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GPS Day 2: A second kind of congress

Maelstrom Vortex

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It was a sunny, warm day. The delegates were greeted in the Capital Rotunda underneath the Apotheosis of George Washington by the staff and shown the way to the House Chamber and designated seating which.. in order to be non-offensive.. was alphabetically ordered by the formal names of each nation.


The House quickly became crowded as the delegations were seated.


"Let us develop the resources of our lands, call forth their powers, build up their institutions, promote all their great interests, and see whether we also, in our day and generation, may not perform something worthy to be remembered." Were the first words out of Caudill's mouth as he slowly took the podium to start the meeting. "Greetings delegations of the world. In order not to dominate the meeting this cession of the Global Peace Summit has allotted 15 minutes to each delegation to say.. pretty much whatever you feel you would like to say in the pursuit of world peace. I want to welcome you, if you feel there is something the United States could do.. address it directly, we will take no offense at your criticism and the people have compelled me that we should take a braver, harder, and nobler path in seeking the protection of the rights of the people in the spirit of Global Peace."

"At this point we'll start with the A's and work our way through the Z's." He nodded to the delegation from the first nation in the procession. "Please hold all comments til the discussion segment which will occur at the end of these speeches. Feel free to take notes if you like to keep hold of your ideas."

ooc: I don't honestly know the order of the nations in CNRP alphabetically and I doubt any of us do, but go ahead and post your piece here and we'll simply assume they fell in line.

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Zoe Saldana walked humbly up the podium and nervously recieved a welcoming applaus. She wasn't sure what exactly to do, nor had she ever spoken before a significant audience and so she began, [i]"Uhm..I'd like to thank President Caudi..Caudill for hosting this honorable uhm Congress. I am Zoe Saldana, here in proud representation of the free people of the Dominican Republic. Our revolution is a prime example of humanity's victory for improving life and liberty. We see much promise in this summit for global peace and praise the efforts of the United States, whom have not first walked the road and preached its cause, but they are of the most powerful and influential to do so and we from the island thank you."[/i] she smiled, now with more confidence during an applause for the United States.

[i]"We have made a pledge to promote, protect, and fight for liberty and freedom throughout the world and since our revolution in which hundreds gave their lives, we have pursued more peaceful means of duing so. Perhaps peace is an impossible cause, but the possibility to significanlty reduce conflict to much more minimal & less destructive scale is strong. In such an endevour we will need a responsible world cooperation. I have been amongst those who dwelled in poverty and oppression, I was among those who cried 'where is the world?' 'where are our heros, our liberators?' when you struggle and cry for help to no avail, you become your own liberator. And so we faught. If the world can liberate all downtrodden and mistreated, there will no longer exist the necessity for them to react violently themselves. And so I close my statement with this: Enough has been said about the impossibility of peace. Let us speak on the possibility to avoid bloodshed. The organization of well-meaning hearts, and solid merit will make the world a more peaceful place."[/i] She thrust her fist into the air [i]"¡Y Cuba Libre!"[/i]

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*puts the day on Rewind*

[b]10 AM, Steps of the Wing of the House of Representatives[/b]

The international press corps is invited to what is touted a wind-up event to the World Forum. Standing at podiums are President William Caudill and a representative of Disparu.

"To show that something will have come of this conference.. something extremely important to Global Democracy, Peace, and the quest for Life and LIberty for all of humanity.. The United States and Disparu hereby sign the God's Will Mutual Defense Treaty." With that, he picked up a ceremonial quill pen, waited for the Disparu rep to do the same, and they would sign together at the same time.

[b] Back after the speech by the Dominican group. [/b]

A lone bald eagle flew through an open window a worker had carelessly left open and moved to settle on the clock above the speaker's podium. It settled as if to watch.

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Auguste Ethan calmly sat in his chair listening as others went over there statements. He took notes on all speeches and simply listened. He would wait until he felt it was a worthy time to speak.

(OOC - I don't know what were here to discuss...so I'll let someone else raise an issue before responding.)

