will be Vietnam, and from Pot 4, it will be Australia! Therefore, the nations in Group A will be USA, Vietnam, Australia, and Carthage, and the nations in Group B are Puerto Rico, United Isocoles, the Alaskan Union, and Zargathia."

"For American football, the Pots are USA and the Alaskan Union, United Isocoles and Carthage, Australia and Zargathia, and the Alaskan Republic and Girltopia. For Group A, we will have the USA...United Isocoles...Zargathia...and...the Alaskan Republic! Which means Group B will consist of the Alaskan Union, Girltopia, Australia, and Carthage."

"Since there are eleven association football squads, and only eight can compete this year, the top ranked teams will be included in this years tournament. That means we will have the USA and Vietnam in Pot 1, United Isocoles and the Isara Alliance in Pot 2, the United States of China and Zargathia in Pot 3, and Australia and the Alaskan Republic in Pot 4. For Group A, we will have the USA...United Isocoles...Zargathia...and the Alaskan Republic! For Group B, we will have...Vietnam...Australia...the Isara Alliance, and the United States of China."

A sportscaster's voice was then heard throughout the stadium as he commented on the group selections. "Folks, we have a fun Group for A. The USA and United Isocoles have the best chances of advancing to the knockout round, as they are the 9th and 11th ranked teams respectively. However, Zargathia and the Alaskan Republic, two new teams, can not be excluded. Their players are young and, with the right preparation, can overcome the big two in this group. The average rank in this group is 21.5. Group B looks more like a Group of Death to me. We have the 10th, 14th, 16th, and 23rd ranked teams in here. If I had to guess, I'd say Vietnam and Australia would come out on top in this one, but with the Isara Alliance and China not far behind in rankings, it's impossible to be sure. The average rank in this group is 15.75, 5.75 spots better than Group A's."

The attention then returned to President Caudill, who concluded, "Well guys, that's the end of the opening ceremonies. Therefore, on behalf of a proud, determined and grateful nation, I declare open the United States World Summer Classic."

OOC: In the interest of making this tournament more tense in the knockout rounds, for basketball, the teams with the best point differences will advance, and for baseball, the teams with the most runs will advance.

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Dallas, TX - In the opening basketball game of the tournament, the United States faced off against Australia, and oh my, was the game close. Both teams put up their best effort, with neither team trailing by more than 5 points at any given in the moment in the game. Throughout the game, it was nearly impossible to predict a winner, as both teams' defensive efforts were extremely superior, allowing neither team any chances at fast breaks. But finally, at the end of the game, when the US was trailing by two points, its point guard pulled off a buzzer beater 3-pointer, allowing the US to barely obtain its first victory. Of course, Australia still has a good chance of making the knockout round, as the classic for basketball revolves around point difference, and Australia only has a -1 value.
[b]United States 79-78 Australia[/b]

Houston, TX - On the other side of the basketball tournament, Carthage faced off against United Isocoles. For the first three quarters, both teams put up similar efforts, and it looked like the game would possibly end in a draw. However, in the 4th quarter, Carthage seemed to give up from exhaustion, and for the final 12 minutes, United Isocoles scored double what Carthage did to take the victory.
[b]Carthage 95-107 United Isocoles[/b]

San Diego, CA - For baseball, the tournament opener featured the United States versus Vietnam. The Vietnamese caught an early lead by scoring two runs on a long homer in the top of the first inning. However, the hosts were not ready to give up, and in retaliation, they scored on a grand slam in the 6th. The Yanks then managed to pull off four more runs in the 7th and 8th inning. In the top of the 9th, Vietnam managed to heroically score two runs with two outs, but unfortunately for them, finally struck out.
[b]United States 8-4 Vietnam[/b]

San Francisco, CA - The group B opener involved Puerto Rico and United Isocoles competing against each other. The match wasn't close as United Isocoles managed to restrict Puerto Rico to one run. United Isocoles, however, overwhelmed the Puerto Ricans as they scored 5 runs on 2 single homers and 2 RBI. By the 7th inning stretch, it seemed imminent to the Puerto Ricans that they would lose, and so, they seemed to give up, and with neither team scoring after that, United Isocoles took the victory.
[b]Puerto Rico 1-5 United Isocoles[/b]

