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What alliance has a really good trade circle program?

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Edited by Fizzydog
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I don't think you should choose an alliance based on how good their TC program is, since you'll only have to deal with the TC business once. Your best bet is to get good resources at the start, and then go from there, it'll be easy that way.

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I'd caution against joining purely for trades as well, it's synonymous with joining for cash. (Something we wouldn't allow anyways if you applied to Asgaard)

There are several alliances which can help you get trades, so choosing the one that is right for you based on your activity and knowledge of the game is important.

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With your resources, you will find it [b]extremely[/b] difficult to find a decent circle. Reroll for some combo that could fit in a 3BR (Fast Food, Beer, Construction). You won't find any decent alliance that will take you, when you are sitting in Peace Mode and your bio says "Please do not attack me. I do not fight in wars. I will be part of an alliance but I will not take part in their wars. I only join an alliance for economic assistance and for protection. If I am called to arms, I will fight to the end."

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[quote name='King Puffington' date='29 May 2010 - 12:56 PM' timestamp='1275155767' post='2315695']
With your resources, you will find it [b]extremely[/b] difficult to find a decent circle. Reroll for some combo that could fit in a 3BR (Fast Food, Beer, Construction). You won't find any decent alliance that will take you, when you are sitting in Peace Mode and your bio says "Please do not attack me. I do not fight in wars. I will be part of an alliance but I will not take part in their wars. I only join an alliance for economic assistance and for protection. If I am called to arms, I will fight to the end."

He's not *that* bad. The Pigs help off-set the Lead, and they actually work well together. He can fit into the Military Sets just fine.

There are far worse combos out there (like Furs/Lead for example). He definitely shouldn't re-roll IMO.


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