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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' date='10 June 2010 - 08:35 PM' timestamp='1276216503' post='2332408']
*puts the day on Rewind*

[b]10 AM, Steps of the Wing of the House of Representatives[/b]

The international press corps is invited to what is touted a wind-up event to the World Forum. Standing at podiums are President William Caudill and a representative of Disparu.

"To show that something will have come of this conference.. something extremely important to Global Democracy, Peace, and the quest for Life and LIberty for all of humanity.. The United States and Disparu hereby sign the God's Will Mutual Defense Treaty." With that, he picked up a ceremonial quill pen, waited for the Disparu rep to do the same, and they would sign together at the same time.

"Indeed. Hail democracy, peace, and liberty!" said Lance, smiling, as he picked up his ceremonial quill pen. He would sign the treaty with President Caudill at the same time.



Lance, Maylene and Paul would enter the House Chamber and sit at their respective seats. Fortunately, they were just in time for the first speech.

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The Chinese Ambassadors came before the joint session of Congress and the delegates from other countries.

[quote]"Madame Speaker, Mr. Vice President, members of Congress, fellow delegates... I come before you today, to warn against the troubling trend I see in the world today. This trend is one which I suspect many in this chamber share. I come to warn against the International Liberal Order. The International Liberal Order is a force which seeks to make international organizations, laws, and norms which are created by an elite few and that if left unchecked will be forced on the rest of Humanity and to permanently entrench the status quo.

The International Liberal Order is the truest form of Hyper Imperialism. It seeks to entangle itself on every corner of the world, and ingrain itself within the lives of every citizen. It seeks to undo the natural order and replace it with an artificial one, one which inevitably leads to the most destructive of war by the downtrodden who shall find the status quo so unbearable that they must stand up. It is based on an immature view of history, which seeks to replace human progress with automaton stagnation!

It is blood alone that moves the wheels of history. It ends stagnation and declinism, replacing rotting Empires who have given all they can give with new ones, full of vigor and youth. It sweeps the great ideas across continents like a tide; it stitched the world together and brought us forth from the Stone Age into the modern era. It inspires Great Leaders and renews the human spirit!

While many may seek the world to come to an unconditional peace, to end history, we must realize the truth. These forces are the forces of the status quo, this peace is no true peace. These are the machinations of the very stagnating Empires which history has up till now swept aside. We stand on a cross roads today. On one side is the easy and false path. This path will start with regional stagnation, it will then move to agreements of reciprocation. At the end of this path is the end of sovereignty, the end of the dreams of a people, the end of History. On the other path is rejection, and an embrace of human destiny. Delegations, I ask you to take this message back to your governments. Peace must not be blindly embraced.

We live in a world today covered with protectorates that are used to enforce conformity. Nations rather than continuously seeking to prove they deserve the mandate of heaven believe ruling is their birthright… Such arrogance disgusts me. Future Generations soon will no longer be dreaming towards the future but will have their destinies pre-planned for them.

Do not surrender one inch of sovereignty, do not surrender one inch of your dreams. Let a hundred flowers bloom let a hundred political forces contend! Embrace the Human Destiny!"[/quote]

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Lila Nevak of Blue Heaven came up to the podium and made a few short comments as she was quite shy when it came to public speaking.

[i]I'd like to personally thank President Caudill and the entire USA for hosting this great summit. I'd just like to quickly say that we even though we are at a global peace summit, that absolute peace is impossible to achieve. There will always be conflicts among people. What we can do, however, to make the world more peaceful is to realize that conflicts may be caused due to past injustices done by one nation to another, competition over limited resources, and percieved threats.

We must do our best to identify and diffuse these situations ahead of time by paying attention to what nations are doing and how it will be percieved by their neighbors, but more important than that is knowing our history. In knowing the history of a conflict, one can quickly get to the root of the problem and from there begin to solve it. If this occurs than I am sure that the world will be a much more peaceful place not only for ourselves, but for our children and grandchildren.