Oakland, CA – On match day 1, Australia faced off against Carthage. Although they had no homers, Carthage managed to pull off RBI’s in the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, and 8th innings. Preparing for a shutout, the Carthaginian manager decided to rest some of his starters, including the pitchers, and subbed in some adequate rookies. Had he not done this, Carthage may as well have had the shutout. However, in the top of the 9th, the Carthaginian pitcher released a badly thrown curveball that didn’t curve. The Australian batter hit it out of the ballpark for a solo home run. Unfortunately for them, that was Australia’s only lucky moment, and Australia lost to Carthage.
[b]Australia 1-5 Carthage[/b]

Washington, D.C. – The final baseball match of the day featured the Alaskan Union and Zargathia. Unlike the other three games of the day, this match was close for all 9 innings. For every run that Zargathia scored, the Alaskan Union responded with a run. But just as the game seemed that it would turn into a draw, in the 8th inning, the Zargathian pitcher lost composure with bases loaded. Although the Alaskan player didn’t get the grand slam he wanted, he managed to get one RBI, and with no one else scoring after him, secured the victory for the Alaskan Union.
[b]Alaskan Union 7-6 Zargathia[/b]

Austin, TX – The United States vs. United Isocoles. Two very strong teams in the world rankings. The match was notable for the large number of yellow cards shown. Fourteen yellow cards were awarded, and a United Isocoles player was sent off for a second yellow. The Netherlands had several chances to score, most notably in the 60th minute whena United Isocoles player managed to breakaway, putting him one-on-one with the United States goalkeeper, but the goalkeeper pushed the shot wide with an outstretched leg. Meanwhile, for Spain, the United States missed a free header from a crucial corner kick. The game ended in a draw, with the US only having 8 chances, and United Isocoles having only five.
[b]United States 0-0 United Isocoles[/b]

Los Angeles, CA- It was Zargathia vs. the Alaskan Republic. This game was known for its lack of action. In the first half, there were only three attempts at scoring, all which failed. In the second, there were two, in which a Zargathian attempt made it into the net. Many fans started to leave due to the fact that for the vast majority of the game, the ball was stuck in the midfield. Finally, near the end of the game, Zargathia went on all-out offense, barely managing to score in the 86th minute to win.
[b]Zargathia 1-0 Alaskan Republic[/b]

Pasadena, CA – Vietnam played Australia first. Number 10 against number 14. Vietnam had the bulk of possession throughout the match, with Australia adopting a tight defensive structure. Australia created chances on the counter-attack, but Vietnam also went close to scoring on numerous occasions in the first and second halves. The match was deadlocked at 0–0 until the 73rd minute, when Vietnam was awarded a corner. The corner was met by a Vietnamese head which bumped the ball into the net to give Vietnam the lead. Thereafter, Vietnamprotected its advantage and won the match.
[b]Vietnam 1-0 Australia [/b]

Dallas, TX – Isara Alliance vs. United States of China. Isara Alliance controlled the early part of the match and got off to a quick lead when an unmarked forward made a run into the box and beat the Chinese keeper in the 4th minute. The Chinese would level the game in the 40th minute when a seemingly harmless shot was mishandled by Isara goalie and rolled into the back of the net. China had a good opportunity to take the lead and pull off a surprise upset in the second half. A Chinese striker muscled his way through the left side of the Isara defense and had a good attempt on goal. However, the goalie deflected the shot and it hit off the cross bar for a near miss. The game ended in a draw.
[b]Isara Alliance 1-1 United States of China[/b]

Ann Arbor, MI – The United States faced United Isocoles again, this time on the American football field. The two teams played pretty evenly in the first half, and the score was tied at the half, with four field goals apiece. However, in the second half, United Isocoles opted to rest their players while United States kept their starters in. As a result, the United States scored two touchdowns and a field goal on the United Isocoles defense in the second half, with no response from the offense. The victor: United States
[b]United States 29-12 United Isocoles[/b]

