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What do you look for in an Alliance?


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Activity, if there isn't any activity in the alliance, the game becomes boring very quickly. Opportunity for advancement, some alliances have glass ceilings, so no matter how good you are, you'll never get there. Members/Community, I can get along with pretty much anybody, but a good community is good, this kind of plays into activity. Opportunity to get involved, kind of like the advancement, but if there isn't anything available to do, than the alliance isn't going anywhere.

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Community / Activity followed bu leadership and political stance. If i don't agree with the leadership of the alliance or don't respect them; then my stay in that alliance is not going to be long.

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Generally speaking, an active community full of players who respect new nations. I'm not a *new* nation but I dislike players who play the nub card as soon as they see someone do something a new player will inevitably do. It's not fair on them.

Leadership is another important factor. Let's face it, if the leadership is doing something you don't like, you won't like the alliance because the leadership represents it. If the players and leaders are easy to get along with, then that's enough for me, and probably most people. Where there are friendly faces there is much learning to be had, no matter how long you've been in the game,

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[quote name='magicninja' date='20 June 2010 - 12:33 PM' timestamp='1277033587' post='2343657']
Community. If the people are fun then I can be there.

This man, despite being a fake ninja, is quite clearly giving the only possible answer. If the Alliance members are fun, then every thing else follows and is fun too (despite what may happen in the game).

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