Also if we truly want peace, we need to stop seeing divisions between one another. Race/ethnicity, location, the nation your from, religion, class, and the like are, in actuality, things that form wedges between us instead of bringing us together. In order to fully and truly obtain peace we need to stop seeing the differences between us and start seeing one another as human beings instead of being from this nation or that nation. We need to be able to help one another even though we may not particularly like a certain nation or nations due to their past actions. If we can begin to do that, although I know that it is virtually impossible to do so in this day and age, then we will make a large, meaningful step towards peace.[/i]

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Some time before...

Foreign Minister Ramiaramanana arrived at Capitol Hill at the appointed time and seated himself in the House chamber. As he got his notes out, he looked up at the mural on the ceiling. The message was clear: God and all His angels are watching you, and judging your decisions. Alain really wished some people would take the message to heart.

He settled himself in his seat as the introductions and the beginning speeches took place. When it was his time, he wiped his forehead with a handkerchief as the Union of Arctica was called, and walked up to the podium. [i]What in the world is that eagle doing there? These people are a little stranger than I imagined them.[/i] Stepping behind the podium, he cleared his throat and began to speak.

"I am grateful for the opportunity to speak before all gathered here today. We all gathered to speak of peace. But what is peace, and how may it be achieved? Arctica believes that peace is a political state where all nations coexist in a state of cooperation and nonconflict. Advocates of 'peace through violence' would have you believe that the ideal peace is an enforced one, where peace is only attainable through subduing and suppressing the instigators of violence. The phantom of an omnipresent 'big brother' enforcer is what closet imperialists will use to justify their cynical world view.

How, then, might a lasting peace be achieved? The answer, ladies and gentlemen, is cooperation. It could be simple if states only began to give each other a fair deal. For too long have the powers of this world looked to expand their influence, to take and to expand and to conquer. Unity by force of arms. Peace through power. Lies all.

[i]We must learn to share![/i] To examine the needs of our neighbors, to feed their mouths as they feed ours. When nobody needs to take, when we think for the benefit of all, that is when a lasting peace will exist.

Many wars are caused by economic need. When we unite to help them, that is what furthers peace. Others yet are caused by greed. When we unite and say "no more," this is what furthers peace.

This cannot be a scattered effort. We cannot simply entrust some committee to fix everything and then let it stagnate. It is a collective responsibility, and only united will we succeed.

[i]United we will succeed, and divided we will fail[/i]. Despite what some would have you believe, a lasting peace IS attainable IF there is a concerted effort to improve things. When there is not, we prove the cynics right, we prove the imperialists right and show them that we are going to tolerate the status quo and we are going to tolerate the taking and the killing and the inequality.

[i]United we can succeed.[/i]

Thank you all very much."

As soon as he stepped away from the microphone, Ramiaramanana exhaled loudly. He was sweating. He wasn't much of a public speaker, he was a bureaucrat. But he felt he had done a good job with the speech he had been given. His performance would be evaluated by the reaction of the audience.

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Caudill was applauding along with the congress vigorously at the statement by Ramiaramanana. In the applause he called out "United We Stand.. Divided We Fall." Motto of his home state.

As Ramiaramanana took his seat, the Congressman from Illinois leaned forward and slipped him the God's Will treaty copy for review. "If you really believe that." The Congressman said at a whisper, "You should give this a good look over."

The Eagle let out a bit of a disgruntled squawk at all the applause, then went back to preening his wings. Feathery down drifted onto the Speaker's chair.

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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' date='10 June 2010 - 09:41 PM' timestamp='1276224053' post='2332636']
As Ramiaramanana took his seat, the Congressman from Illinois leaned forward and slipped him the God's Will treaty copy for review. "If you really believe that." The Congressman said at a whisper, "You should give this a good look over."

The Minister took the copy and whispered back, "I will read it sometime." He turned to face forward again and looked over the first part, then set it down so he could pay attention to the goings-on.

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An aid came in and handed Caudill the phone. He stood up and shouted interrupting the current speaker, "THEY'RE DOING WHAT!?" He looked around and shook his head. "Do you have images of this?..." He started making his way to the Podium. "Patch them through the capitol's main data feed. The world will be aware of what they're doing in just a few seconds."