State College, PA – For the Group B opener, Australia played the Alaskan Union. The Australians managed to advance all the way to the Alaska red zone, but were held there, and the Australians were forced to settle with a field goal. The Alaskans then responded with a touchdown opening drive. In the second half, Australia scored first with a touchdown early in the fourth quarter. Later, Alaska scored its own touchdown with no more time remaining. Instead of kicking a field goal, they opted to attempt a two-point conversion. The ball was snapped, the Alaskan quarterback threw the ball, and the Alaskan receiver caught it in the endzone for a two-point conversion. However, a referee had thrown the flag on the field for clipping for an offensive lineman, resulting in a fifteen yard penalty for Alaska. The Alaskans attempted the two-point conversion again, and again, they were successful. When things seemed to end, the Australian coach challenged the play, and after review, it was determined that the receiver who caught the ball stepped out of bounds. The attempt was no good, and Australia won the game.
[b]Australia 14-13 Alaskan Union[/b]

Knoxville, TN – The Alaskan Republic faced off against Zargathia in Knoxville for day 1, and surprisingly, all points were scored in the first half. In what were purely offensive efforts, both teams scored touchdowns and field goals to bring a score of 23-33 Zargathia for the first half. In the second half, the teams then switched to all-defense, and with no more points being scored, Zargathia defeated the Alaskan Republic in what was undoubtedly one of the oddest games in known history.
[b]Alaskan Republic 23-33 Zargathia[/b]

Columbus, OH – With stressful events occurring in Girltopia, the team was obviously stressed as it played Carthage. Their defense gave up four touchdowns and a field goal in the first three quarters. Carthage, on the other hand, seemed to be asleep at times, allowing the disgruntled Girltopian team to pull off three touchdowns. It was rumored that Carthage was not asleep but instead did that as an act of sympathy. Either way, Carthage won, and many expect Girltopia to perform poorly.
[b]Girltopia 21-31 Carthage[/b]

Edited by KingChris
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[quote name='Fizzydog' date='16 July 2010 - 11:26 PM' timestamp='1279340797' post='2375480']
OoC: Since my nation is defunct what will happen?
OOC: I'll just keep it on there so that the tournament doesn't get complicated.

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[quote name='KingChris' date='16 July 2010 - 06:20 PM' timestamp='1279317009' post='2375023']
Dallas, TX - In the opening basketball game of the tournament, the United States faced off against Australia, and oh my, was the game close. Both teams put up their best effort, with neither team trailing by more than 5 points at any given in the moment in the game. Throughout the game, it was nearly impossible to predict a winner, as both teams' defensive efforts were extremely superior, allowing neither team any chances at fast breaks. But finally, at the end of the game, when the US was trailing by two points, its point guard pulled off a buzzer beater 3-pointer, allowing the US to barely obtain its first victory. Of course, Australia still has a good chance of making the knockout round, as the classic for basketball revolves around point difference, and Australia only has a -1 value.
[b]United States 79-78 Australia[/b]

Houston, TX - On the other side of the basketball tournament, Carthage faced off against United Isocoles. For the first three quarters, both teams put up similar efforts, and it looked like the game would possibly end in a draw. However, in the 4th quarter, Carthage seemed to give up from exhaustion, and for the final 12 minutes, United Isocoles scored double what Carthage did to take the victory.
[b]Carthage 95-107 United Isocoles[/b]

San Diego, CA - For baseball, the tournament opener featured the United States versus Vietnam. The Vietnamese caught an early lead by scoring two runs on a long homer in the top of the first inning. However, the hosts were not ready to give up, and in retaliation, they scored on a grand slam in the 6th. The Yanks then managed to pull off four more runs in the 7th and 8th inning. In the top of the 9th, Vietnam managed to heroically score two runs with two outs, but unfortunately for them, finally struck out.
[b]United States 8-4 Vietnam[/b]

San Francisco, CA - The group B opener involved Puerto Rico and United Isocoles competing against each other. The match wasn't close as United Isocoles managed to restrict Puerto Rico to one run. United Isocoles, however, overwhelmed the Puerto Ricans as they scored 5 runs on 2 single homers and 2 RBI. By the 7th inning stretch, it seemed imminent to the Puerto Ricans that they would lose, and so, they seemed to give up, and with neither team scoring after that, United Isocoles took the victory.
[b]Puerto Rico 1-5 United Isocoles[/b]

Oakland, CA – On match day 1, Australia faced off against Carthage. Although they had no homers, Carthage managed to pull off RBI’s in the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, and 8th innings. Preparing for a shutout, the Carthaginian manager decided to rest some of his starters, including the pitchers, and subbed in some adequate rookies. Had he not done this, Carthage may as well have had the shutout. However, in the top of the 9th, the Carthaginian pitcher released a badly thrown curveball that didn’t curve. The Australian batter hit it out of the ballpark for a solo home run. Unfortunately for them, that was Australia’s only lucky moment, and Australia lost to Carthage.
[b]Australia 1-5 Carthage[/b]

Washington, D.C. – The final baseball match of the day featured the Alaskan Union and Zargathia. Unlike the other three games of the day, this match was close for all 9 innings. For every run that Zargathia scored, the Alaskan Union responded with a run. But just as the game seemed that it would turn into a draw, in the 8th inning, the Zargathian pitcher lost composure with bases loaded. Although the Alaskan player didn’t get the grand slam he wanted, he managed to get one RBI, and with no one else scoring after him, secured the victory for the Alaskan Union.
[b]Alaskan Union 7-6 Zargathia[/b]

Austin, TX – The United States vs. United Isocoles. Two very strong teams in the world rankings. The match was notable for the large number of yellow cards shown. Fourteen yellow cards were awarded, and a United Isocoles player was sent off for a second yellow. The Netherlands had several chances to score, most notably in the 60th minute whena United Isocoles player managed to breakaway, putting him one-on-one with the United States goalkeeper, but the goalkeeper pushed the shot wide with an outstretched leg. Meanwhile, for Spain, the United States missed a free header from a crucial corner kick. The game ended in a draw, with the US only having 8 chances, and United Isocoles having only five.
[b]United States 0-0 United Isocoles[/b]

Los Angeles, CA- It was Zargathia vs. the Alaskan Republic. This game was known for its lack of action. In the first half, there were only three attempts at scoring, all which failed. In the second, there were two, in which a Zargathian attempt made it into the net. Many fans started to leave due to the fact that for the vast majority of the game, the ball was stuck in the midfield. Finally, near the end of the game, Zargathia went on all-out offense, barely managing to score in the 86th minute to win.
[b]Zargathia 1-0 Alaskan Republic[/b]

Pasadena, CA – Vietnam played Australia first. Number 10 against number 14. Vietnam had the bulk of possession throughout the match, with Australia adopting a tight defensive structure. Australia created chances on the counter-attack, but Vietnam also went close to scoring on numerous occasions in the first and second halves. The match was deadlocked at 0–0 until the 73rd minute, when Vietnam was awarded a corner. The corner was met by a Vietnamese head which bumped the ball into the net to give Vietnam the lead. Thereafter, Vietnamprotected its advantage and won the match.
[b]Vietnam 1-0 Australia [/b]

Dallas, TX – Isara Alliance vs. United States of China. Isara Alliance controlled the early part of the match and got off to a quick lead when an unmarked forward made a run into the box and beat the Chinese keeper in the 4th minute. The Chinese would level the game in the 40th minute when a seemingly harmless shot was mishandled by Isara goalie and rolled into the back of the net. China had a good opportunity to take the lead and pull off a surprise upset in the second half. A Chinese striker muscled his way through the left side of the Isara defense and had a good attempt on goal. However, the goalie deflected the shot and it hit off the cross bar for a near miss. The game ended in a draw.
[b]Isara Alliance 1-1 United States of China[/b]