As he got to the stands he apologized to the current speaker and promised they would immediately be able to resume as soon as he delivered an important announcement. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I do apologize for the interruption of today's events." A large white screen was deployed by aids and a projection began to broadcast on the screen. "The gentlemen you are about to hear from is Huey Smith, a lead geologist at the U.S. Geologic Survey. He was out in Michigan checking on some anomalies when he came across some rather interesting findings.. go ahead Dr. Smith."

Dr. Smith nodded, "I'm at the U.S. Geological Survey. We're also making this data available to all world governments. Our seismic equipment had been detecting a series of minor shocks of unknown origins in the Michigan area.. not specific to any fault and at exactly the same depths. He put another image on the screen next to his head. "What you are seeing are the images taken from our ground sonar live as they are taken. What we are appearing to see is a cavity with excavation equipment and people inside it about 150 feet below the ground ending at a closure which continues to be lengthened. If our readings are correct, this cavity.. which is not part of any U.S. project.. leads all the way back to the Great Lake Provinces border. Meaning, Ladies and Gentlemen.. that for some unknown reason our neighbors whom we only recently had hostile words with has decided to tunnel beneath our borders. Our findings can be correlated and verified with international seismographs."


"Thank you, Dr. Smith." Caudill said. The eagle squawked angrily above.

"We demand the Great Lake Provinces evacuate these tunnels immediately. We will begin closing them within 24 hours with explosives.. whether or not they have been. We consider this breach of national sovereignty an act of war and are unfortunately having to consider a declaration of war." He sighed. "It is a pity.. we can't even go one week.. without someone terrorizing some part of the world by being places they should not be."

He then sang out the 4th verse of the Star Spangled banner..

O! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved home and the war's desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the heav'n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

He then exited the room to go consult with the senate side of the legislature.

VP Johnson remained to speak on the behalf of the United States when it was their turn.

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VP Johnson chuckled, "With our regrets.. ahem.. I think that's what he is about to go do. I do apologize once more for the interruption to the ceremony and the spirit of the meeting. This looks like it is going to be one of those unavoidable conflicts. Please.. whoever is next in line.. continue. Lets not let this event derail the rest of the Summit."

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Ah, this was his element. Public, in front of large crowds. He was never uncomfortable being the center of attention, and he wasn't about to change that today. He was one of the most ardent applauders when the Arctican representative concluded his speech. He was just about to stand up when Caudill interrupted.

He sipped on a glass of water before standing and making his way to the podium. Clearing his throat, he glanced up once at the eagle. Was it perhaps, the same eagle that had watched him with a careful eye at the war memorial?

"Well," he said, indicating the noble bird. "It looks like we have another advocate of peace, eh?" At a few uncertain laughs, he grinned. "No, really. I was at the Vietnam War memorial shortly after I arrived, and this fellow stood perched on top, staring at me as if he knew what I was thinking, as if he knew what the memorial was for. As if he sensed what was happening before our hosts received word of this incursion."

"Perhaps it's ridiculous, perhaps not, but choose to believe it or not...that memorial stands as a testament to one of the most pointless and avoidable wars in human history. Some would have us believe that war only advances the human race, that it serves to further advance us as a species, beyond any degree that a peaceful world may have. They point to war, call it a natural order of things, and say that because that is always the way it has been, that is the way it must be if the human race is to goforward into the future."

His face hardened, no trace of the earlier smile or jovial manner he had had upon taking the stand to make a totally improvised speech.

"I tell you, [i]they are wrong.[/i]" His eyes narrowed as he clenched his hand into a fist. "As a former Marine in my nation's armed forces and before that watched my only home destroyed by terrorist actions, one who has seen firsthand the chaos, the power, the [i]utter destruction[/i] war can bring, I tell you [i]they are wrong![/i] Perhaps it brings about technological advancement, but only to a point. How can the human race advance if its people die of a manmade plague, victim to a biological weapon? How can they thrive, when the earth, the waters, and the sky are poisoned by chemical weapons? How can they achieve innovation, create new technology, when their cities are blasted, with all advancements destroyed in a radioactive crater created by nuclear weapons, unfit to live in, that would poison them and their children for generations to come should they even near ground zero?"

"No, mankind has has always advanced more significantly as a race when they band together, work together toward a [i]common[/i] goal. We saw the rise of civilizations when nations banded together--Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome. Each successively greater than the last. While yes, they did in large part advance their civilizations through war, this was not their only accomplishment. They were innovaters, thinkers, particularly the latter two Empires. You don't see the Barbarians that conquered rome having established a viable civilization, do you? Where were their inventions? No, they were warlike, and war was all they understood. After carving up the Romans, they fought amongst themselves. They destroyed the civilization they thought to rule by force."

"And just because something is the natural order...does that make it right? Should anarchy, chaos, and crime be permitted as part of the natural order? Well, should it?"

"Answer that question, answer it honestly. Thank you."

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VP Johnson applauded vigorously to the statements by the Australian delegation. As the man sat down the Congresswoman from Missouri leaned over and inquired of Duke Jackson. "Sir.. if you feel that strongly and that is your government's position.. what's holding them back from getting on board with the God's Will treaty?" She whispered.

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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' date='11 June 2010 - 12:12 AM' timestamp='1276240304' post='2333033']
VP Johnson applauded vigorously to the statements by the Australian delegation. As the man sat down the Congresswoman from Missouri leaned over and inquired of Duke Jackson. "Sir.. if you feel that strongly and that is your government's position.. what's holding them back from getting on board with the God's Will treaty?" She whispered.
"Because I have not adequately been able to express my sentiments until now," he whispered back, shaking a little from the grips of the passion that had overtaken him in the middle of that speech. "And while my nation never truly desires war, they have begun to see it as part of an inevitible cycle--[i]and[/i] there are nations out there they still do not trust to remain peaceful."

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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' date='11 June 2010 - 01:13 AM' timestamp='1276236795' post='2332976']
An aid came in and handed Caudill the phone. He stood up and shouted interrupting the current speaker, "THEY'RE DOING WHAT!?" He looked around and shook his head. "Do you have images of this?..." He started making his way to the Podium. "Patch them through the capitol's main data feed. The world will be aware of what they're doing in just a few seconds."

As he got to the stands he apologized to the current speaker and promised they would immediately be able to resume as soon as he delivered an important announcement. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I do apologize for the interruption of today's events." A large white screen was deployed by aids and a projection began to broadcast on the screen. "The gentlemen you are about to hear from is Huey Smith, a lead geologist at the U.S. Geologic Survey. He was out in Michigan checking on some anomalies when he came across some rather interesting findings.. go ahead Dr. Smith."

Dr. Smith nodded, "I'm at the U.S. Geological Survey. We're also making this data available to all world governments. Our seismic equipment had been detecting a series of minor shocks of unknown origins in the Michigan area.. not specific to any fault and at exactly the same depths. He put another image on the screen next to his head. "What you are seeing are the images taken from our ground sonar live as they are taken. What we are appearing to see is a cavity with excavation equipment and people inside it about 150 feet below the ground ending at a closure which continues to be lengthened. If our readings are correct, this cavity.. which is not part of any U.S. project.. leads all the way back to the Great Lake Provinces border. Meaning, Ladies and Gentlemen.. that for some unknown reason our neighbors whom we only recently had hostile words with has decided to tunnel beneath our borders. Our findings can be correlated and verified with international seismographs."


"Thank you, Dr. Smith." Caudill said. The eagle squawked angrily above.

"We demand the Great Lake Provinces evacuate these tunnels immediately. We will begin closing them within 24 hours with explosives.. whether or not they have been. We consider this breach of national sovereignty an act of war and are unfortunately having to consider a declaration of war." He sighed. "It is a pity.. we can't even go one week.. without someone terrorizing some part of the world by being places they should not be."

He then sang out the 4th verse of the Star Spangled banner..

O! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved home and the war's desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the heav'n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

He then exited the room to go consult with the senate side of the legislature.

VP Johnson remained to speak on the behalf of the United States when it was their turn.
OOC: I haven't drilled or blew up anything under your country yet. It is nearly impossible to detect my movement underground since all I am doing is improving the tunnels. The only things that are causing vibrations are trucks, foot traffic, and other minor stuff, but those vibrations would have been dispersed through the 150 meters of rock, water, air, and soil.