Ann Arbor, MI – The United States faced United Isocoles again, this time on the American football field. The two teams played pretty evenly in the first half, and the score was tied at the half, with four field goals apiece. However, in the second half, United Isocoles opted to rest their players while United States kept their starters in. As a result, the United States scored two touchdowns and a field goal on the United Isocoles defense in the second half, with no response from the offense. The victor: United States
[b]United States 29-12 United Isocoles[/b]

State College, PA – For the Group B opener, Australia played the Alaskan Union. The Australians managed to advance all the way to the Alaska red zone, but were held there, and the Australians were forced to settle with a field goal. The Alaskans then responded with a touchdown opening drive. In the second half, Australia scored first with a touchdown early in the fourth quarter. Later, Alaska scored its own touchdown with no more time remaining. Instead of kicking a field goal, they opted to attempt a two-point conversion. The ball was snapped, the Alaskan quarterback threw the ball, and the Alaskan receiver caught it in the endzone for a two-point conversion. However, a referee had thrown the flag on the field for clipping for an offensive lineman, resulting in a fifteen yard penalty for Alaska. The Alaskans attempted the two-point conversion again, and again, they were successful. When things seemed to end, the Australian coach challenged the play, and after review, it was determined that the receiver who caught the ball stepped out of bounds. The attempt was no good, and Australia won the game.
[b]Australia 14-13 Alaskan Union[/b]

Knoxville, TN – The Alaskan Republic faced off against Zargathia in Knoxville for day 1, and surprisingly, all points were scored in the first half. In what were purely offensive efforts, both teams scored touchdowns and field goals to bring a score of 23-33 Zargathia for the first half. In the second half, the teams then switched to all-defense, and with no more points being scored, Zargathia defeated the Alaskan Republic in what was undoubtedly one of the oddest games in known history.
[b]Alaskan Republic 23-33 Zargathia[/b]

Columbus, OH – With stressful events occurring in Girltopia, the team was obviously stressed as it played Carthage. Their defense gave up four touchdowns and a field goal in the first three quarters. Carthage, on the other hand, seemed to be asleep at times, allowing the disgruntled Girltopian team to pull off three touchdowns. It was rumored that Carthage was not asleep but instead did that as an act of sympathy. Either way, Carthage won, and many expect Girltopia to perform poorly.
[b]Girltopia 21-31 Carthage[/b]

The AU congratulates it's baseball team and Howie Snider on winning, and are sad we lost in football. We also hope that teams that hadn't played yet in international soccer tournaments were choosen to play in this one because of a random draw, not the order they signed up for AFIS (OOC:or yours if you still use it).

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[quote name='Ryan Milley' date='22 July 2010 - 10:51 AM' timestamp='1279813862' post='2384468']
OOC:Just wondering when this will countinue.
OOC: Sorry, my xbox burned out the day after the first results. Luckily, I have a memory card, so I'll get back to posting results when my xbox comes back, which could be any day now.

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  • 4 weeks later...

OOC: Unfortunately, with my past Xbox failure and with an unexpected three-week trip, I no longer have time to write the reviews for the games. So I'll just do what Pravus did: post the results and let you guys write them. I will write the reports for the finals and the 3rd-place games though.

Oh, and remember, this all happened awhile ago, so don't complain if there are outdated countries.

IC: Basketball:
USA 95-95 Zargathia (Overtime score was USA 124-112 Zargathia; however, the game will count as a tie)
Carthage 85-84 Alaskan Union

USA 4-1 Australia
Vietnam 11-6 Carthage
Puerto Rico 2-1 Alaskan Union
United Isocoles 2-15 Zargathia

USA 8-2 Zargathia
United Isocoles 5-3 Alaskan Republic
Vietnam 2-1 Isara Alliance
Australia 3-3 China

USA 27-13 Zargathia
Alaskan Republic 41-6 United Isocoles
Australia 16-24 Girltopia
Alaskan Union 29-17 Carthage

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