Even if you managed to detect the vibrations, you would be forced to dig up a massive 150 meter deep hole (close to a mile in diameter) into the ground and that would have alerted the people updating/repairing the tunnels long before you manage to discover the tunnels, especially if you use explosives and/or giant drill bits. In fact, you might even end up completely missing my tunnel and dug a pointless giant gaping crater.

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[i]Tunnels under Michigan? [b]Kya hain?[/b] That's some crazy stuff.[/i]

"Oh? My turn? Right..."

Ambassador Jimenez-Mehndi approached the podium.

We of Himynamistan have a simple message: share the wealth. We are doing that with our medical research and our Medicos sin Fronteras, Doctors without Borders, program. We are tired of hearing the rich lecture the poor about the virtues of private charity as they board their yachts and drink their champagne. Set the example, that's the way to do it!

We've extended our protection to smaller nations, unilaterally and unconditionally. Is this not the responsibility of the strong? We of Himynamistan are tired of watching the strong sell their weapons to the weak, charging them steep interest rates on the loans given for the purchase of those weapons. That's not military cooperation: that is the exploitation of fear.

Wealthy nations can improve world peace by no longer grasping at expanding their territory or bank accounts, but instead grasping the hands of their brothers and sisters in poverty and pulling them up. We won't have to equalize income around the world. We merely use the wealth of the world to end poverty as we know it. Not all nations are ready for this sort of revolution, but it is one whose time has come.

People of the world, let us come together and lift each other up!

Ambassador Jimenez-Mehndi held up his fists in a gesture of coming together as a world to solve the problems of the world.


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The Bohovian Prime Minister, gathered his sheets, and was preparing to take center stage. After the last speech concluded, the Prime Minister, applauded and walked to the front. Mr. Sampson began the speech.

" We have come a very long way. We are already in the middle of the second annual Global Peace Summit. It seems like it was only yesterday, that me and the Global Peace Summit Committee created this wonderful organization. It seems like yesterday, that many delegates like yourselves, were sitting in the Presidential Palace for the 1st Global Peace Summit, and here we are today in our second year. This organization was created to spread the world of peace all across the globe. If there is anything similar between the GPS that was held in Bohovia, and the one currently being held today, it is that we are all gathered here for a single reason...Peace! We are here, to promote, demonstrate and build a common bond of peace, not just between the men and women here today in this beautiful facility, but between the world itself. We live in a world of conflict, but with diplomacy comes peace, and with peace comes happiness. There will always be nations that disagree and/or resist peace, to those nations, we cant do anything for them. They must learn that in order to advance as a society, and grow as a nation, they MUST one way or another, strive for peace. Everyone gathered today, has already received that message and will be among the most successful nations in the world. Bohovia is proud of the planning committee back home, who choose this city host of the Global Peace Summit. From the moment i arrived, i felt very welcomed and the city is wonderful. This facility is first class and the planning by the American people was spectacular. We thank the USA for honoring their commitment to make sure this summit was put together well. Remember ladies and gentleman, if we are all in support of peace, their will be peace for all. Thank you"

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The Second Day began to come to a close at around 8:00 PM in the congress.

Caudill walked up to the stage, "I would like to thank everyone for coming and presenting their ideas for peace. Tommorrow we shall meet in the building dedicated to the department of Health and Human Services."

"The agenda is as follows: Day 3: Meeting the goals of health and education and promoting sustainable development at day. States are welcome to bring solutions to issues such as poverty, illiteracy, and poor access to medical services and drugs in third world countries. We hope to see you all then and we shall convene at noon. I am pleased to announce that due to some diplomatic breakthroughs, a joint signing of the God's Will treaty by various democracies committed to world peace shall begin at approximately 10:00 AM on the steps of the capitol. After that those present will move over to be greeted at the Health And Human Services center."

"This meeting is adjourned and I appreciate all who came here to share their ideas on what world peace is.. ideally and practically.. and how we might approach a global solution to warfare."

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